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Hydrobiologia - A high number of grayling (Thymallus) species have been described from the Altai-Sayan mountain region, for which little to no genetic information is available. We investigated...  相似文献   

Among fishes, salmonids (family Salmonidae) have attracted a great deal of research attention focused on sexual dimorphism and associated selective forces. Most of this research has been directed toward anadromous and mostly semelparous salmon and trout (Oncorhynchus, Salmo), and comparatively little is known about intersexual variability in strictly iteroparous freshwater salmonids. We examined a comprehensive data set of 28 linear morphometric characters in 11 of 15 currently recognised species of grayling (Thymallinae, Thymallus), a genus consisting of iteroparous species only, to identify general patterns of intersexual morphological variability. Overall, we found that all grayling species show common sex-specific traits particularly relating to size dimensions of the dorsal, anal, pelvic and pectoral fins. Although the magnitude of sexual dimorphism differed among species, there was no significant phylogenetic signal associated with these differences across the genus. These results are discussed in terms of the assumed selection pressures driving sexual dimorphism in graylings and are compared to existing knowledge in Salmonidae as a whole where similarities and differences with both Salmoninae and Coregoninae exist. The present study provides the first detailed genus-wide comparison of sexually dimorphic phenotypic characters in graylings, and highlights the need for more large-scale comparative studies in multiple salmonid species to better understand general macroevolutionary trends among this important group of freshwater fishes.

Carbohydrates can be rapidly trifluoroacetylated in a homogeneous medium using N-methylbis(trifluoroacetamide). The derivatives in the reaction mixture were stable during 72 h and the mixture could be used directly for g.l.c. The use of a polar and thermally stable stationary phase (Dexsil 410) permitted analysis of mixtures of trifluoroacetylated cyclitols, hexoses, and alditols, as well as the detection of oligosaccharides up to hexasaccharides.  相似文献   
Bei der Untersuchung der Fructosepolymeren (Fructane) einiger Arten der Pooideae fielen 4 charakteristische und deutlich verschiedene Gruppen auf, die nach maximalem und mittlerem Polymerisationsgrad unterschieden werden können:
  • 1 . Es werden keine Fructane aufgebaut. Hauptkohlehydrate sind Stärke und Saccharose.
  • 2 . Es werden nur niedermolekulare Fructane aufgebaut. Als Speicherstoff tritt zusätzlich Stärke auf.
  • 3 . Es treten Fructane mit einer breiten Molekulargewichtsverteilung (3–200 Fructosylreste) auf.
  • 4 . Es treten nur hochpolymere Fructane (40–300 Fructosylreste) auf, daneben kommt Saccharose in großen Mengen vor.
Dieses Merkmal erweist sich auch im Jahresverlauf als sehr konstant und ist unabhängig von den beträchtlichen quantitativen saisonalen Schwankungen des Fructangehalts. Hinweise auf ökologische oder systematische Schwerpunkte dieser Gruppen werden erörtert.  相似文献   

Specific concepts of fluvial ecology are well studied in riverine ecosystems of the temperate zone but poorly investigated in the Afrotropical region. Hence, we examined the longitudinal zonation of fish and adult caddisfly (Trichoptera) assemblages in the endorheic Awash River (1,250 km in length), Ethiopia. We expected that species assemblages are structured along environmental gradients, reflecting the pattern of large-scale freshwater ecoregions. We applied multivariate statistical methods to test for differences in spatial species assemblage structure and identified characteristic taxa of the observed biocoenoses by indicator species analyses. Fish and caddisfly assemblages were clustered into highland and lowland communities, following the freshwater ecoregions, but separated by an ecotone with highest biodiversity. Moreover, the caddisfly results suggest separating the heterogeneous highlands into a forested and a deforested zone. Surprisingly, the Awash drainage is rather species-poor: only 11 fish (1 endemic, 2 introduced) and 28 caddisfly species (8 new records for Ethiopia) were recorded from the mainstem and its major tributaries. Nevertheless, specialized species characterize the highland forests, whereas the lowlands primarily host geographically widely distributed species. This study showed that a combined approach of fish and caddisflies is a suitable method for assessing regional characteristics of fluvial ecosystems in the tropics.

Malate dehydrogenases from the thermoacidophilic Archaebacteria Thermoplasma acidophilum and Sulfolobus acidocaldarius have been crystallized and characterized by X-ray diffraction measurements. Crystals of the enzyme from T. acidophilum display space-group symmetry P2(1), a = 63 A, b = 135 A, c = 83 A and beta = 105 degrees; they scattered to approximately 4 A resolution. Two crystal modifications of malate dehydrogenase from S. acidocaldarius were characterized; one displayed trigonal symmetry corresponding to space groups P321, P3(1)21 or P3(2)21 with lattice parameters a = 151 A and c = 248 A and with resolution approximately to 5 A, whereas the other modification displayed space group symmetry I23 or I2(1)3 with lattice parameters a = 129 A and approximately 4.5 A resolution.  相似文献   
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