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Diploschistes hensseniae Lumbsch & Elix is described as new to science. It is characterized by its terricolous habitat, perithecioid closed ascomata, relatively small spores, cylindrical asci, and the presence of diploschistesic and orsellinic acids in addition to lecanoric acid. It occurs on soil in arid regions of Australia.  相似文献   
Three species which contain both gyrophoric and lecanoric acids and possess perithecioid ascomata are recognized in the genusDiploschistes. D. badius andD. gyrophoricus are described as new, whileD. subcupreus is reduced to synonymy withD. sticticus. Two species occur in the southern hemisphere, whileD. badius is found in N. America.  相似文献   
Arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) are the preferred vascular access for haemodialysis of patients suffering from end-stage renal disease, a worldwide public health problem. However, they are prone to a high rate of failure due to neointimal hyperplasia and stenosis. This study aimed to determine if osteopontin (OPN) was induced in hypoxia and if OPN could be responsible for driving AVF failure. Identification of new factors that participate in remodelling of AVFs is a challenge. Three cell lines representing the cells of the three layers of the walls of arteries and veins, fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells, were tested in mono- and co-culture in vitro for OPN expression and secretion in normoxia compared to hypoxia after silencing the hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF-1α, HIF-2α and HIF-1/2α) with siRNA or after treatment with an inhibitor of NF-kB. None of the cells in mono-culture showed OPN induction in hypoxia, whereas cells in co-culture secreted OPN in hypoxia. The changes in oxygenation that occur during AVF maturation up-regulate secretion of OPN through cell-cell interactions between the different cell layers that form AVF, and in turn, these promote endothelial cell proliferation and could participate in neointimal hyperplasia.  相似文献   
Distinguishing morphologically cryptic taxa, by definition, requires genetic data such as DNA sequences. However, DNA sequences may not be obtained easily for taxa from remote sites. Here we provide the details of a high-resolution melt-curve-based method using taxon-specific primers that can distinguish two taxa of Adélie penguins, and that will be usable in Antarctica when combined with some of the newly developed field-deployable thermal cyclers. We suggest that the wider adoption of field-deployable polymerase-chain-reaction-based techniques will enable faster assignation of haplotype to individuals in situ, and so allow the targeting of observations and sample collection to specimens relevant to the research question. Targeting individuals will also reduce the need to repeatedly handle animals and reduce the time and travel required to complete field work.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of body mass index, waist circumference, waist-to-height ratio and aerobic fitness as predictors of cardiovascular risk factor clustering in children. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 290 school boys and girls from 6 to 10 years old, randomly selected. Blood was collected after a 12-hour fasting period. Blood pressure, waist circumference (WC), height and weight were evaluated according to international standards. Aerobic fitness (AF) was assessed by the 20-metre shuttle-run test. Clustering was considered when three of these factors were present: high systolic or diastolic blood pressure, high low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high triglycerides, high plasma glucose, high insulin concentrations and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. A ROC curve identified the cut-off points of body mass index (BMI), WC, waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) and AF as predictors of risk factor clustering. BMI, WC and WHR resulted in significant areas under the ROC curves, which was not observed for AF. The anthropometric variables were good predictors of cardiovascular risk factor clustering in both sexes, whereas aerobic fitness should not be used to identify cardiovascular risk factor clustering in these children.  相似文献   
The signal produced by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) often is inconsistent among cells and sensitivity is low. Small DNA targets on the chromatin are difficult to detect. We report here an improved nick translation procedure for Texas red and Alexa Fluor 488 direct labeling of FISH probes. Brighter probes can be obtained by adding excess DNA polymerase I. Using such probes, a 30 kb yeast transgene, and the rp1, rp3 and zein multigene clusters were clearly detected.  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) degrade components of the extracellular matrix of the disc, but the presence of MMP-19 has not been explored. In other tissues, MMP-19 is known to act in proteolysis of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding protein-3, thereby exposing this protein to make it available to influence cell behavior. MMP-19 also has been shown to inhibit capillary-like formation and thus play a role in the avascular nature of the disc. Using immunohistochemistry, normal discs from six subjects aged newborn through 10 years and 20 disc specimens from control donors or surgical patients aged 15-76 (mean age 40.2 years) were examined for immunolocalization of MMP-19; six Thompson grade I discs, five Thompson grade II, eight Thompson grade III, five Thompson grade IV, and one Thompson grade V discs were analyzed. The results indicate that in discs from young subjects, MMP-19 was uniformly localized in the outer annulus. In discs from adult donors and surgical patients, outer and inner annulus cells only occasionally showed MMP-19 localization. The greatest expression of MMP-19 was observed in young discs, and little expression was seen in older or degenerating discs. Because MMP-19 has been shown to regulate IGF-mediated proliferation in other tissues, its decline in the aging/degenerating disc may contribute to the age-related decrease in disc cell numbers.  相似文献   
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