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The photosynthetic reaction center complex from the green sulfur bacteriumChlorobium vibrioforme has been isolated under anaerobic conditions. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 80, 40, 30, 18, 15, and 9 kDa. The 80- and 18-kDa polypeptides are identified as the reaction center polypeptide and the secondary donor cytochromec 551 encoded by thepscA andpscC genes, respectively. N-terminal amino acid sequences identify the 40-kDa polypeptide as the bacteriochlorophylla-protein of the baseplate (the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein) and the 30-kDa polypeptide as the putative 2[4Fe-4S] protein encoded bypscB. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis shows the presence of an iron-sulfur cluster which is irreversibly photoreduced at 9K. Photoaccumulation at higher temperature shows the presence of an additional photoreduced cluster. The EPR spectra of the two iron-sulfur clusters resemble those of FA and FB of Photosystem I, but also show significantly differentg-values, lineshapes, and temperature and power dependencies. We suggest that the two centers are designated Center I (with calculatedg-values of 2.085, 1.898, 1.841), and Center II (with calculatedg-values of 2.083, 1.941, 1.878). The data suggest that Centers I and II are bound to thepscB polypeptide.  相似文献   
Enterotoxigenic reference strains of Staphylococcus aureus were cultivated in sterile whole and skim milk for 18 h at 37°G. Staphylococcal enterotoxin A, B, and C were detected directly in the milk by an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), sensitive down to 1 ng/ml. Enterotoxins in the range of 1 ng–20 µg/ml milk were detected without any concentration or extraction. Skim and whole milk were almost identical as medium for enterotoxin production.  相似文献   
The copy frequency distribution of a transposable element family in a Drosophila melanogaster natural population is generally characterised by the values of the Charlesworths' model parameters α and β (Charlesworth & Charlesworth, 1983). The estimation of these parameters is made using the observed distribution of the occupied sites in a population sample. Several results have been interpreted as due either to the influence of stochastic factors or to deterministic factors (transposition, excision, selection…). The accuracy of this method was tested by estimations performed on samples from simulated populations. The results show that with the sample size usually used for natural population studies, the confidence intervals are too large to reasonably deduce either the element copy number distribution or the values of transposition and excision rate and selective coefficients.  相似文献   
Immunopurified human sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) was photoinactivated and photolabeled by radioinert and radioactive photoaffinity labeling steroids delta 6-testosterone (delta 6-T) and delta 6-estradiol (delta 6-E2). The maximal levels of specific incorporation of these two reagents were 0.50 and 0.33 mol of label/mol of SHBG, respectively. Covalently labeled SHBG fractions were citraconylated, reduced, carboxymethylated, and cleaved by trypsin. Separation of tryptic digests by reverse-phase liquid chromatography gave single radioactive peaks at the same retention times with both steroid reagents. However, the two labeled peptidic fractions could be distinguished by capillary electrophoresis and immunodetection with anti-steroid antibodies, whereas the covalent attachment of radioactivity was confirmed by thin-layer chromatography on silica gel. Edman degradation of the two labeled peptides showed a single sequence His-Pro-Ile-([3H]X)-Arg corresponding to the pentapeptide His-Pro-Ile-Met-Arg 136-140 of SHBG sequence. The coincidence, in both cases, of the absence of an identifiable amino acid residue and of the elution of the most intense peak of radioactivity at the fourth cycle of Edman degradation suggests that the same Met-139 residue was labeled by delta 6-[1,2-3H2]T or by delta 6-[17 alpha-3H]E2. Liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry of the two peptides showed [M+H]+ ions at m/z 939.8 or 923.8, corresponding respectively to the addition of delta 6-T or delta 6-E2 to the pentapeptide. The presence of the steroid molecule in the delta 6-[3H]T-pentapeptide conjugate was confirmed by the difference of 2 mass units with the [M+H]+ peak of the delta 6-[4-14C]T-pentapeptide conjugate.  相似文献   
Evidence has been accumulating to support the process of reinforcement as a potential mechanism in speciation. In many species, mate choice decisions are influenced by cultural factors, including learned mating preferences (sexual imprinting) or learned mate attraction signals (e.g., bird song). It has been postulated that learning can have a strong impact on the likelihood of speciation and perhaps on the process of reinforcement, but no models have explicitly considered learning in a reinforcement context. We review the evidence that suggests that learning may be involved in speciation and reinforcement, and present a model of reinforcement via learned preferences. We show that not only can reinforcement occur when preferences are learned by imprinting, but that such preferences can maintain species differences easily in comparison with both autosomal and sex-linked genetically inherited preferences. We highlight the need for more explicit study of the connection between the behavioral process of learning and the evolutionary process of reinforcement in natural systems.  相似文献   
Aneugenic compounds act on non-DNA targets to exert genotoxicity via an indirect mechanism. In contrast to DNA-binding agents, these compounds are expected to possess threshold levels of activity. Therefore, the risk for adverse effects following human exposure to an aneugen could be minimal, if the threshold of activity has been clearly determined in vivo and in vitro and providing the human exposure level is below this threshold. Thus, the development of a single-cell model to allow comparisons between in vitro and in vivo threshold values for aneugenic compounds is of importance.The in vivo micronucleus test is one of the main assays used in genetic toxicology, and is often performed in the mouse. Thus, an extensive database is available in the literature. However, there are only few data concerning the in vitro micronucleus assay using mouse cells, as the majority of in vitro micronucleus assays have been performed using human lymphocytes. In addition, there is a lack of data concerning thresholds for any compound using this model.First, we evaluated whether the use of mouse splenocytes would be an acceptable alternative to that of human lymphocytes to identify aneugens. To allow valid comparisons, the two protocols were first harmonized. Thus, phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A were used as specific mitogens for human lymphocytes and mouse splenocytes, respectively, in order to achieve similar cell-proliferation rates. To achieve similar and sufficient numbers of binucleated cells, cytochalasin B was added 44 and 56 h after culture initiation of the human and mouse cells, respectively.Second, we compared the sensitivity of the mouse protocol with that of the human protocol by exposing the cells to the aneugens nocodazole and paclitaxel.There was good reproducibility of the cytotoxic/genotoxic responses of the two cell models following exposure to the aneugens. The sensitivity of the mouse splenocytes to paclitaxel was higher than that of the human lymphocytes. The two cell types were equally sensitive to nocodazole.  相似文献   
Covalent dimerization of the adrenocorticotropin fragment ACTH11-24 increases its antagonistic potency on the ACTH-induced steroidogenesis in isolated bovine fasciculata/reticularis cells by 3 orders of magnitude when the C-termini are linked via a 10 A long spacer. This strong potentiation, probably mediated by cross-linking of the receptors, was shown to be dependent on the point of attachment of the monomeric fragment to the spacer, thus providing information about the position of the binding site in the hormonal segment and about the distance of the receptors on the cell surface.  相似文献   
Etretinate or acitretin are efficiently delivered to cultured human fibroblasts in the presence of low density lipoproteins, high density lipoproteins or human serum albumin. In contrast to acitretin, delivery of etretinate to fibroblasts is more efficiently achieved with human serum albumin than with lipoproteins. The uptake of etretinate and acitretin via low density lipoproteins delivery, does not take place via the low density lipoprotein-receptor endocytotic pathway but mostly through a passive exchange with the plasma membrane. However, in contrast to acitretin, the exchange of etretinate seems to occur alter binding of etretinate-loaded low density lipoproteins to the apolipoprotein B receptors. No differences are observed in binding, internalization and degradation of native, etretinate-loaded low density lipoproteins and acitretin-loaded low density lipoproteins, suggesting that the presence of these retinoids in low density lipoproteins does not alter their processing by the cells. Furthermore, the presence of these retinoids in the cells does not notably affect, under our experimental conditions, the catabolism of native low density lipoproteins.  相似文献   
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