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The core structure of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) isolated from a rough strain of the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola, GSPB 711, was investigated by sugar and methylation analyses, Fourier transform ion-cyclotron resonance ESI MS, and one- and two-dimensional 1H-, 13C- and 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Strong alkaline deacylation of the LPS resulted in two core-lipid A backbone undecasaccharide pentakisphosphates in the ratio approximately 2.5 : 1, which corresponded to outer core glycoforms 1 and 2 terminated with either L-rhamnose or 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo), respectively. Mild acid degradation of the LPS gave the major glycoform 1 core octasaccharide and a minor truncated glycoform 2 core heptasaccharide, which resulted from the cleavage of the terminal Kdo residues. The inner core of P. syringae is distinguished by a high degree of phosphorylation of L-glycero-D-manno-heptose residues with phosphate, diphosphate and ethanolamine diphosphate groups. The glycoform 1 core is structurally similar but not identical to one of the core glycoforms of the human pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The outer core composition and structure may be useful as a chemotaxonomic marker for the P. syringae group of bacteria, whereas a more conserved inner core structure appears to be representative for the whole genus Pseudomonas.  相似文献   
Mesozooplankton surveys were conducted in April/May for fourconsecutive years (1996–1999) in the vicinity of the PrinceEdward Islands (PEIs), Southern Ocean. The PEIs are locatedin the Polar Frontal Zone, directly in the path of the east-flowingAntarctic Circumpolar Current. Zooplankton were collected byoblique tows using a Bongo net fitted with 300 µm mesh.The abundance, biomass and average size of the mesozooplanktonin the upstream (USR), inter-island (IIR) and downstream (DSR)regions indicated that some groups and species were significantlyaffected by their interaction with the shallow shelf watersof the PEIs. Total mesozooplankton abundance and biomass weretypically highest in the DSR, but no consistent pattern wasevident in the USR and IIR. Copepods, euphausiids and fish weregenerally of a low average size in the IIR. This small sizewas largely attributed to the reduced abundance, or completeabsence, of mesopelagic species from the shelf region. Of totalbiomass, the mesopelagic species Euphausia longirostris, Euphausiasimilis, Pleuromamma abdominalis, Paraeuchaeta biloba and Oncaeaantarctica together contributed an average of 16% to the USR,2% to the IIR and 15% to the DSR. Conversely, epipelagic speciesshowed no consistent pattern of abundance and biomass distributionbetween regions. The low incidence of mesopelagic species overthe island shelf was attributed mainly to reduced advectionof deep water into the shelf region (average depth = 200 m),rather than predation, particularly during the through-flowmode between the islands. This resulted in substantial regionaldifferences in euphausiid community structure. The epipelagicspecies Euphausia vallentini and Thysanoessa vicina completelydominated the IIR, comprising on average 89% of total euphausiidbiomass in this region. However, predation may be importantduring the water-trapping mode between the islands. Advectionof zooplankton into the IIR appeared to be affected by the proximityof the Subantarctic Front (SAF). In 1996, when the SAF was farnorth of the PEIs, reduced current velocities resulted in somedegree of water retention over the shelf and an increased predationimpact. Conversely, when the SAF was close to the PEIs in 1999,more large plankton were transported over the island shelf.High current velocities and productivity associated with theSAF appear to increase the biomass and size of allochthonouszooplankton/nekton advected into the IIR, and consequently mayhave increased the availability of prey to land-based predators.The long-term southward movement of the SAF recently observedin the vicinity of the PEIs may therefore have important implicationsfor the ecosystem of these islands.  相似文献   
Sarcotoxin IA is an antibacterial peptide that is secreted by a meat-fly Sarcophaga peregrina larva in response to a hypodermic injury or bacterial infection. This peptide is highly toxic against a broad spectrum of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and lethal to microbes even at nanomolar concentrations. However, research needs as well as its potential use in medicine require substantial amounts of highly purified sarcotoxin. Because heterologous expression systems proved to be inefficient due to sarcotoxin sensitivity to intracellular proteases, here we propose the biosynthesis of sarcotoxin precursors in Escherichia coli cells that are highly sensitive to the mature peptide. To optimize its biosynthesis, sarcotoxin was translationally fused with proteins highly expressed in E. coli. A fusion partner and the position of sarcotoxin in the chimeric polypeptide were crucial for protecting the sarcotoxin portion of the fusion protein from proteolysis. Released after chemical cleavage of the fusion protein and purified to homogeneity, sarcotoxin displayed antibacterial activity comparable to that previously reported for the natural peptide.  相似文献   
Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry - Many deleterious consequences for health of excessive fat accumulation are due to visceral fat. Browning of visceral fat is mainly cold dependent and has...  相似文献   
L-type voltage dependent Ca2+ channels (L-VDCCs; Cav1.2) are crucial in cardiovascular physiology. In heart and smooth muscle, hormones and transmitters operating via Gq enhance L-VDCC currents via essential protein kinase C (PKC) involvement. Heterologous reconstitution studies in Xenopus oocytes suggested that PKC and Gq-coupled receptors increased L-VDCC currents only in cardiac long N-terminus (NT) isoforms of α1C, whereas known smooth muscle short-NT isoforms were inhibited by PKC and Gq activators. We report a novel regulation of the long-NT α1C isoform by Gβγ. Gβγ inhibited whereas a Gβγ scavenger protein augmented the Gq- but not phorbol ester-mediated enhancement of channel activity, suggesting that Gβγ acts upstream from PKC. In vitro binding experiments reveal binding of both Gβγ and PKC to α1C-NT. However, PKC modulation was not altered by mutations of multiple potential phosphorylation sites in the NT, and was attenuated by a mutation of C-terminally located serine S1928. The insertion of exon 9a in intracellular loop 1 rendered the short-NT α1C sensitive to PKC stimulation and to Gβγ scavenging. Our results suggest a complex antagonistic interplay between Gq-activated PKC and Gβγ in regulation of L-VDCC, in which multiple cytosolic segments of α1C are involved.  相似文献   
During evolution of proteins from a common ancestor, one functional property can be preserved while others can vary leading to functional diversity. A systematic study of the corresponding adaptive mutations provides a key to one of the most challenging problems of modern structural biology – understanding the impact of amino acid substitutions on protein function. The subfamily-specific positions (SSPs) are conserved within functional subfamilies but are different between them and, therefore, seem to be responsible for functional diversity in protein superfamilies. Consequently, a corresponding method to perform the bioinformatic analysis of sequence and structural data has to be implemented in the common laboratory practice to study the structure–function relationship in proteins and develop novel protein engineering strategies. This paper describes Zebra web server – a powerful remote platform that implements a novel bioinformatic analysis algorithm to study diverse protein families. It is the first application that provides specificity determinants at different levels of functional classification, therefore addressing complex functional diversity of large superfamilies. Statistical analysis is implemented to automatically select a set of highly significant SSPs to be used as hotspots for directed evolution or rational design experiments and analyzed studying the structure–function relationship. Zebra results are provided in two ways – (1) as a single all-in-one parsable text file and (2) as PyMol sessions with structural representation of SSPs. Zebra web server is available at http://biokinet.belozersky.msu.ru/zebra.  相似文献   
The European endemic Erebia oeme (Hübner [1804]) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) is discovered in the Carpathian Chain, from where it was considered to be absent. The single population found is situated in the southern part of the Romanian Carpathians (Retezat Mountains), where it flies sympatrically and synchronically with Erebia medusa ([Denis & Schiffermüller] 1775). The similar external morphology of these two species probably caused E. oeme to be overlooked in the Carpathians, leading to an unexpected information gap in the otherwise thoroughly studied European continent. The morphology of the Romanian specimens is compared to populations from the rest of the species’ range and to E. medusa. In addition, we tested DNA barcoding as a method to discriminate between these species and confirmed that it represents an effective identification tool for the taxa involved. The habitat of E. oeme, adults of both sexes and their genitalia are illustrated in comparison with E. medusa. Based on the study of several collections, we show that E. oeme is likely to be extremely local in the Carpathians and provide arguments to consider the species as vulnerable in Romania.  相似文献   
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