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Behavioural responses of nymphs and adults in the gregarious phase of the desert locust,Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) were investigated in a single-chamber bioassay system to a choice of two columns of air, one permeated with airborne volatiles emanating from either sex of nymphs or adults and the other untreated. There was no sexual differentiation in the production of or response to nymphal volatiles. Young adults of either sex did not produce a stimulus with significant activity. Of the older adults, only the males produced the aggregation stimulus to which both sexes were equally responsive. Charcoal-trapped volatiles from the two sexes of nymphs and adults evoked similar aggregation responses. Antennae of the older adults showed significantly higher EAG responses than those of fifth instar nymphs to all four volatile collections, of which volatiles from older adult males were the most stimulatory and evoked the highest EAG amplitudes.  相似文献   


Over the past 20 years, numerous studies have investigated the ecology and behaviour of malaria vectors and Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission on the coast of Kenya. Substantial progress has been made to control vector populations and reduce high malaria prevalence and severe disease. The goal of this paper was to examine trends over the past 20 years in Anopheles species composition, density, blood-feeding behaviour, and P. falciparum sporozoite transmission along the coast of Kenya.


Using data collected from 1990 to 2010, vector density, species composition, blood-feeding patterns, and malaria transmission intensity was examined along the Kenyan coast. Mosquitoes were identified to species, based on morphological characteristics and DNA extracted from Anopheles gambiae for amplification. Using negative binomial generalized estimating equations, mosquito abundance over the period were modelled while adjusting for season. A multiple logistic regression model was used to analyse the sporozoite rates.


Results show that in some areas along the Kenyan coast, Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles merus have replaced An. gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) and Anopheles funestus as the major mosquito species. Further, there has been a shift from human to animal feeding for both An. gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) (99% to 16%) and An. funestus (100% to 3%), and P. falciparum sporozoite rates have significantly declined over the last 20 years, with the lowest sporozoite rates being observed in 2007 (0.19%) and 2008 (0.34%). There has been, on average, a significant reduction in the abundance of An. gambiae s.l. over the years (IRR?=?0.94, 95% CI 0.90–0.98), with the density standing at low levels of an average 0.006 mosquitoes/house in the year 2010.


Reductions in the densities of the major malaria vectors and a shift from human to animal feeding have contributed to the decreased burden of malaria along the Kenyan coast. Vector species composition remains heterogeneous but in many areas An. arabiensis has replaced An. gambiae as the major malaria vector. This has important implications for malaria epidemiology and control given that this vector predominately rests and feeds on humans outdoors. Strategies for vector control need to continue focusing on tools for protecting residents inside houses but additionally employ outdoor control tools because these are essential for further reducing the levels of malaria transmission.  相似文献   
Field observations have demonstrated that gravid Anopheles gambiae Giles s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae) are selective in their choice of oviposition sites. For example, immature stages of An. gambiae s.s. are rarely found in water that contains Culex quinquefasciatus Say immatures. The possibility that this may, in part at least, reflect a response by ovipositing An. gambiae s.s. females to volatile signals associated with Culex juveniles was evaluated by testing the response of An. gambiae s.s. females to varying densities of Cx. quinquefasciatus egg rafts and/or larvae in oviposition choice assays. For comparison, the oviposition choices of Cx. quinquefasciatus to conspecific egg rafts and/or larvae were similarly assayed. At a low density of Cx. quinquefasciatus egg rafts (1-15 egg rafts/100 mL water), An. gambiae s.s. females laid more eggs in the treatment water than in the control, with a maximum of twice as many in the treatment water at 5 egg rafts/100 mL water. At higher egg raft densities and in all treatments that included Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae, oviposition decreased significantly in the treatment dishes in a density-dependent manner. As previous studies have indicated, ovipositing Cx. quinquefasciatus females were attracted to and laid egg rafts in dishes containing conspecific egg rafts and, interestingly, also in dishes containing larvae.  相似文献   
This work describes development and optimization of a generic method for the immobilization of enzymes in chemically synthesized gold polypyrrole (Au-PPy) nanocomposite and their application in amperometric biosensors. Three enzyme systems have been used as model examples: cytochrome c, glucose oxidase and polyphenol oxidase. The synthesis and deposition of the nanocomposite was first optimized onto a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) and then, the optimum procedure was used for enzyme immobilization and subsequent fabrication of glucose and phenol biosensors. The resulting nanostructured polymer strongly adheres to the surface of the GCE electrode, has uniform distribution and is very stable. The method has proved to be an effective way for stable enzyme attachment while the presence of gold nanoparticles provides enhanced electrochemical activity; it needs very small amounts of pyrrole and enzyme and the Au-PPy matrix avoids enzyme leaking. The preparation conditions, Michaelis-Menten kinetics and analytical performance characteristics of the two biosensors are discussed. Optimization of the experimental parameters was performed with regard to pyrrole concentration, enzyme amount, pH and operating potential. These biosensors resulted in rapid, simple, and accurate measurement of glucose and phenol with high sensitivities (1.089 mA/M glucose and 497.1 mA/M phenol), low detection limits (2 x 10(-6)M glucose and 3 x 10(-8)M phenol) and fast response times (less than 10s). The biosensors showed an excellent operational stability (at least 100 assays) and reproducibility (R.S.D. of 1.36%).  相似文献   
We studied the effects of high temperature, 30 and 32 versus 27 C on early Plasmodium falciparum development in Anopheles gambiae experimentally infected with gametocytes from 30 volunteers with mean density of 264.1 gametocytes/microl blood (range: 16-1,536/microl). From several batches of mosquitoes, fed by membrane feeding, midguts of individual mosquitoes were dissected at 24 hr for ookinete enumeration and at 7 days to quantify oocysts. There were temperature-related differences in mean ookinete intensity per mosquito midgut, with 9.71 +/- 1.6 at 27 C, 9.85 +/- 2.32 at 30 C, and 3.89 +/- 0.81 at 32 C. The prevalence of oocyst infection decreased with an increase in temperatures from 15.9 to 8.5 to 6.4% at 27, 30, and 32 C, respectively. The average oocyst intensities for the infected mosquitoes increased with temperatures from 2.9 at 27 C to 3.5 at 30 C, and to 3.3 at 32 C. However, the success of infections was reduced at 30 and 32 C, and resulted in greater losses during consecutive inter-stage parasite development. The most significant impact of high temperatures occurred at the transition between macrogametocytes and ookinetes, whereas the transition between ookinetes and oocysts apparently was not affected. In contrast to other reports, exposure of mosquitoes infected with natural parasites to high temperatures did not eliminate preoocyst stages, as has been observed from laboratory studies using the NF-54 strain of P. falciparum. This observation of parasite resistance to high temperatures is consistent with the natural situation in tropical environments where perennial malaria transmission occurs during hot dry seasons.  相似文献   
Mosquito larvae experience multiple environmental stressors that may modify how subsequent adults interact with pathogens. We evaluated the effect of larval rearing temperature and intraspecific larval competition on adult mosquito immunity and vector competence for Sindbis virus (SINV). Aedes aegypti larvae were reared at two intraspecific densities (150 and 300 larvae) at 20° C and 30° C and the adults were fed artificially on citrated bovine blood containing 10(5) plaque forming units of SINV. Expression of cecropin, defensin, and transferrin was also evaluated in one- and five-day-old female adults. There was a direct relationship between larval density and SINV infection and dissemination rates at low temperature (20° C) and an inverse relationship between larval density and SINV infection rate at high temperature (30° C). Cecropin was only expressed in five-day-old adults that were raised at high temperature as larvae and was 20-fold over-expressed at low compared to high density treatments. Defensin and transferrin were under-expressed in one-day-old adults and over-expressed in five-day-old adults in all competition-temperature combinations relative to low density treatments at 20° C. These findings suggest that interaction between biotic and abiotic conditions of the larval environment may alter adult mosquito immunity resulting in enhanced vector competence for arboviruses.  相似文献   
Although swarm-raiding army ants are considered keystone predators in tropical forest ecosystems, information on the prey spectra of most species is based on anecdotal reports and not on systematic studies with extensive sampling. We analysed prey samples of 18 colonies of the two afrotropical species Dorylus ( Anomma ) molestus and Dorylus ( Anomma ) wilverthi (4289 prey items in total) to examine the prey composition variation within and between species and to determine the best methodology to obtain reliable prey spectrum estimates for a given species, site and season. Variation in prey composition was substantial for D. molestus even within a single site and season, with the biomass proportion of the most important prey type differing by a factor of 12. Conclusions from studies using small samples sizes may thus be misleading. We demonstrate that the method of assessing prey spectra in terms of relative prey item numbers often produces biased results, and therefore recommend relative prey biomass as the more useful parameter. The near absence of earthworms, which always constituted a substantial part of the D. molestus prey, in the diet of D. wilverthi is interpreted to result from subtle differences in swarm-raiding behaviour between these two species, but could alternatively also be due to low availability. Similar studies recording prey composition as biomass proportions and analysing large samples sizes from many colonies are needed to understand the effect of army ant swarm raids on invertebrate communities in afrotropical forests.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. The emigration behaviour of the army ant Dorylus ( Anomma ) molestus was studied in the montane forest of Mt Kenya. This species forages by massive swarm raids (mean width 10.3 m ± 4.6 m SD), which are assumed to have a strong negative impact on the densities of prey populations.
2. For non-reproductive colonies the stay duration in a nest is highly variable (median 17, range 3–111 days). This suggests that the frequency of emigrations is not dictated by a brood cycle as an underlying endogenous pattern generator.
3. Colony density is high (mean nearest neighbour's distance 82.1 m ± 29.4 m SD) and mean foraging range is 75.0 m, so encounters with neighbouring colonies occur frequently.
4. The straight line emigration distance is on average 92.7 m (± 29.7 SD). The emigration direction is random with respect to absolute bearing and also relative to the direction of the previous emigration. However, the emigration direction is influenced by the location of the nearest neighbour. Colonies typically emigrate directly away from their nearest neighbour.
5. Local food depletion is likely to be the ultimate cause for emigrations in this species, because emigration distance is larger than foraging range and colonies move away from their nearest neighbour. A small percentage of emigrations may be triggered by pangolin attacks on nests.
6. Contrary to the prediction of a recently developed mathematical model for epigaeic swarm-raiding Dorylus ( Anomma ) species, D.  ( A .)  molestus colonies do not engage in intraspecific battles. Possible reasons for the absence of fights between colonies despite apparently fierce intraspecific competition are discussed.  相似文献   
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