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An immunocytochemical study of the epithelial lining of naturally occurring cysts in the rat intermediate lobe (IL) has been carried out. Paraffin-embedded sections, in which cysts were identifiable, were treated either with anti-serotonin or anti-S-100 protein sera. S-100-positive cells were intermingled with glandular cells surrounding the cyst lumen. These S-100-positive cells sent slender cytoplasmic processes as if to cover the apical surface of neighbouring cells. Rarely were 5-HT-immunopositive cells seen in the cyst epithelial lining. Most cells of the marginal layer of the IL were found reactive either to an S-100 or a-5-HT serum. The presence of an epithelial lining positive to S-100 protein sera is in keeping with the notion that cysts in the IL might form as evaginations of the epithelial lining of the pituitary cleft. The lack of correspondence between 5-HT-positive cells in the marginal layer and the cyst lining is controversial. A peculiar spatial relationship of 5-HT cells with the vascular network of the IL is suggested.  相似文献   
To determine if the egg provides any clues for the regulation of ovum transport in the hamster, oocyte and embryo transport were compared. On the evening preceding ovulation, the animals were randomly assigned to one of five groups. They were caged overnight with a male of proven fertility (Group 1) or they were isolated (Group 2). Other females were artificially inseminated in both uterine horns at 2200 h either with fertile epididymal spermatozoa (Group 3), spermatozoa rendered infertile by freezing and thawing (Group 4), or with fertile spermatozoa in one uterine horn and infertile spermatozoa in the contralateral horn (Group 5). The number, condition, and distribution of ova in the genital tract were assessed at various intervals during the next 4 days. The rate of fertilization and normal development in females or sides inseminated with fertile or infertile spermatozoa was over 90% and 0% respectively. Embryos in Groups 1 and 3 reached the uterus 1 day earlier than unfertilized oocytes in Groups 2 and 4. In group 5, the transport of embryos resulting from insemination with fertile spermatozoa followed a pattern similar to those in Groups 1 and 3; the oocytes in the contralateral tract resembled those of Groups 2 and 4. The different transport rates of embryos and oocytes were not associated with the reproductive state of the female but with the condition of the ova. Moreover, the different transport rates were observed in animals transporting the two types of eggs simultaneously on different sides indicating that there is a local recognition of some unidentified factor unequally present in fertilized and unfertilized eggs.  相似文献   
Treatment with phospholipase C strongly protected monkey kidney (Vero) cells against diphtheria toxin and reduced the ability of the cells to bind 125I-labelled toxin. Treatment with phospholipase D and with trypsin also protected the cells, although to a lesser extent. Phospholipase A2 had no protective effect. Phospholipase C also protected fetal hamster kidney cells against the toxin. After removal of the enzymes, as well as after treatment of the cells with 4-acetamide 4'-isothiocyanostilbene 2,2'-disulfonic acid, diphtheria toxin binding capability was restored slowly, apparently by a process requiring protein synthesis, since cycloheximide blocked the restoration. The data indicate that both phospholipids and protein are involved in the binding sites for diphtheria toxin.  相似文献   
Immunosuppressive effect of Entamoeba histolytica extract on hamsters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The immune response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) in mice and hamsters injected with an extract of entamoeba histolytica was studied. Both the primary and secondary immune response, measured by anti-SRBC antibody titers, were unaltered in the mouse, while a significant depression of the primary, but not the secondary, response was observed in the hamster. The effect was greatest when the amebic extract (AE) and SRBC were injected on the same day. The number of anti-SRBC rosettes formed in the spleen cells of hamsters treated with both AE and SRBC on day 0 was measured from days 1-16. The response peaked on day 13, while cells from animals injected with SRBC alone gave a maximal response on day 5. The formation of anti-SRBC rosettes in T-lymphocyte-enriched spleen cells treated with anti-gamma globulin serum and complement was almost abolished for the duration of the experiment. It is suggested that the mechanism responsible for this immunosuppressive phenomenon could involve early interference in the afferent limb of the immune response.  相似文献   
Trace elements have been shown to improve red blood cell (RBC) deformability: zinc in sickle cell disease and magnesium in an in vitro model of chemically rigidified erythrocytes. In this study, we investigated the effect and the influence of incubation time of zinc or magnesium on an in vitro model of rigidified RBCs by heating. Erythrocyte rigidity was determined by viscosimetry at high shear rate by a falling ball viscosimeter MT 90. In the first part of the study, six normal volunteers participated. Viscosimetry was performed on native blood before and after heating the sample for 10 min at 50°C. Therefore, increasing concentrations of zinc gluconate (final concentration: 0.5–4 g/L) or isotonic NaCl as control medium were added to the sample. Heating induced a twofold increase in all indices of RBC rigidity (p<0.05). At all these concentrations of zinc, a highly significant, dose-related fluidifying effect was observed (40–70%): this effect was immediately obtained and did not change over 60 min. Even at the highest concentration, recovery was not complete. In the second part of the study, we studied magnesium’s effects on blood. In a first protocol, whole blood was rigidified by heating at 56°C for 10 min, and the correcting effect of 5 min of incubation at 37°C of RBCs in 150 mmol/L NaCl, MgSO4, magnesium acetate, and magnesium gluconate was investigated. In a second protocol, the same incubation with NaCl and magnesium salts was made on blood that had not been previously heated. In a third protocol, the correcting effect of magnesium gluconate on heated red blood cells was tested at four concentrations (75, 150, 225, and 300 mmol/L) over 1 h, for evaluating the effects of both concentration and time. Erythrocyte rigidity by heating is corrected by the three salts employed in protocol 1 (compared to sodium). In protocol 2, the deformability of normal (nonheated) red cells is not modified by magnesium. In protocol 3, no marked modification over 1 h is observed. The correcting effect is not complete for 75 mmol/L Mg, but remains the same at the three other concentrations. This study shows that zinc and magnesium at supraphysiological concentration are able to reverse RBC’s rigidification induced by heating, but that magnesium does not modify the flexibility of normal RBCs. This article suggests that zinc and magnesium may be studied in vivo as potential pharmacologic tools for improving hemorheologic disturbances.  相似文献   
Zinc improves both insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity, and exerts insulin-like effects. We investigated its acute effects on the parameters of glucose assimilation determined with the minimal model technique from frequent sampling intravenous glucose tolerance test (FSIVGTT) in seven healthy volunteers. FSIVGTTs (0.5 g/kg of glucose, followed by 2 U insulin iv injection at 19 min) were performed after the subjects had taken 20 mg zinc gluconate twice (the evening before and 30 min before the beginning of the test) or placebo pills (simple blind randomized protocol). Glucose assimilation was analyzed by calculating Kg (slope of the exponential decrease in glycemia), glucose effectiveness Sg (i.e., ability of glucose itself to increase its own disposal independent of insulin response), and SI (insulin sensitivity, i.e. the effect of increases in insulinemia on glucose disposal). The two latter parameters were calculated by fitting the experimental data with the two equations of Bergman’s “minimal model”. Zinc increased Kg (p<0.05) and Sg (p<0.05), whereas SI and insulin first-phase secretion did not significantly increase. This study suggests that zinc improves glucose assimilation, as evidenced by the increase in Kg, and that this improvement results mainly from an increase in glucose effectiveness (insulin-like effect), rather than an action on insulin response or insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   
[14C]Glucosamine metabolic labeling and concanavalin A blots were used to identify four major glycoprotein species associated with ascites tumor cell microvillar microfilament cores and with a transmembrane complex containing actin. Phalloidin shift analysis of glucosamine-labeled microvilli showed that glycoproteins of 110-120, 80, 65, and 55 kDa are stably associated with the microfilament cores. Analysis of large (greater than 10(6) kDa) transmembrane complexes from microvillar membranes made under microfilament-depolymerizing conditions (Carraway, C. A. C., Jung, G., and Carraway, K. L. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 80, 430-434) revealed glycoproteins of the same Mr values, showing the same relative staining or labeling patterns as those observed with the microfilament cores. Gel filtration of high salt, high pH extracts of intact microvilli, microfilament cores, or transmembrane complexes showed that in all of these fractions the glycoproteins are associated in a very large, stable complex. The glycoprotein multimer was isolated essentially free of actin and other components by Sephacryl S-1000 chromatography of microvilli, microvillar membranes prepared at pH 11, microfilament cores, or transmembrane complex fractions in Triton X-100, 1 M KCl, glycine, pH 9.5. Purified glycoprotein complex bound actin when incubated under polymerizing conditions. The presence of the glycoprotein heteromultimer in both microfilament cores and transmembrane complex from isolated membranes and the association of the purified glycoprotein complex with actin are consistent with our hypothesis that the glycoprotein-containing transmembrane complex is an association site for microfilaments at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
We have identified a unique N-glycosylated Asn substitution for a Ser at position 434 of the A alpha chain of an abnormal fibrinogen designated fibrinogen Caracas II. This dysfibrinogen was characterized by impaired fibrin monomer aggregation. Since there were 4 Thr residues immediately following the mutation, a new Asn-X-Thr/Ser-type consensus sequence, Asn-Thr-Thr arose for N-glycosylation of the Asn. The extra oligosaccharide was found to consist mainly of a disialylated biantennary structure comprising 81.9%, while a neutral and a monosialylated biantennary oligosaccharide represented only 3.6% and 14.5%, respectively. The mutation resides in the carboxyl-terminal region of the A alpha chain, which could fold back to form an extra small globular region located near the central region of the molecule (Erickson, H.P., and Fowler, W.E. (1983) Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 408, 146-163; Weisel, H.P., Stauffacher, C.V., Bullitt, E., and Cohen, C. (1985) Science 230, 3124-3133). Therefore, the participation of this region, referred to as an additional central domain or an alpha domain, in fibrin gel formation is strongly implicated.  相似文献   
As water and nutrient uptake should be related in the response of plants to salinity, the aim of this paper is to establish whether or not aquaporin functionality is related to H+-ATPase activity in root cells of pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) plants. Thus, H+-ATPase activity was measured in plasma membrane vesicles isolated from roots and aquaporin functionality was measured using a cell pressure probe in intact roots. Salinity was applied as 60 m M NaCl or 60 m M KCl, to determine which ion (Na+, K+ or Cl) is producing the effects. We also investigated whether the effects of both salts were ameliorated by Ca2+. Similar results were obtained for cell hydraulic conductivity, Lpc, and H+-ATPase activity, large reductions in the presence at NaCl or KCl and an ameliorative effect of Ca2+. However, fusicoccin (an activator of H+-ATPase) did not alter osmotic water permeability of protoplasts isolated from roots. Addition of Hg2+ inhibited both ATPase and aquaporins, but ATPase also contains Hg-binding sites. Therefore, the results indicate that H+-ATPase and aquaporin activities may not be related in pepper plants.  相似文献   
Phytochemicals in vegetables are known to be responsible for protective effects against many human diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and different types of cancer. Environmental conditions and physiological factors may modify the amounts of these compounds present in vegetables and fruits, but also crop management strategies could increase the production of phytochemicals. Therefore, the effects of mineral nutrition, soil composition and water content on the production of phytochemicals have been considered in the development of different fertilisation strategies, efficient water management and techniques such as grafting. Finally, the contents of health-promoting compounds in vegetables and fruits depend both quantitatively and qualitatively on their genetic bases. Thus, conventional breeding and genetic modification have been developed as new methodologies to enhance the nutritional properties of plants. M. C. Martínez-Ballesta, L. López-Pérez, M. Hernández, C. López-Berenguer, N. Fernández-García contributed equally.  相似文献   
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