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The effects of 2 redox based carriers for brain directed delivery of estradiol (CDS-E2) and ethinyl estradiol (CDS-EE) on body weight were examined in rats. A single dose of CDS-E2 (3 mg/kg) decreased weight gain in castrate rats for at least 24 days. The dose response of weight gain and LH suppression were compared 12 days and 12 to 25 after CDS-E2 and CDS-EE, respectively, in ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Weight decrease was detected at a lower dose and was significant for longer after drug treatment than LH decrease. Both compounds were more potent than equimolar estradiol or estradiol valerate in reducing weight gain. Intact rats also showed decreased weight gain but were less sensitive to CDS-E2 compared to OVX rats. The effects appeared to be estrogen specific as carrier-linked testosterone had no effect on weight. The mechanisms of sustained and potent drug effects on weight are being explored.  相似文献   
Using crude progesterone receptor preparations from T47D human breast cancer cells, we show by immunoprecipitation assay that receptor specifically and with high affinity recognizes the hormone response element (HRE) of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV). The use of crude preparations minimizes alterations of receptors or loss of associated factors that may occur during purification. Specific binding was obtained at 1:1 molar ratios of receptor to DNA, and HRE sequences are recognized with an affinity at least 3 orders of magnitude greater than nonspecific DNA. We have compared the DNA-binding activities of different forms of progesterone receptors. The unliganded 8S cytosol receptor had low but detectable binding activity for MMTV DNA. Addition of hormone to cytosol produced a small but consistent 2.5-fold increase. In vitro methods of transforming cytosol receptors from an 8S to a 4S species failed to increase DNA-binding further. By contrast, 4S receptors bound by R5020 in whole cells and extracted from nuclei by salt, displayed a substantially higher (average, 11-fold) binding activity than an equal number of unliganded cytosol receptors. The dissociation constants for cytosol and nuclear receptor binding to MMTV DNA were similar (approximately 2 x 10(-9) M). Thus, nuclear receptors possess a higher capacity for binding to specific recognition sequences. These results suggest that hormone or a hormone-dependent mechanism increases the intrinsic DNA-binding activity of receptors independent of receptor transformation from 8S to 4S. Further experiments indicate that a nonreceptor activity in nuclear extracts can increase the sequence-specific DNA-binding activity of cytosol receptors. This activity is present in both T47D cells and receptor-negative MDA-231 cells. We conclude that the higher DNA-binding activity of the nuclear receptor-hormone complex is due in part to receptor interaction with other nuclear proteins or factors. Such interactions may function to maintain receptors in a disaggregated active complex or to stabilize their binding to specific DNA sites.  相似文献   
Stimulation of Cellular Thymidine Kinases by Human Cytomegalovirus   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
Thymidine kinase (TK) activity in WI-38 and MRC-5 human fibroblasts was analyzed by discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (disc-PAGE) and discontinuous glycerol gradient electrophoresis (disc-GEP) after subculture or human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection. Two peaks of TK activity with different relative fraction-of-migration (R(f)) values were resolved by disc-PAGE or disc-GEP in extracts from log-phase and infected cells. Growing WI-38 cells expressed a slowly migrating (R(f) = 0.14 PAGE, R(f) = 0.4 GEP) peak of TK activity, which was partially inhibited by 1.0 mM dCTP, but which retained little activity at pH 4.5. Growing MRC cells also displayed a slowly migrating peak (R(f) = 0.10 PAGE) with similar properties. Both cell types expressed a faster-migrating TK activity (R(f) = 0.45 PAGE, R(f) = 0.7 GEP) in the growing and resting state that was strongly inhibited by 1 mM dCTP but retained 50% activity at pH 4.5. When either cell type was infected with HCMV, there was a rapid and high-level stimulation of the slowly migrating form of TK and a slight stimulation of the faster-migrating form. Two strains of HCMV (AD169 and Town) failed to produce an electrophoretically distinct virus TK in either cell type after infection. TK enzymes were partially purified by disc-GEP from extracts of log-phase WI-38 or AD169-infected WI-38 cells. Characterization of these enzymes with respect to phosphate donor specificity, pH optima, thermostability, and salt inhibition showed the HCMV-stimulated TKs to be of cellular origin.  相似文献   
The serology of candidiasis is complicated by the use of poorly defined antigens. Total extracts of the yeast phase have been commonly used as cytoplasmic antigen, without regard to the significant amounts of carbohydrate that may contaminate such preparations. This is particularly true in the case of commercially available antigens that have been used as cytoplasmic antigens but actually are richer in carbohydrate than in protein. Affinity chromatography in concanavalin A — Sepharose provides a simple procedure to separate carbohydrates, mainly mannan, from protein antigens in whole Candida extracts. By using mannan-poor antigens, the specificity of serological reactions can be increased considerably, since both the positive reactions seen in asymptomatic donors and the cross-reactions seen in patients infected with other fungi are due to anti-mannan antibodies. In contrast, both anti-mannan and anti-cytoplasmic antigen antibodies can be detected in patients suspected of systemic candidiasis. On the other hand, absolute specificity may never be achieved for systemic candidiasis. We have found antibodies against cytoplasmic antigen in a patient allergic to C. albicans, in whom the microorganism was isolated from fecal material. It appears that, under favorable conditions, mucosal sensitization may also trigger a systemic reaction directed against both mannan and cytoplasmic antigens.Publication no. 341 from The Department of Basic and Clinical Immunology and Microbiology, Medical University of South Carolina.  相似文献   
DNA-protein complexes prepared from purified simian adenovirus SA7 virions and from lytically infected monkey kidney cells exhibited similar properties when compared with respect to size by sucrose gradient centrifugation, to configuration by electron microscopy, and to susceptibility to a variety of treatments by electron microscopy and electrophoresis in agarose gels.  相似文献   
Each actin molecule has one high affinity site which binds a divalent cation. It has been proposed that an isomerization of the actin molecule is involved in divalent cation exchange at this site ("isomerization model," Frieden, C. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 2882-2886); we have maintained that exchange is by a simple competitive mechanism (Estes, J. E., Selden, L. A., and Gershman, L. C. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 4952-4957). Here, using fluorescent-labeled actin, we measure the apparent rate constant for exchange (kapp) as a function of the ratio of free Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations, ([Ca]/[Mg]), and show that both models are consistent with the data. The major parameter controlling this relationship in the simple competitive exchange model, the ratio of the association rate constants for Ca2+ and Mg2+ to actin (kCa/kMg), is found to have a value of about 90. We have verified this parameter by direct measurements of kCa and kMg, finding that kCa = 1.9 x 10(7) M-1 s-1 and kMg = 2.3 x 10(5) M-1 s-1, consistent with the characteristics of the Ca2+ and Mg2+ aquo ions. The corresponding parameter derived from the isomerization model is not verifiable. We conclude that high affinity divalent cation exchange on actin proceeds by a simple competitive mechanism.  相似文献   
Protein phosphatase 2A consists of a heterotrimeric complex composed of a catalytic subunit (C) and two associated subunits (A and B). Limited tryptic digestion of the heterotrimeric ABC form resulted in the selective degradation of the Mr = 55,000 B subunit to a 48-kDa polypeptide. The cleavage sites were determined to be within a 3-7-kDa region of the COOH terminus. Proteolysis led to dissociation of the B subunit from the enzyme complex and correlated with an increase in cardiac myosin light chain, smooth muscle myosin light chain peptide, and Leu-Arg-Arg-Ala-Ser-Leu-Gly (Kemptide) phosphatase activity. Purification of the digestion products and native gel electrophoresis indicated that dissociation of the B subunit was responsible for the increase in phosphatase activity. Kinetic analyses with several substrates revealed that dissociation of the B subunit resulted in a 2-7-fold increase in Vmax and a 1.6-5 fold increase in Km. Proteolytic dissociation of the B subunit increased the sensitivity of protein phosphatase 2A to inhibition by okadaic acid. Inhibition of the trypsinized enzyme was very similar to that observed for the purified AC form of protein phosphatase 2A. Incubation of the ABC complex with N-ethylmaleimide resulted in dissociation of the C subunit and generation of an AB complex. Selective release of the C subunit indicated that the B subunit interacts directly with the A subunit and that one or more free sulfhydryls are required to maintain the heterotrimeric structure of protein phosphatase 2A. Treatment of the enzyme with heparin resulted in an increase in specific activity that was due to the release of the B subunit from the complex. These results provide evidence that the B subunit binds directly to the A subunit to modulate enzyme activity and substrate specificity and that the COOH-terminal region of this protein is important for interaction with the AC complex. Dissociation of the B subunit by polyanionic substances related to heparin may represent a mechanism for regulating the activity of this enzyme.  相似文献   
Previous studies of the serum antibody response in mice to Mesocestoides corti infection indicated that molecules released by the parasite influenced the production of IgM and IgG1 to the exclusion of other isotypes. Two proteins isolated from M. corti culture supernatants were found to be homologous to the 70-kDa heat shock proteins (hsp70) and Escherichia coli GroEL families of stress proteins. The proliferative responses of splenic lymphocytes from infected mice were assessed to unfractionated M. corti supernatants as well as the 70- and 60-kDa stress protein homologs isolated from supernatants. Lymphocytes from infected mice respond to complete supernatant and both of the isolated p70 and p60 stress protein homologs. In addition, supernatant from M. corti cultures stimulates an in vitro antibody response restricted to IgM and IgG1; the same isotypes induced during infection. These results suggest that stress proteins play an integral part in the immune response to M. corti and the associated isotype restriction.  相似文献   
A modified polyethylene glycol precipitation method for concentration of virus followed by a new method to recover nucleic acid was used to detect hepatitis A virus (HAV) and rotavirus (SA11) in shellfish (oysters and hard-shell clams) by hybridization tests. Infectious virus, seeded into relatively large quantities of shellfish, was recovered consistently, with greater than 90% efficiency as measured by either in situ hybridization (HAV) or plaque assay (rotavirus SA11). Viral nucleic acid for dot blot hybridization assays was extracted and purified from virus-containing polyethylene glycol concentrates. Separation of shellfish polysaccharides from nucleic acid was necessary before viral RNA could be detected by dot blot hybridization. Removal of shellfish polysaccharides was accomplished by using the cationic detergent cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). Use of CTAB reduced background interference with hybridization signals, which resulted in increased hybridization test sensitivity. After polysaccharide removal, dot blot hybridization assays could detect approximately 10(6) physical particles (corresponding to approximately 10(3) infectious particles) of HAV and 10(4) PFU of SA11 rotavirus present in 20-g samples of oyster and clam meats. These studies show continuing promise for the development of uniform methods to directly detect human viral pathogens in different types of shellfish. However, practical applications of such methods to detect noncultivatable human viral pathogens of public health interest will require additional improvements in test sensitivity.  相似文献   
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