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Summary Lymphocytes infiltrating human ovarian carcinoma obtained directly from the tumour mass (tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes, TIL) or from the carcinomatous ascites (tumour-associated lymphocytes, TAL) were expanded in vitro in long-term cultures with interleukin-2 and tested for their specific cytolytic activity. Killing of the autologous tumour was detected only in a proportion of the patients, less frequently in TIL compared to TAL. In fact two out of ten TIL and four out of nine TAL cultures tested showed significant levels of lysis against the autologous tumour. This cytotoxic activity was not restricted to the autologous tumour, as other tumour cell lines, including non-ovarian ones, were lysed as well. The cultures that were not cytotoxic against the autologous tumour were in most cases able to lyse other tumour cell lines of ovarian or other histology. Cloning of TIL from one patient was performed: of 22 clones tested, 4 displayed higher cytotoxicity against the autologous tumour compared to the uncloned population and 3 out of these 4 did not kill an irrelevant carcinoma cell line. In order to stimulate the expansion of putative specific effectors we performed mixed lymphocyte/tumour cultures (MLTC) with autologous or allogeneic tumour cells. No stimulation of cytotoxicity against the autologous tumour was detected after MLTC in nine different TAL populations, using autologous or allogeneic tumours as stimulators. On the contrary, peripheral blood lymphocytes from two patients after MLTC with the autologous tumour showed increased killing of the autologous and decreased killing of an allogeneic target. In conclusion TIL and TAL from ovarian carcinoma expanded in vitro with interleukin-2 usually have non-MHC-restricted cytotoxicity and variable degrees of reactivity against the autologous tumour. A preferential killing for the autologous tumour was not observed even after MLTC. These results do not exclude the existence of tumour-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in ovarian carcinoma; nevertheless they suggest that putative specific effectors have very low frequency and that culture techniques for expanding their growth more selectively are still to be optimized.  相似文献   
N-1-Naphthylphthalmic acid (NPA)-binding protein is a plasmalemma (PM) protein involved in the control of cellular auxin efflux. We re-evaluated the spatial relationship of this protein with the PM of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) hypocotyls. First, Triton X-114 partitioning indicated that the NPA-binding protein was more hydrophobic than most PM proteins. Second, the NPA-binding activity was found to be resistant to proteolytic digestion in membranes. Maximum concentrations of binding sites for NPA were virtually identical in untreated and proteinase K-treated PMs: 19.2 and 20.6 pmol [3H]NPA bound/mg protein, respectively. The insensitivity of the NPA-binding protein was not due to its presence inside tightly sealed vesicles or due to lack of protease activity in the conditions tested. This protein could be made sensitive to proteolytic degradation upon solubilization by 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate in the presence of sodium molybdate. Proteinase K treatment decreased the concentration of binding sites to 0.84 pmol [3H]NPA bound/mg protein from 9.2 for untreated, solubilized PM. Third, this activity could not be solubilized by chaotropic agents or sodium carbonate treatment of intact PM. This study indicates that the NPA-binding protein may be an integral membrane protein and contradicts previously reported findings that suggested that this protein was peripheral to the PM.  相似文献   
Proton pumping ATPases/ATPsynthases are found in all groups of present-day organisms. The structure of V- and F-type ATPases/ATP synthases is very conserved throughout evolution. Sequence analysis shows that the V- and F-type ATPases evolved from the same enzyme already present in the last common ancestor of all known extant life forms. The catalytic and noncatalytic subunits found in the dissociable head groups of the V/F-type ATPases are paralogous subunits, i.e., these two types of subunits evolved from a common ancestral gene. The gene duplication giving rise to these two genes (i.e., encoding the catalytic and noncatalytic subunits) predates the time of the last common ancestor.Mapping of gene duplication events that occurred in the evolution of the proteolipid, the noncatalytic and the catalytic subunits, onto the tree of life leads to a prediction for the likely subunit structure of the encoded ATPases. A correlation between structure and function of V/F-ATPases has been established for present-day organisms. Implications resulting from this correlation for the bioenergetics operative in proto-eukaryotes and in the last common ancestor are presented. The similarities of the V/F-ATPase subunits to an ATPase-like protein that was implicated to play a role in flagellar assembly are evaluated.Different V-ATPase isoforms have been detected in some higher eukaryotes. These data are analyzed with respect to the possible function of the different isoforms (tissue specific, organelle specific) and with respect to the point in their evolution when these gene duplications giving rise to the isoforms had occurred, i.e., how far these isoforms are distributed.  相似文献   
Solubilization of enzymes from glyoxysomes of maize scutellum   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Glyoxysomes isolated from maize scutella (Zea mays L.) were subjected to several disruptive treatments (osmotic shock, resuspension in an alkaline medium, addition of detergent). The damaged glyoxysomes were centrifuged at 89,500g for 40 minutes and several enzymic activities (isocitratase, malate synthetase, catalase, citrate synthetase, malate dehydrogenase) were measured in the supernatant fraction and in the pellet. Isocitratase is the most easily released of all glyoxysomal enzymes closely followed by malate synthetase. Citrate synthetase is in all instances the most insoluble enzyme. All of the enzymes had higher specific activities in the supernatant than in the pellet. These findings suggest that in corn scutellum glyoxysomes none of these enzymes is truly membrane-bound.  相似文献   
An enzymatic procedure for releasing asparagine-linked oligosaccharides from glycoproteins by treatment with N-glycanase (peptide-N4-(N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl) asparagine amidase) has been investigated. Ribonuclease B, transferrin, fetuin, and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein were treated with N-glycanase and the released oligosaccharides were radiolabeled with NaB3H4. Lectin staining of the N-glycanase-treated proteins indicated that the deglycosylation reactions had proceeded to completion. The labeled carbohydrate chains were analyzed by HPLC on Micro-Pak AX-5 and AX-10 columns. The proportion of high-mannose and bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary complex chains obtained from each glycoprotein was in agreement with literature values. These results demonstrate that N-glycanase provides a simple method to release all common classes of asparagine-linked oligosaccharides from a glycoprotein in a form that can be radiolabeled directly for structural analysis.  相似文献   
Microbial sulfate reduction is an important metabolic activity in petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC)-contaminated aquifers. We quantified carbon source-enhanced microbial SO42− reduction in a PHC-contaminated aquifer by using single-well push-pull tests and related the consumption of sulfate and added carbon sources to the presence of certain genera of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). We also used molecular methods to assess suspended SRB diversity. In four consecutive tests, we injected anoxic test solutions (1,000 liters) containing bromide as a conservative tracer, sulfate, and either propionate, butyrate, lactate, or acetate as reactants into an existing monitoring well. After an initial incubation period, 1,000 liters of test solution-groundwater mixture was extracted from the same well. Average total test duration was 71 h. We measured concentrations of bromide, sulfate, and carbon sources in native groundwater as well as in injection and extraction phase samples and characterized the SRB population by using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Enhanced sulfate reduction concomitant with carbon source degradation was observed in all tests. Computed first-order rate coefficients ranged from 0.19 to 0.32 day−1 for sulfate reduction and from 0.13 to 0.60 day−1 for carbon source degradation. Sulfur isotope fractionation in unconsumed sulfate indicated that sulfate reduction was microbially mediated. Enhancement of sulfate reduction due to carbon source additions in all tests and variability of rate coefficients suggested the presence of specific SRB genera and a high diversity of SRB. We confirmed this by using FISH and DGGE. A large fraction of suspended bacteria hybridized with SRB-targeting probes SRB385 plus SRB385-Db (11 to 24% of total cells). FISH results showed that the activity of these bacteria was enhanced by addition of sulfate and carbon sources during push-pull tests. However, DGGE profiles indicated that the bacterial community structure of the dominant species did not change during the tests. Thus, the combination of push-pull tests with molecular methods provided valuable insights into microbial processes, activities, and diversity in the sulfate-reducing zone of a PHC-contaminated aquifer.  相似文献   
The phytohormone auxin controls processes such as cell elongation, root hair development and root branching. Tropisms, growth curvatures triggered by gravity, light and touch, are also auxin-mediated responses. Auxin is synthesized in the shoot apex and transported through the stem, but the molecular mechanism of auxin transport is not well understood. Naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and other inhibitors of auxin transport block tropic curvature responses and inhibit root and shoot elongation. We have isolated a novel Arabidopsis thaliana mutant designated roots curl in NPA (rcn1). Mutant seedlings exhibit altered responses to NPA in root curling and hypocotyl elongation. Auxin efflux in mutant seedlings displays increased sensitivity to NPA. The rcn1 mutation was transferred-DNA (T-DNA) tagged and sequences flanking the T-DNA insert were cloned. Analysis of the RCN1 cDNA reveals that the T-DNA insertion disrupts a gene for the regulatory A subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A-A). The RCN1 gene rescues the rcn1 mutant phenotype and also complements the temperature-sensitive phenotype of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae PP2A-A mutation, tpd3-1. These data implicate protein phosphatase 2A in the regulation of auxin transport in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
In this paper we calculate the hydrogen ion titration curves and associated surface potential for a lattice of discrete sites by numerically solving a titration equation constructed by expanding the partition function for the lattice in powers of the density of charged groups. The titration equations were calculated for several different lattice spacings and ionic strengths of the bathing solution. The results of applying this theory to several simple models of the membrane-solution interface is compared to the corresponding results obtained via the uniform-charge model.  相似文献   
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