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Insects in temperate regions are predicted to be at low risk of climate change relative to tropical species. However, these assumptions have generally been poorly examined in all regions, and such forecasting fails to account for microclimatic variation and behavioural optimisation. Here, we test how a population of the dominant ant species, Iridomyrmex purpureus, from temperate Australia responds to thermal stress. We show that ants regularly forage for short periods (minutes) at soil temperatures well above their upper thermal limits (upper lethal temperature = 45.8 ± 1.3 °C; CTmax = 46.1 °C) determined over slightly longer periods (hours) and do not show any signs of a classic thermal performance curve in voluntary locomotion across soil surface temperatures of 18.6–57°C (equating to a body temperature of 24.5–43.1 °C). Although ants were present all year round, and dynamically altered several aspects of their thermal biology to cope with low temperatures and seasonal variation, temperature-dependence of running speed remained invariant and ants were unable to elevate high temperature tolerance using plastic responses. Measurements of microclimate temperature were higher than ant body temperatures during the hottest part of the day, but exhibited a stronger relationship with each other than air temperatures from the closest weather station. Generally close associations of ant activity and performance with microclimatic conditions, possibly to maximise foraging times, suggest I. purpureus displays highly opportunistic thermal responses and readily adjusts behaviour to cope with high trail temperatures. Increasing frequency or duration of high temperatures is therefore likely to result in an immediate reduction in foraging efficiency. In summary, these results suggest that (1) soil-dwelling temperate insect populations may be at higher risks of thermal stress with increased frequency or duration of high temperatures resulting from climate change than previously thought, however, behavioural cues may be able to compensate to some extent; and (2) indices of climate change-related thermal stress, warming tolerance and thermal safety margin, are strongly influenced by the scale of climate metrics employed.  相似文献   
The spatial scale at which climate and species’ occupancy data are gathered, and the resolution at which ecological models are run, can strongly influence predictions of species performance and distributions. Running model simulations at coarse rather than fine spatial resolutions, for example, can determine if a model accurately predicts the distribution of a species. The impacts of spatial scale on a model's accuracy are particularly pronounced across mountainous terrain. Understanding how these discrepancies arise requires a modelling approach in which the underlying processes that determine a species’ distribution are explicitly described. Here we use a process‐based model to explore how spatial resolution, topography and behaviour alter predictions of a species thermal niche, which in turn constrains its survival and geographic distribution. The model incorporates biophysical equations to predict the operative temperature (Te), thermal‐dependent performance and survival of a typical insect, with a complex life‐cycle, in its microclimate. We run this model with geographic data from a mountainous terrain in South Africa using climate data at three spatial resolutions. We also explore how behavioural thermoregulation affects predictions of a species performance and survival by allowing the animal to select the optimum thermal location within each coarse‐grid cell. At the regional level, coarse‐resolution models predicted lower Te at low elevations and higher Te at high elevations than models run at fine‐resolutions. These differences were more prominent on steep, north‐facing slopes. The discrepancies in Te in turn affected estimates of the species thermal niche. The modelling framework revealed how spatial resolution and topography influence predictions of species distribution models, including the potential impacts of climate change. These systematic biases must be accounted for when interpreting the outputs of future modelling studies, particularly when species distributions are predicted to shift from uniform to topographically heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   
1. Groups of male Long Evans rats were sacrificed at the ages of 10, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 38 and 45 weeks. 2. The two epididymal fat pads from each rat in each group (4-5 rats) were excised for the preparation of adipocytes. 3. Cell suspensions were incubated in triplicate with each of seven norepinephrine concentrations ranging from 0.5694 to 569,400 nM. 4. Lipolytic responses are expressed as nmol glycerol released/microgram DNA/90 min. 5. The animals reached a peak response between the ages of 20 and 32 weeks. 6. Aging resulted in a gradual increase in the apparent affinity (Km) of the response yielding system for norepinephrine. 7. Initially an increase in the lipolytic capacity of the cells in response to norepinephrine, is observed, as reflected by the Vmax values up to an age of 20 weeks. 8. Vmax then stays relatively constant at elevated levels up to an age of 32 weeks, followed by an abrupt decrease with further aging.  相似文献   
Peripheral infection by Trypanosoma brucei, the protozoan responsible for sleeping sickness, activates lymphocytes, and, at later stages, causes meningoencephalitis. We have videoed the cortical meninges and superficial parenchyma of C56BL/6 reporter mice infected with T.b.brucei. By use of a two-photon microscope to image through the thinned skull, the integrity of the tissues was maintained. We observed a 47-fold increase in CD2+ T cells in the meninges by 12 days post infection (dpi). CD11c+ dendritic cells also increased, and extravascular trypanosomes, made visible either by expression of a fluorescent protein, or by intravenous injection of furamidine, appeared. The likelihood that invasion will spread from the meninges to the parenchyma will depend strongly on whether the trypanosomes are below the arachnoid membrane, or above it, in the dura. Making use of optical signals from the skull bone, blood vessels and dural cells, we conclude that up to 40 dpi, the extravascular trypanosomes were essentially confined to the dura, as were the great majority of the T cells. Inhibition of T cell activation by intraperitoneal injection of abatacept reduced the numbers of meningeal T cells at 12 dpi and their mean speed fell from 11.64 ± 0.34 μm/min (mean ± SEM) to 5.2 ± 1.2 μm/min (p = 0.007). The T cells occasionally made contact lasting tens of minutes with dendritic cells, indicative of antigen presentation. The population and motility of the trypanosomes tended to decline after about 30 dpi. We suggest that the lymphocyte infiltration of the meninges may later contribute to encephalitis, but have no evidence that the dural trypanosomes invade the parenchyma.  相似文献   
How the impacts of climate change on biological invasions will play out at the mechanistic level is not well understood. Two major hypotheses have been proposed: invasive species have a suite of traits that enhance their performance relative to indigenous ones over a reasonably wide set of circumstances; invasive species have greater phenotypic plasticity than their indigenous counterparts and will be better able to retain performance under altered conditions. Thus, two possibly independent, but complementary mechanistic perspectives can be adopted: based on trait means and on reaction norms. Here, to demonstrate how this approach might be applied to understand interactions between climate change and invasion, we investigate variation in the egg development times and their sensitivity to temperature amongst indigenous and introduced springtail species in a cool temperate ecosystem (Marion Island, 46°54′S 37°54′E) that is undergoing significant climate change. Generalized linear model analyses of the linear part of the development rate curves revealed significantly higher mean trait values in the invasive species compared to indigenous species, but no significant interactions were found when comparing the thermal reaction norms. In addition, the invasive species had a higher hatching success than the indigenous species at high temperatures. This work demonstrates the value of explicitly examining variation in trait means and reaction norms among indigenous and invasive species to understand the mechanistic basis of variable responses to climate change among these groups.  相似文献   
Critical thermal limits depend on methodological context   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A full-factorial study of the effects of rates of temperature change and start temperatures was undertaken for both upper and lower critical thermal limits (CTLs) using the tsetse fly, Glossina pallidipes. Results show that rates of temperature change and start temperatures have highly significant effects on CTLs, although the duration of the experiment also has a major effect. Contrary to a widely held expectation, slower rates of temperature change (i.e. longer experimental duration) resulted in poorer thermal tolerance at both high and low temperatures. Thus, across treatments, a negative relationship existed between duration and upper CTL while a positive relationship existed between duration and lower CTL. Most importantly, for predicting tsetse distribution, G. pallidipes suffer loss of function at less severe temperatures under the most ecologically relevant experimental conditions for upper (0.06 degrees C min(-1); 35 degrees C start temperature) and lower CTL (0.06 degrees C min(-1); 24 degrees C start temperature). This suggests that the functional thermal range of G. pallidipes in the wild may be much narrower than previously suspected, approximately 20-40 degrees C, and highlights their sensitivity to even moderate temperature variation. These effects are explained by limited plasticity of CTLs in this species over short time scales. The results of the present study have broad implications for understanding temperature tolerance in these and other terrestrial arthropods.  相似文献   
The fundamental equation of the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) indicates that most of the variation in metabolic rate are a consequence of variation in organismal size and environmental temperature. Although evolution is thought to minimize energy costs of nutrient transport, its effects on metabolic rate via adaptation, acclimatization or acclimation are considered small, and restricted mostly to variation in the scaling constant, b(0). This contrasts strongly with many conclusions of evolutionary physiology and life-history theory, making closer examination of the fundamental equation an important task for evolutionary biologists. Here we do so using scorpions as model organisms. First, we investigate the implications for the fundamental equation of metabolic rate variation and its temperature dependence in the scorpion Uroplectes carinatus following laboratory acclimation. During 22 days of acclimation at 25 degrees C metabolic rates declined significantly (from 127.4 to 78.2 microW; P = 0.0001) whereas mean body mass remained constant (367.9-369.1 mg; P = 0.999). In field-fresh scorpions, metabolic rate-temperature (MRT) relationships varied substantially within and among individuals, and therefore had low repeatability values (tau = 0.02) and no significant among-individual variation (P = 0.181). However, acclimation resulted in a decline in within-individual variation of MRT slopes which subsequently revealed significant differences among individuals (P = 0.0031) and resulted in a fourfold increase in repeatability values (tau = 0.08). These results highlight the fact that MRT relationships can show substantial, directional variation within individuals over time. Using a randomization model we demonstrate that the reduction in metabolic rate with acclimation while body mass remains constant causes a decline both in the value of the mass-scaling exponent and the coefficient of determination. Furthermore, interspecific comparisons of activation energy, E, demonstrated significant variation in scorpions (0.09-1.14 eV), with a mean value of 0.77 eV, significantly higher than the 0.6-0.7 eV predicted by the fundamental equation. Our results add to a growing body of work questioning both the theoretical basis and empirical support for the MTE, and suggest that alternative models of metabolic rate variation incorporating explicit consideration of life history evolution deserve further scrutiny.  相似文献   
Despite much focus on species responses to environmental variation through space and time, many higher taxa and geographic areas remain poorly studied. We report the effects of temperature acclimation on thermal tolerance, desiccation rate and metabolic rate for adult Chirodica chalcoptera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) collected from Protea nerifolia inflorescences in the Fynbos Biome in South Africa. After 7 days of acclimation at 12, 19 and 25 degrees C, critical thermal maxima (mean+/-s.e.: 41.8+/-0.2 degrees C in field-fresh beetles) showed less response (<1 degrees C change) to temperature acclimation than did the onset of the critical thermal minima (0.1+/-0.2, 1.0+/-0.2 and 2.3+/-0.2 degrees C, respectively). Freezing was lethal in C. chalcoptera (field-fresh SCP -14.6 degrees C) and these beetles also showed pre-freeze mortality. Survival of 2 h at -10.1 degrees C increased from 20% to 76% after a 2 h pre-exposure to -2 degrees C, indicating rapid cold hardening. Metabolic rate, measured at 25 degrees C and adjusted by ANCOVA for mass variation, did not differ between males and females (2.772+/-0.471 and 2.517+/-0.560 ml CO2 h(-1), respectively), but was higher in 25 degrees C-acclimated beetles relative to the field-fresh and 12 degrees C-acclimated beetles. Body water content and desiccation rate did not differ between males and females and did not respond significantly to acclimation. We place these data in the context of measured inflorescence and ambient temperatures, and predict that climate change for the region could have effects on this species, in turn possibly affecting local ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
This study presents the first physiological information for a member of the wingless Mantophasmatodea, or Heelwalkers. This species shows cyclic gas exchange with no evidence of a Flutter period (more typical of discontinuous gas exchange in insects) and no indication that the spiracles are fully occluded during quiescent metabolism. Standard metabolic rate at 20 degrees C was 21.32+/-2.73 microl CO(2)h(-1) (mean+/-S.E.), with a Q(10) (10-25 degrees C) of 1.7. Increases in V()CO(2) associated with variation in mass and with trial temperature were modulated by an increase in burst period volume and a decline in cycle frequency. Total water loss rate, determined by infrared gas analysis, was 0.876+/-0.08 mg H(2)Oh(-1) (range 0.602-1.577, n=11) whilst cuticular water loss rate, estimated by linear regression of total water loss rate and metabolic rate, was 0.618+/-0.09 mg H(2)Oh(-1) (range 0.341-1.363, n=11). Respiratory water loss rate was therefore no more than 29% of the total rate of water loss. Both total water loss rate and estimated cuticular water loss rate were significantly repeatable, with intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.745 and 0.553, respectively.  相似文献   
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