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Release of corticosterone in hungry kittiwake chicks facilitates begging and allows them to restore depleted energy reserves by increasing parental food provisioning. However, in order to avoid detrimental effects of chronic elevation of corticosterone, chicks might suppress adrenocortical activity in response to prolonged food shortages. In this study we examined temporal dynamics of corticosterone release in red-legged kittiwake (Rissa brevirostris) chicks exposed to prolonged restrictions in energy content and/or nutritional quality (low versus high lipid content) of their food. Starting at the age of 15 days, chicks were fed either high- or low-lipid fish at 40%, 65%, and 100% of ad libitum energy intake. Body mass measurements and baseline plasma samples were taken on a weekly basis after beginning of the treatment. After 3 weeks of treatment, chicks were exposed to a standardized acute handling and restraint stress protocol, where in addition to a baseline sample, three plasma samples were taken at intervals up to 50 min. We found that food-restricted chicks had lower body mass, chronically (during 2-3 weeks) elevated baseline and higher acute stress-induced levels of corticosterone compared to chicks fed ad libitum. Low lipid content of food further exacerbated these effects. An increase in baseline levels of corticosterone was observed within a week after energy requirements of food-restricted chicks exceeded their daily energy intake. A tendency for suppression of adrenocortical activity was observed in treatments fed low-lipid diets only at the end of the experiment. We suggest that nest-bound chicks, if food-stressed, might suffer deleterious effects of chronic elevation of corticosterone.  相似文献   
The Proteome Analysis database (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/proteome/) has been developed by the Sequence Database Group at EBI utilizing existing resources and providing comparative analysis of the predicted protein coding sequences of the complete genomes of bacteria, archeae and eukaryotes. Three main projects are used, InterPro, CluSTr and GO Slim, to give an overview on families, domains, sites, and functions of the proteins from each of the complete genomes. Complete proteome analysis is available for a total of 89 proteome sets. A specifically designed application enables InterPro proteome comparisons for any one proteome against any other one or more of the proteomes in the database.  相似文献   
The Goymann–Wingfield model predicts that glucocorticoid levels in social animals reflect the costs of acquiring and maintaining social status. The crested auklet is one of the few avian colonial species where a mutual ornament in males and females is used in both sexual and aggressive displays. Previous studies of the crested auklet support the notion that the crest ornament is a badge of status in this species. Here, we examined the relationship between the crest ornament size and the adrenocortical function in breeding crested auklets. Crest length was negatively correlated with corticosterone at baseline in males, but not in females. Baseline corticosterone in females (but not in males) was negatively correlated with body condition index. Although male and female crested auklets are monomorphic in their ornamental traits, our results suggest that the socially mediated physiological costs associated with status signaling may differ between the sexes.  相似文献   
The newly isolated from industrial wastewater Pseudomonas fluorescens strain HW-6 produced glycolipid biosurfactants at high concentrations (1.4-2.0 g l(-1)) when grown on hexadecane as a sole carbon source. Biosurfactants decreased the surface tension of the air/ water interface by 35 mN m(-1) and possessed a low critical micelle concentration value of 20 mg l(-1), which indicated high surface activity. They efficiently emulsified aromatic hydrocarbons, kerosene, n-paraffins and mineral oils. Biosurfactant production contributed to a significant increase in cell hydrophobicity correlated with an increased growth of the strain on hexadecane. The results suggested that the newly isolated strain of Ps. fluorescens and produced glycolipid biosurfactants with effective surface and emulsifying properties are very promising and could find application for bioremediation of hydrocarbon-polluted sites.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology - The review summarizes and systematizes the data on the classification, taxonomic distribution, structural features, and functions of proteins with structural repeats. Modern...  相似文献   

As recently announced by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), human ovarian tissue cryopreservation is an established option for fertility preservation in prepubertal girls and young women undergoing gonadotoxic treatments for cancer as well as some autoimmune diseases. Proper ovarian tissue assessment before and after cryopreservation is essential to increase success rates. Ovarian fragments from 16 patients were divided into small pieces in form of cortex with medulla, and randomly divided into the following two groups. Pieces of Group 1 (n?=?16) were frozen immediately after operation, thawed and just after thawing their quality was analyzed. Group 2 pieces (n?=?16) after operation were cooled to 5 °C for 24 h, then frozen after 24 h pre-cooling to 5 °C, thawed and just after thawing their quality was analyzed. The effectiveness of the pre-freezing cooling of tissue was evaluated by the development and viability of follicles (Calcein-AM and Propidium Iodide) using complex object parametric analyzer and sorter machine (COPAS). Positive effect of cooling of cells to low supra-zero temperatures on their future development after re-warming has been observed. New flow cytometry- technique is suitable for the evaluation and sorting of cryopreserved whole human whole intact ovarian fragments. Long time (24 h) cooling of ovarian tissue to 5 °C before cryopreservation has a trend of a cell viability increasing.

We previously reported that fragments of exogenous double-stranded DNA can be internalized by mouse bone marrow cells without any transfection. Our present analysis shows that only 2% of bone marrow cells take up the fragments of extracellular exogenous DNA. Of these, ~ 45% of the cells correspond to CD34 + hematopoietic stem cells. Taking into account that CD34 + stem cells constituted 2.5% of the total cell population in the bone marrow samples analyzed, these data indicate that as much as 40% of CD34 + cells readily internalize fragments of extracellular exogenous DNA. This suggests that internalization of fragmented dsDNA is a general feature of poorly differentiated cells, in particular CD34 + bone marrow cells.  相似文献   
The Fras1/Frem family of extracellular matrix proteins consists of Fras1 and its structurally related proteins, Frem1 (Fras1-related extracellular matrix protein 1), Frem2 and Frem3. These are co-localized in embryonic epithelial basement membranes (BMs), where they contribute to epithelial–mesenchymal adhesion. Although Fras1 localization pattern in epithelial BMs has been well defined, it has not yet been comprehensively studied in the central nervous system. Here, we demonstrate the immunohistochemical profile of Fras1 in the developing mouse brain and reveal an exclusively meningeal BM protein deposition. Interestingly, Fras1 displays a segmental localization pattern, which is restricted to certain regions of the meningeal BM. Frem2 protein displays a similar localization pattern, while Frem3 is rather uniformly distributed throughout the meningeal BM. Fras1 and Frem2 proteins are detected in regions of the BM that underlie organizing centers, such as the roof plate (RP) of diencephalon, midbrain and hindbrain, and the RP-derived structures of telencephalon (choroid plexus and hem). Organizing centers exert their activity via the production of bioactive molecules, which are potential Fras1 ligands. The restricted pattern of Fras1 and Frem2 proteins indicates a molecular compartmentalization of the meningeal BM that could reflect, yet unspecified, functional and structural differences.  相似文献   
The metabolism of potato (Solanum tuberosum) roots constitutively over- and underexpressing hexokinase (HK, EC was examined. An 11-fold variation in HK activity resulted in altered root growth, with antisense roots growing better than sense roots. Quantification of sugars, organic acids and amino acids in transgenic roots demonstrated that the manipulation of HK activity had very little effect on the intracellular pools of these metabolites. However, adenylate and free Pi levels were negatively affected by an increase in HK activity. The flux control coefficient of HK over the phosphorylation of glucose was measured for the first time in plants. Its value varied with HK level. It reached 1.71 at or below normal HK activity value and was much lower (0.32) at very high HK levels. Measurements of glycolytic flux and O2 uptake rates demonstrated that the differences in glucose phosphorylation did not affect significantly glycolytic and respiratory metabolism. We hypothesized that these results could be explained by the existence of a futile cycle between the pools of hexose-Ps and carbohydrates. This view is supported by several lines of evidence. Firstly, activities of enzymes capable of catalyzing these reactions were detected in roots, including a hexose-P phosphatase. Secondly, metabolic tracer experiments using 14C-glucose as precursor showed the formation of 14C-fructose and 14C-sucrose. We conclude that futile cycling of hexose-P could be partially responsible for the differences in energetic status in roots with high and low HK activity and possibly cause the observed alterations in growth in transgenic roots. The involvement of HK and futile cycles in the control of glucose-6P metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   
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