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In the adult male Saguinus fuscicollis , the scrotal skin and the area above the root of the penis are raised in a sharply defined cushion, which extends cranially into a rectangular suprapubic pad. The circumgenital area of the adult female resembles that of the male, except that the suprapubic pad is relatively and absolutely larger. A complex glandular organ, composed of holocrine and apocrine glands, is located beneath the epidermis of the circumgenital skin. In males, specialized holocrine glands associated with hair follicles predominate. They form a layer, 2-3 mm deep beneath the epidermis. These holocrine glands have a complex alveolar structure and possess numerously branched excretory ducts. Each group of glands empties into a common duct which enters the hair follicle. In males, the apocrine glands are located predominantly at the periphery of the glandular pad and between the scrotal and perineal areas. The excretory ducts of most apocrine glands empty on to the skin surface in close spatial association with hair follicles. However, independent openings were also observed. In females, the specialized holocrine glands resemble those of males but are more frequently interspersed with apocrine glands. The apocrine glands are larger and much more numerous than in males, especially in the region of the labia majora. Gonadectomy of an adult male and female resulted in a reduction in the size of the holocrine glands but had much less effect on the apocrine glands of the scent organ. In addition, the sexual dimorphism in gland histology was retained years after castration.  相似文献   
Four types of acidophilic granular cells, in addition to B-cells, are identified in the islet organ of anadromous specimens of two subspecies of Petromyzon marinus by light and electron microscopy. Three of these acidophils (PI, PII and PIV-cells) occur in both the cranial and hepatic islets while a fourth type (PIII-cell) has only been found in the hepatic islet of some animals. The granules of the PI-cells stain with ponceau de xylidine, give a distinct tryptophan reaction and in ultrastructural examination show large, dense granules. The PII-cells contain unusual crystals and appear to be a non-secretory stage of the PI. The PIII-cells stain deep-red and acid fuchsin. They contain very large, dense granules and some lysosomes. PIV-cells stain selectively with phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin and ultrastructurally, contain small, more or less dense granules. It appears that PI- and PIV-cells develop directly from B-cells, while the PIII-cells derive from PI-cells. despite their direct or indirect origin from B-cells, the PI-, PIII- and PIV-cells show characteristic features of functionally independent endocrine cells. Petromyzon marinus may be an ideal model for the understanding of phylogenetic and pathological interrelationships between islet and gastrointestinal hormones. It is clear that the interpretation of the islet organ of the cyclostomes, which has been generally considered a source of insulin only, requires a revaluation.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Anhand neuer embryologischer, morphologischer, physiologischer und biochemischer Befunde werden die vogelspezifischen Eigentümlichkeiten von drei endokrinen Systemen diskutiert: Pinealkomplex, hypothalamo-hypophysäres System und gastrointestinales Endokrinium.Trotz der allgemein besonders starken Beeinflußbarkeit der Vögel durch photoperiodische Veränderungen ist bei ihnen der Pinealkomplex zu einer intracranialen endokrinen Drüse reduziert. Diese Epiphyse (Pinealorgan) zeigt unter experimentellen Bedingungen eine außerordentliche Unabhängigkeit von photoperiodischer Steuerung. Das völlige Fehlen des Pinealkomplexes bei den relativ nahe verwandten Krokodilen deutet auf die Möglichkeit hin, daß dies wohl eher phylogenetisch als funktionell zu erklären ist.Das hypothalamo-hypophysäre System ist im wesentlichen reptilienartig, zeigt aber drei auffallende Spezialisierungen: 1. Eine hochentwickelte Eminentia mediana, welche aus zwei getrennten Regionen besteht. 2. Die Pars distalis ist mit der Eminentia so verbunden, daß ihre beiden Unterabteilungen (cephaler und caudaler Lappen) von beiden Regionen der Eminentia über getrennte Portalgefäße versorgt werden. 3. Den Vögeln als Gruppe fehlt die Pars intermedia.Die auffallendsten Besonderheiten des gastrointestinalen Endokriniums stehen mit dem Inselorgan in Verbindung: insulinproduzierende B-Zellen und glukagonbildende A-Zellen sind weitgehend in besondere Inseln getrennt. Im Gegensatz zu dem der anderen Tetrapoden ist das Fettgewebe der Vögel insulin-unempfindlich. Die endokrine Kontrolle des Fettgewebes erfolgt über eine indirekte anabole Route (durch prolaktinstimulierte Lipogenese in der Leber) sowie eine direkte katabole Route durch Pankreasglukagon.Bei einem Vergleich mit anderen Gnathostomengruppen zeigen Epiphyse, Adenohypophyse und Inselorgan einen besonders starken Trend zur Unabhängigkeit von direkter Innervation. In bezug auf Adenohypophyse und Inselorgan repräsentieren dabei die Vögel das entgegengesetzte Extrem zu den Knochenfischen (Teleostier), bei denen diese Drüsen besonders stark innerviert sind.Die Vögel und Teleostier werden kurz mit den Myxiniden verglichen, deren endokrines System besonders schwach entwickelt ist. Die Unterschiede zwischen den drei Gruppen werden durch drei verschiedene Wege der Anpassung an Umweltbedingungen gedeutet: 1. Aktive Anpassung durch ein hochentwickeltes neuro-endokrines Kontrollsystem (Teleostier). 2. Passive, osmokonforme Anpassung, welche ein stark entwickeltes Endokrinium überflüssig macht (Myxiniden). 3. Vermeidung ungünstiger Umweltbedingungen durch Flugvermögen; eine verfeinerte, sekretomotorische Kontrolle der endokrinen Drüsen des normalen Stoffwechsels ist unnötig (Vögel).
Some endocrine specializations of the birds
Summary Against the background of recent embryological, morphological, physiological and biochemical studies, peculiarities of three different avian endocrine systems are discussed: pineal complex, hypothalamo-hypophysial system, and gastrointestinal endocrine system.Despite the marked photosensitivity of the birds in general, their pineal complex is reduced to an intracranial pineal gland, which shows a very high degree of functional autonomy when released from photoperiodic control. The complete absence of the pineal complex in the alligators suggests that this may be due to phylogenetic rather than adaptive reasons.The hypothalamo-hypophysial system is basically of reptilian type, but shows three marked specializations: (1) the highly developed median eminence consists of two distinct regions; (2) the Pars distalis is located so, that both of its subdivisions (cephalic and caudal lobe) appear to receive distinctly separate vascularisation from the median eminence; (3) the birds as a group lack a Pars intermedia.Within the gastrointestinal endocrine system of birds, the most obvious peculiarities identified so far are connected with the islet organ: insulin-producing B-cells and glucagonproducing A-cells are largely separated in different islets, and contrary to the situation in other tetrapodes, the avian adipose tissue is insulin-insensitive. The endocrine control of the adipose tissue involves an indirect anabolic route via prolactin-induced hepatic lipogenesis, and a direct catabolic route, via pancreatic glucagon.When compared with other groups of gnathostomes, the pineal gland, adenohypophysis and islet organ of the birds show a particularly strong trend towards independence from secretomotor innervation. With respect to the adenohypophysial and islet innervation, the birds represent the opposite extreme to the teleosts, whose adenohypophysis and islet organ are particularly well innervated.Birds and teleosts are compared with the Myxinidae, whose endocrine system is particularly poorly developed. It is hypothesized that the differences between the endocrine systems of these three groups reflect three different ways of adjustment to environmental conditions: (1) teleosts actively adjust to a continuous challenge from external osmolarity, whose control has to be integrated with the milieu interne and nutritional factors. They developed a highly sophisticated control system of their endocrines, which is capable of overriding humoral stimuli by nervous interference. (2) The Myxinidae passively conform with the osmotic environment, which makes a highly developed endocrine control system unnecessary. (3) The birds are shielded from environmental factors by a specialized body surface, and they can easily avoid unfavorable conditions by flight. This makes a sophisticated and fast acting (i.e. nervous) control of such endocrines unnecessary, which are involved in the maintenance of the normal milieu interne.Wir danken MissKathleen Matt für die Hilfe bei der Anfertigung der Zeichnungen.
Increasingly a number of proteins important in the regulation of bone osteoclast development have been shown primarily influence osteoclastogenesis under conditions of physiologic or pathologic stress. Why basal osteoclastogenesis is normal and how these proteins regulate stress osteoclastogenic responses, as opposed to basal osteoclastogenesis, is unclear. LIM proteins of the Ajuba/Zyxin family localize to cellular sites of cell adhesion where they contribute to the regulation of cell adhesion and migration, translocate into the nucleus where they can affect cell fate, but are also found in the cytoplasm where their function is largely unknown. We show that one member of this LIM protein family, Limd1, is uniquely up-regulated during osteoclast differentiation and interacts with Traf6, a critical cytosolic regulator of RANK-L-regulated osteoclast development. Limd1 positively affects the capacity of Traf6 to activate AP-1, and Limd1(-/-) osteoclast precursor cells are defective in the activation of AP-1 and thus induction of NFAT2. Limd1(-/-) mice, although having normal basal bone osteoclast numbers and bone density, are resistant to physiological and pathologic osteoclastogenic stimuli. These results implicate Limd1 as a potentially important regulator of osteoclast development under conditions of stress.  相似文献   
The present study analyzed the drosophilid assemblages in different levels of urbanization in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Collections were carried out in 2008 in three different environments: a highly urbanized area????Jardim Botanico,?? a forested area with intermediary urbanization????Parque Gabriel Knijnik,?? and in a relatively well-preserved forested area, although threatened by the urban growth????Morro Santana.?? In Jardim Botanico, 36 species belonging to four genera were found, with high abundance of exotic species as Drosophila simulans Sturtevant and Zaprionus indianus (Gupta). In Parque Gabriel Knijnik, 33 species that belonged to four genera were found, with higher abundances of native species belonging to the Drosophila tripunctata species group and Drosophila willistoni species subgroup, and lower abundance of exotic species. As for Morro Santana, 32 species and three genera were found, with higher abundances of native groups, low representativeness of exotic species, and absence of Zaprionus indianus. The analysis of the Jaccard index showed higher similarity in the species composition between samples collected in summer and autumn, and between samples collected in winter and spring. On the other hand, the Morisita index differentiated Jardim Botanico from the other two studied sites. Our results show that Morro Santana is an important area of native biodiversity, reinforcing, therefore, the inclusion of this area in the project for the creation of an ecological corridor as proposed by the Ministry of the Environment of Brazil.  相似文献   
Twelve-hour exposure of G1 Ehrlich ascites cells to controlled hypoxia (200 ppm of O2 at 1 bar) suppressed replicon initiation. Synchronous cycling, beginning with a normal S phase, was released by reoxygenation immediately. The addition of cycloheximide at reoxygenation largely resuppressed, after a short initial burst, succeeding replicon initiations. Alkaline sedimentation analysis of growing daughter strand DNA, DNA fiber autoradiography, and analysis of the newly formed DNA demonstrated that normal chain growth and DNA maturation (replicon termination) in the initially activated replicons continued in the presence of cycloheximide. After 2 to 3 h, a low level of cycloheximide-insensitive background replication emerged out of the then-ebbing single surge of activity of the initially released replicons.  相似文献   
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