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The role of compost microflora in the suppression of salmonella regrowth in composted sewage sludge was investigated. Microbial inhibition studies of salmonella growth were conducted on nutrient agar, in composts that had been subjected to different temperatures in compost piles, and in radiation sterilized composts inoculated with selected fractions of the compost microflora. Agar assays of inhibition indicated that bacteria and actinomycetes were not suppressive to salmonellae, but a few fungi were. However, compost inoculation assays showed consistently that fungi were not suppressive, but bacteria and actinomycetes were. In compost inoculation assays, microbial antagonists, when present, either killed salmonellae or reduced their growth rate. No suppression of salmonellae occurred in compost taken from 70°C compost-pile zones despite the presence and growth of many types of microbes. With greater numbers and kinds of microbes in 55°C compost, salmonella growth was suppressed 100–10,000-fold. Salmonellae died when inoculated into compost from unheated zones (25–40°C) of piles. Prior colonization of compost with only noncoliform gram-negative bacteria suppressed salmonellae growth 3,000-fold. Coliforms when inoculated prior to salmonellae accounted for 75% of salmonella die-off. Mesophilic curing to allow colonization of curing piles in their entirety by gram-negative bacteria, especially coliforms, should be an effective way to prevent repopulation by salmonellae.  相似文献   
Composted sewage sludge may be used to improve soil quality, but there remains some doubt concerning the microbiological safety of the product. Sewage sludge composts from 30 municipalities were sampled, and four samples (12%) contained salmonellae (two contained fewer than 0.3/g, and the other two had 21/g and 1.7 X 10(4)/g). All 30 composts were inoculated with salmonellae; the populations decreased at a specific death rate of about 0.15 h-1 over 24 h at 36 degrees C. In irradiation-sterilized composts inoculated with salmonellae, the salmonellae grew at a rate of 0.65 doublings per h for over 24 h. Growth and death rates were found to be moisture and flora associated. The growth or death rates for antibiotic-resistant salmonellae were not different from those of nonresistant strains. It was concluded that the active indigenous flora of compost establishes a homeostatic barrier to colonization by salmonellae, and in the absence of competing flora, reinoculated salmonellae may grow to potentially hazardous densities. The active microflora of moist composts eliminated contaminating salmonellae (10(5)/g) after 6 weeks.  相似文献   
Sikora  L. J.  Enkiri  N. K. 《Plant and Soil》2001,235(1):65-73
Composts are considered low analysis fertilizers because their nitrogen and phosphorus content are around 1% and the organic nitrogen mineralization rate is near 10%. If compost is added to agricultural land at the N requirement of grain crops (40 – 100 kg N ha–1), application rates approach 40–100 mg ha–1. Much lower rates may be advisable to avoid rapid accumulation of growth limiting constituents such as heavy metals found in some composts. Combining low amendment rates of composts with sufficient fertilizer to meet crop requirements is an appealing alternative which (a) utilizes composts at lower rates than those needed to supply all the crop N requirement, (b) reduces the amount of inorganic fertilizer applied to soils, and (c) reduces the accumulation of non-nutrient compost constituents in soils. A study was conducted to compare the effects of blends of biosolids compost (C) with 15N urea(U) or 15NH4 15NO3 (N) fertilizers to fertilizer alone on tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea L.) growth and N uptake. Blends which provided 0, 20, 40 or 60 mg N kg–1 application rate as compost N and 120, 100, 80 or 60 mg N kg–1 as fertilizer N, respectively, were added to Sassafras soil (Typic Hapludults). Fescue was grown on the blends in a growth chamber for 98 days. Fescue yields recorded by clippings taken at 23, 46 and 98 days and roots harvested after the 98-day clipping increased with increasing fertilizer level for both NH4NO3 and urea and with or without compost. Nitrogen uptake by fescue responded similarly to yield with increases recorded with increasing fertilizer levels with or without compost. Paired comparisons based on cumulative 98-day clippings data showed that yields from blends were equal to yields from fertilizer treatments containing the same percentage of fertilizer as the blends. These data indicated that compost did not provide sufficient plant-available N to increase yields or N uptake. None of the blends equaled 120 mg N kg–1 fertilizer rate except for 100 mg NH4NO3-or urea-N kg–1 –20 mg compost-N kg–1blends. The data suggest that biosolids compost blended with fertilizer at a rate of 2–6 mg ha –1 did not supply sufficient additional available N to increase yields or N uptake over those of fertilizer alone.  相似文献   
The use of polyurethane foam appears to be efficient to extract hydrophobic pollutants from aqueous media. Their adsorption is the result of spontaneous hydrophobic interactions with the foam. The rate of adsorption is a function of the diffusion of the molecules into the foam as well as their hydrophilic/lipophilic balance. A mixture of different molecules modifies the adsorption capacities of each type of molecule on the foam, probably resulting from stacking phenomena between the molecules. The Pseudomonas species can grow in the presence of the polyurethane foam and be adsorbed on it. Moreover, a strain of Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes, tested in this study, can use adsorbed biphenyl as the sole carbon source. Polyurethane foam therefore shows favorable characteristic for being chosen as a method of concentrating aromatic compounds and optimizing the rate of degradation of these molecules by bacteria.  相似文献   
Incorporation of various diazenes into Trypticase soy media appeared selectively to permit the growth of pseudomonads while inhibiting the growth of a variety of enterobacteria. One of these diazenes, diamide (diazenedicarboxylic acid bisdimethylamide), was shown to be bactericidal for pure cultures of Escherichia coli, Proteus sp., and Salmonella enteritidis and to cause a 1- to 2-hr delay in the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. When mixtures of these four organisms were inoculated into Trypticase soy broth or Trypticase soy agar (TSA) containing diamide, P. aeruginosa grew in overnight cultures. TSA containing diamide was also used successfully to isolate pseudomonads from soil, clinical urine specimens, fish, ground beef, ground pork, and ground veal.  相似文献   
Salmonellae in the environment remain a potential source of disease. Low numbers of salmonellae have been detected and enumerated from environmental samples by most-probable-number methods which require careful colony selection from a plated agar medium. A modified xylose lysine brilliant green medium was prepared to control the loss of selectivity caused by heating the brilliant green component. Added agar reduced colony spreading. The medium contained 47 g of xylose lysine agar base per liter; the agar content was adjusted to 2%, autoclaved, cooled to 50 degrees C, and then amended just before pouring to include H2S indicator and 7 ppm (7 ml of 1:1,000 brilliant green per liter) of unheated brilliant green dye. H2S-positive salmonellae were easily detected from sewage sludge compost to the exclusion of most other gram-negative bacteria. As a result, fewer non-salmonellae were picked for further most-probable-number analysis, greatly reducing the work load associated with the most-probable-number method. Direct plating was possible for enumerating salmonellae in laboratory composts containing ca. 10(3) or more salmonellae.  相似文献   
S. enteritidis ser. montevideo were grown in composted sewage sludge to levels of approximately 109/g. These bacteria were found to be inactivated by ionizing radiation at approximately the same rate (30 krads/log) as Salmonella species in liquid digested sludge.  相似文献   
Composting can eliminate pathogenic organisms, including salmonellae, from sewage sludge. However, if salmonellae are present in the compost at undetectable levels or are inoculated into the compost by infected animals or from other sources, they may regrow presenting a health hazard for certain uses of compost. In this study, we examined dilute mineral-salt extracts of three composts from widely separate composting sites in the United States and found that they supported growth ofSalmonella typhimurium. From kinetic studies of the growth of the organism on these extracts, we concluded that each compost produced on extraction a single water-soluble substrate and that the substrates from the different composts were very similar, if not identical.We thank J. Robert Burge, Statistical Consulting and Analysis, ARS, USDA for invaluable help with the statistical analyses, and Alice V. Gibson of our laboratory for technical help.  相似文献   
S. enteritidis ser. montevideo were grown in composted sewage sludge to levels of approximately 10(9)/g. These bacteria were found to be inactivated by ionizing radiation at approximately the same rate (30 krads/log) as Salmonella species in liquid digested sludge.  相似文献   
Composted sewage sludge may be used to improve soil quality, but there remains some doubt concerning the microbiological safety of the product. Sewage sludge composts from 30 municipalities were sampled, and four samples (12%) contained salmonellae (two contained fewer than 0.3/g, and the other two had 21/g and 1.7 X 10(4)/g). All 30 composts were inoculated with salmonellae; the populations decreased at a specific death rate of about 0.15 h-1 over 24 h at 36 degrees C. In irradiation-sterilized composts inoculated with salmonellae, the salmonellae grew at a rate of 0.65 doublings per h for over 24 h. Growth and death rates were found to be moisture and flora associated. The growth or death rates for antibiotic-resistant salmonellae were not different from those of nonresistant strains. It was concluded that the active indigenous flora of compost establishes a homeostatic barrier to colonization by salmonellae, and in the absence of competing flora, reinoculated salmonellae may grow to potentially hazardous densities. The active microflora of moist composts eliminated contaminating salmonellae (10(5)/g) after 6 weeks.  相似文献   
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