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Using the gel retardation technique we have studied the protein-DNA complexes formed between HU--the major histone-like protein of Escherichia coli--and short DNA fragments. We show that several HU heterodimers bind DNA in a regularly spaced fashion with each heterodimer occupying about 9 base pairs. The alpha 2 and beta 2 HU homodimers form the same structure as the alpha beta heterodimer on double stranded DNA. However when compared to the heterodimer, they bind single stranded DNA with higher affinity. We also show that HU and the Integration Host Factor of E. coli (IHF) form different structures with the same DNA fragments. Moreover, HU seems to enhance the DNA-binding capacity of IHF to a DNA fragment which does not contain its consensus sequence.  相似文献   
The upstream regulatory region of the amdS gene of Aspergillus nidulans contains a CCAAT sequence known to be important in setting both basal and derepressed levels of expression. We have investigated whether the CCAAT-binding HAP2/3/4 complex of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae can recognise this sequence in an amdS context. Sequences from the 5′ region of amdS were cloned in front of the CYCI-lacZ fusion gene bearing a minimal promoter and transformed into wild-type and hap2 strains of yeast. This study has indicated that amdS sequences are capable of promoting regulated expression of the fusion gene in response to carbon limitation. The yeast HAP2/3/4 complex can recognise the amdS CCAAT sequence and activate expression from this sequence. In addition, the results indicate that other yeast proteins can also regulate expression from the A. nidulans amdS 5′ sequences under carbon-limiting conditions.  相似文献   
Cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (Cox2p) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is synthesized within mitochondria as a precursor, pre-Cox2p. The 15-amino acid leader peptide is processed after export to the intermembrane space. Leader peptides are relatively unusual in mitochondrially coded proteins: indeed mammalian Cox2p lacks a leader peptide. We generated two deletions in the S. cerevisiae COX2 gene, removing either the leader peptide (cox2-20) or the leader peptide and processing site (cox2-21) without altering either the promoter or the mRNA-specific translational activation site. When inserted into mtDNA, both deletions substantially reduced the steady-state levels of Cox2p and caused a tight nonrespiratory phenotype. A respiring pseudorevertant of the cox2-20 mutant was heteroplasmic for the original mutant mtDNA and a ρ(-) mtDNA whose deletion fused the first 251 codons of the mitochondrial gene encoding cytochrome b to the cox2-20 sequence. The resulting fusion protein was processed to yield functional Cox2p. Thus, the presence of amino-terminal cytochrome b sequence bypassed the need for the pre-Cox2p leader peptide. We propose that the pre-Cox2p leader peptide contains a targeting signal necessary for membrane insertion, without which it remains in the matrix and is rapidly degraded.  相似文献   
Busso, Thierry, Christian Denis, Régis Bonnefoy,André Geyssant, and Jean-René Lacour. Modeling ofadaptations to physical training by using a recursive least squaresalgorithm. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(5):1685-1693, 1997.The present study assesses the usefulnessof a systems model with time-varying parameters for describing theresponses of physical performance to training. Data for two subjectswho undertook a 14-wk training on a cycle ergometer were used to testthe proposed model, and the results were compared with a model withtime-invariant parameters. Two 4-wk periods of intensive training wereseparated by a 2-wk period of reduced training and followed by a 4-wkperiod of reduced training. The systems input ascribed to the trainingdoses was made up of interval exercises and computed in arbitraryunits. The systems output was evaluated one to five times per week byusing the endurance time at a constant workload. The time-invariantparameters were fitted from actual performances by using the leastsquares method. The time-varying parameters were fitted by using arecursive least squares algorithm. The coefficients of determinationr2 were 0.875 and0.879 for the two subjects using the time-varying model, higher thanthe values of 0.682 and 0.666, respectively, obtained with thetime-invariant model. The variations over time in the model parametersresulting from the expected reduction in the residuals appearedgenerally to account for changes in responses to training. Such a modelwould be useful for investigating the underlying mechanisms ofadaptation and fatigue.

This report describes a new method allowing to measure the three-dimensional forces applied on right and left pedals during cycling. This method is based on a cycle ergometer mounted on a force platform. By recording the forces applied on the force platform and applying the fundamental mechanical equations, it was possible to calculate the instantaneous three-dimensional forces applied on pedals. It was validated by static and dynamic tests. The accuracy of the present system was -7.61 N, -3.37 N and -2.81 N, respectively, for the vertical, the horizontal and the lateral direction when applying a mono-directional force and -4.52 N when applying combined forces. In pedaling condition, the orientation and magnitude of the pedal forces were comparable to the literature. Moreover, this method did not modify the mechanical properties of the pedals and offered the possibility for pedal force measurement with materials often accessible in laboratories. Measurements obtained showed that this method has an interesting potential for biomechanical analyses in cycling.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial translation synthesizes key subunits of the respiratory complexes. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, strains lacking Mrf1, the mitochondrial stop codon recognition factor, are viable, suggesting that other factors can play a role in translation termination. S. pombe contains four predicted peptidyl tRNA hydrolases, two of which (Pth3 and Pth4), have a GGQ motif that is conserved in class I release factors. We show that high dosage of Pth4 can compensate for the absence of Mrf1 and loss of Pth4 exacerbates the lack of Mrf1. Also Pth4 is a component of the mitochondrial ribosome, suggesting that it could help recycling stalled ribosomes.  相似文献   
CD23 is a type II transmembrane glycoprotein synthesized by hematopoietic cells that has biological activity in both membrane-bound and freely soluble forms, acting via a number of receptors, including integrins. We demonstrate here that soluble CD23 (sCD23) sustains growth of human B cell precursors via an RGD-independent interaction with the alphavbeta5 integrin. The integrin recognizes a tripeptide motif in a small disulfide-bonded loop at the N terminus of the lectin head region of CD23, centered around Arg(172), Lys(173), and Cys(174) (RKC). This RKC motif is present in all forms of sCD23 with cytokine-like activity, and cytokine activity is independent of the lectin head, an "inverse RGD" motif, and the CD21 and IgE binding sites. RKC-containing peptides derived from this region of CD23 bind alphavbeta5 and are biologically active. The binding and activity of these peptides is unaffected by inclusion of a short peptide containing the classic RGD sequence recognized by integrins, and, in far-Western analyses, RKC-containing peptides bind to the beta subunit of the alphavbeta5 integrin. The interaction between alphavbeta5 and sCD23 indicates that integrins deliver to cells important signals initiated by soluble ligands without the requirement for interactions with RGD motifs in their common ligands. This mode of integrin signaling may not be restricted to alphavbeta5.  相似文献   
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