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A complete series of terminally blocked, monodispersed homo-oligopeptides (to the pentamer level) from the sterically demanding, medium-ring alicyclic Cα,α-disubstituted glycine 1-aminocyclooctane-1-carb oxylic acid (Ac8c), and two Ala/Ac8c tripeptides, were synthesized by solution methods and fully characterized. The preferred conformation of all the oligopeptides was determined in deuterochloroform solution by IR absorption and 1H-NMR. The molecular structures of the amino acid derivative Z-Ac8c-OH, the dipeptide pBrBz- (Ac8c)2-OH and the tripeptide pBrBz-(Ac8c)3-OtBu were assessed in the crystal state by X-ray diffraction. Conformational energy computations were performed on the monopeptide Ac-Ac8c-NHMe. Taken together, the results obtained strongly support the view that the Ac8c residue is an effective β-turn and helix former. A comparison is also made with the conformational preferences of α-aminoisobutyric acid, the prototype of Cα, α-disubstituted glycines, and of the other members of the family of 1-aminocycloalkane-1-carboxylic acids (Acnc, with n=3, 5–7) investigated so far. The implications for the use of the Ac8c residue in peptide conformational design are considered.  相似文献   
The X-ray diffraction and i.r. absorption conformational analysis of N-tert-butyloxycarbonyl-l-phenylalanine has showed the absence of intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded peptide conformations in the solid state. The molecules are held together in rows of ‘cyclic dimer’ motifs through intermolecular NHOC (acid) and OHOC {urethane} hydrogen bonds, the secondary amide-like group of the urethane moiety being in the unusual cis conformation, whereas the carboxylic acid group in the common syn conformation. The two molecules in the unit cell present a centrosymmetric set of ?, ψ1, and ψ2 values. In polar solvents solvated species largely predominate. In saturated hydrocarbon solution non-associated and associated (mostly involving the carboxylic acid CO as the proton acceptor) species simultaneously occur. The extent of association decreases with dilution. The amount of intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded oxy-C7 and C5 forms if any, should be extremely small. The type of association at saturation seems to differ from that found in the crystalline compound obtained by precipitation with saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons (from a diethyl ether solution).  相似文献   
Ettore Vidari 《Mycopathologia》1943,3(3-4):225-239
Riassunto L'A. inocula il Monosporium apiospermum Saccardo (ceppo Tarozzi) in conigli, cavie e piccioni allo scopo di riprodurre sperimentalmente il micetoma monosporosico e di studiare l'infiammazione specifica. I tentativi di riprodurre nella zampa del piccione il micetoma monosporosico hanno avuto esito negativo. Nei conigli sono state studiate le modalità dell'infezione primaria e di quelle provocate con reinoculazioni in animali precedentemente preparati. L'A. ha messo in evidenza delle modificazioni umorali ed allergiche negli animali più volte trattati; al lume di questi reperti cerca di chiarire i meccanismi patogenetici della malattia sperimentale e di quella umana. Fa, infine, alcune considerazioni sulla forma parassitaria del Monosporium apiospermium.
Summary The author injects the Monosporium apiospermum Saccardo (Tarozzi strain) into rabbits, guinea-pigs and pigeons in order to reproduce the monosporic mycetoma experimentally and to study specific inflammation. The attempts of reproducing the monosporic mycetoma in the pigeon's foot had a negative result. The modalities of primary infection and of those caused by reinoculation in animals previously prepared, have been studied in rabbits. The Author pointed out some humoral and allergical modifications in animals which had been treated many times; availing himself of these findings he tries to explain the pathogenic mechanism of the experimental and human disease. Finally he makes some consideration on the parasitical form of the Monosporium apiospermum.

Zusammenfassung Verfasser impfo das Monosporium apiospermium Saccardo (stamm Tarozzi) Kaninchen, Meerschweinchen und Tauben zu dem Zwecke ein, das monosporosiche Mycetom experimentell zu erzeugen und die spezifische Entzündung zu studieren. Die Versuche, das monosporosische Mycetom am Taubenfuss hervorzurufen haben ein negatives Ergebnis gezeitigt. Bei den Kaninchen wurden die Modalitäten der primären und der mittels Wiedereinimpfung bei vorbehandelten Tieren hervorgerufenen Entzündungen untersucht. Verfasser konnte bei den mehrmals behandelten Tieren humorale und allergische Veränderungen zum Vorschein bringen; im Lichte dieser Befunde versucht er, die pathogenetischen Mechanismen der experimentellen und menschlichen Erkrankung zu klären. Schliesslich stellt Verfasser einige Betrachtungen über die parasitäre Form des Monosporium apiospermum an.
Current analysis of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) is hindered by sub-optimal sensitivity and specificity of devices or assays as well as lack of capability of characterization of CTCs with clinical biomarkers. Here, we validate a novel technology to enrich and characterize CTCs from blood samples of patients with metastatic breast, prostate and colorectal cancers using a microfluidic chip which is processed by using an automated staining and scanning system from sample preparation to image processing. The Celsee system allowed for the detection of CTCs with apparent high sensitivity and specificity (94% sensitivity and 100% specificity). Moreover, the system facilitated rapid capture of CTCs from blood samples and also allowed for downstream characterization of the captured cells by immunohistochemistry, DNA and mRNA fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH). In a subset of patients with prostate cancer we compared the technology with a FDA-approved CTC device, CellSearch and found a higher degree of sensitivity with the Celsee instrument. In conclusion, the integrated Celsee system represents a promising CTC technology for enumeration and molecular characterization.  相似文献   
Litter soil cover constitutes an important micro-ecosystem in sustainable viticulture having a key role in nutrient cycling and serving as a habitat of complex microbial communities. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) are known to regulate nitrification in soil while little is known regarding their function and diversity in litter. We investigated the effects of two fungicides, penconazole and cyprodinil, commonly used in vineyards, on the function and diversity of total and active AOB and AOA in a microcosm study. Functional changes measured via potential nitrification and structural changes assessed via denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) at the DNA and RNA levels were contrasted with pesticide dissipation in the litter layer. The latter was inversely correlated with potential nitrification, which was temporarily inhibited at the initial sampling dates (0 to 21?days) when nearly 100?% of the applied pesticide amounts was still present in the litter. Fungicides induced changes in AOB and AOA communities with RNA-DGGE analysis showing a higher sensitivity. AOA were more responsive to pesticide application compared to AOB. Potential nitrification was less sensitive to the fungicides and was restored faster than structural changes, which persisted. These results support the theory of microbial redundancy for nitrification in a stressed litter environment.  相似文献   

The results of various types of manual and free pollination are reported in Helleborus bocconei and Helleborus foetidus, two sympatric species of the understorey of submediterranean woods that flower in January–March and are pollinated by bumble-bees of the genus Bombus. Both species were found to be partially self-compatible even if at different rates; geitonogamy seems to be more frequent in H. foetidus and spontaneous self-pollination does not usually occur for morphological reasons, and the species are not apomictic. Efficiency in seed production after free pollination was very high indicating that in spite of harsh climatic condition, there were no limitations imposed by pollen or pollinators.  相似文献   
The adapter molecules SLP-76 and LAT play central roles in T cell activation by recruiting enzymes and other adapters into multiprotein complexes that coordinate highly regulated signal transduction pathways. While many of the associated proteins have been characterized, less is known concerning the mechanisms of assembly for these dynamic and potentially heterogeneous signaling complexes. Following T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation, SLP-76 is found in structures called microclusters, which contain many signaling complexes. Previous studies showed that a mutation to the SLP-76 C-terminal SH2 domain nearly abolished SLP-76 microclusters, suggesting that the SH2 domain facilitates incorporation of signaling complexes into microclusters. S. C. Bunnell, A. L. Singer, D. I. Hong, B. H. Jacque, M. S. Jordan, M. C. Seminario, V. A. Barr, G. A. Koretzky, and L. E. Samelson, Mol. Cell. Biol., 26:7155–7166, 2006). Using biophysical methods, we demonstrate that the adapter, ADAP, contains three binding sites for SLP-76, and that multipoint binding to ADAP fragments oligomerizes the SLP-76 SH2 domain in vitro. These results were complemented with confocal imaging and functional studies of cells expressing ADAP with various mutations. Our results demonstrate that all three binding sites are critical for SLP-76 microcluster assembly, but any combination of two sites will partially induce microclusters. These data support a model whereby multipoint binding of SLP-76 to ADAP facilitates the assembly of SLP-76 microclusters. This model has implications for the regulation of SLP-76 and LAT microclusters and, as a result, T cell signaling.  相似文献   
Journal of Insect Conservation - Invasive alien species could generate a multitude of impacts towards native species. The introduction and spread of Vespa velutina in Europe is raising concern for...  相似文献   
Over the past decades, membranotropic peptides such as positively charged cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) or amphipathic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have received increasing interest in order to improve therapeutic agent cellular uptake.As far as we are concerned, we were interested in studying HCV fusion peptides as putative anchors. Two peptides, HCV6 and HCV7, were identified and conjugated to a fluorescent tag NBD and tested for their interaction with liposomes as model membranes. DSC and spectrofluorescence analyses demonstrate HCV7 propensity to insert or internalize in vesicles containing anionic lipids DMPG whereas no activity was observed with zwitterionic DMPC. This behavior could be explained by the peptide sequence containing a cationic arginine residue. On the contrary, HCV6 did not exhibit any membranotropic activity but was the only sequence able to induce liposomes' fusion or aggregation monitored by spectrofluorescence and DLS. This two peptides mild activity was related to their inefficient structuration in contact with membrane mimetics, which was demonstrated by CD and NMR experiments.Altogether, our data allowed us to identify two promising membrane-active peptides from E1 and E2 HCV viral proteins, one fusogenic (HCV6) and the other membranotropic (HCV7). The latter was also confirmed by fluorescence microscopy with CHO cells, indicating that HCV7 could cross the plasma membrane via an endocytosis process. Therefore, this study provides new evidences supporting the identification of HCV6 as the HCV fusion peptide as well as insights on a novel membranotropic peptide from the HCV-E2 viral protein.  相似文献   
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