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Assessing small mammal diversity is a common procedure, which usually employs widespread standard techniques, for gathering information for a wide range of studies. Traditional methods, however, may be biased against capturing arboreal marsupials, such as Dromiciops gliroides, an endemic marsupial currently considered a rare species in the Patagonian temperate rainforest due to the low abundances reported previously. I tested a new capturing methodology to assess the small mammal diversity of an old-growth forest in Patagonia, based on a randomized and balanced design, which incorporated a combination of different trap types, bait types, and placement heights. The proposed methodology included four trap types (two for live-capturing: wire-mesh and Sherman traps, and two sign-recording traps for tracks and hair), two types of bait (banana and rolled oats), and two trap placements (ground level and 1.5–2.5 m above the ground). Trap type, bait type, and height of placement all had significantly different effects on capturing and detecting rodents or marsupials; environmental variables at the trap location also affected the ability to detect rodents and marsupials. Traditional methods used for sampling small mammals performed well for rodents but are not effective for capturing marsupials and vice versa, showing species-specific sampling protocols. There is no single combination of trap-bait-height capable to assess the entire small mammal community, but the combination of the most effective protocol for rodents and the most effective protocol for marsupials guarantee better results.  相似文献   
Many vertebrate species show display behaviors when predators are in their vicinity. Some of these displays may inform the predator of the improbability of capturing the prey (i.e., pursuit-deterrent displays) and are potentially advantageous to both predator and prey. Here we present data on a tail display performed by Gonatodes albogularis, a diurnal tropical gecko. We performed transect surveys in three habitats near Bogotá in Colombia. Geckos detected during transects were approached by the observer in a standardized way, and details of their tail-waving displays were recorded. In control recordings animals were watched from a distant site without approaching them. Results showed sexual differences in tail-waving display: when approached by the observer, males performed this behavior more frequently than females. We found no significant differences between males and females in flight-initiation distances and height above the substratum when they were initially located. Results also showed that males displayed more frequently when approached than when the simulated predator remained stationary. We interpret these results as evidence that the display functions as a pursuit-deterrent signal to potential predators. However, as some tail displays were performed in the presence of conspecifics, the display may also have a social function.  相似文献   
Important differences in asparagine-linked glycopeptides were observed in vitro cultured fibroblasts derived from chick embryo at different stages of development. Cells from 8-day and 16-day embryos were labeled metabolically with [3H]mannose. Cell surface glycopeptides obtained after mild trypsin treatment were extensively digested with pronase and then chromatographed on concanavalin-A-Sepharose and other immobilized lectins. The most important changes concerned the complex type chains. The ratio between triantennary plus tetraantennary and biantennary chains increased about 2.5-fold from the 8th to the 16th day of development. In the same way, complex chains with bisecting N-acetylglucosamine increased from 8-day to 16-day cells as shown by Phaseolus-vulgaris-erythroagglutinin--agarose chromatography. In 16-day cells, the majority of triantennary chains (60%) with alpha-linked mannose substituted at C2 and C6 positions and biantennary chains (50%) were shown to contain fucosyl (alpha 1----6)N-acetylglucosaminyl structure in the core region by their ability to bind to a lentil lectin affinity column. Similarly, in 8-day cells, triantennary chains (50%) were more fucosylated than biantennary chains (35%). Thus, complex structures exhibited an increased fucosylation of their invariable core from the 8th to the 16th day of development, except for fucosylated triantennary chains which were retained on Phaseolus vulgaris Leucoagglutin and on lentil lectin. These latter structures were present at the surface of 8-day cells and absent at the surface of 16-day cells. After chromatography on Bio-Gel P6 and treatment with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H, the [3H]-mannose-labeled glycopeptides were separated by high resolution chromatography into glycopeptides with complex chains and glycopeptides with high-mannose chains. Analysis of the high-mannose oligosaccharides released after endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H treatment by chromatography on Bio-Gel P4 indicated that the same type of high-mannose chains were present at the surface of 8-day and 16-day cells. Quantification of mannose, galactose and sialic acid residues using gas liquid chromatography was consistent with a decrease of the relative amount of oligomannose chains and an increase of the relative amount of complex type chains in 16-day cells compared to 8-day cells. Thus N-linked oligosaccharides derived from cell surface glycoproteins undergo changes during embryo development resulting in greater complexity of carbohydrate chains.  相似文献   
We recently reported that measurements of the maximal velocity of pulmonary endothelial angiotensin-converting enzyme (Vmax) in vivo provide information regarding microvascular surface area in the developing lamb. To obviate any subtle influences of development on Vmax aside from simple increases in surface area, we correlated Vmax with postmortem stereological assessments of alveolar surface area in the relatively mature lung of the 2-mo-old lamb (n = 14). We attempted to increase the range of surface area beyond its normal variability by injecting nine of the lambs with bleomycin, an antineoplastic agent with significant pulmonary toxicity in other species. Vmax, measured shortly after birth and then weekly, increased monotonically in all lambs. Despite their wide dispersion, Vmax and the stereological determinations correlated strongly at 2 mo of age, confirming that Vmax is a robust indicator of the surface area of the air-blood barrier. There was no significant difference in either measurement between the control lambs and those treated with bleomycin, suggesting that the newborn lamb is resistant to the effect of this agent.  相似文献   
Synapsin I plays an important role in the regulation of neurotransmitter release, since it binds to synaptic vesicles and to the cytoskeleton, and it bundles F-actin and microtubules. We have previously shown by tryptic digestion of synapsin I that a 44 kDa fragment contains a binding site for polymerized tubulin. In the present experiments, we test whether synapsin I and microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) have the same or a different binding site on tubulin molecules. Our results show that heat stable MAPs do not compete with synapsin I for binding to taxol tubulin. In addition, subtilisin digestion of tubulin, which suppresses MAPs binding, does not abolish synapsin I cosedimentation with taxol tubulin. Thus, our results strongly suggest that synapsin I (as reported for kinesin) does not bind to the 4 kDa subtilisin digested C-terminal part of the tubulin molecule.  相似文献   
Abstract: Different neurotransmitter receptor agonists [carbachol, serotonin, noradrenaline, histamine, endothelin-1, and trans -(1 S ,3 R )-aminocyclopentyl-1,3-dicarboxylic acid ( trans -ACPD)], known as stimuli of phospholipase C in brain tissue, were tested for phospholipase D stimulation in [32P]Pi-prelabeled rat brain cortical and hippocampal slices. The accumulation of [32P]phosphatidylethanol was measured as an index of phospholipase D-catalyzed transphosphatidylation in the presence of ethanol. Among the six neurotransmitter receptor agonists tested, only noradrenaline, histamine, endothelin-1, and trans -ACPD stimulated phospholipase D in hippocampus and cortex, an effect that was strictly dependent of the presence of millimolar extracellular calcium concentrations. The effect of histamine (EC50 18 µ M ) was inhibited by the H1 receptor antagonist mepyramine with a K i constant of 0.7 n M and was resistant to H2 and H3 receptor antagonists (ranitidine and tioperamide, respectively). Endothelin-1-stimulated phospholipase D (EC50 44 n M ) was not blocked by BQ-123, a specific antagonist of the ETA receptor. Endothelin-3 and the specific ETB receptor agonist safarotoxin 6c were also able to stimulate phospholipase D with efficacies similar to that of endothelin-1, and EC50 values of 16 and 3 n M , respectively. These results show that histamine and endothelin-1 stimulate phospholipase D in rat brain through H1 and ETB receptors, respectively.  相似文献   
In rabbit heart, results show that two isoenzymes of hexokinase (HK) are present. The enzymatic activity associated with mitochondria consists of only one isoenzyme; according to its electrophoretic mobility and its apparent Km for glucose (0.065 mm), it has been identified as type I isoenzyme. The bound HK I exhibits a lower apparent Km for ATPMg than the solubilized enzyme, whereas the apparent Km for glucose is the same for bound and solubilized HK. Detailed studies have been performed to investigate the interactions which take place between the enzyme and the mitochondrial membrane. Neutral salts efficiently solubilize the bound enzyme. Digitonin induces only a partial release of the enzyme bound to mitochondria; this result could be explained by the existence of contacts between the outer and the inner mitochondrial membranes [C. R. Hackenbrock (1968)Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA61, 598–605]. Furthermore, low concentrations (0.1 mm) of glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) or ATP4? specifically solubilize hexokinase. The solubilizing effect of G6P and ATP4?, which are potent inhibitors of the enzyme, can be prevented by incubation of mitochondria with Pi or Mg2+. In addition, enzyme solubilization by G6P can be reversed by Mg2+ only when the proteolytic treatment of the heart homogenate is omitted during the course of the isolation of mitochondria. These results concerning the interaction of rabbit heart hexokinase with the outer mitochondrial membrane agree with the schematic model proposed by Wilson [(1982) Biophys. J.37, 18–19] for the brain enzyme. This model involves the existence of two kinds of interactions between HK and mitochondria; a very specific one with the hexokinase-binding protein of the outer mitochondrial membrane, which is suppressed by glucose 6-phosphate, and a less specific, cation-mediated one.  相似文献   
Rat liver homogeneous 32P-labeled hydroxy methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, was treated independently with CNBr and trypsin and the resulting [32P]phosphopeptides were analyzed by disc gel electrophoresis. CNBr treatment produced only one 32P-fragment of Mr 18,000. The time course of trypsin hydrolysis initially showed the appearance of some phosphopeptides, which were lately converted in two phosphopeptides of low Mr. These results provide direct support for the concept that hydroxy methyl glutaryl coenzyme A reductase kinase solubilized from microsomes phosphorylates only two sites or set of sites in the reductase molecule.  相似文献   
Biochemical and autoradiographic methods were used to investigate the retrograde transport of labeled material after injection of [3H]norepinephrine ([3H]NE) in the olfactory bulb (OB) of rat. Mechanical obstruction of the ventricular recess prevented intraventricular diffusion. At different time intervals following bilateral [3H]NE injections, total radioactivity was measured in the OB, locus caeruleus (LC), raphe dorsalis and periaqueductal gray. Preferential accumulation occurred in the LC, and an approximate rate of retrograde transport of 1–6 mm/h could be calculated. Previous administration of 6-hydroxydopamine in the OB reduced this accumulation by 60%. Sixteen hours after [3H]NE injection, the radioactivity in LC was equally distributed between an ethanol-soluble and -insoluble fraction. A small proportion of the soluble material was recovered as [3H]NE and/or [3H]normetanephrine. Following unilateral injections of [3H]NE, light microscopic autoradiograms demonstrated nerve cell body labeling mainly in the ipsilateral LC and of greater intensity after 16 than 4 and 8 h. These data lead to the conclusion that the movement of radioactive material was indeed representative of retrograde axonal transport rather than of other mechanisms such as diffusion. The observation of a preferential labeling of noradrenergic perikarya in LC supports the hypothesis of a process mediated by specific binding and/or uptake of [3H]NE into noradrenergic axon terminals.  相似文献   
In general, the rate of nitrogen fixation decreased when the lichen Peltigera canina (L.) Willd. was exposed to sulfur dioxide gas at levels from 0.1 to 500 ppm; at 30 ppm, however, nitrogen fixation was stimulated. Chlorophyll content decreased as level of sulfur dioxide increased.  相似文献   
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