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The integrity of biofilms on voice prostheses used to rehabilitate speech in laryngectomized patients causes unwanted increases in airflow resistance, impeding speech. Biofilm integrity is ensured by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). This study aimed to determine whether synthetic salivary peptides or mucolytics, including N-acetylcysteine and ascorbic acid, influence the integrity of voice prosthetic biofilms. Biofilms were grown on voice prostheses in an artificial throat model and exposed to synthetic salivary peptides, mucolytics and two different antiseptics (chlorhexidine and Triclosan). Synthetic salivary peptides did not reduce the air flow resistance of voice prostheses after biofilm formation. Although both chlorhexidine and Triclosan reduced microbial numbers on the prostheses, only the Triclosan-containing positive control reduced the air flow resistance. Unlike ascorbic acid, the mucolytic N-acetylcysteine removed most EPS from the biofilms and induced a decrease in air flow resistance.  相似文献   
Annonaceae are a pantropically distributed family found predominantly in rainforests, so they are megathermal taxa, whereas Rhamnaceae are a cosmopolitan family that tend to be found in xeric regions and may be classified as mesothermal. Phylogenetic analyses of these families are presented based on rbcL and trnL-F plastid DNA sequences. Likelihood ratio tests revealed rate heterogeneity in both phylogenetic trees and they were therefore made ultrametric using non-parametric rate smoothing and penalized likelihood. Divergence times were then estimated using fossil calibration points. The historical biogeography of these families that are species rich in different biomes is discussed and compared with other published reconstructions. Rhamnaceae and most lineages within Annonaceae are too young to have had their distribution patterns influenced by break-up of previously connected Gondwanan landmasses. Contrasts in the degree of geographical structure between these two families may be explained by differences in age and dispersal capability. In both groups, long-distance dispersal appears to have played a more significant role in establishing modern patterns than had previously been assumed. Both families also contain examples of recent diversification of species-rich lineages. An understanding of the processes responsible for shaping the distribution patterns of these families has contributed to our understanding of the historical assembly of the biomes that they occupy.  相似文献   
The neutral theory of molecular evolution predicts that the ratio of polymorphisms to fixed differences should be fairly uniform across a region of DNA sequence. Significant heterogeneity in this ratio can indicate the effects of balancing selection, selective sweeps, mildly deleterious mutations, or background selection. Comparing an observed heterogeneity statistic with simulations of the heterogeneity resulting from random phylogenetic and sampling variation provides a test of the statistical significance of the observed pattern. When simulated data sets containing heterogeneity in the polymorphism-to-divergence ratio are examined, different statistics are most powerful for detecting different patterns of heterogeneity. The number of runs is most powerful for detecting patterns containing several peaks of polymorphism; the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic is most powerful for detecting patterns in which one end of the gene has high polymorphism and the other end has low polymorphism; and a newly developed statistic, the mean sliding G statistic, is most powerful for detecting patterns containing one or two peaks of polymorphism with reduced polymorphism on either side. Nine out of 27 genes from the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup exhibit heterogeneity that is significant under at least one of these three tests, with five of the nine remaining significant after a correction for multiple comparisons, suggesting that detectable evidence for the effects of some kind of selection is fairly common.   相似文献   

Background and Aims

Populations established by long-distance colonization are expected to show low levels of genetic variation per population, but strong genetic differentiation among populations. Whether isolated populations indeed show this genetic signature of isolation depends on the amount and diversity of diaspores arriving by long-distance dispersal, and time since colonization. For ferns, however, reliable estimates of long-distance dispersal rates remain largely unknown, and previous studies on fern population genetics often sampled older or non-isolated populations. Young populations in recent, disjunct habitats form a useful study system to improve our understanding of the genetic impact of long-distance dispersal.


Microsatellite markers were used to analyse the amount and distribution of genetic diversity in young populations of four widespread calcicole ferns (Asplenium scolopendrium, diploid; Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens, tetraploid; Polystichum setiferum, diploid; and Polystichum aculeatum, tetraploid), which are rare in The Netherlands but established multiple populations in a forest (the Kuinderbos) on recently reclaimed Dutch polder land following long-distance dispersal. Reference samples from populations throughout Europe were used to assess how much of the existing variation was already present in the Kuinderbos.

Key Results

A large part of the Dutch and European genetic diversity in all four species was already found in the Kuinderbos. This diversity was strongly partitioned among populations. Most populations showed low genetic variation and high inbreeding coefficients, and were assigned to single, unique gene pools in cluster analyses. Evidence for interpopulational gene flow was low, except for the most abundant species.


The results show that all four species, diploids as well as polyploids, were capable of frequent long-distance colonization via single-spore establishment. This indicates that even isolated habitats receive dense and diverse spore rains, including genotypes capable of self-fertilization. Limited gene flow may conserve the genetic signature of multiple long-distance colonization events for several decades.  相似文献   
Aim Several recent studies have suggested that a substantial portion of today’s plant diversity in the Neotropics has resulted from the dispersal of taxa into that region rather than by vicariance. In general, three routes have been documented for the dispersal of taxa onto the South American continent: (1) via the North Atlantic Land Bridge, (2) via the Bering Land Bridge, or (3) from Africa directly onto the continent. Here a species‐rich genus of Neotropical lowland rain forest trees (Guatteria, Annonaceae) is used as a model to investigate these three hypotheses. Location The Neotropics. Methods The phylogenetic relationships within the long‐branch clade of Annonaceae were reconstructed (using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference) in order to gain insight in the phylogenetic position of Guatteria. Furthermore, Bayesian molecular dating and Bayesian dispersal–vicariance (Bayes‐DIVA) analyses were undertaken. Results Most of the relationships within the long‐branch clade of Annonaceae were reconstructed and had high support. However, the relationship between the Duguetia clade, the XylopiaArtabotrys clade and Guatteria remained unclear. The stem node age estimate of Guatteria ranged between 49.2 and 51.3 Ma, whereas the crown node age estimate ranged between 11.4 and 17.8 Ma. For the ancestral area of Guatteria and its sister group, the area North America–Africa was reconstructed in 99% of 10,000 DIVA analyses, while South America–North America was found just 1% of the time. Main conclusions The estimated stem to crown node ages of Guatteria in combination with the Bayes‐DIVA analyses imply a scenario congruent with an African origin followed by dispersal across the North Atlantic Land Bridge in the early to middle Eocene and further dispersal into North and Central America (and ultimately South America) in the Miocene. The phylogenetically and morphologically isolated position of the genus is probably due to extinction of the North American and European stem lineages in the Tertiary.  相似文献   
Natural selection, in the form of balancing selection or selective sweeps, can result in a decoupling of the amounts of molecular polymorphism and divergence. Thus natural selection can cause some areas of DNA sequence to have greater silent polymorphism, relative to divergence between species, than other areas. It would be useful to have a statistical test for heterogeneity in the polymorphism to divergence ratio across a region of DNA sequence, one that could identify heterogeneity greater than that expected from the neutral processes of mutation, drift, and recombination. The only currently available test requires that a region be arbitrarily divided into sections that are compared with each other, and the subjectivity of this division could be problematic. Here a test is proposed in which runs of polymorphic and fixed sites are counted, where a "run" is a set of one or more sites of one type preceded and followed by the other type. The number of runs is smaller than otherwise expected if polymorphisms are clumped together. By simulating neutral evolution and comparing the observed number of runs to the simulations, a statistical test is possible which does not require any a priori decisions about subdivision.   相似文献   
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