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We have microinjected DNA containing the inducible mouse metallothionein-I (MT-I) promoter, coupled to the structural gene for Escherichia coli β-galactosidase (lacZ), into the pronuclei of one-cell mouse embryos. A qualitative histochemical assay, with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolylβ- -galactopyranoside (X-Gal) as a substrate, was used to detect expression of lacZ at several preimplantation stages. We observed staining indicative of exogenous β-galactosidase activity in 5–17% of DNA-injected embryos assayed at preimplantation stages after 16–24 h treatment with ZnSO4. Thus, lacZ can be used as an indicator gene for promoter function during early mouse embryogenesis, and the incorporation of the MT-I promoter into fusion genes can be a useful means of controlling the expression of exogenous genes in preimplantation mouse embryos.  相似文献   
Phenotypic variability and mixing of material due to massive cultivation for commercial purposes has contributed to the taxonomic confusion ofGracilaria in Chile. At least four species with cylindrical thalli and similar morphology have been recorded. However, since establishment ofG. chilensis, most of the collected thalli have been attributed to this species despite the lack of diagnostic features. In an attempt to resolve whetherGracilaria from 3 localities where it grows in natural and artificial populations belongs to the same species, gametophytic samples were compared by applying RAPD-PCR to their total DNA. This was analysed using 25 different 10-mer primers from which 21 revealed polymorphism within and between populations. Similarity matrices and cluster analyses were performed based on the presence/absence of bands representing fragments of DNA generated by random amplification. Similarity values between two of the populations were equivalent to those detected within a third, indicating the mixing of genetic material due to transplant between the two former localities. Similarities between samples of ChileanGracilaria andG. tenuistipitata from Sweden are considerably lower (0.45–0.53) than those between populations from Chile (0.74–0.88), confirming the existence of a single specific taxon,G. chilensis, in these three localities.  相似文献   
Sphingolipids-enriched rafts domains are proposed to occur in plasma membranes and to mediate important cellular functions. Notwithstanding, the asymmetric transbilayer distribution of phospholipids that exists in the membrane confers the two leaflets different potentials to form lateral domains as next to no sphingolipids are present in the inner leaflet. How the physical properties of one leaflet can influence the properties of the other and its importance on signal transduction across the membrane are questions still unresolved. In this work, we combined AFM imaging and Force spectroscopy measurements to assess domain formation and to study the nanomechanical properties of asymmetric supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) mimicking membrane rafts. Asymmetric SLBs were formed by incorporating N-palmitoyl-sphingomyelin (16:0SM) into the outer leaflet of preformed 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC)/Cholesterol SLBs through methyl-β-cyclodextrin–mediated lipid exchange. Lipid domains were detected after incorporation of 16:0SM though their phase state varied from gel to liquid ordered (Lo) phase if the procedure was performed at 24 or 37 °C, respectively. When comparing symmetric and asymmetric Lo domains, differences in size and morphology were observed, with asymmetric domains being smaller and more interconnected. Both types of Lo domains showed similar mechanical stability in terms of rupture forces and Young's moduli. Notably, force curves in asymmetric domains presented two rupture events that could be attributed to the sequential rupture of a liquid disordered (Ld) and a Lo phase. Interleaflet coupling in asymmetric Lo domains could also be inferred from those measurements. The experimental approach outlined here would significantly enhance the applicability of membrane models.  相似文献   
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - This paper proposes a novel experimental investigation based on 3D printing to validate numerical models for biomechanics simulations. Soft elastomeric...  相似文献   

The rate of oxidation of glucose-6-phosphate, ribose-5-phosphate, fructose-1,6- phosphate, iso-citrate and malate in extracts from green and etiolated pea leaves was determined, using the triphenyltetrazolium technique.

Glucose-6-phosphate, ribose-5-phosphate, and fructose-1,6-phosphate, in the presence of added TPN, where oxidized at a rate about twice higher in the extracts from green than in the extracts from etiolated leaves. Iso-citrate, in the presence of TPN, fructose-1,6-phosphate, in the presence of DPN, and malate, in the presence of either TPN or DPN, were oxidized at about the same rate in the two types of extracts.

These data seem to indicate a preferential synthesis of enzymes involved in the metabolic cycle of phosphorylated sugars during the transition of the leaf from the etiolated to the photosynthetising physiognomy. They seem also favourable to the view assigning to this metabolic system a primary importance in the anabolic pathway of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

OXIDATION PATHWAYS OF EXTRAMITOCHONDRIAL PIRIDINE COENZYMES. I. - ON THE « IN VIVO » EFFICIENCY OF THE ASCORBATE-DEYHDROASCORBATE SYSTEM. — An evaluation of the efficiency in vivo of the AA-DHA couple as an electron carrier system has been attempted, by measuring after short time of anaerobiosis the rate of the increase of AA and of the dicrease of DHA in etiolated pea internode segments and in potato tuber disks. The changes of reduced glutathione (GSH) contents as induced by anaerobiosis or by the addition of DHA to the incubation medium were also followed.

In the pea segments anaerobiosis induced a significant increase of AA and a corresponding decrease of DHA. These changes were almost completed after 10 minutes from starting anaerobiosis. The value (extrapolated to 0 time) of the initial rate of DHA desappearance under anaerobiosis was taken as representing the rate of DHA reduction to AA « in vivo », under aerobic conditions. As this rate — in a steady state situation — corresponds to that of the inverse process of oxidation of AA to DHA, this value should give and indication on the « in vivo » efficiency of the AA-DHA system as an electron carrier in respiration. As some AA was probably reoxidized to DHA in the very short period required to kill the tissue, the value of the AA DHA turnover thus calculated is probably somewhat lower than the real one.

According to the present work, the oxidative turnover of the AA-DHA system would results of 0,7 micromoles/g. fr. weght/h. for the pea internode tissues and of 0,9 micromoles/g. fr. weght?h for the potato tuber (aged disks). These values would account for 5% of total oxygen uptake, in the former, and for 3% in the latter material.

The very high AA/DHA ratio usually prevailing in living cells suggests that the contents in DHA (and thus the activity of the AA oxidizing systems) is a limiting factor for the efficiency of the AA-DHA system as an electron carrier. This view is supported also by experiments in which DHA (at pH 5) was fed to pea internode segments and to potato tuber disks : as the presence of DHA into the medium induced — under anaerobiotic conditions — a rapid increase of the level of AA in both types of materials. In aerobiosis uptake and reduction of DHA to AA was evident in the potato tuber tissue, while it appeared very scarce in the pea internodes. As an interpretation of this behaviour it is suggested that, in aerobiosis, the very active and probably surface localized ascorbic acid oxidase of the pea tissue re-oxidises the AA formed from reduction of the DHA fed; an accumulation of DHA into the cells would follow, and this excess of DHA would inhibit the enzyme GSH-DHA reductase. This enzyme, in fact, appears, from « in vitro » experiments, to be strongly inhibited by DHA when the DHA/GSH ratio becomes higher than 1. On the other hand, the same hypothesis is also supported by the finding that the addition of DHA to the medium induces a significant drop in the GSH level (probably due to its oxidation to GSSG) only under those conditions in which DHA is absorbed and reduced to AA; that is, in the pea internodes, under anaerobiosis, and in the potato disks, under both anaerobiosis and aerobiosis. These results are also taken as confirming the indication from the enzymatic data that GSH is acting, in vivo as a reducing agent for DHA. The results of this investigation are thus interpred as showing that a comparatively small, but by no means negligeable fraction of respiration is mediated, in higher plant tissues such as those of the pea stem and the potato tuber, by and electron transfer system including glutathione and the ascorbate-dehydroascorbate couple. The efficiency of this system in the materials investigated appears to account for 3–5% of the total 02 uptake (minimum value). As enzyme systems transferring electrons from TPNH to ox. glutathione are widely distributed and generally very active in higher plant tissues, it is suggested that the sequence TPNH-GSH-AA/DHA - O2 is probably of considerable importance in mediating the reoxidation of extramitochondrial trophosphoridine nucleotide and thus in permitting the operation of the TPN requiring pentose phosphate pathway of respiration.  相似文献   
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering - In this work, a fed-batch approach was adopted to overcome propionic acid lipase inactivation effects in the benzyl propionate direct esterification mediated...  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - The red cusk-eel (Genypterus chilensis) is a native Chilean species with a high-value market, with the potential to diversify Chilean aquaculture. The objective of this...  相似文献   
Recent studies have linked static allometry of sexual traits to selective advantages, in terms of sexual selection. An underlying, yet untested, assumption is that the allometry of sexual traits confers higher mating success and/or survival. Here, we investigated whether the allometry of two sexual traits is related to male mating success and survival in two species of damselflies: wing size in Paraphlebia zoe and the red‐pigmented wing spot in Hetaerina americana. We used large field‐based data sets of marked‐recaptured animals, in which we recorded male mating success and survival. Both sexual traits exhibited hyperallometric patterns; however, allometry was not linked to either mating success or survival. These results indicate that, at least during the period of sexual competition, allometry does not seem to be adaptive. Although our results may only apply to our damselfly study subjects (which nevertheless would require further tests in different seasons and/or study sites), our findings should encourage researchers to evaluate at least whether the assumed adaptiveness of sexual trait allometry holds for their study animals. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 327–334.  相似文献   
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