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Abstract. The structure of dune ponds hygrophytic vegetation has a spatial organisation in belts around the pond basin, closely related to water level and flooding regime. Doñana National Park has an important representation of temporal dune ponds, which are subjected to rainfall fluctuations and may be suffering the impact of water extraction from the neighbouring tourist resort. Permanent transects in a vegetation complex of five dune ponds have been monitored during a eight year period (1990-1997). This period was characterised by a number of dry years (annual rainfall around 300 mm), located between two wet cycles (800-900 mm). Transects were analysed in 1990 (wet period), 1994 (dry) and 1997 (wet) by hierarchical agglomera-tive clustering. During the dry period hygrophytic species showed regression, with a high mortality of some species like Ulex minor, while the xerophytic species advanced to lower areas. Seedlings of some xerophytic species colonised the dry surface of the pond basin. The lowering of the water table varied in the different ponds, ranging from 312 to 190 cm depending on topography and the distance to the pumping area. The new period of flooding during 1995-96 and 1996-97 cycles provided the opportunity for hygrophytic spe cies to re-establish themselves in their original places. This study suggest that changes in vegetation are caused by the interaction between weather conditions and human disturbance (water extractions). In our example man-made disturbance is more marked during the dry periods while wet periods tend to obscure the effects of water extractions. From a management perspective, long-term monitoring of water table and vegetation structure is revealed as a key procedure to the management of land-water ecotones on pressured areas and threatened habitats.  相似文献   
Myoglobin (Mb) is the classic vertebrate oxygen-binding protein present in aerobic striated muscles. It functions principally in oxygen delivery and provides muscle with its characteristic red colour. Members of the Antarctic icefish family (Channichthyidae) are widely thought to be extraordinary for lacking cardiac Mb expression, a fact that has been attributed to their low metabolic rate and unusual evolutionary history. Here, we report that cardiac Mb deficit, associated with pale heart colour, has evolved repeatedly during teleost evolution. This trait affects both gill- and air-breathing species from temperate to tropical habitats across a full range of salinities. Cardiac Mb deficit results from total pseudogenization in three-spined stickleback and is associated with a massive reduction in mRNA level in two species that evidently retain functional Mb. The results suggest that near or complete absence of Mb-assisted oxygen delivery to heart muscle is a common facet of teleost biodiversity, even affecting lineages with notable oxygen demands. We suggest that Mb deficit may affect how different teleost species deal with increased tissue oxygen demands arising under climate change.  相似文献   
α-Synuclein (α-syn) amyloid filaments are the major ultrastructural component of pathological inclusions that define several neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson disease and other disorders that are collectively termed synucleinopathies. Since the aggregation of α-syn is associated with the etiology of these diseases, defining the molecular elements that influence this process may have important therapeutics implication. The deletions of major portions of the hydrophobic region of α-syn (Δ74-79 and Δ71-82) impair the ability to form amyloid. However, mutating residue E83 to an A restored the ability of these proteins to form amyloid. Additionally supporting an inhibitory role of residue E83 on amyloid formation, mutating this residue to an A enhanced amyloid formation in the presence of small molecule inhibitors, such as dopamine and EGCG. Our data, therefore, suggest that the presence and placement of the highly charged E83 residue plays a significant inhibitory role in α-syn amyloid formation and these findings provide important insights in the planning of therapeutic agents that may be capable of preventing α-syn amyloid formation.  相似文献   
Rhodnius prolixus 5th instar nymphs have significant PO enzymatic activity in the anterior midgut, fat body and hemolymph. The tissue with the major amount of PO activity is the anterior midgut while those with higher specific activities are the fat body and hemolymph. In this work the temporal pattern of PO enzymatic activity in different tissues was investigated. In fat body, PO peaks occur at 7, 12 and 16 days after a blood meal. In hemolymph, PO diminishes until day 7, and then recovers by day 14. In the anterior midgut tissue, PO peaks on day 9 and just before ecdysis; a similar pattern was observed in the anterior midgut contents. Some of these activities are dependent on the release of ecdysone, as feeding blood meal containing azadirachtin suppresses them and ecdysone treatment counteracts this effect. These results suggest that during the development of the 5th instar, the insect has natural regulating cycles of basal PO expression and activation, which could be related to the occurrence of natural infections. The differences in temporal patterns of activity and the effects of azadirachtin and ecdysone in each organ suggest that, at least in R. prolixus, different tissues are expressing different PO genes.  相似文献   
The different modes of stem cell division are tightly regulated to balance growth and differentiation during organ development and homeostasis. However, the mechanisms controlling such events are not fully understood. We have developed markers that provide the single cell resolution necessary to identify the three modes of division occurring in a developing nervous system: self-expanding, self-renewing, and self-consuming. Characterizing these three modes of division during interneuron generation in the developing chick spinal cord, we demonstrated that they correlate to different levels of activity of the canonical bone morphogenetic protein effectors SMAD1/5. Functional in vivo experiments showed that the premature neuronal differentiation and changes in cell cycle parameters caused by SMAD1/5 inhibition were preceded by a reduction of self-expanding divisions in favor of self-consuming divisions. Conversely, SMAD1/5 gain of function promoted self-expanding divisions. Together, these results lead us to propose that the strength of SMAD1/5 activity dictates the mode of stem cell division during spinal interneuron generation.  相似文献   
Focused Ultrasound (FUS) coupled with intravenous administration of microbubbles (MB) is a non-invasive technique that has been shown to reliably open (increase the permeability of) the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in multiple in vivo models including non-human primates (NHP). This procedure has shown promise for clinical and basic science applications, yet the safety and potential neurological effects of long term application in NHP requires further investigation under parameters shown to be efficacious in that species (500kHz, 200–400 kPa, 4–5μm MB, 2 minute sonication). In this study, we repeatedly opened the BBB in the caudate and putamen regions of the basal ganglia of 4 NHP using FUS with systemically-administered MB over 4–20 months. We assessed the safety of the FUS with MB procedure using MRI to detect edema or hemorrhaging in the brain. Contrast enhanced T1-weighted MRI sequences showed a 98% success rate for openings in the targeted regions. T2-weighted and SWI sequences indicated a lack edema in the majority of the cases. We investigated potential neurological effects of the FUS with MB procedure through quantitative cognitive testing of’ visual, cognitive, motivational, and motor function using a random dot motion task with reward magnitude bias presented on a touchpanel display. Reaction times during the task significantly increased on the day of the FUS with MB procedure. This increase returned to baseline within 4–5 days after the procedure. Visual motion discrimination thresholds were unaffected. Our results indicate FUS with MB can be a safe method for repeated opening of the BBB at the basal ganglia in NHP for up to 20 months without any long-term negative physiological or neurological effects with the parameters used.  相似文献   
Summary Clonal populations were isolated from the mouse mammary cell line, COMMA-D, by transfection with a dominant-selectable gene, pSV2Neo, which confers resistance to the antibiotic, G418. Seven of twenty-four clones isolated retained the ability of the parental line to repopulate cleared mammary fat pads in vivo as ductal-alveolar hyperplasias. Two sublines designated CDNR2 and CDNR4 retained hyperplastic growth potential after multiple passages in vitro with low incidence of tumor formation. A third subpopulation, CDNR1, contained a single integration site for the pSV2Neo plasmid indicating a bonafide clonal origin for this subline. CDNR1 cells displayed heterogeneous growth phenotypes in vivo including hyperplasia, adenocarcinoma, and bone formation. Functional differentiation of CDNR1 cells organized as alveolarlike structures in vivo or on floating collagen gels in vitro was observed as determined by immunoperoxidase staining for the milk-specific protein, casein. Overall, the results indicate that a subset of cells from the COMMA-D cell line may be functionally analogous to stem cells existing in the mammary gland. Supported by NCI research grants CA-38650, CA-33369, CA-39017, and CA-25215.  相似文献   
J V Garcia  B W Fenton  M R Rosner 《Biochemistry》1988,27(12):4237-4244
An insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) from the cytoplasm of Drosophila Kc cells has been purified and characterized. The purified enzyme is a monomer with an s value of 7.2 S, an apparent Km for porcine insulin of 3 microM, and a specific activity of 3.3 nmol of porcine insulin degraded/(min.mg). N-Terminal sequence analysis of the gel-purified enzyme gave a single, serine-rich sequence. The Drosophila IDE shares a number of properties in common with its mammalian counterpart. The enzyme could be specifically affinity-labeled with [125I]insulin, has a molecular weight of 110K, and has a pI of 5.3. Although Drosophila Kc cells grow at room temperature, the optimal enzyme activity assay conditions parallel those of the mammalian IDE: 37 degrees C and a pH range of 7-8. The Drosophila IDE activity, like the mammalian enzymes, is inhibited by bacitracin and sulfhydryl-specific reagents. Similarly, the Drosophila IDE activity is insensitive to glutathione as well as protease inhibitors such as aprotinin and leupeptin. Insulin-like growth factor II, equine insulin, and porcine insulin compete for degradation of [125I]insulin at comparable concentrations (approximately 10(-6) M), whereas insulin-like growth factor I and the individual A and B chains of insulin are less effective. The high degree of evolutionary conservation between the Drosophila and mammalian IDE suggests an important role for this enzyme in the metabolism of insulin and also provides further evidence for the existence of a complete insulin-like system in invertebrate organisms such as Drosophila.  相似文献   
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