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Placentas of women suffering from pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) were found to contain a greater amount of Na,K-ATPase molecules, estimated from anthroyl ouabain binding, than normotensive individuals. Both the microsomal fraction of placental cells and purified Na,K-ATPase showed an increased affinity for the specific inhibitor ouabain which, in the case of the microsomes, bound with a dissociation constant of 0.9 nM as compared with 3.4 nM in the controls. Likewise, the dissociation constant of the ouabain complex with purified Na,K-ATPase was about 3.5 times lower in the hypertensive patients. The differences are apparently caused by a different microenvironment of the ouabain-binding site, as reflected in the quantum yield of bound anthroyl ouabain. If an endogenous digitalis-like factor is present in the body fluids to regulate Na,K-ATPase activity, the present results render its role quite plausible.  相似文献   
The gastropod fauna of the Upper Devonian Baggy and Pilton formations in south‐west England is revised and includes some 30 taxa. The topmost part of the Upper Famennian succession in Devon is represented by clastic near‐shore and shallow shelf sediments, indicating a short‐term transgressive phase (‘Strunian Transgression’). The sequence yields a highly diverse fauna dominated by brachiopods and ostracodes, locally supplemented by crinoids, bryozoans, trilobites and molluscs. The taxa ‘Patellostiumbritannicum sp. nov., Angyomphalus (Angyomphalus) junius sp. nov. and Dictyotomaria eurocapillaria sp. nov. are erected; a junior homonym is replaced by Macrochilina? piltonensis nom. nov. The gastropod fauna displays an independent character, where latest Devonian faunal elements overlap with Late Palaeozoic taxa expressing a transition similar to that of the bivalves, brachiopods, echinoderms and corals, without a sharp faunal break at the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary. Apart from the Caenogastropoda, all subclasses of gastropods are represented. Members of the bellerophontoids, pleurotomarioids and loxonematoids are most abundant, followed by murchisonioids, naticimorphs, euomphalomorphs and platyceratoids. The various gastropod groups represent different ecological demands and trophic categories, and together with the accompanying fauna indicate that nearly all habitats and niches were occupied in the shallow South Laurussian Shelf.  相似文献   
The ATP-binding site of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase is localized on the large cytoplasmic loop of the alpha-subunit between transmembrane helices H(4) and H(5). Site-directed mutagenesis was performed to identify residues involved in ATP binding. On the basis of our recently developed model of this loop, Ser(445), Glu(446), and Phe(475) were proposed to be close to the binding pocket. Replacement of Phe(475) with Trp and Glu(446) with Gln profoundly reduced the binding of ATP, whereas the substitution of Ser(445) with Ala did not affect ATP binding. Fluorescence measurements of the fluorescent analog TNP-ATP, however, indicated that Ser(445) is close to the binding site, although it does not participate in binding.  相似文献   
To determine whether the two domains of hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 and the NS4A interact with each other to regulate the RNA unwinding activity, this study compares the RNA unwinding, ATPase and RNA binding activities of three forms of NS3 proteins--the NS3H protein, containing only the helicase domain, the full-length NS3 protein, and the NS3-NS4A complex. The results revealed that NS3 displayed the weakest RNA helicase activity, not because it had lower ATPase or RNA binding activity than did NS3H or NS3-NS4A, but because it had the lowest RNA unwinding processivity. A mutant protein, R1487Q, which contained a mutation in the helicase domain, displayed a reduced protease activity as compared to the wild-type NS3-NS4A. Together, these results suggest the existence of interactions between the two domains of NS3 and the NS4A, which regulates the HCV NS3 protease and RNA helicase activities.  相似文献   
Covalent DNA interstrand crosslinks are toxic DNA damage lesions that block the replication machinery that can cause a genomic instability. Ubiquitous abasic DNA sites are particularly susceptible to spontaneous cross-linking with a base from the opposite DNA strand. Detection of a crosslink induces the DNA helicase ubiquitination that recruits NEIL3, a DNA glycosylase responsible for the lesion removal. NEIL3 utilizes several zinc finger domains indispensable for its catalytic NEI domain repairing activity. They recruit NEIL3 to the repair site and bind the single-stranded DNA. However, the molecular mechanism underlying their roles in the repair process is unknown. Here, we report the structure of the tandem zinc-finger GRF domain of NEIL3 and reveal the molecular details of its interaction with DNA. Our biochemical data indicate the preferential binding of the GRF domain to the replication fork. In addition, we obtained a structure for the catalytic NEI domain in complex with the DNA reaction intermediate that allowed us to construct and validate a model for the interplay between the NEI and GRF domains in the recognition of an interstrand cross-link. Our results suggest a mechanism for recognition of the DNA replication X-structure by NEIL3, a key step in the interstrand cross-link repair.  相似文献   
Computed tomography (CT) is an effective diagnostic modality for three-dimensional imaging of bone structures, including the geometry of their defects. The aim of the study was to create and optimize 3D geometrical and real plastic models of the distal femoral component of the knee with joint surface defects. Input data included CT images of stifle joints in twenty miniature pigs with iatrogenic osteochondrosis-like lesions in medial femoral condyle of the left knee. The animals were examined eight and sixteen weeks after surgery. Philips MX 8000 MX and View workstation were used for scanning parallel plane cross section slices and Cartesian discrete volume creation. On the average, 100 slices were performed in each stifle joint. Slice matrices size was 512 x 512 with slice thickness of 1 mm. Pixel (voxel) size in the slice plane was 0.5 mm (with average accuracy of +/-0.5 mm and typical volume size 512 x 512 x 100 voxels). Three-dimensional processing of CT data and 3D geometrical modelling, using interactive computer graphic system MediTools formerly developed here, consisted of tissue segmentation (raster based method combination and 5 % of manual correction), vectorization by the marching-cubes method, smoothing and decimation. Stifle- joint CT images of three individuals of different body size (small, medium and large) were selected to make the real plastic models of their distal femurs from plaster composite using rapid prototyping technology of Zcorporation. Accuracy of the modeling was +/- 0.5 mm. The real plastic models of distal femurs can be used as a template for developing custom made press and fit scaffold implants seeded with mesenchymal stem cells that might be subsequently implanted into iatrogenic joint surface defects for articular cartilage-repair enhancement.  相似文献   
The revisions of the families PseudobigaleaidaeHoare, Mapes &; Yancey, 2002 and HippocardiidaePojeta &; Runnegar, 1976 led to the introduction of a new taxon at the superfamily rank in order to unite the two families and distinguish them from the members of the Conocardiidae and Bransoniidae within the order Conocardiida. The autapomorphy of this new superfamily HippocardioideaPojeta &; Runnegar, 1976 [n. superfam.] — the more or less uniform development of at least one hood — is considered taxonomically as so important that we exclude a common ancestry of the almost contemporaneously occurring taxa of the Hippocardiidae, Pseudobigaleaidae on the one hand and the Bransoniidae sensuPojeta &; Runnegar on the other. The family Hippocardiidae is divided into six taxa on subfamily rank, the HippocardiinaePojeta &; Runnegar, Babinicardiinae n. subfam., Barrandeicardiinae n. subfam., Bohemicardiinae n. subfam., Goticardiinae n. subfam. and Hassiacardiinae n. subfam. At the species level, 13 taxa are assigned to the generaBabinicardia n. gen.,Barrandeicardia n. gen.,Bohemicardia n. gen.,Filicardia n. gen,.Globocardia n. gen.,Goticardia n. gen.,Pohlia n. gen. andHassiacardia n. gen. Additionally, the speciesGoticardia kauffmannii n. gen. n. sp. is introduced, whereas the primary homonymy of ?Conocardiumreticulatum Babin, 1966 is retained, because this taxon remained inassignable to any of the existing genera, but is considered as a member of the Hippocardiidae. The revised family Hippocardiidae occurred stratigraphically from the Middle Silurian (Wenlockian) until Mississippian time; members of the new superfamily Hippocardioidea are known from the Ordovician until the Pennsylvanian.  相似文献   
Phage T4 lysozyme is a well folded and highly soluble protein that is widely used as an insertion tag to improve solubility and crystallization properties of poorly behaved recombinant proteins. It has been used in the fusion protein strategy to facilitate crystallization of various proteins including multiple G protein‐coupled receptors, lipid kinases, or sterol binding proteins. Here, we present a structural and biochemical characterization of its novel, metal ions‐binding mutant (mbT4L). We demonstrate that mbT4L can be used as a purification tag in the immobilized‐metal affinity chromatography and that, in many respects, it is superior to the conventional hexahistidine tag. In addition, structural characterization of mbT4L suggests that mbT4L can be used as a purification tag compatible with X‐ray crystallography.  相似文献   
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