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Spirometra tapeworms (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) collected from carnivorous mammals in Tanzania were identified by the DNA sequence analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) and internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), and by morphological characteristics. A total of 15 adult worms were collected from stool samples and carcasses of Panthera leo, Panthera pardus, and Crocuta crocuta in the Serengeti and Selous ecosystems of Tanzania. Three Spirometra species: S. theileri, S. ranarum and S. erinaceieuropaei were identified based on morphological features. Partial cox1 sequences (400 bp) of 10 specimens were revealed. Eight specimens showed 99.5% similarity with Spirometra theileri (MK955901), 1 specimen showed 99.5% similarity with the Korean S. erinaceieuropaei and 1 specimen had 99.5% similarity with Myanmar S. ranarum. Sequence homology estimates for the ITS1 region of S. theileri were 89.8% with S. erinaceieuropaei, 82.5% with S. decipiens, and 78.3% with S. ranarum; and 94.4% homology was observed between S. decipiens and S. ranarum. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with 4 species of Spirometra and 2 species of Dibothriocephalus (=Diphyllobothrium). By both ML and BI methods, cox1 and ITS1 gave well supported, congruent trees topology of S. erinaceieuropaei and S. theileri with S. decipiens and S. ranarum forming a clade. The Dibothriocephalus species were sisters of each other and collectively forming successive outgroups. Our findings confirmed that 3 Spirometra species (S. theileri, S. ranarum, and S. erinaceieuropaei) are distributed in the Serengeti and Selous ecosystems of Tanzania.  相似文献   
Y T Ro  C Y Eom  T Song  J W Cho    Y M Kim 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(19):6041-6047
Acinetobacter sp. strain JC1 DSM 3803, a carboxydobacterium, grown on methanol was found to show dihydroxyacetone synthase, dihydroxyacetone kinase, and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, but no hydroxypyruvate reductase and very low hexulose 6-phosphate synthase, activities. The dihydroxyacetone synthase was found to be expressed earlier than the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. The dihydroxyacetone synthase was purified 19-fold in eight steps to homogeneity, with a yield of 9%. The final specific activity of the purified enzyme was 1.12 micromol of NADH oxidized per min per mg of protein. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was determined to be 140,000. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis revealed a subunit of molecular weight 73,000. The optimum temperature and pH were 30 degrees C and 7.0, respectively. The enzyme was inactivated very rapidly at 70 degrees C. The enzyme required Mg2+ and thiamine pyrophosphate for maximal activity. Xylulose 5-phosphate was found to be the best substrate when formaldehyde was used as a glycoaldehyde acceptor. Erythrose 4-phosphate, glycolaldehyde, and formaldehyde were found to act as excellent substrates when xylulose 5-phosphate was used as a glycoaldehyde donor. The Kms for formaldehyde and xylulose 5-phosphate were 1.86 mM and 33.3 microM, respectively. The enzyme produced dihydroxyacetone from formaldehyde and xylulose 5-phosphate. The enzyme was found to be expressed only in cells grown on methanol and shared no immunological properties with the yeast dihydroxyacetone synthase.  相似文献   
Sweet potato β-amylase is a tetramer of identical subunits, which are arranged to exhibit 222 molecular symmetry. Its subunit consists of 498 amino acid residues (Mr 55,880). It has been crystallized at room temperature using polyethylene glycol 1500 as precipitant. The crystals, growing to dimensions of 0.4 mm × 0.4 mm × 1.0 mm within 2 weeks, belong to the tetragonal space group P42212 with unit cell dimensions of a = b = 129.63 Å and c = 68.42 Å. The asymmetric unit contains 1 subunit of β-amylase, with a crystal volume per protein mass (VM) of 2.57 Å3/Da and a solvent content of 52% by volume. The three-dimensional structure of the tetrameric β-amylase from sweet potato has been determined by molecular replacement methods using the monomeric structure of soybean enzyme as the starting model. The refined subunit model contains 3,863 nonhydrogen protein atoms (488 amino acid residues) and 319 water oxygen atoms. The current R-value is 20.3% for data in the resolution range of 8–2.3 Å (with 2 σ cut-off) with good stereochemistry. The subunit structure of sweet potato β-amylase (crystallized in the absence of α-cyclodextrin) is very similar to that of soybean β-amylase (complexed with α-cyclodextrin). The root-mean-square (RMS) difference for 487 equivalent Cα atoms of the two β-amylases is 0.96 Å. Each subunit of sweet potato β-amylase is composed of a large (α/β)8 core domain, a small one made up of three long loops [L3 (residues 91–150), LA (residues 183–258), and L5 (residues 300–327)], and a long C-terminal loop formed by residues 445–493. Conserved Glu 187, believed to play an important role in catalysis, is located at the cleft between the (α/β)8 barrel core and a small domain made up of three long loops (L3, L4, and L5). Conserved Cys 96, important in the inactivation of enzyme activity by sulfhydryl reagents, is located at the entrance of the (α/β)8 barrel. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The distribution of Na+ pump sites (Na+-K+-ATPase) in the secretory epithelium of the avian salt gland was demonstrated by freeze-dry autoradiographic analysis of [(3)H] ouabain binding sites. Kinetic studies indicated that near saturation of tissue binding sites occurred when slices of salt glands from salt-stressed ducks were exposed to 2.2 μM ouabain (containing 5 μCi/ml [(3)H]ouabain) for 90 min. Washing with label-free Ringer's solution for 90 min extracted only 10% of the inhibitor, an amount which corresponded to ouabain present in the tissue spaces labeled by [(14)C]insulin. Increasing the KCl concentration of the incubation medium reduced the rate of ouabain binding but not the maximal amount bound. In contrast to the low level of ouabain binding to salt glands of ducks maintained on a freshwater regimen, exposure to a salt water diet led to a more than threefold increase in binding within 9-11 days. This increase paralleled the similar increment in Na+-K+-ATPase activity described previously. [(3)H]ouabain binding sites were localized autoradiographically to the folded basolateral plasma membrane of the principal secretory cells. The luminal surfaces of these cells were unlabeled. Mitotically active peripheral cells were also unlabeled. The cell-specific pattern of [(3)H]ouabain binding to principal secretory cells and the membrane-specific localization of binding sites to the nonluminal surfaces of these cells were identical to the distribution of Na+-K+-ATPase as reflected by the cytochemical localization of ouabain-sensitive and K+-dependent nitrophenyl phosphatase activity. The relationship between the nonluminal localization of Na+-K+-ATPase and the possible role of the enzyme n NaCl secretion is considered in the light of physiological data on electrolyte transport in salt glands and other secretory epithelia.  相似文献   
The concept of "stimulus-secretion coupling" suggested by Douglas and co-workers to explain the events related to monamine discharge by the adrenal medulla (5, 7) may be applied to other endocrine tissues, such as adrenal cortex (36), pancreatic islets (4), and magnocellular hypothalamic neurons (6), which exhibit a similar ion-dependent process of hormone elaboration. In addition, they share another feature, that of joining neighbor cells via membrane junctions (12, 26, and Fletcher, unpublished observation). Given this, and the reports that hormone secretion by the pars distalis also involves a secretagogue-induced decrease in membrane bioelectric potential accompanied by a rise in cellular [Ca++] (27, 34, 41), it was appropriate to test the possibility that cells of the anterior pituitary gland are united by junctions.  相似文献   
The ABC transporter (TliDEF) from Pseudomonas fluorescens SIK W1, which mediated the secretion of a thermostable lipase (TliA) into the extracellular space in Escherichia coli, was engineered using directed evolution (error-prone PCR) to improve its secretion efficiency. TliD mutants with increased secretion efficiency were identified by coexpressing the mutated tliD library with the wild-type tliA lipase in E. coli and by screening the library with a tributyrin-emulsified indicator plate assay and a microtiter plate-based assay. Four selected mutants from one round of error-prone PCR mutagenesis, T6, T8, T24, and T35, showed 3.2-, 2.6-, 2.9-, and 3.0-fold increases in the level of secretion of TliA lipase, respectively, but had almost the same level of expression of TliD in the membrane as the strain with the wild-type TliDEF transporter. These results indicated that the improved secretion of TliA lipase was mediated by the transporter mutations. Each mutant had a single amino acid change in the predicted cytoplasmic regions in the membrane domain of TliD, implying that the corresponding region of TliD was important for the improved and successful secretion of the target protein. We therefore concluded that the efficiency of secretion of a heterologous protein in E. coli can be enhanced by in vitro engineering of the ABC transporter.  相似文献   
Sadler K  Eom KD  Yang JL  Dimitrova Y  Tam JP 《Biochemistry》2002,41(48):14150-14157
The intracellular delivery of most peptides, proteins, and nucleotides to the cytoplasm and nucleus is impeded by the cell membrane. To allow simplified, noninvasive delivery of attached cargo, cell-permeant peptides that are either highly cationic or hydrophobic have been utilized. Because cell-permeable peptides share half of the structural features of antimicrobial peptides containing clusters of charge and hydrophobic residues, we have explored antimicrobial peptides as templates for designing cell-permeant peptides. We prepared synthetic fragments of Bac 7, an antimicrobial peptide with four 14-residue repeats from the bactenecin family. The dual functions of cell permeability and antimicrobial activity of Bac 7 were colocalized at the N-terminal 24 residues of Bac 7. In general, long fragments of Bac(1-24) containing both regions were bactericidal and cell-permeable, whereas short fragments with only a cationic or hydrophobic region were cell-permeant without the attendant microbicidal activity when measured in a fluorescence quantitation assay and by confocal microscopy. In addition, the highly cationic fragments were capable of traversing the cell membrane and residing within the nucleus. A common characteristic shared by the cell-permeant Bac(1-24) fragments, irrespective of their number of charged cationic amino acids, is their high proline content. A 10-residue proline-rich peptide with two arginine residues was capable of delivering a noncovalently linked protein into cells. Thus, the proline-rich peptides represent a potentially new class of cell-permeant peptides for intracellular delivery of protein cargo. Furthermore, our results suggest that antimicrobial peptides may represent a rich source of templates for designing cell-permeant peptides.  相似文献   
Butanol is considered as a superior biofuel, which is conventionally produced by clostridial acetone‐butanol‐ethanol (ABE) fermentation. Among ABE, only butanol and ethanol can be used as fuel alternatives. Coproduction of acetone thus causes lower yield of fuel alcohols. Thus, this study aimed at developing an improved Clostridium acetobutylicum strain possessing enhanced fuel alcohol production capability. For this, we previously developed a hyper ABE producing BKM19 strain was further engineered to convert acetone into isopropanol. The BKM19 strain was transformed with the plasmid pIPA100 containing the sadh (primary/secondary alcohol dehydrogenase) and hydG (putative electron transfer protein) genes from the Clostridium beijerinckii NRRL B593 cloned under the control of the thiolase promoter. The resulting BKM19 (pIPA100) strain produced 27.9 g/l isopropanol‐butanol‐ethanol (IBE) as a fuel alcohols with negligible amount of acetone (0.4 g/l) from 97.8 g/l glucose in lab‐scale (2 l) batch fermentation. Thus, this metabolically engineered strain was able to produce 99% of total solvent produced as fuel alcohols. The scalability and stability of BKM19 (pIPA100) were evaluated at 200 l pilot‐scale fermentation, which showed that the fuel alcohol yield could be improved to 0.37 g/g as compared to 0.29 g/g obtained at lab‐scale fermentation, while attaining a similar titer. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest titer of IBE achieved and the first report on the large scale fermentation of C. acetobutylicum for IBE production. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:1083–1088, 2013  相似文献   
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) represents an aggressive subtype, for which radiation and chemotherapy are the only options. Here we describe the identification of disulfiram, an FDA-approved drug used to treat alcoholism, as well as the related compound thiram, as the most potent growth inhibitors following high-throughput screens of 3185 compounds against multiple TNBC cell lines. The average IC50 for disulfiram was ~300 nM. Drug affinity responsive target stability (DARTS) analysis identified IQ motif-containing factors IQGAP1 and MYH9 as direct binding targets of disulfiram. Indeed, knockdown of these factors reduced, though did not completely abolish, cell growth. Combination treatment with 4 different drugs commonly used to treat TNBC revealed that disulfiram synergizes most effectively with doxorubicin to inhibit cell growth of TNBC cells. Disulfiram and doxorubicin cooperated to induce cell death as well as cellular senescence, and targeted the ESA+/CD24-/low/CD44+ cancer stem cell population. Our results suggest that disulfiram may be repurposed to treat TNBC in combination with doxorubicin.  相似文献   
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