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Summary During the course of sea urchin development, from early blastula to pluteus larva, there are two major visible processes toward which all activities seem to be focused. They are the differentiation of the larval skeleton by the primary mesenchyme cells and the differentiation of the primitive gut by the secondary mesenchyme cells. These activities take place within the shell-like layer of epithelial cells, or ectodermal wall. The interactive role of the ectodermal wall with the mesenchyme cells is not yet clearly understood. A number of earlier studies have proposed that the ectoderm may have an inductive influence on the mesenchyme cells and that its inner surface forms a molecular template for guiding the mesenchyme cells. In this report, we suggest an additional role for the ectodermal wall. We show that some primary mesenchyme cells and secondary mesenchyme cells insert between the cells of the ectodermal wall in order to firmly anchor the anlage of the larval skeleton and primitive gut during differentiation. This mechanism may provide a physical basis for maintaining the stable positional relationship of the anlage during development.  相似文献   
Summary Studies were undertaken to test the susceptibility of individual T cell subpopulations to retroviral-mediated gene transduction. Gene transfer into human tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was carried out by transduction with an amphotropic murine retroviral vector (LNL6 or N2) containing the bacterialneo R gene. The presence of theneo R gene in the TIL population was demonstrated by Southern blot analysis, detection of the enzymatic activity of the gene product and by the ability of transduced TIL to proliferate in high concentrations of G418, a neomycin analog that is toxic to eukaryotic cells. The presence of theneo R gene in TIL did not alter their proliferation or interleukin-2 dependence compared to nontransduced TIL. The differential susceptibility of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphoid cells to the retro-virus-mediated gene transfer was then tested. Transduction of heterogeneous TIL cultures containing both CD4+ and CD8+ cells resulted in gene insertion into both T cell subsets with no preferential transduction frequency into either CD4+ or CD8+ cells. In other experiments highly purified CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subpopulations from either TIL or PBMC could be successfully transduced with theneo R gene as demonstrated by Southern blot analysis and detection of the gene product neophosphotransferase activity. No such activity or vector DNA could be detected in controls of nontransduced cells. In these highly purified cell subsets the distinctive T cell phenotypic markers were continually expressed after transduction, G418 selection and long-term growth. Clinical trials have begun in patients with advanced cancer using heterogeneous populations of CD4+ and CD8+ gene-modified TIL. Current address: Bone Marrow Transplantation, Hadassah University Hospital, 91120 Jerusalem, Israel  相似文献   
Summary— We have developed a new method for immunogold detection on deep-etch replicas of isolated Xenopus egg cortices in order to examine the interactions of different cortical elements in three dimensions at high resolution. We have applied this technique to vegetal cortices isolated during the second half of the first cell cycle. The vegetal cortical region at this time is the site of cellular machinery responsible for the ‘cortical rotation’. The entire cortex translocates with respect to the inner cytoplasm, relocating dorsalising determinants to the future dorsal side of the egg. The aligned microtubules in the shear zone between cytoplasm and cortex, implicated in the cortical rotation, were found to be organised as interweaving loose bundles. Interleaved amongst these aligned microtubules were extensive sheets of ER lying in layers parallel to the egg surface. Cytokeratin filaments were found to associate closely with the microtubules over short stretches. Putative actin filaments were present in the shear zone and in the cortex. Eg5, an abundant kinesin-related microtubule motor protein, and candidate for a role in generating cortical rotation movement, showed an almost exclusive localisation to microtubules. Immunofluorescence studies of cortices treated with detergent to disrupt ER or cold to depolymerise microtubules confirmed that Eg5 associates primarily with microtubules. We propose revised models for the mechanism of cortical rotation based on these observations and conclude that Eg5 is unlikely to move ER relative to microtubules during the cortical rotation.  相似文献   
Ecosystems - Frugivory and seed dispersal by fish is an important mutualistic interaction in complex and species-rich tropical rivers. The local ecological knowledge (LEK) held by fishers can...  相似文献   
Mutualistic associations of obligate intracellular bacteria and insects have attracted much interest in the past few years due to the evolutionary consequences for their genome structure. However, much less attention has been paid to the metabolic ramifications for these endosymbiotic microorganisms, which have to compete with but also to adapt to another metabolism--that of the host cell. This review attempts to provide insights into the complex physiological interactions and the evolution of metabolic pathways of several mutualistic bacteria of aphids, ants, and tsetse flies and their insect hosts.  相似文献   
Neocentromere activity is a classic example of nonkinetochore chromosome movement. In maize, neocentromeres are induced by a gene or genes on Abnormal chromosome 10 (Ab10) which causes heterochromatic knobs to move poleward at meiotic anaphase. Here we describe experiments that test how neocentromere activity affects the function of linked centromere/kinetochores (kinetochores) and whether neocentromeres and kinetochores are mobilized on the spindle by the same mechanism. Using a newly developed system for observing meiotic chromosome congression and segregation in living maize cells, we show that neocentromeres are active from prometaphase through anaphase. During mid-anaphase, normal chromosomes move on the spindle at an average rate of 0.79 μm/min. The presence of Ab10 does not affect the rate of normal chromosome movement but propels neocentromeres poleward at rates as high as 1.4 μm/min. Kinetochore-mediated chromosome movement is only marginally affected by the activity of a linked neocentromere. Combined in situ hybridization/immunocytochemistry is used to demonstrate that unlike kinetochores, neocentromeres associate laterally with microtubules and that neocentromere movement is correlated with knob size. These data suggest that microtubule depolymerization is not required for neocentromere motility. We argue that neocentromeres are mobilized on microtubules by the activity of minus end–directed motor proteins that interact either directly or indirectly with knob DNA sequences. C urrent models suggest that chromosomes move by a combination of forces generated by microtubule disassembly (Inoue and Salmon, 1995; Waters et al., 1996) and the activity of molecular motors (Vernos and Karsenti, 1996; Yen and Schaar, 1996). Microtubule disassembly generates a constant poleward force; while molecular motors can generate force in either poleward or away-from-pole directions, depending on the characteristics of the motor protein. Both plus and minus end–directed microtubule-based motors are localized to kinetochores (Hyman and Mitchison, 1991). Immunolocalization experiments indicate that mammalian kinetochores contain the minus end– directed motor dynein throughout metaphase and anaphase (Pfarr et al., 1990; Steuer et al., 1990). The kinesin-like proteins CENP-E, which has a transient kinetochore localization in animals, and MCAK, which is localized between the kinetochore plates of mammalian chromosomes, are also thought to generate and/or regulate chromosome movement (Yen et al., 1992; Lombillo et al., 1995; Wordeman and Mitchison, 1995).In addition to the molecular motors on kinetochores, several kinesin-like proteins are localized to chromosome arms (Vernos and Karsenti, 1996). Two subfamilies of arm-based motors have been identified in animals: the NOD subfamily (Afshar et al., 1995; Tokai et al., 1996) and the Xklp1/chromokinesin subfamily (Vernos et al., 1995; Wang and Adler, 1995). Both Nod and Xklp1 are required for positioning chromosomes on the metaphase plate, suggesting that they encode plus end–directed motors (Afshar et al., 1995; Vernos et al., 1995). Other evidence suggests that minus end–directed motors interact with chromosome arms. In the plant Haemanthus, a poleward force acts along chromosome arms during metaphase (Khodjakov et al., 1996), and forces propelling chromosome arms poleward have been detected during anaphase in crane fly spermatocytes (Adames and Forer, 1996). Little is known about how poleward arm motility at metaphase–anaphase affects the fidelity or rate of chromosome segregation.The neocentromeres of maize (Rhoades and Vilkomerson, 1942) provide a particularly striking example of poleward chromosome arm motility. In the presence of Abnormal chromosome 10 (Ab10),1 heterochromatic DNA domains known as knobs are transformed into neocentromeres and mobilized on the spindle (Rhoades and Vilkomerson, 1942; Peacock et al., 1981; Dawe and Cande, 1996). Knobs are primarily composed of a tandem 180-bp repeat (Peacock et al., 1981) which shows homology to a maize B centromere clone (Alfenito and Birchler, 1993). A characteristic feature of neocentromeres is that they arrive at the spindle poles in advance of centromeres; in extreme cases the neocentromere-bearing chromosome arms stretch towards the poles (Rhoades and Vilkomerson, 1942; Rhoades, 1952). A recently identified mutation (smd1) demonstrates that a trans-acting factor(s) encoded on Ab10 is essential for converting the normally quiescent heterochromatic knobs into active neocentromeres (Dawe and Cande, 1996).Here we use neocentromeres as a model for understanding the mechanisms and importance of nonkinetochore chromosome movement. As a part of our analysis, we developed a four-dimensional system for observing chromosome segregation in living meiocytes. Our experiments were designed to determine (a) how poleward arm motility affects the rate and fidelity of chromosome segregation; and (b) whether the mechanism of neocentromere motility is comparable to the mechanism of kinetochore motility.  相似文献   
Ventilation and metabolism among rat strains   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Strohl, Kingman P., Agnes J. Thomas, Pamela St. Jean, EvelynH. Schlenker, Richard J. Koletsky, and Nicholas J. Schork. Ventilation and metabolism among rat strains. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1): 317-323, 1997.We examinedventilation and metabolism in four rat strains with variation in traitsfor body weight and/or blood pressure regulation.Sprague-Dawley [SD; 8 males (M), 8 females (F)], BrownNorway (BN; 10 M, 11 F), and Zucker (Z; 11 M, 12 F) rats were comparedwith Koletsky (K; 11 M, 11 F) rats. With the use of noninvasiveplethysmography, frequency, tidal volume, minute ventilation(E),O2 consumption, andCO2 production were derived atrest during normoxia (room air) and during the 5th minute of exposureto each of the following: hyperoxia (100% O2), hypoxia (10%O2-balanceN2), and hypercapnia (7%CO2-balance O2). Statistical methods probedfor strain and sex effects, with covariant analysis by body weight,length, and body mass. During resting breathing, strain effects werefound with respect to both frequency (BN, Z > K, SD) and tidal volume(SD > BN, Z) but not to E. Sexinfluenced frequency (F > M) alone. Z rats had higher values forO2 consumption,CO2 production, and respiratoryquotient than the other three strains, with no independent effect bysex. During hyperoxia, frequency was greater in BN and Z than in SD orK rats; SD rats had a larger tidal volume than BN or Z rats; Z rats hada greater E than K rats; and M had alarger tidal volume than F. Strain differences persisted duringhypercapnia, with Z rats exhibiting the highest frequency andE values. During hypoxic exposure,strain effects were found to influenceE (SD > K, Z), frequency (BN > K), and tidal volume (SD > BN, K, Z). Body mass was only amodest predictor of E during normoxia, of both E and tidal volume withhypoxia, hypercapnia, or hyperoxia, and of frequency duringhypercapnia. We conclude that strain of rats, more than their body massor sex, has major and different influences on metabolism, the patternand level of ventilation during air breathing, and ventilation duringacute exposure to hypercapnia or hypoxia.

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