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Phenotypic data on 203 Gram-negative non-fermentative bacteria of the Flavobacterium-Cytophaga group isolated from milk and butter were analyzed by numerical taxonomic techniques. Twenty reference strains including species of Flavobacterium, Cytophaga and strains of Pseudomonas paucimobilis were included in the study. Using the matching coefficient of Sokal & Michener with antibiotic susceptibility data included, 139 isolates were recovered in nine clusters. Six of these clusters were linked at or above the 85% S level while three were linked at or above the 79% S level. The largest cluster, representing 46.3% of the isolates, could be equated with Flavobacterium sp. Group IIb. Other clusters could be equated with Flavobacterium sp. L 16/1 (22.7% of isolates), F. balustinum (10.8% of isolates), F. breve (4.4%), F. multivorum (3.5%) and Cytophaga johnsonae (1.5%). The cluster resembling Flavobacterium sp. L 16/1 and a smaller unclassified cluster, were exceptional in being susceptible to the antibiotics cephalothin and penicillin G.  相似文献   
Eighty-five catalase- and oxidase-positive Gram-negative rods and cocci susceptible to penicillin G were isolated from a variety of food sources. The phenotypic relationships of these isolates with reference cultures of Bergeyella -like, Chryseobacterium, Empedobacter, Myroides , Moraxella , Sphingobacterium and Weeksella -like strains were examined by numerical taxonomy. Seventy-three isolates were recovered in five groups; 80% of the isolates clustered in groups 1, 2 and 3 and produced indole, bearing a strong resemblance to Weeksella and Bergeyella . They could not, however, be regarded as belonging to the known species of W. virosa and B. zoohelcum . It is suggested that three species may be necessary to accommodate the environmental Weeksella - or Bergeyella -like bacteria. The isolates in groups 4 and 5 had white colonies and were unable to produce indole, in this way resembling the Moraxella genus.  相似文献   
The topology of metabolic networks is recognisably modular with modules weakly connected apart from sharing a pool of currency metabolites. Here, we defined modules as sets of reversible reactions isolated from the rest of metabolism by irreversible reactions except for the exchange of currency metabolites. Our approach identifies topologically independent modules under specific conditions associated with different metabolic functions. As case studies, the E.coli iJO1366 and Human Recon 2.2 genome-scale metabolic models were split in 103 and 321 modules respectively, displaying significant correlation patterns in expression data. Finally, we addressed a fundamental question about the metabolic flexibility conferred by reversible reactions: “Of all Directed Topologies (DTs) defined by fixing directions to all reversible reactions, how many are capable of carrying flux through all reactions?”. Enumeration of the DTs for iJO1366 model was performed using an efficient depth-first search algorithm, rejecting infeasible DTs based on mass-imbalanced and loopy flux patterns. We found the direction of 79% of reversible reactions must be defined before all directions in the network can be fixed, granting a high degree of flexibility.  相似文献   
The ability to determine the prey-specific biomass intake of large predators is fundamental to their conservation. In the absence of actual prey data, researchers generally use a “unit mass” method (estimated as 3/4 adult female mass) to calculate the biomass intake of predators. However, differences in prey preference and range across geographic regions are likely to have an influence on biomass calculations. Here we investigate the influence of estimated prey mass on leopard biomass calculations, and subsequent carrying capacity estimates, in an understudied mountain population. Potential leopard feeding sites were identified using global positioning system (GPS) location clusters obtained from GPS collars. We investigated 200 potential leopard feeding sites, of which 96 were actual feeding sites. Jaw bones, horns, hooves, and other indicative bones were used to determine gender and age of prey items, which were subsequently used to calculate mass of each prey item based on previously published values. There were significant differences in the biomass values calculated using the traditional unit mass method and the calculated prey masses obtained from leopard feeding sites. However, there were no considerable differences in the carrying capacity estimates using the preferred prey species model and leopard density estimates calculated using a non-biased spatial approach, which suggests that estimating carnivore carrying capacity based on 3/4 adult female masses is a reliable method also for the mountain population in this study.  相似文献   
The South African coastline can be divided into at least four temperature-defined marine bioregions, including the tropical north-east coast, the subtropical east coast, the warm-temperate south coast, and the cool-temperate west coast. There are also two biogeographical transition zones, the south-west coast and the south-east coast (or Wild Coast). The former is sometimes considered a distinct marine bioregion, but no such status has yet been suggested for the Wild Coast. Previous data on the distribution of a recently described but very common coastal crab, Hymenosoma longicrure, indicated that this species could be a Wild Coast endemic. If confirmed, this would be a first indication that this region harbours unique fauna, and that additional research is required to determine whether the Wild Coast constitutes a distinct bioregion that needs to be managed separately from other coastal regions. In the present study, we generated novel genetic data for H. longicrure and compared the species’ range with that of its southern African congeners. We found that H. longicrure occurs north of the Wild Coast, where its range overlaps with that of H. projectum. This finding rejects the idea that the Wild Coast harbours endemic fauna and suggests that the ranges of the two species may be linked to the subtropical and tropical bioregions, respectively, with some southward dispersal facilitated by the southward-flowing Agulhas Current. We conclude that there is as yet no compelling evidence that the Wild Coast is a distinct marine bioregion, and concur with previous biogeographical studies which have suggested that the Wild Coast is an area in which species from the subtropical and warm-temperate bioregions have overlapping ranges. Nonetheless, that fact that no biological information is available for the majority of the region’s estuaries highlights the necessity of comprehensively documenting the biodiversity of this understudied region to fully resolve this issue.  相似文献   
Phenotypic data on 203 Gram-negative non-fermentative bacteria of the Flavobacterium-Cytophaga group isolated from milk and butter were analyzed by numerical taxonomic techniques. Twenty reference strains including species of Flavobacterium, Cytophaga and strains of Pseudomonas paucimobilis were included in the study. Using the matching coefficient of Sokal & Michener with antibiotic susceptibility data included, 189 isolates were recovered in nine clusters. Six of these clusters were linked at or above the 85% S level while three were linked at or above the 79% S level. The largest cluster, representing 46.3% of the isolates, could be equated with Flavobacterium sp. Group IIb. Other clusters could be equated with Flavobacterium sp. L 16/1 (22.7% of isolates), F. balustinum (10.8% of isolates), F. breve (4.4%), F. multivorum (3.5%) and Cytophaga johnsonae (1.5%). The cluster resembling Flavobacterium sp. L 16/1 and a smaller unclassified cluster, were exceptional in being susceptible to the antibiotics cephalothin and penicillin G.  相似文献   
A method is described for preparing cake crumb for sectioning and staining. Previous to embedding, the fat was stained and fixed by exposing small blocks of cake to the fumes from a 5%, freshly-prepared, aqueous solution of osmic acid (OsO4). This was followed by dehydration in ethyl alcohol and tertiary butyl alcohol, removal of air under vacuum and infiltration with paraffin.

Sections were cut 20 and 9Op thick and mounted with water.

Wax was removed by immersion in xylene. The sections were rehydrated in a series of ethyl alcohol dilutions, from concentrated to dilute, then transferred to distilled water.

Protein was then stained pink by immersion of the slides in an acidified 0.04% water solution of eosin Y, or starch was stained blue with a dilute aqueous solution of iodine. Ten grams iodine and 10 g. KI were dissolved in 25 ml. distilled water. This stock solution was diluted for use one to two hundred times.

The relationship between protein and starch was demonstrated by staining the sections with eosin, differentiating in 50% alcohol and staining with iodine.

When slides of cake crumb were prepared in this way, the fat was stained black, the protein bright pink and the starch granules a dark blue.  相似文献   
Natural Killer (NK) cells contribute to HIV control in adults, but HLA-B-mediated T-cell activity has a more substantial impact on disease outcome. However, the HLA-B molecules influencing immune control in adults have less impact on paediatric infection. To investigate the contribution NK cells make to immune control, we studied >300 children living with HIV followed over two decades in South Africa. In children, HLA-B alleles associated with adult protection or disease-susceptibility did not have significant effects, whereas Bw4 (p = 0.003) and low HLA-A expression (p = 0.002) alleles were strongly associated with immunological and viral control. In a comparator adult cohort, Bw4 and HLA-A expression contributions to HIV disease outcome were dwarfed by those of protective and disease-susceptible HLA-B molecules. We next investigated the immunophenotype and effector functions of NK cells in a subset of these children using flow cytometry. Slow progression and better plasma viraemic control were also associated with high frequencies of less terminally differentiated NKG2A+NKp46+CD56dim NK cells strongly responsive to cytokine stimulation and linked with the immunogenetic signature identified. Future studies are indicated to determine whether this signature associated with immune control in early life directly facilitates functional cure in children.  相似文献   
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