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Conventional aerodynamic arguments suggest that possession of high aspect ratio wings will always improve the flight performance of glides. Drag and power will be minimized at intermediate flight speeds. It is shown, however, that as the aspect ratio increases, these minimum drag speeds are reduced, and will fall below the stall speed of the glider. This will happen at lower aspect ratios in small gliders, which operate at higher profile drag coefficients. Increasing the aspect ratio further will improve performance less than this analysis suggests.
A detailed analysis is developed to calculate the optimum shape of small gliders. Profile drag increases with aspect ratio, owing to the fall in the Reynolds number, while induced drag falls with increasing aspect ratio. Minimum drag will be encountered and hence the glide angle will be minimized at intermediate values of aspect ratio. Best glide angles are achieved at low speeds (high lift coefficients) and the optimum aspect ratio increases with the mass of the glider.
Small natural gliders possess large, low aspect ratio wings. The aspect ratios are generally somewhat below those which would produce the best glide angle at stall speed, but should give a reasonable performance over a range of speeds.  相似文献   
R. A. Ennos 《Genetica》1981,57(2):93-98
The rates of outcrossing in sympatric populations of Ipomoea purpurea and I, hederacea were estimated (using electrophoretic markers) to be 70% and 7% respectively. The difference in outcrossing rate is not apparently due to differences in pollinator service received by the species, but is associated with differences in anther-stigma distance. In I. purpurea stigmas are generally exserted and there is much genetic variation for anther-stigma distance. Variation in this character has a significant effect on the ease with which selfpollination occurs. In contrast there is no variation for the character in the I. hederacea population, the anthers being invariably held at the same level as the stigma, an arrangement promoting self-pollination.  相似文献   
The structural development of the stems and basal anchorageroots of Galahad and Hereward winter wheat cultivars (Triticumaestivum L.) were investigated and related to their mechanicalfunction. Stem and root morphology, anatomy and mechanical propertieswere examined from tillering (March) up to maturity (August),together with plant weight distribution. This allowed us tocalculate a ‘factor of safety’ against root andstem failure throughout development. As the plants grew taller the stem and the anchorage ‘coronalroots’ increased in bending strength countering the increasingmechanical demands. The bending strength, in turn, was correlatedwith the amount of lignified material around the stem and rootperimeter. Structural development ceased by ear emergence, whenthe plant was at its tallest, but because the ear weight continuedto rise the ‘self-weight’ moment pushing the plantover continued to increase. This meant that the ‘safetyfactors’ of both cultivars against both root and stemmechanical failure decreased throughout development. In bothcultivars the safety factors against root failure were lowerthan for stem failure, and Galahad had lower factors of safetythan Hereward. All these findings were consistent with resultsof field trials; failure tends to occur late in development,during grain filling, and is localized to the root system, whilstGalahad is more prone to lodging than Hereward. The pattern of mechanical development of winter wheat seemsto be one which would maximize its reproductive success, maintainingits structural integrity especially early in development whileinvesting in a minimum of structural material. Key words: Safety factor, anchorage, lodging, biomechan-ics, structural development  相似文献   
The ability to accurately predict the load-bearing capacity of tree forks would improve tree surveying and tree surgery techniques and assist with the biomechanical modelling of a tree’s structure. In this study, the bending strength of forks of hazel (Corylus avellana L.) was investigated by assessing the mechanical contributions from three component parts of each fork. Intact forks and ones in which either central or peripheral xylem lying under the branch bark ridge at the apex of the forks had been removed were subjected to tensile tests. The bending strength of these forks was compared with that of the arising branches by carrying out a three-point bending test on the smaller arising branches of the intact specimens. All forks failed in tension, splitting between the arising branches. By removing the centrally placed xylem, constituting approximately a fifth of the width of the fracture surface, the forks’ bending strength was reduced by around 32 %, while removing the outer four-fifths reduced the forks’ bending strength by 49 %. Intact forks had around 74 % of the maximum bending strength of the smaller arising branch. It is concluded that the tensile strength of the centrally placed xylem at the apex of a tree fork is a critical strengthening component. This helps to explain the weakness of forks with included bark, which lack this component. This study concludes that tree forks should not by default be considered flaws in a tree’s structure.  相似文献   
A major goal of evolutionary biology is to determine the mechanisms generating biodiversity. In Begonia, one of the largest plant genera (1900+ species), it has been postulated that the high number of endemic species is a by‐product of low gene flow among populations, which predisposes the group to speciation. However, this model of divergence requires that reproductive barriers accumulate rapidly among diverging species that overlap in their geographic ranges, otherwise speciation will be opposed by homogenizing gene flow in zones of secondary contact. Here, we test the outcomes of secondary contact in Begonia by genotyping multiple sympatric sites with 12 nuclear and seven plastid loci. We show that three sites of secondary contact between B. heracleifolia and B. nelumbiifolia are highly structured, mostly containing parental genotypes, with few F1 hybrids. A sympatric site between B. heracleifolia and B. sericoneura contains a higher proportion of F1s, but little evidence of introgression. The lack of later‐generation hybrids contrasts with that documented in many other plant taxa, where introgression is extensive. Our results, in conjunction with previous genetic work, show that Begonia demonstrate properties making them exceptionally prone to speciation, at multiple stages along the divergence continuum. Not only are populations weakly connected by gene flow, promoting allopatric speciation, but species often show strong reproductive barriers in secondary contact. Whether similar mechanisms contribute to diversification in other large genera remains to be tested.  相似文献   
Pinus chiapensis (Pinaceae) is a large conifer, endemic to central and southern Mexico and north-western Guatemala. In order to assess the extent of genetic variation within and between populations of this species, samples were obtained from throughout the natural range and analysed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and mtDNA RFLPs markers. Probes for the CoxI mitochondrial gene enabled two mitotypes to be observed. Populations from the eastern and western limit of the range of the species were fixed for one mitotype ('A'), whereas two populations distributed near the centre of the range were fixed for another ('B'). When the samples were screened with eight 10-mer RAPD primers, a total of 12 polymorphic bands were detected. The proportion of polymorphic bands was unusually low (24.5%) compared with other tree species. AMOVA analysis indicated that a significant proportion of the variation (P < 0.002) was distributed between populations; the extent of population differentiation detected (Phi(st) = 0.226; G(ST ) = 0.194) was exceptionally high for a pine species. Pair-wise comparison of Phi(st) values derived from AMOVA indicated that populations were significantly (P < 0.05) different from each other in virtually every case. These results are interpreted in the context of the evolutionary history of the species, and the implications for its in- and ex situ conservation are discussed.  相似文献   
Rendell S  Ennos RA 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(10):2681-2688
Variation in the chloroplast genome of Ilex aquifolium (English holly), a dioecious evergreen tree native to south, west and central Europe, was analysed using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR-RFLPs) and microsatellites. Differentiation between populations was high (GST = 0.595) and evidence for phylogeographical structure was detected (NST = 0.697, significantly higher than GST). Two chloroplast lineages were inferred originating from putative glacial refugia in southern Europe (Iberia, Italy and possibly the Balkans). The GST value was higher than reported for endozoochorous hermaphrodite species and for anemochorous dioecious species investigated over a similar geographical scale. It appears that dioecy has contributed to strong differentiation between refugia and that this has been maintained following postglacial recolonization as a result of limited seed flow. Palynological records for I. aquifolium are poor, thus these results give an important insight into patterns of glacial isolation and postglacial recolonization of this species.  相似文献   
Modelling the hydrodynamic resistance of bordered pits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies of the hydrodynamics of plant stems have shown that resistance to flow through bordered pits on the side walls of tracheids makes up a significant proportion of their total resistance, and that this proportion increases with tracheid diameter. This suggests a possible reason why tracheids with a diameter above around 100 microm have failed to evolve. This possibility has been investigated by obtaining an estimate for the resistance of a single pit, and incorporating it into analytical models of tracheid resistance and wood resistivity. The hydrodynamic resistance of the bordered pits of Tsuga canadensis was investigated using large-scale physical models. The importance of individual components of the pit were investigated by comparing the resistance of models with different pore sizes in their pit membrane, and with or without the torus and border. The estimate for the resistance of a real bordered pit was 1.70x10(15) Pa s m(-3). Resistance of pits varied with morphology as might be predicted; the resistance was inversely proportional to the pore size to the power of 0.715; removing the torus reduced resistance by 28%, while removal of the torus and border together reduced it by 72%. It was estimated that in a 'typical tracheid' pit resistance should account for 29% of the total. Incorporating the results into the model for the resistivity of wood showed that resistivity should fall as tracheid diameter increases. However, to minimize resistance wider tracheids would also need to be proportionally much longer. It is suggested that the diameter of tracheids in conifers is limited by upper limits to cell length or cell volume. This limitation is avoided by angiosperms because they can digest away the ends of their cells to produce long, wide vessels composed of many short cells.  相似文献   
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