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Objectives To describe the fate of protocols approved by the French research ethics committees, a national system created by the French 1988 Huriet-Sérusclat Act; to assess publication bias at a national level.Design Retrospective cohort study.Setting Representative sample of 25/48 French research ethics committees in 1994.Protocols 649 research protocols approved by committees, with follow-up information.Main outcome measures Protocols'' initial characteristics (design, study size, investigator) abstracted from committees'' archives; follow-up information (rates of initiation, completion, and publication) obtained from mailed questionnaire to principal investigators.Results Completed questionnaires were available for 649/976 (69%) protocols. Of these, 581 (90%) studies were initiated, 501/581 (86%) were completed, and 190/501 (38%) were published. Studies with confirmatory results were more likely to be published as scientific papers than were studies with inconclusive results (adjusted odds ratio 4.59, 95% confidence interval 2.21 to 9.54). Moreover, studies with confirmatory results were published more quickly than studies with inconclusive results (hazard ratio 2.48, 1.36 to 4.55).Conclusion At a national level, too many research studies are not completed, and among those completed too many are not published. We suggest capitalising on research ethics committees to register and follow all authorised research on human participants on a systematic and prospective basis.  相似文献   
Two NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase isoenzymes designated as NADP-IDH1 and NADP-IDH2 (EC were identified in pea (Pisum sativum) leaf extracts by diethylaminoethylcellulose chromatography. The predominant form was found to be NADP-IDH1 while NADP-IDH2 represented only about 4% of the total leaf enzyme activity. These enzymes share few common epitopes as NADP-IDH2 was poorly recognized by the specific polyclonal antibodies raised against NADP-IDH1, and as a consequence NADP-IDH2 does not result from a post-translational modification of NADP-IDH1. Subcellular fractionation and isolation of chloroplasts through a Percoll gradient, followed by the identification of the associated enzymes, showed that NADP-IDH1 is restricted to the cytosol and NADP-IDH2 to the chloroplasts. Compared with the cytosolic isoenzyme, NADP-IDH2 was more thermolabile and exhibited a lower optimum pH. The data reported in this paper constitute the first report that the chloroplastic NADP-IDH and the cytosolic NADP-IDH are two distinct isoenzymes. The possible functions of the two isoenzymes are discussed.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - DEAE diethylaminoethyl - NADP-IDH NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase - NADP-IDH1 cytosolic NADP-IDH - NADP-IDH2 chloroplastic NADP-IDH  相似文献   
GABA-benzodiazepine receptor-chloride channel complexes have been detected by electrophysiological recording in Xenopus oocytes previously injected with messenger RNA extracted either from optic lobes of chick embryos or from adult rat hippocampi. The ability of the oocyte to correctly translate exogenous messengers was used to develop a routine method which could allow a quantitative evaluation of specific mRNA coding for GABA-benzodiazepine receptor proteins following an injection of a fixed amount of total poly(A+)-RNA. The conditions of the validation of this method have been determined.  相似文献   
B Gout 《Life sciences》1988,43(24):1961-1971
The biochemical exploration of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptors was investigated in the canine saphenous vein using the highly selective alpha 2-adrenergic antagonist rauwolscine as a tritiated ligand. Following an enzymatic digestive pretreatment, we isolated a purified smooth muscle cell membrane fraction from saphenous veins in quantity sufficient to permit us to study the venous alpha 2-adrenoceptor content. The binding of tritiated rauwolscine was rapid, specific, saturable and reversible. The presence of high affinity binding sites (Kd = 1.53 +/- 0.71 nM) with a density of binding Bmax of 125.2 +/- 43.1 fmol/mg protein was demonstrated on a unique class of non interacting sites (nHill = 1.001 +/- 0.06). The kinetically derived Kd was 1.28 nM, in good agreement with the value obtained from saturation isotherms. The pharmacological profile of these sites was assessed by the comparison of the potency of alpha-adrenergic agonists and antagonists to inhibit 1 nM (3H)-rauwolscine. Their efficacy was respectively: rauwolscine greater than phentolamine greater than RX 781094 greater than clonidine much greater than prazosin greater than (-)-phenylephrine greater than (-)-noradrenaline. The results showed that (3H)-rauwolscine bound specifically to sites in our membranal preparation, which had the pharmacological characteristics of the alpha 2-adrenoceptors. The correlation between biochemical and pharmacological data revealed the usefulness of binding methods in the further study of adrenergic mechanisms in the canine saphenous vein.  相似文献   
Circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy were used to investigate the structure of the p85 alpha subunit of the PI 3-kinase, a closely related p85 beta protein, and a recombinant SH2 domain-containing fragment of p85 alpha. Significant spectral changes, indicative of a conformational change, were observed on formation of a complex with a 17 residue peptide containing a phosphorylated tyrosine residue. The sequence of this peptide is identical to the sequence surrounding Tyr751 in the kinase-insert region of the platelet-derived growth factor beta-receptor (beta PDGFR). The rotational correlation times measured by fluorescence anisotropy decay indicated that phosphopeptide binding changed the shape of the SH2 domain-containing fragment. The CD and fluorescence spectroscopy data support the secondary structure prediction based on sequence analysis and provide evidence for flexible linker regions between the various domains of the p85 proteins. The significance of these results for SH2 domain-containing proteins is discussed.  相似文献   
Highly purified condensed mitochondria obtained from bleachedmutant. W10BSmL of Euglena gracilis Klebs var bacillaris Coriincorporate [35S]methionine into protein when fortified withmalate, ADP, Mg2+, phosphate and a sucrose osmoticum. Twentyto twenty-five polypeptide bands were found to be labeled inorganello when the labeled protein was subjected to sodium dodecylsulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Methionine incorporation,but not respiration or oxidative phosphorylation, was blockedby chloramphenicol and other 70S ribosomal translation inhibitorsbut cycloheximide and ribonuclease were without effect. Inhibitorsof electron transport and uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylationwere excellent inhibitors of protein synthesis. Thus, thesemitochondrial preparations carry out protein synthesis in organellothat is linked to respiration and oxidative phosphorylation. 1Present address: VA Hospital Outpatient Clinic, 17 Court St.,Boston, MA 02115, U.S.A. 2Present address: Laboratories de Microbiologia e Inmunologia,Universidad Catolica de Chile, Casilla 114-D, Santiago, Chile. 3Present address: Botany Department, University of Massachusetts,Amherst, MA 01003, U.S.A. (Received June 17, 1985; Accepted October 28, 1985)  相似文献   
Summary AS7-1 and AS7-2 are antisuppressor mutations reducing the miscoding capacity of ribosomes. Strains carrying and AS7 mutation do not sporulate. We have investigated whether the sporulation deficiency is due to the decrease of translational ambiguity. Two major findings argue in favour of this assumption. First, a significant sporulation level is restored in the presence of paromomycin. Second, three mutations which restore the sporulation of AS7-2 increase the ribosomal misreading in vitro. They define two new loci for ribosomal suppressors, su11 and su12. The two ribosomal proteins altered by su11-1 and su12-1 have been identified by electrophoresis. The results are discussed in the context of a more general hypothesis proposed by Picard-Bennoun (1982).  相似文献   
Evolution of a Vκ gene family   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To examine the evolution of multigene families we have selected as an example an immunoglobulin light chain variable region subgroup (V24) which has been extensively characterized in inbred mice (Mus musculus domesticus). Homologous genes have been isolated and sequenced from Mus pahari, a genetically and geographically isolated species believed to be the oldest living representative of the genus. Southern blot analysis using probes corresponding to individual genes in this subgroup reveals changes in the overall size of the family occurring at the level of individual genes but not at the level of the entire family. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicates an absence of regulatory sequences such as the CAT and TATA boxes 5 to the coding region, but a decanucleotide sequence involved in light chain expression is highly conserved. Within coding regions highly complex patterns of variation are seen which appear to reflect quite different selective pressures on various subregions of the coding sequence. Complementarity determining regions (CDR) are conserved to different extents, with the first CDR region in all family members being among the most conserved segments of the molecule. Conservation is similarly variable among framework segments, indicating complex and variable evolutionary pressures not only at the level of individual genes or their products but also at subregions within homologous molecules.  相似文献   
A method has been developed for the extraction from transformed Escherichia coli cells of methionyl bovine PRL (met-bPRL) in a relatively pure form. While the extracted met-bPRL was as reactive as the native hormone with respect to polyclonal anti-bPRL antibodies, its bioactivity, as measured by the Nb2 lactogen in vitro bioassay, was relatively low. The bioactivity of the met-bPRL could be increased to the same order as that of the native hormone by treatment with a mixture of oxidized and reduced thioredoxin. A number of variant met-bPRLs containing specific amino acid changes have been generated by site-specific mutagenesis. The changes involved the substitution (or deletion) of some of the conserved amino acids in bPRL by the different amino acids present at the corresponding positions in the related, but nonlactogenic bovine GH. Nine mutants containing single amino acid changes had bio- and immunoactivities of the same order as those of met-bPRL. One mutant, which incorporated two of the single amino acid changes (serine 62 to threonine and threonine 65 to alanine), had immunoactivity approximating that of met-bPRL but much lower bioactivity (45%). A further mutant, generated by the deletion of tyrosine 28, had essentially no bioactivity although it could not be distinguished immunologically from met-bPRL or bPRL. The findings are discussed in the light of the putative three-dimensional PRL structure and current hypotheses which seek to relate specific regions of PRL to lactogenic activity. It appears that the first putative alpha-helix of bPRL is important for the binding and mitogenic activity of the hormone.  相似文献   
 The number of mouse Tcra-V gene segments varies from one individual to another and is estimated to be about 100. Southern blot analysis revealed that most of the Tcra-V are organized in clusters composed of copies of Tcra-V belonging to different subfamilies. We analyzed in detail a Tcra-V subfamily and looked for new Tcra-V in order to improve the knowledge of the mouse Tcra locus organization. A series of genomic clones derived from the B10.A mouse strain enclosing these clusters was used to determined the structure of all the Tcra-V2. We were able to identify ten Tcra-V2. This study showed that the Tcra-V2 can be organized into three structural subgroups. The distribution of the genes along the Tcra locus, plus their structural organization, indicates that successive duplications occurred during the processes of expansion and contraction of the Tcra-V gene subfamilies. Several Tcra-V2 are also identical, indicating recent duplications. The most divergent Tcra-V2 differ by 7.4% nucleotides, leading to 5.2% differences in amino acid contents. Received: 8 August 1995 / Revised: 24 April 1996  相似文献   
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