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The lung volume, the morphometrically determined alveolar and capillary surface area, and the capillary volume of 27 dogs (weight 2.65–57 kg) all were linearly correlated with body weight. The thickness of the air-blood barrier increased only slightly with increasing body size. The structural diffusing capacity, containing these parameters, was used to estimate the gas exchange capabilities of the lung and was also found to scale in direct proportion to body size. This coincides with reports on physiologically estimated diffusing capacity but is obviously different from the interspecies slope for metabolism which scales to the 3/4 power of body weight.  相似文献   
Careful cutting of the hypocotyl of Ricinus communis L. seedlings led to the exudation of pure sieve-tube sap for 2–3 h. This offered the possibility of testing the phloem-loading system qualitatively and quantitatively by incubating the cotyledons with different solutes of various concentrations to determine whether or not these solutes were loaded into the sieve tubes. The concentration which was achieved by loading and the time course could also be documented. This study concentrated on the loading of sucrose because it is the major naturally translocated sieve-tube compound. The sucrose concentration of sieve-tube sap was approx. 300 mM when the cotyledons were buried in the endosperm. When the cotyledons were excised from the endosperm and incubated in buffer, the sucrose concentration decreased gradually to 80–100 mM. This sucrose level was maintained for several hours by starch breakdown. Incubation of the excised cotyledons in sucrose caused the sucrose concentration in the sieve tubes to rise from 80 to 400 mM, depending on the sucrose concentration in the medium. Thus the sucrose concentration in the sieve tubes could be manipulated over a wide range. The transfer of labelled sucrose to the sieve-tube sap took 10 min; full isotope equilibration was finally reached after 2 h. An increase of K+ in the medium or in the sieve tubes did not change the sucrose concentration in the sievetube sap. Similarly the experimentally induced change of sucrose concentration in the sieve tubes did not affect the K+ concentration in the exudate. High concentrations of K+, however, strongly reduced the flow rate of exudation. Similar results were obtained with Na+ (data not shown). The minimum translocation speed in the sieve tubes in vivo was calculated from the growth increment of the seedling to be 1.03 m·h-1, a value, which on average was also obtained for the exudation system with the endosperm attached. This comparison of the in-vivo rate of phloem transport and the exudation rate from cut hypocotyls indicates that sink control of phloem transport in the seedlings of that particular age was small, if there was any at all, and that the results from the experimental exudation system were probably not falsified by removal of the sink tissues.Abbreviations PTS 3-hydroxy-5,8, 10-pyrenetrisulfonate  相似文献   
The kinetic analysis of l-amino acid uptake by the green alga Chlorella revealed at least seven different uptake systems to be present in cells grown autotrophically with nitrate as nitrogen source. There is a ‘general system’ which transports most neutral and acidic amino acids, a system for short-chain neutral amino acids including proline, a system for basic amino acids including histidine, a special system for acidic amino acids, and specific systems for methionine, glutamine and threonine. The ‘general system’ is possibly the same as that which can be stimulated by incubation of cells in glucose plus ammonium (Sauer, N. (1984) Planta 161, 425–431). The incubation of Chlorella in glucose induces the increased synthesis of six amino acid uptake systems, namely the above-mentioned system for short-chain neutral amino acids, a threonine system, a methionine system, and a glutamine system. These results indicate that the uptake of l-amino acids by the green alga Chlorella is as complex as in other free-living organisms such as bacteria or yeast. The small number of amino acid uptake systems found in cells of higher plants, i.e. two or three, seems therefore to be a consequence of integration of the cells in a tissue supplying a relatively constant environment, and not a consequence of autotrophic growth on mineral carbon and mineral nitrogen.  相似文献   
The changes occurring in rat hepatocytes during a 5 day period of treatment with phenobarbital were determined by morphometric and biochemical methods, particular attention being paid to the endoplasmic reticulum. The hepatocytic cytoplasm played an overwhelming part in the liver hypertrophy, while the hepatocytic nuclei contributed to only a moderate extent. The endoplasmic reticulum accounted for more than half of the increase in cytoplasmic volume. The increase in the volume and number of hepatocytic nuclei in the course of phenobarbital treatment was associated with changes in the ploidy pattern. Until the 2nd day of treatment both the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (SER) participated in the increase in volume and surface of the whole endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Subsequently, the values for RER fell again to control levels, whereas those for SER continued to increase, with the result that by the 5th day of treatment the SER constituted the dominant cytoplasmic element. The specific volume of mitochondria and microbodies (peroxisomes) remained constant throughout the duration of the experiment, while that of the dense bodies increased. The specific number of mitochondria and microbodies displayed a significant increase, associated with a decrease in their mean volume. The phenobarbital-induced increase in the phospholipid and cytochrome P-450 content of the microsomes, as well as in the activities of microsomal reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate-cytochrome c reductase and N-demethylase, was correlated with the morphometric data on the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Endothelzellen der Wirbeltiere enthalten spezifische Organellen, deren Funktion unbekannt ist. Diese Organellen werden beim Frosch (Rana temporaria) nach unterschiedlichen Fixierungen elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Die Organellen sind walzenförmig mit mannigfachen Abweichungen, bis zu 2 lang und 0,1 bis 0,5 dick. Ihre oft unterbrochene Außenmembran ist dicker als zytoplasmatische Membranen. Das Innere der Organellen besteht aus Tubuli, die in eine elektronendichte Matrix eingebettet sind. Die Dichte dieser Matrix zeigt deutliche Abstufungen. Die Tubuli sind möglicherweise aus einer spiralförmigen Molekülkette aufgebaut. Das Verteilungsmuster der Organellen wird mit stereologischen Methoden untersucht. Die größte Volumendichte weisen die Aortae thoracicae mit 8% auf. Die Volumendichte der Organellen im Zytoplasma der Endothelzellen scheint mehr von der Entfernung der betreffenden Gefäßstrecke zum Herzen abzuhängen als von der Gefäßgröße. Es werden Verbindungen der Organellen zu zytoplasmatischen Membransystemen aufgezeigt. Auf Besonderheiten des Endothels, darunter Aggregationen von Ribosomen, wird hingewiesen.
Electron microscopic studies on specific organelles of endothelial cells in the frog (Rana temporaria)
Summary Endothelial cells of vertebrates contain specific organelles of unknown function. These organelles are studied by electron microscopy with different fixations. The organelles are rod-shaped with many variations, up to 2 in length and 0.1 to 0.5 in thickness. Their outer membrane, which is often discontinuous, is thicker than cytoplasmic membranes. The density of the matrix shows distinct gradations. The organelles contain tubules, possibly built up by a spiral molecular chain. The distribution of the organelles is investigated with stereological methods. Their volume density in endothelial cell cytoplasm appears to depend more on the distance from the heart than on vessel size, the thoracic aortae showing the highest organellae content of 8%. Connections between organelles and cytoplasmic membranes are demonstrated. Particularities of endothelium, among them aggregations of ribosomes, are pointed out.
Herrn Prof. Dr. med. F. Hammersen und Fräulein Dr. med. M. Lewerenz danke ich herzlich für Anregungen, Unterstützung und Kritik. Die Arbeit entstand während eines vom Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst dankenswerterweise gewährten Stipendiums; sie wurde unterstützt vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Kredit-Nr. 3952.  相似文献   
The loading of amino acids and nitrate into the xylem was investigated by collection and analysis of root-pressure exudate from the cut hypocotyl stumps of seedlings of Ricinus communis L. Glutamine was found to be the dominant amino acid in the exudate and also to be the amino acid which is transferred to the xylem most rapidly and accumulated to the greatest extent. The comparison between uptake and xylem loading showed significant differences in specificity between these two transport reactions, indicating a different set of transport systems. Nitrate is transferred to the xylem at a higher relative rate than any amino acid despite the great nitrate-storage capacity of the root system. Thus the supply of nitrate to Ricinus plants leads to enhanced nitrogen allocation to the shoots.  相似文献   
Ewald W. Roessler 《Hydrobiologia》1995,298(1-3):125-132
This study gives an overview of our current knowledge of the ecology and distribution patterns of Colombian conchostracans. Colombian euphyllopods are generally restricted to the warm tropical lowlands. OnlyCyclestheria hislopi can be found year-round in larger semipermanent waters and living sympatrically with abundant predators, such as planktivorous fish. The other conchostracans are restricted to the typical habitat of temporary waters.Eulimnadia magadalenensis is especially adapted to very short-term temporary ponds in relatively arid zones andE. colombiensis prefers somewhat cooler ponds of a longer duration. The two species can be found sympatrically in intermediate climatic conditions. A third form,Eulimnadia cf. geayi cohabits with the two other species in the lower Magdalena Valley, its ecological role is not clear.Limnadia orinoquiensis is the selvatic substitute of the open savannah conchostracan fauna (mainlyEulimnadia forms) living in pools in forest clearings in the vicinity of the Upper Orinoco.Four species of Lynceidae were found, twoLynceus and twoParalimnetis. Their distribution patterns are not yet clear, they prefer smaller temporary ponds of moderated temperatures. Two undescribed species ofLeptestheria were found, one restricted to the banks of the Orinoco and the other to one locality in the upper Magdalena Valley, living in ponds with a muddy bottom.Metalimnadia serratura was found in special rock pools of the Guiana Shield in the vicinity of the Orinoco, cohabiting with several other conchostracan species, with differential adaptations to very high water temperatures.  相似文献   
Summary Elevated levels of alpha-1-fetoprotein (AFP) were found in the amniotic fluid of a 36-year-old woman in the 15th week of gestation. Because of this and the results of repeated ultrasonography, abortion was induced. An anencephalic fetus with trisomy 18 was delivered. The possible correlation among neural-tube defects, chromosomal abnormalities, and level of AFP is discussed.  相似文献   
The recovery, structure and function of dog granulocytes were determined before and after freeze-preservation. Leucocytes were isolated from defibrinated or anti-coagulated whole blood and subsequent erythrocyte sedimentation on a column of 2:1 dextran (6%)-isopaque (33.9%). Granulocytes isolated by these procedures were examined for changes in O2 consumption associated with phagocytosis, in vitro directed migration (chemotaxis), bactericidal activity, and ultrastructure before and after freezing. Granulocytes were frozen in DMSO (7.5%) and autologous serum or HBSS-minus and 20% autologous serum at the rate of ?1 °C/min to ?80 °C and stored in liquid N2 vapor.After freeze-preservation, O2 consumption associated with phagocytosis was decreased by 54 and 64% for granulocytes isolated from defibrinated or from ACD-anticoagulated blood, respectively. Bactericidal activity is only slightly depressed in samples from either isolation method after freeze-preservation when compared to the prefreeze controls, but granulocytes isolated from defibrinated blood are significantly less effective in killing bacteria than those from ACD-anticoagulated blood. Chemotactic response after freeze-preservation was completely inhibited in granulocytes isolated from defibrinated blood. Exposure of granulocytes to ACD inhibited chemotaxis prior to freezing, but the granulocytes responded chemotactically after freeze-thaw and additional washing. The ultrastructure of granulocytes observed before and after freeze-thaw was similar for cells isolated by both methods. However, nuclear, cytoplasmic, and granular changes observed were slightly greater in granulocytes isolated from defibrinated blood. Dog granulocytes isolated by either method withstood freeze-preservation in DMSO to a degree not previously reported.It is concluded that dog granulocytes freeze-preserved by these methods are functional in vitro, but that phagocytic, directed migration, and bactericidal functions and ultrastructure are impaired to different degrees, according to the method of isolation and preparation for storage. These results indicate the need for continued investigation on the effects of storage variables on the preservation of granulocytes.  相似文献   
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