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Assessments of climate change impacts on forests and their vitality are essential for semi-arid environments such as Central Asia, where the mountain regions belong to the globally important biodiversity hotspots. Alterations in species distribution or drought-induced tree mortality might not only result in a loss of biodiversity but also in a loss of other ecosystem services. Here, we evaluate spatial trends and patterns of the growth-climate relationship in a tree-ring network comprising 33 juniper sites from the northern Pamir-Alay and Tien Shan mountain ranges in eastern Uzbekistan and across Kyrgyzstan for the common period 1935–2011. Junipers growing at lower elevations are sensitive to summer drought, which has increased in intensity during the studied period. At higher elevations, juniper growth, previously favored by warm summer temperatures, has in the recent few decades become negatively affected by increasing summer aridity. Moreover, response shifts are observed during all seasons. Rising temperatures and alterations in precipitation patterns during the past eight decades can account for the observed increase in drought stress of junipers at all altitudes. The implications of our findings are vital for the application of adequate long-term measures of ecosystem conservation, but also for paleo-climatic approaches and coupled climate-vegetation model simulations for Central Asia.  相似文献   
We have analyzed nucleotide polymorphism within a 5.3-kb region encompassing the functional Est-6 gene and the psiEst-6 putative pseudogene in 28 strains of Drosophila melanogaster and one of D. simulans. Two divergent sequence types were detected, which are not perfectly associated with Est-6 allozyme variation. The level of variation (pi) is very close in the 5'-flanking region (0.0059) and Est-6 gene (0.0057), but significantly higher in the intergenic region (0.0141) and putative pseudogene (0.0122). The variation in the 3'-flanking region is intermediate (0.0083). These observations may reflect different levels of purifying selection in the different regions. Strong linkage disequilibrium occurs within the region studied, with the largest values revealed in the putative pseudogene and 3'-flanking region. Moreover, recombination is restricted within psiEst-6. Gene conversion is detected both within and (to a lesser extent) between Est-6 and psiEst-6. The data indicate that psiEst-6 exhibits some characteristics that are typical of nonfunctional genes, while other characteristics are typically attributed to functional genes; the same situation has been observed in other pseudogenes (including Drosophila). The results of structural entropy analysis demonstrate higher structural ordering in Est-6 than in psiEst-6, in accordance with expectations if psiEst-6 is indeed a pseudogene. Taking into account that the function of psiEst-6 is not known (but could exist) and following the terminology of J. Brosius and S. J. Gould, we suggest that the term "potogene" may be appropriate for psiEst-6, indicating that it is a potential gene that may have acquired some distinctive but unknown function.  相似文献   
A fluorescence-based method for quantitative determination of RNA and DNA in probes containing both nucleic acids has been developed. The total concentration of nucleic acids is determined using SYBR Green II dye under conditions providing independent binding of the fluorophore with DNA and RNA. The concentration of DNA is specifically measured using the Hoechst 33258 dye and the RNA concentration is calculated from these data. The procedure allows for accurate determination of DNA concentration in the range 10-1000 ng/ml in the presence of 200-fold excess of RNA and determination of RNA concentrations in the range 10-1000 ng/ml in the presence of large excess of DNA. An absence of the treatment of mixed samples with RNase-free DNase I provides rapid, reproducible, and accurate RNA quantification.  相似文献   
Using a mouse model for genetic analysis of host resistance to virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we have identified a genetic locus sst1 on mouse chromosome 1, which controls progression of pulmonary tuberculosis. In vitro, this locus had an effect on macrophage-mediated control of two intracellular bacterial pathogens, M. tuberculosis and Listeria monocytogenes. In this report, we investigated a specific function of the sst1 locus in antituberculosis immunity in vivo, especially its role in control of pulmonary tuberculosis. We found that the sst1 locus affected neither activation of Th1 cytokine-producing T lymphocytes, nor their migration to the lungs, but rather controlled an inducible NO synthase-independent mechanism of innate immunity. Although the sst1(S) macrophages responded to stimulation with IFN-gamma in vitro, their responsiveness to activation by T cells was impaired. Boosting T cell-mediated immunity by live attenuated vaccine Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin or the adoptive transfer of mycobacteria-activated CD4(+) T lymphocytes had positive systemic effect, but failed to improve control of tuberculosis infection specifically in the lungs of the sst1(S) animals. Thus, in the mouse model of tuberculosis, a common genetic mechanism of innate immunity mediated control of tuberculosis progression in the lungs and the efficiency of antituberculosis vaccine. Our data suggest that in immunocompetent humans the development of pulmonary tuberculosis and the failure of the existing vaccine to protect against it, in some cases, may be explained by a similar defect in a conserved inducible NO synthase-independent mechanism of innate immunity, either inherited or acquired.  相似文献   
The type series of Progynotaenia evaginata Fuhrmann, 1909 from Burhinus senegalensis in Sudan, P. foetida Meggitt, 1928 from B. oedicnemus in Egypt and Angularia australis Maplestone, 1921 from B. grallarius in Australia are redescribed. As a comparative material, specimens of P. evaginata from B. oedicnemus in Kazakhstan were studied. The type-series of P. evaginata and P. foetida were found to be heterogeneous due to the presence of scoleces and fragments of cestodes of the genus Stenovaria Spasskii & Borgarenko, 1973 (Dilepididae). For P. foetida, a lectotype is designated. P. foetida is recognised as a synonym of P. evaginata (new synonymy). Angularia australis, previously considered a member of the Dilepididae, is transferred to the Progynotaeniidae as a synonym of P. evaginata (new synonymy). The synonymy of P. indica Johri, 1963 with P. evaginata, proposed by Ryzhikov & Tolkacheva (1981), is supported. The host range and the geographical distribution of P. evaginata are restricted to birds of the genus Burhinus from the Eastern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
An emerging approach for studying protein-protein interaction in complexes is the combination of chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometric analysis of the cross-linked peptides (cross-links) obtained after proteolysis of the complex. This approach, however, has several challenges and limitations, including the difficulty of detecting the cross-links, the potential interference from non-informative "cross-linked peptides" (dead end and intrapeptide cross-links), and unambiguous identification of the cross-links by mass spectrometry. Thus, we have synthesized an isotopically coded ethylene glycol bis(succinimidylsuccinate) derivate (D12-EGS), which contains 12 deuterium atoms for easy detection of cross-links when applied in a 1:1 mixture with its H12 counterpart and is also cleavable for releasing the cross-linked peptides allowing unambiguous identification by MS sequencing. Moreover, hydrolytic cleavage permits rapid distinguishing between different types of cross-links. Cleavage of a dead end cross-link produces a doublet with peaks 4.03 Da apart, with the lower peak appearing at a molecular mass 162 Da lower than the mass of the H12 form of the original cross-linked peptide. Cleavage of an intrapeptide cross-link leads to a doublet 8.05 Da apart and 62 Da lower than the molecular mass of the H12 form of the original cross-linked peptide. Cleavage of an interpeptide cross-link forms a pair of 4.03-Da doublets, with the lower mass member of each pair each shifted up from its unmodified molecular weight by 82 Da because of the attached portion of the cross-linker. All of this information has been incorporated into a software algorithm allowing automatic screening and detection of cross-links and cross-link types in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectra. In summary, the ease of detection of these species through the use of an isotopically coded cleavable cross-linker and our software algorithm, followed by mass spectrometric sequencing of the cross-linked peptides after cleavage, has been shown to be a powerful tool for studies of multi-component protein complexes.  相似文献   
Although circadian and sleep research has made extraordinary progress in the recent years, one remaining challenge is the objective quantification of sleepiness in individuals suffering from sleep deprivation, sleep restriction, and excessive somnolence. The major goal of the present study was to apply principal component analysis to the wake electroencephalographic (EEG) spectrum in order to establish an objective measure of sleepiness. The present analysis was led by the hypothesis that in sleep-deprived individuals, the time course of self-rated sleepiness correlates with the time course score on the 2nd principal component of the EEG spectrum. The resting EEG of 15 young subjects was recorded at 2-h intervals for 32-50 h. Principal component analysis was performed on the sets of 16 single-Hz log-transformed EEG powers (1-16 Hz frequency range). The time course of self-perceived sleepiness correlated strongly with the time course of the 2nd principal component score, irrespective of derivation (frontal or occipital) and of analyzed section of the 7-min EEG record (2-min section with eyes open or any of the five 1-min sections with eyes closed). This result indicates the possibility of deriving an objective index of physiological sleepiness by applying principal component analysis to the wake EEG spectrum.  相似文献   
Recent studies have begun to carve out a specific role for the rostral part of the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) and adjacent dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) in fear/anxiety. Within a novel general framework of dorsal mPFC/ACC areas subserving the appraisal of threat and concomitant expression of fear responses and ventral mPFC/ACC areas subserving fear regulation, the rostral dmPFC/dACC has been proposed to specifically mediate the conscious, negative appraisal of threat situations including, as an extreme variant, catastrophizing. An alternative explanation that has not been conclusively ruled out yet is that the area is involved in fear learning. We tested two different fear expression paradigms in separate fMRI studies (study 1: instructed fear, study 2: testing of Pavlovian conditioned fear) with independent groups of healthy adult subjects. In both paradigms the absence of reinforcement precluded conditioning. We demonstrate significant BOLD activation of an identical rostral dmPFC/dACC area. In the Pavlovian paradigm (study 2), the area only activated robustly once prior conditioning had finished. Thus, our data argue against a role of the area in fear learning. We further replicate a repeated observation of a dissociation between peripheral-physiological fear responding and rostral dmPFC/dACC activation, strongly suggesting the area does not directly generate fear responses but rather contributes to appraisal processes. Although we succeeded in preventing extinction of conditioned responding in either paradigm, the data do not allow us to definitively exclude an involvement of the area in fear extinction learning. We discuss the broader implications of this finding for our understanding of mPFC/ACC function in fear and in negative emotion more generally.  相似文献   


Metalloproteins myeloperoxidase (MPO), ceruloplasmin (CP) and lactoferrin (LF) play an important role in regulation of inflammation and oxidative stress in vertebrates. It was previously shown that these proteins may work synergetically as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents by forming complexes, such as MPO-CP and LF-CP. However, interaction of metalloprotein molecules with each other has never been characterized at a single-molecule level.


In this study, the pairwise interactions of MPO, CP and LF molecules were investigated at a single-molecule level using high-resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM). Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surface (HOPG) modified with oligoglycine-hydrocarbon graphite modifier (GM) was used as a substrate for protein deposition.


The procedure for reliable AFM investigation of metalloproteins and their complexes has been developed. Using this procedure, we have visualized, for the first time, single MPO, CP and LF molecules, characterized the morphology of MPO-CP and LF-CP complexes and confirmed the absence of direct contacts between MPO and LF molecules. Moreover, we have revealed the novel chainlike shape of MPO-CP conjugates.


GM-HOPG was shown to be a convenient substrate for AFM investigation of metalloproteins and their complexes. Direct AFM visualization of MPO-CP and LF-CP complexes, on the one hand, complements previous data obtained from the “bulk techniques” and, on the other hand, provides new insight into the ultrastructure of MPO-CP complexes.

General significance

The obtained results contribute to the better understanding of regulation of inflammation and oxidation stress mediated by collaborative action of the metalloproteins such as MPO, CP and LF.  相似文献   
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