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城市绿化竹子生态适应性评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
针对城市绿化竹种要求,选择生长和抗性指标,用集对分析方法,分析和评价华安竹种园200个丛生竹和散混生竹种(或变种)生态适应性,结果表明:丛生竹种中,黄竹、小叶琴丝竹、糯竹、花竹、乡土竹、妈竹、青竿竹、泰竹等在华安生态适应性好,银丝大眼竹、孟竹、大绿竹、麻竹、白节勒竹、撑篙竹、石角竹、大木竹、小刺竹、勃氏甜龙竹、鱼肚腩竹等竹种生态适应性较差,其它竹种适应性中等.而散混生竹种中,衢县苦竹、实心竹、南平倭竹、矮若竹、乌哺鸡竹、毛竹、高节竹、红哺鸡竹、毛环水竹、斑苦竹、满山爆竹、斑箨茶秆竹等竹种适应性较好;缅甸方竹、四季竹、玉山竹篌竹、花毛竹、金镶玉竹等竹种适应性较差,其它竹种适应性中等.  相似文献   
The ability of two strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus, CRL 640 and CRL 800, to survive and retain their biological activities under frozen storage was determined. Freezing and thawing, as well as frozen storage, damaged the cell membrane, rendering the microorganisms sensitive to sodium chloride and bile salts. Both lactic acid production and proteolytic activity were depressed after 21 days at -20 degreesC, whereas beta-galactosidase activity per cell unit was increased. Cell injury was partially overcome after repair in a salt-rich medium. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   


SRY is the pivotal gene initiating male sex determination in most mammals, but how its expression is regulated is still not understood. In this study we derived novel SRY 5' flanking genomic sequence data from bovine and caprine genomic BAC clones.  相似文献   


Enhancements in sequencing technology have recently yielded assemblies of large genomes including rat, mouse, human, fruit fly, and zebrafish. The availability of large-scale genomic and genic sequence data coupled with advances in microarray technology have made it possible to study the expression of large numbers of sequence products under several different conditions in days where traditional molecular biology techniques might have taken months, or even years. Therefore, to efficiently study a number of gene products associated with a disease, pathway, or other biological process, it is necessary to be able to design primer pairs or oligonucleotides en masse rather than using a time consuming and laborious gene-by-gene method.  相似文献   
Data on the first-line treatment of ovarian cancer in special centers of Hungary 2002 and 2003 are presented, involving 283 and 416 patients, respectively. Patients' age, clinical stage and histological type of the tumor were highly similar to literature data, while grades were different. Surgical effectiveness in case of IIIc staged tumors with >1 cm residual mass was 37%. The ratio of interval laparotomy was about 15%. Overall response rates of the first-line treatment of ovarian cancer was 82%, while the rate of complete remissions was 60%. The authors provide detailed analysis of factors that can improve the chemotherapy of ovarian cancer in Hungary.  相似文献   
Polymorphism of myosin among skeletal muscle fiber types   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
An immunocytochemical approach was used to localize myosin with respect to individual fibers in rat skeletal muscle. Transverse cryostat sections of rat diaphragm, a fast-twitch muscle, were exposed to fluorescein-labeled immunoglobulin against purified chicken pectoralis myosin. Fluorescence microscopy revealed a differential response among fiber types, identified on the basis of mitochondrial content. All white and intermediate fiber but only about half of the red fiber reacted with his antimyosin. In addition, an alkali-stable ATPase had the same pattern of distribution among fibers, which is consistent with the existence of two categories of red fibers. The positive response of certain red fibers indicates either that their myosin has antigenic determinants in common with "white" myosin, or that the immunogen contained a "red" myosin. Myosin, extracted from a small region of the pectorlis which consists entirely of white fibers, was used to prepare an immunoadsorbent column to isolate antibodies specific for white myosin. This purified anti-white myosin reacted with the same fibers of the rat diaphragm that had reacted with the white, intermediate, and some red fibers are sufficiently homologous to share antigenic determinants. In a slow-twitch muscle, the soleus, only a minority of the fiber reacted with antipectoralis myosin. The majority failed to respond; hence, they are not equivalent to intermediate fibers of the diaphragm; despite their intermediate mitochondrial content. Immunocytochemical analysis of two different musles of the rat has demonstrated that more than one isoenzyme of myosin can exist in a single muscle, and that individual fiber types can be recognized by immunological differences in their myosin. We conclude that, in the rat diaphragm, there are at least two immunochemically distinct types of myosin and four types of muscle fibers: white, intermediate, and two red. We suggest that these fibers correspond to the four types of motor units described by Burke et al. (Burke, R. E., D. N. Levine, P. Tsairis, and F. E. Zajac, III 1973. J. Physiol. (Lond) 234:723-748.)in the cat gastrocnemius.`  相似文献   
北京市居住区林木健康评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了揭示北京市居住区林木健康变化特征及影响因素,提供北京市居住区林木健康经营对策。对北京市85个居住区林木进行健康特征调查,在建立林木健康评价模型评价林木健康状况的基础上,采用方差分析法和多重比较法分析不同类型居住区林木健康差异。结果表明:不同类型居住区林木健康指标差异显著(P0.05),各指标变化规律不完全一致;不同类型居住区地表覆盖情况、光污染程度、树干倾斜度、栽植截干、树势、冠形、干形等方面普遍较差。北京市居住区林木健康指数在0.60—0.80之间,健康等级呈现右偏正态分布特点,健康林木比例为3. 65%,亚健康林木(56. 07%)最多,其次是中等健康林木(36.68%),不健康林木有3.50%,濒死林木仅占0.10%。居住区林木健康指数在不同区域和不同来源间差异不显著(P0.05),在不同时期间差异显著(P0.05),健康指数大小分别为:三—四环=四—五环五—六环二环内=二—三环;福利房商品房保障房;2009—2013年2003—2008年=1998—2002年=1991—1997年1956—1990年。北京市居住区林木生长处于亚健康状态,潜在影响因子如地表覆盖情况、光污染程度、树干倾斜度等指标是限制北京市居住区林木生长的重要因子。适当减小夜间照明影响、增加有机地表覆盖、避免过度的修枝截干和加强林木养护管理是当前北京市居住区林木健康生长的保障。  相似文献   


A RIL population between Solanum lycopersicum cv. Moneymaker and S. pimpinellifolium G1.1554 was genotyped with a custom made SNP array. Additionally, a subset of the lines was genotyped by sequencing (GBS).


A total of 1974 polymorphic SNPs were selected to develop a linkage map of 715 unique genetic loci. We generated plots for visualizing the recombination patterns of the population relating physical and genetic positions along the genome.This linkage map was used to identify two QTLs for TYLCV resistance which contained favourable alleles derived from S. pimpinellifolium. Further GBS was used to saturate regions of interest, and the mapping resolution of the two QTLs was improved. The analysis showed highest significance on Chromosome 11 close to the region of 51.3 Mb (qTy-p11) and another on Chromosome 3 near 46.5 Mb (qTy-p3). Furthermore, we explored the population using untargeted metabolic profiling, and the most significant differences between susceptible and resistant plants were mainly associated with sucrose and flavonoid glycosides.


The SNP information obtained from an array allowed a first QTL screening of our RIL population. With additional SNP data of a RILs subset, obtained through GBS, we were able to perform an in silico mapping improvement to further confirm regions associated with our trait of interest. With the combination of different ~ omics platforms we provide valuable insight into the genetics of S. pimpinellifolium-derived TYLCV resistance.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1152) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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