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Pigment types in sheep, goats, and llamas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pigment types in various colors of fiber from sheep, goats, and llamas were assayed by a method using high performance liquid chromatography. In these three species the black/gray group is due to eumelanin, which is fully intense in all three species. Red phenotypes are due to pheomelanin and fade considerably with age in fiber from sheep and goats, but not in llamas. This phenomenon has implications on the genetic mechanisms used in generating white fiber. Brown phenotypes in sheep are due to eumelanin, in goats these phenotypes are equivocal, and they were not observed in llamas.  相似文献   
Hair samples of various colors of horses were analyzed for content of both eumelanin and pheomelanin by a procedure using high performance liquid chromatography. The results are in accord with generally accepted genetic hypotheses accounting for the various colors. However, the results support the hypothesis that the chestnut/sorrel group of colors is conditioned by the extension locus, not the brown locus. The results also indicate that the brown locus is a likely contributor to some rare color phenotypes.  相似文献   
Europium(III) binding to 9-kDa calbindin from pig intestines was studied by direct excitation of the 7Fo----5Do transition of the ion and by near-ultraviolet circular dichroic spectroscopy. Europium(III) binding is clearly biphasic. As with other lanthanides the C-terminal metal-binding site (site II) is filled first. The europium ion in this site gives an excitation spectrum with a single peak at 579.1 nm (peak 2). The occupation of the N-terminal site (site I) by europium gives excitation spectra that are pH-dependent and show a peak at 579.4 nm (peak 1a) at pH 5 which shifts to 578.7 nm (peak 1b) over the pH range 5-7. At pH 8.07 the fluorescence from europium in site I largely disappears because of weak binding, whereas that from site II is quenched by about 75% in spite of full occupancy of the site as shown by circular dichroic titration. There is a strong interaction between the two sites in spite of the very different affinities. The fluorescence from site II increases stoichiometrically with the addition not only of the first equivalent of europium, but also concomitantly with the fluorescence from site I upon addition of the second equivalent. Furthermore, when Eu1-calbindin is titrated with calcium the fluorescence at 579.1 nm is quenched by about 30% during the addition of one equivalent of calcium which fills site I. Subsequent titration with large excesses of calcium displaces europium from site II. The affinity of site II for europium is about 100 times that of calcium under these conditions.  相似文献   
An affinity purification procedure was developed for the cytosolic epoxide hydrolase based upon the selective binding of the enzyme to immobilized methoxycitronellyl thiol. Several elution systems were examined, but the most successful system employed selective elution with a chalcone oxide. This affinity system allowed the purification of the cytosolic epoxide hydrolase activity from livers of both control and clofibrate-fed mice. A variety of biochemical techniques including pH dependence, substrate preference, kinetics, inhibition, amino acid analysis, peptide mapping, Western blotting, analytical isoelectric focusing, and gel permeation chromatography failed to distinguish between the enzymes purified from control and clofibrate-fed animals. The quantitative removal of the cytosolic epoxide hydrolase acting on trans-stilbene oxide from 100,000g supernatants, allowed analysis of remaining activities acting differentially on cis-stilbene oxide and benzo[a]pyrene 4,5-oxide. Such analysis indicated the existence of a novel epoxide hydrolase activity in the cytosol of mouse liver preparations.  相似文献   
The SUC gene family of Saccharomyces contains six structural genes for invertase (SUC1 through SUC5 and SUC7) which are located on different chromosomes. Most yeast strains do not carry all six SUC genes and instead carry natural negative (suc0) alleles at some or all SUC loci. We determined the physical structures of SUC and suc0 loci. Except for SUC2, which is an unusual member of the family, all of the SUC genes are located very close to telomeres and are flanked by homologous sequences. On the centromere-proximal side of the gene, the conserved region contains X sequences, which are sequences found adjacent to telomeres (C. S. M. Chan and B.-K. Tye, Cell 33:563-573, 1983). On the other side of the gene, the homology includes about 4 kilobases of flanking sequence and then extends into a Y' element, which is an element often found distal to the X sequence at telomeres (Chan and Tye, Cell 33:563-573, 1983). Thus, these SUC genes and flanking sequences are embedded in telomere-adjacent sequences. Chromosomes carrying suc0 alleles (except suc20) lack SUC structural genes and portions of the conserved flanking sequences. The results indicate that the dispersal of SUC genes to different chromosomes occurred by rearrangements of chromosome telomeres.  相似文献   
Glial fibrillary acidic protein in regenerating teleost spinal cord   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immunohistological and ultrastructural studies were carried out on normal and regenerating spinal cord of the gymnotid Sternarchus albifrons, and in the brain and spinal cord of the goldfish Carassius auratus, to examine the distribution of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in these tissues. Sections of normal goldfish brain and spinal cord exhibited positive staining for GFAP. In normal Sternarchus spinal cord, electron microscopy has revealed filament-filled astrocytic processes; however, such astrocytic profiles were more numerous in regenerated cord. Likewise, while normal Sternarchus spinal cord showed only a small amount of GFAP staining, regenerated cords were strongly positive for GFAP. Positive staining with anti-GFAP was observed along the entire length of the regenerated cord in Sternarchus, and was especially strong in the transition zone between regenerated and unregenerated cord. Both regeneration of neurites and production of new neuronal cell bodies occur readily in such regenerating Sternarchus spinal cords (Anderson MJ, Waxman SG: J Hirnforsch 24: 371, 1983). These results demonstrate that the presence of GFAP and reactive astrocytes in Sternarchus spinal cord does not prevent neuronal regeneration in this species.  相似文献   
A membrane enzyme reactor with simultaneous separation was investigated. Enzymes, urease and aspartase, were immobilized by a porous polytetrafluoroethylene membrane. Electrical field was applied in the medium while the reaction was carried out. Products with electrical charge could be separated through the membrane from the reaction medium as they were formed. Reaction behavior was analyzed by a simple model considering both pore-migration and reaction in the skelton of the membrane. According to the analysis the inherent reaction rate of the immobilized enzymes decreases significantly. This is probably caused by the structural variation of enzymes. For the case of urease, the change of pH inside the membrane may also cause the decrease of the reaction rate. The model analysis showed that the enzyme content in the membrane and the residence time of the substrate in the membrane governed overall extent of reaction.List of Symbols e g (dm3)–1 enzyme concentration in the membrane - L cm membrane thickness - K m mM Michaelis constant - Rate mmol · min–1 · g–1 rate of product formation per unit weight of enzyme - S mM substrate concentration - S in mM inlet substrate concentration - S out mM outlet substrate concentration - u cm · min–1 migration rate - V V voltage between the electrodes - V m mmol · min–1 · g–1 maximum reaction rate - X conversion - z cm distance from the surface inside the membrane - void fraction of the porous membrane - tortuosity of the membrane - min space time  相似文献   
We examined the effects of the inhaled parasympatholytic agent atropine and the sympathomimetic agent salbutamol on partitioned frictional pressure (Pfr) losses to the site of flow limitation (choke point, CP) in dogs to see how changes brought about by these agents would affect maximum expiratory flow (Vmax) and response to breathing 80% He-20% O2 (delta Vmax) in terms of wave-speed theory of flow limitation. In open-chest dogs, a Pitot-static tube was advanced down the right lower lobe to locate CP, to determine CP lateral and end-on pressures (PE), and to partition the airway into peripheral (alveoli to sublobar) and central (sublobar to CP) segments. Measurements were obtained at approximately 50% vital capacity. After inhalation, CP locations were unchanged with both bronchodilating agents. After atropine inhalation, Pfr central was decreased by one-half compared with base line. Despite the decrease in Pfr central, however, Vmax failed to increase after atropine because of altered bronchial area pressure (BAP) behavior at the CP site. After salbutamol inhalation, Pfr peripheral was reduced by about one-half compared with base line. However, Vmax failed to increase, because this reduction was too small to significantly increase the CP pressure head (i.e., PE). delta Vmax was also insensitive to these agents. Our results show mechanisms by which small changes in Pfr, as well as the complex interaction of changes in Pfr and BAP, may limit the use of Vmax in detecting bronchodilation at different airway sites.  相似文献   
Phosphofructokinase (PFK) catalyzes the rate-limiting step of glycolysis. Deficiency of the muscle enzyme is manifested by exercise intolerance and a compensated hemolytic anemia. Case reports of this autosomal recessive disease suggest a predominance in Ashkenazi Jews in the United States. We have explored the genetic basis for this illness in nine affected families and surveyed the normal Ashkenazi population for the mutations we have found. Genomic DNA was amplified using PCR, and denaturing gradient-gel electrophoresis was used to localize exons with possible mutations. The polymorphic exons were sequenced or digested with restriction enzymes. A previously described splicing mutation, delta 5, accounted for 11 (61%) of 18 abnormal alleles in the nine families. A single base deletion leading to a frameshift mutation in exon 22 (delta C-22) was found in six of seven alleles. A third mutation, resulting in a nonconservative amino acid substitution in exon 4, accounted for the remaining allele. Thus, three mutations could account for all illness in this group, and two mutations could account for 17 of 18 alleles. In screening 250 normal Ashkenazi individuals for all three mutations, we found only one delta 5 allele. Clinical data revealed no correlation between the particular mutations and symptoms, but male patients were more symptomatic than females, and only males had frank hemolysis and hyperuricemia. Because PFK deficiency in Ashkenazi Jews is caused by a limited number of mutations, screening genomic DNA from peripheral blood for the described mutations in this population should enable rapid diagnosis without muscle biopsy.  相似文献   
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