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Predicted increases in atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) coupled with increased temperatures and drought are expected to strongly influence the development of most of the plant species in the world, especially in areas with high risk of desertification like the Mediterranean basin. Helianthemum almeriense is an ecologically important Mediterranean shrub with an added interest because it serves as the host for the Terfezia claveryi mycorrhizal fungus, which is a desert truffle with increasingly commercial interest. Although both plant and fungi are known to be well adapted to dry conditions, it is still uncertain how the increase in atmospheric CO2 will influence them. In this article we have addressed the physiological responses of H. almeriense × T. claveryi mycorrhizal plants to increases in atmospheric CO2 coupled with drought and high vapor pressure deficit. This work reports one of the few estimations of mesophyll conductance in a drought deciduous Mediterranean shrub and evaluates its role in photosynthesis limitation. High atmospheric CO2 concentrations help desert truffle mycorrhizal plants to cope with the adverse effects of progressive drought during Mediterranean springs by improving carbon net assimilation, intrinsic water use efficiency and dispersal of the species through increased flowering events.  相似文献   
There is increasing evidence suggesting that iron (Fe) deficiency induces not only leaf chlorosis and a decline of photosynthesis, but also structural changes in leaf morphology, which might affect the functionality of leaves. In this study, we investigated the effects of Fe deficiency on the water relations of peach ( Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.) leaves and the responses of previously chlorotic leaves to Fe resupply via the root or the leaf. Iron deficiency induced a decline of maximum potential photosystem II (PSII) efficiency (F V/F M), of rates of net photosynthesis and transpiration and of water use efficiency. Iron chlorosis was associated with a reduction of leaf xylem vessel size and of leaf hydraulic conductance. In the course of the day, water potentials in chlorotic leaves remained higher (less negative) than in green leaves. In chlorotic leaves, normal stomatal functioning was disturbed, as evidenced by the lack of opening upon withdrawal of external CO2 and stomatal closure after sudden illumination of previously darkened leaves. We conclude that the Fe deficiency induced limitations of xylem conductivity elicited a water saving strategy, which poses an additional challenge to plant growth on high pH, calcareous soils. Fertilisation with Fe improved photosynthetic performance but the proper xylem structure and water relations of leaves were not fully restored, indicating that Fe must be available at the first stages of leaf growth and development.  相似文献   
We investigated the response of the photosynthetic apparatus during an episode of extreme low winter temperature in Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp., a typical Mediterranean evergreen species in the Iberian peninsula. Both plants in a woodland located at high altitude (1,177 m. a.s.l.) and potted plants obtained from acorns of the same populations grown at low altitude (225 m. a.s.l.) were analyzed. Net CO2 assimilation rate was negative and there was a marked decrease in photosystem II (PSII) efficiency during winter in leaves of the woodland population (high altitude individuals). These processes were accompanied by increases in non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and in the de-epoxidated carotenoids within the xanthophyll cycle, mechanisms aimed to dissipate excess energy. In addition, these de-epoxidated carotenoids were largely preserved during the night. There was no chlorophyll bleaching during the winter, which suggests that leaves were not experiencing photoinhibitory damage. In fact, the net photosynthetic rate and the PSII efficiency recovered in spring. These changes were not observed, or were much more reduced, in individuals located at lower altitude after a few frosts. When the response to rapid temperature changes (from 20°C to –5°C and from –5°C to 20°C) was studied, it was found that the maximum potential PSII efficiency was fairly stable, ranging from 0.70 to 0.75. The rest of the photosynthetic parameters measured, actual and intrinsic PSII efficiency, photochemical and NPQ, responded immediately to the changes in temperature and, also, the recovery after cold events was practically immediate.  相似文献   
Quercus coccifera L. is a Mediterranean sclerophyllous shrub with a high capacity to resist intense drought stress. Therefore, it could be used in the study of physiological changes suffered by plants at very low water potentials. A remote sensing sensor was used to measure continuously the physiological reflectance index (PRI; defined as the changes in reflectance at 531 nm with respect to those at 570 nm; PRI = [(R531 − R570)/(R531 + R570)] at canopy level and under field conditions in an artificial carpet of seedlings of Q. coccifera during a drought cycle. Correlations between leaf level-measured chlorophyll fluorescence parameters as well as the de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle [(A + Z)/(V + A + Z)] and canopy level-measured PRI were reasonably good (R 2 = 0.57–0.63, P < 0.01), and quite interesting for water stress remote sensing purposes. The instrument’s temporal resolution allowed us to follow the rapid response of PRI to changing photosynthetic active radiation, and to resolve, in response to cloud-induced changes in light intensity, a fast and a slow PRI component. We report the disappearance of the rapid one under conditions of intense drought in response to a sudden increase in light intensity. The underlying photoprotection mechanisms that Q. coccifera shows in response to intense drought stress periods seem to be related to the existence of a low intrathylakoid lumenal pH at the end of the drought cycle. Under intense drought, these mechanisms allow this species to avoid oxidative damage, which was evidenced by the maintenance of an unaltered photosynthetic pigment composition and constant photosystem II efficiency in the mornings. It is concluded that, contrary to early reports, PRI is a sensible, indirect, non-destructive water stress indicator, even in plants experiencing intense drought. Preliminary results of this work were presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence (February 2007, Florence, Italy).  相似文献   
Euphorbia characias is a common myrmecochorous plant of the western Mediterranean Basin whose seeds are dispersed by ants following fruit explosion. The variation in elaiosomes’ fatty acid composition of this species was studied at three hierarchical levels (sub-individual, individual and population) in four populations from the Iberian Peninsula. We found that differences in fruit location on the inflorescence do not seem to influence the fatty acid composition of elaiosomes, providing to each propagule an equal chance of being dispersed. However, significant differences in elaiosome fatty acid composition between individuals and populations were found for most of the compounds identified. The content of oleic acid, a key mediator in the ant–seed interaction, differed widely between populations, probably reflecting geographic variations in co-adaptation between plants and their dispersers. The finding that the fatty acid composition of E. characias elaiosomes is distinct from that of the seed itself, but very similar to that of elaiosomes from unrelated species, reinforces the idea of convergent evolution in the chemical composition of these structures.  相似文献   
We investigated the relationship between leaf shape and leaf hydraulic resistance in a set of broadleaf Quercus tree species (Q. cerris, Q. frainetto, Q. petraea, Q. pyrenaica, Q. robur, Q. rubra, Q. velutina). Seedlings of all the studied species were grown under uniform environmental conditions. A new high-pressure flowmeter was designed to measure leaf-blade hydraulic resistance. Leaf shape was characterised by the complexity of leaf outline which was regarded as an estimate of leaf lobation. This was done using the box-counting fractal dimension of the leaf silhouette. Leaf hydraulic resistance was negatively related to leaf lobation. It is suggested that the lower hydraulic resistance in deeply lobed leaves may constitute a mechanism for improving water balance under dry atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   
In the present work, we explore the possibility of introducing selectivity to existing chemotherapeutics via the design of non-pro-drug, bi-functional molecules comprising a microtubule-binding agent and a substrate for a disease-associated kinase. The design, synthesis, and in vitro biological evaluation of paclitaxel-thymidine and vinblastine-thymidine bi-functional conjugates are reported here. This work provides the first account of 'kinase-mediated trapping' of cancer therapeutics.  相似文献   
Plant trichomes play important protective functions and may have a major influence on leaf surface wettability. With the aim of gaining insight into trichome structure, composition, and function in relation to water-plant surface interactions, we analyzed the adaxial and abaxial leaf surface of holm oak (Quercus ilex) as a model. By measuring the leaf water potential 24 h after the deposition of water drops onto abaxial and adaxial surfaces, evidence for water penetration through the upper leaf side was gained in young and mature leaves. The structure and chemical composition of the abaxial (always present) and adaxial (occurring only in young leaves) trichomes were analyzed by various microscopic and analytical procedures. The adaxial surfaces were wettable and had a high degree of water drop adhesion in contrast to the highly unwettable and water-repellent abaxial holm oak leaf sides. The surface free energy and solubility parameter decreased with leaf age, with higher values determined for the adaxial sides. All holm oak leaf trichomes were covered with a cuticle. The abaxial trichomes were composed of 8% soluble waxes, 49% cutin, and 43% polysaccharides. For the adaxial side, it is concluded that trichomes and the scars after trichome shedding contribute to water uptake, while the abaxial leaf side is highly hydrophobic due to its high degree of pubescence and different trichome structure, composition, and density. Results are interpreted in terms of water-plant surface interactions, plant surface physical chemistry, and plant ecophysiology.Plant surfaces have an important protecting function against multiple biotic and abiotic stress factors (Riederer, 2006). They may, for example, limit the attack of insects (Eigenbrode and Jetter, 2002) or pathogenic fungi (Gniwotta et al., 2005; Łaźniewska et al., 2012), avoid damage caused by high intensities of UV and visible radiation (Reicosky and Hanover, 1978; Karabourniotis and Bormann, 1999), help to regulate leaf temperature (Ehleringer and Björkman, 1978; Ripley et al., 1999), and chiefly prevent plant organs from dehydration (Riederer and Schreiber, 2001).The epidermis of plants has been found to have a major degree of physical and chemical variability and may often contain specialized cells such as trichomes or stomata (Roth-Nebelsick et al., 2009; Javelle et al., 2011). Most aerial organs are covered with an extracellular and generally lipid-rich layer named the cuticle, which is typically composed of waxes embedded in (intracuticular waxes) or deposited on (epicuticular waxes) a biopolymer matrix of cutin, forming a network of cross-esterified hydroxy C16 and/or C18 fatty acids, and/or cutan, with variable amounts of polysaccharides and phenolics (Domínguez et al., 2011; Yeats and Rose, 2013). Different nano- and/or microscale levels of plant surface sculpturing have been observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), generally in relation to the topography of epicuticular waxes, cuticular folds, and epidermal cells (Koch and Barthlott, 2009). Such surface features together with their chemical composition (Khayet and Fernández, 2012) may lead to a high degree of roughness and hydrophobicity (Koch and Barthlott, 2009; Konrad et al., 2012). The interactions of plant surfaces with water have been addressed in some investigations (Brewer et al., 1991; Brewer and Smith, 1997; Pandey and Nagar, 2003; Hanba et al., 2004; Dietz et al., 2007; Holder, 2007a, 2007b; Fernández et al., 2011, 2014; Roth-Nebelsick et al., 2012; Wen et al., 2012; Urrego-Pereira et al., 2013) and are a topic of growing interest for plant ecophysiology (Helliker and Griffiths, 2007; Aryal and Neuner, 2010; Limm and Dawson, 2010; Kim and Lee, 2011; Berry and Smith, 2012; Berry et al., 2013; Rosado and Holder, 2013; Helliker, 2014). On the other hand, the mechanisms of foliar uptake of water and solutes by plant surfaces are still not fully understood (Fernández and Eichert, 2009; Burkhardt and Hunsche, 2013), but they may play an important ecophysiological role (Limm et al., 2009; Johnstone and Dawson, 2010; Adamec, 2013; Berry et al., 2014).The importance of trichomes and pubescent layers on water drop-plant surface interactions and on the subsequent potential water uptake into the organs has been analyzed in some investigations (Fahn, 1986; Brewer et al., 1991; Grammatikopoulos and Manetas, 1994; Brewer and Smith, 1997; Pierce et al., 2001; Kenzo et al., 2008; Fernández et al., 2011, 2014; Burrows et al., 2013). Trichomes are unicellular or multicellular and glandular or nonglandular appendages, which originate from epidermal cells only and develop outwards on the surface of plant organs (Werker, 2000). Nonglandular trichomes are categorized according to their morphology and exhibit a major variability in size, morphology, and function. On the other hand, glandular trichomes are classified by the secretory materials they excrete, accumulate, or absorb (Johnson, 1975; Werker, 2000; Wagner et al., 2004). Trichomes can be often found in xeromorphic leaves and in young organs (Fahn, 1986; Karabourniotis et al., 1995). The occurrence of protecting leaf trichomes has been also reported for Mediterranean species such as holm oak (Quercus ilex; Karabourniotis et al., 1995, 1998; Morales et al., 2002; Karioti et al., 2011; Camarero et al., 2012). There is limited information about the nature of the surface of trichomes, but they are also covered with a cuticle similarly to other epidermal cell types (Fernández et al., 2011, 2014).In this study and using holm oak as a model, we assessed, for the first time, the leaf surface-water relations of the abaxial (always pubescent) versus the adaxial (only pubescent in developing leaves and for a few months) surface, including their capacity to absorb surface-deposited water drops. Based on membrane science methodologies (Fernández et al., 2011; Khayet and Fernández, 2012) and following a new integrative approach, the chemical, physical, and anatomical properties of holm oak leaf surfaces and trichomes were analyzed, with the aim of addressing the following questions. Are young and mature adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces capable of absorbing water deposited as drops on to the surfaces? Are young and mature abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces similar in relation to their wettability, hydrophobicity, polarity, work of adhesion (Wa) for water, solubility parameter (δ), and surface free energy (γ)? What is the physical and chemical nature of the adaxial versus the abaxial trichomes, chiefly in relation to young leaves?  相似文献   
The broad-band ultrasonic spectroscopy technique allows the determination of changes in the relative water content (RWC) of leaves with contrasting structural features. Specifically, the standardized frequency associated with the maximum transmittance (f/f(o)) is strongly related to the RWC. This relationship is characterized by the existence of two phases separated by an inflexion point (associated with the turgor loss point). To obtain a better understanding of the strong relationship found between RWC and f/f(o), this work has studied the structural changes experienced by Quercus muehlenbergii leaves during dehydration in terms of ultrasounds measurements, cell wall elasticity, leaf thickness, leaf density, and leaf structure. The results suggest that the decrease found in f/f(o) before the turgor loss point can be attributed to the occurrence of changes in the estimation of the macroscopic effective elastic constant of the leaf (c(33)), mainly associated with changes in the bulk modulus of elasticity of the cell wall (ε). These changes are overriding or compensating for the thickness decreases recorded during this phase. On the other hand, the high degree of cell shrinkage and stretching found in the mesophyll cells during the second phase seem to explain the changes in the acoustic properties of the leaf beyond the turgor loss point. The formation of large intercellular spaces, which increased the irregularity in the acoustic pathway, may explain the increase of the attenuation coefficient of ultrasounds once the turgor loss point threshold is exceeded. The direct measurement of c(33) from ultrasonic measurements would allow a better knowledge of the overall biomechanical properties of the leaf further than those derived from the P-V analysis.  相似文献   
As part of a program to select maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) genotypes for resistance to low winter temperatures, we examined variation in photosystem II activity by chlorophyll fluorescence. Populations and families within populations from contrasting climates were tested during two consecutive winters through two progeny trials, one located at a continental and xeric site and one at a mesic site with Atlantic influence. We also obtained the LT50, or the temperature that causes 50% damage, by controlled freezing and the subsequent analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence in needles and stems that were collected from populations at the continental trial site. P. pinaster showed sensitivity to winter stress at the continental site, during the colder winter. The combination of low temperatures, high solar irradiation and low precipitation caused sustained decreases in maximal photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm), quantum yield of non-cyclic electron transport (ΦPSII) and photochemical quenching (qP). The variation in photochemical parameters was larger among families than among populations, and population differences appeared only under the harshest conditions at the continental site. As expected, the environmental effects (winter and site) on the photochemical parameters were much larger than the genotypic effects (population or family). LT50 was closely related to the minimum winter temperatures of the population''s range. The dark-adapted Fv/Fm ratio discriminated clearly between interior and coastal populations.In conclusion, variations in Fv/Fm, ΦPSII, qP and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) in response to winter stress were primarily due to the differences between the winter conditions and the sites and secondarily due to the differences among families and their interactions with the environment. Populations from continental climates showed higher frost tolerance (LT50) than coastal populations that typically experience mild winters. Therefore, LT50, as estimated by Fv/Fm, is a reliable indicator of frost tolerance among P. pinaster populations.  相似文献   
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