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Ninety-two strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated from a Malaysian food ingredient, chili bo, stored for up to 25 days at 28°C with no benzoic acid (product A) or with 7,000 mg of benzoic acid kg−1 (product B). The strains were divided into eight groups by traditional phenotypic tests. A total of 43 strains were selected for comparison of their sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) whole-cell protein patterns with a SDS-PAGE database of LAB. Isolates from product A were identified as Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus farciminis, Pediococcus acidilactici, Enterococcus faecalis, and Weissella confusa. Five strains belonging to clusters which could not be allocated to existing species by SDS-PAGE were further identified by 16S rRNA sequence comparison. One strain was distantly related to the Lactobacillus casei/Pediococcus group. Two strains were related to Weissella at the genus or species level. Two other strains did not belong to any previously described 16S rRNA group of LAB and occupied an intermediate position between the L. casei/Pediococcus group and the Weissella group and species of Carnobacterium. The latter two strains belong to the cluster of LAB that predominated in product B. The incidence of new species and subspecies of LAB in chili bo indicate the high probability of isolation of new LAB from certain Southeast Asian foods. None of the isolates exhibited bacteriocin activity against L. plantarum ATCC 14917 and LMG 17682.  相似文献   


Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTL) recognize complexes of peptide ligands and Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class I molecules presented at the surface of Antigen Presenting Cells (APC). Detection and isolation of CTL''s are of importance for research on CTL immunity, and development of vaccines and adoptive immune therapy. Peptide-MHC tetramers have become important reagents for detection and enumeration of specific CTL''s. Conventional peptide-MHC-tetramer production involves recombinant MHC production, in vitro refolding, biotinylation and tetramerization; each step followed by various biochemical steps such as chromatographic purification, concentration etc. Such cumbersome production protocols have limited dissemination and restricted availability of peptide-MHC tetramers effectively precluding large-scale screening strategies involving many different peptide-MHC tetramers.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have developed an approach whereby any given tetramer specificity can be produced within 2 days with very limited effort and hands-on time. The strategy is based on the isolation of correctly oxidized, in vivo biotinylated recombinant MHC I heavy chain (HC). Such biotinylated MHC I HC molecules can be refolded in vitro, tetramerized with streptavidin, and used for specific T cell staining-all in a one-pot reaction without any intervening purification steps.


We have developed an efficient “one-pot, mix-and-read” strategy for peptide-MHC tetramer generation, and demonstrated specific T cell straining comparable to a commercially available MHC-tetramer. Here, seven peptide-MHC tetramers representing four different human MHC (HLA) class I proteins have been generated. The technique should be readily extendable to any binding peptide and pre-biotinylated MHC (at this time we have over 40 different pre-biotinylated HLA proteins). It is simple, robust, and versatile technique with a very broad application potential as it can be adapted both to small- and large-scale production of one or many different peptide-MHC tetramers for T cell isolation, or epitope screening.  相似文献   
Fluorescent proteins (FPs) are widely used in biochemistry, biology and biophysics. For quantitative analysis of gene expression FPs are often used as marking molecules. Therefore, sufficient knowledge of maturation times and their affecting factors is of high interest. Here, we investigate the maturation process of the FPs GFP and mCherry expressed by the three closely related Escherichia coli strains of the Colicin E2 system, a model system for colicinogenic interaction. One strain, the C strain produces Colicin, a toxin to which the S strain is sensitive, and against which the R strain is resistant. Under the growth conditions used in this study, the S and R strain have similar growth rates, as opposed to the C strain whose growth rate is significantly reduced due to the toxin production. In combination with theoretical modelling we studied the maturation kinetics of the two FPs in these strains and could confirm an exponential and sigmoidal maturation kinetic for GFP and mCherry, respectively. Our subsequent quantitative experimental analysis revealed a high variance in maturation times independent of the strain studied. In addition, we determined strain dependent maturation times and maturation behaviour. Firstly, FPs expressed by the S and R strain mature on similar average time-scales as opposed to FPs expressed by the C strain. Secondly, dependencies of maturation time with growth conditions are most pronounced in the GFP expressing C strain: Doubling the growth rate of this C strain results in an increased maturation time by a factor of 1.4. As maturation times can vary even between closely related strains, our data emphasize the importance of profound knowledge of individual strains'' maturation times for accurate interpretation of gene expression data.  相似文献   


Two-component signal transduction systems are one means of bacteria to respond to external stimuli. The LiaFSR two-component system of Bacillus subtilis consists of a regular two-component system LiaRS comprising the core Histidine Kinase (HK) LiaS and the Response Regulator (RR) LiaR and additionally the accessory protein LiaF, which acts as a negative regulator of LiaRS-dependent signal transduction. The complete LiaFSR system was shown to respond to various peptide antibiotics interfering with cell wall biosynthesis, including bacitracin.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Here we study the response of the LiaFSR system to various concentrations of the peptide antibiotic bacitracin. Using quantitative fluorescence microscopy, we performed a whole population study analyzed on the single cell level. We investigated switching from the non-induced ‘OFF’ state into the bacitracin-induced ‘ON’ state by monitoring gene expression of a fluorescent reporter from the RR-regulated liaI promoter. We found that switching into the ‘ON’ state occurred within less than 20 min in a well-defined switching window, independent of the bacitracin concentration. The switching rate and the basal expression rate decreased at low bacitracin concentrations, establishing clear heterogeneity 60 min after bacitracin induction. Finally, we performed time-lapse microscopy of single cells confirming the quantitative response as obtained in the whole population analysis for high bacitracin concentrations.


The LiaFSR system exhibits an immediate, heterogeneous and graded response to the inducer bacitracin in the exponential growth phase.  相似文献   
Activation of blood platelets by physiological stimuli (e.g. thrombin, ADP) at sites of vascular injury induces inside-out signaling, resulting in a conformational change of the prototype integrin alphaIIbbeta3 from an inactive to an active state competent to bind soluble fibrinogen. Furthermore, ligand occupancy of alphaIIbbeta3 initiates outside-in signaling and additional conformational changes of the receptor, leading to the exposure of extracellular neoepitopes termed ligand-induced binding sites (LIBS), which are recognized by anti-LIBS monoclonal antibodies. To date, the mechanism of bidirectional transmembrane signaling of alphaIIbbeta3 has not been established. In this study, using our newly developed anti-LIBScyt1 monoclonal antibody, we showed that extracellular ligand binding to alphaIIbbeta3 on blood platelets induces a transmembrane conformational change in alphaIIbbeta3, thereby exposing the LIBScyt1 epitope in the alphaIIb cytoplasmic sequence between Lys994 and Asp1003. In addition, a point mutation at this site (P998A/P999A) renders alphaIIbbeta3 constitutively active to bind extracellular ligands, resulting in fibrinogen-dependent cell-cell aggregation. Taken collectively, these results demonstrated that the extracellular ligand-binding site and a cytoplasmic LIBS epitope in integrin alphaIIbbeta3 are conformationally and functionally coupled. Such bidirectional modulation of alphaIIbbeta3 conformation across the cell membrane may play a key role in inside-out and outside-in signaling via this integrin.  相似文献   
The Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) gene VI product (P6) is a multifunctional protein essential for viral propagation. It is likely that at least some of these functions require P6 self-association. The work described here was performed to confirm that P6 self-associates and to identify domains involved in this interaction. Yeast two-hybrid analyses indicated that full-length P6 self-associates and that this interaction is specific. Additional analyses indicated that at least four independent domains bind to full-length P6. When a central domain (termed domain D3) was removed, these interactions were abolished. However, this deleted P6 was able to bind to the full-length wild-type protein and to isolated domain D3. Viruses lacking domain D3 were incapable of producing a systemic infection. Isolated domain D3 was capable of binding to at least two of the other domains but was unable to self-associate. This suggests that domain D3 facilitates P6 self-association by binding to the other domains but not itself. The presence of multiple domains involved in P6 self-association may help explain the ability of this protein to form the intracellular inclusions characteristic of caulimoviruses.  相似文献   
The "A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase" (ADAM) protein family and the "A Disintegrin-like And Metalloproteinase with ThromboSpondin motifs" (ADAMTS) protein family are two related families of human proteins. The similarities and differences between these two families have been investigated using phylogenetic trees and homology modeling. The phylogenetic analysis indicates that the two families are well differentiated, even when only the common metalloprotease domain is taken into account. Within the ADAM family, several proteins are lacking the binding motif for the catalytic zinc in the active site and thus presumably lack any catalytic activity. These proteins tend to cluster within the ADAM phylogenetic tree and are expressed in specific tissues, suggesting a functional differentiation. The present analysis allows us to propose the following: (i) ADAMTS proteins have a conserved role in the human organism as proteases, with some differentiation in terms of substrate specificity; (ii) ADAM proteins can act as proteases and/or mediators of intermolecular interactions; (iii) proteolytically active ADAMs tend to be more ubiquitously expressed than the inactive ones.  相似文献   
We hereby report on a mutational analysis of a novel natriuretic peptide (PNP), recently isolated by us from the Iranian snake venom. The PNP variant (mutPNP) with four substitutions (G16T, K18S, R21S, G23R) and a disulfide bonded ring shortened by 3 residues. mutPNP peptide was expressed in pET32 and purified by affinity separation on nickel resin followed by RP-HPLC chromatography. The conformation of mutPNP was characterized in solution by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, where it was found that the 14-residue disulfide bonded ring, like the 17-residue ring in PNP, retains a high degree of conformational flexibility. The conformation of mutPNP bound to NPR-C receptor was predicted by homology protein structure modeling. When injected intravenously into rats, mutPNP, in contrast to PNP had no physiological effect on blood pressure or on diuresis. The loss of physiological activity is explained in terms of the modeled bound conformation and the ensemble of solution conformations obtained using the NMR constraints.  相似文献   
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