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Summary We determined the time and site of secretion of the precursors of the peritrophic membrane (PM) in Aedes aegypti and when the structure is assembled. The fine structure of the developing membrane of blood-feed females was described, and the pattern of secretion of injected tritiated glucosamine analyzed autoradiographically. Immediately following blood feeding, ingested red cells rapidly become compressed, such that the surrounding plasma is extruded to the margin of the midgut contents. Thereby, ingested fluids form a narrow margin separating the blood mass from the midgut epithelium. By electron microscopy, the PM first becomes evident at about 4 to 8 h after blood is ingested, and the membrane attains mature texture by 12 h. The compacted mass of ingested erythrocytes seems to serve as a template for the forming structure. In contrast, tritiated glucosamine, injected into freshly engorged mosquitoes, begins to concentrate on the midgut microvilli by 2 h after feeding. By 8 h the label assumes the layered appearance that characterizes the fine structure of the mature membrane. In contrast to the prevailing concept that the PM of mosquitoes first assumes texture anteriorly immediately after blood is ingested, we find that this potential barrier to pathogen development forms no earlier than 4 h after feeding and that it is formed from precursors secreted along the entire length of the epithelium overlying the food mass.  相似文献   
The tumour-inducing T-DNA gene 4 (T-cyt gene) of the nopaline Ti plasmid pTiC58 was cloned and introduced into tobacco cells by leaf disc transformation using Agrobacterium plasmid vectors. Tobacco shoots exposed to elevated cytokinin levels were unable to develop roots and lacked apical dominance. Using exogenously applied phytohormone manipulations we were able to regenerate morphologically normal transgenic tobacco plants which differed in endogenous cytokinin levels from normal untransformed plants. Although T-cyt gene mRNA levels, as revealed by dot-blot hybridization data, in these rooting plants were only about half those in primary transformed shoots the total amount of cytokinins was much lower than in crown gall tissue or cytokinin-type transformed shoots as reported by others. Nevertheless the cytokinin content in T-cyt plants was about 3 times greater than in control tobacco plants.Elevated cytokinin levels have been shown to change the expression of several plant genes, including some nuclear genes encoding chloroplast proteins. Our results show that the mRNA levels of chloroplast rbcL gene increase in cytokinin-type transgenic tobacco plants as compared with untransformed plants. Data obtained suggest that T-cyt transgenic plants are a good model for studying plant gene activity in different parts of the plant under endogenous cytokinin stress.  相似文献   
We demonstrated previously the presence of an Ia+ (OX-6+) antigen-presenting cell within the rat T cell fraction that is capable of presenting antigen to antigen-primed OX-6-T cells. This antigen-presenting cell (T-APC) reacted with the monoclonal antibodies W3/25 and W3/13, which is known to react mainly with rat T cells. Further characterization of the T-APC indicated that the cell also reacted with the monoclonal antibody OX-19, which is highly specific for rat T cells. Moreover, the antigen-presenting function of the T-APC was sensitive to treatment with mitomycin C or gamma-irradiation (2000 rad). Under similar conditions, antigen presentation by partially purified dendritic cells or macrophages was totally resistant to these treatments. The antigen-presenting activity of gamma-irradiated T-APC was not reconstituted by the addition of the lymphokines IL 1, IL 2, or Con A supernatants. Although unirradiated T-APC were able to stimulate an MLR response, this function was also sensitive to gamma-irradiation, whereas the MLR-stimulating ability of macrophages and dendritic cells was resistant to gamma-irradiation. These data indicate that Ia+ T cells from the rat are capable of presenting antigen to antigen-primed T lymphocytes and that, in contrast to antigen presentation by macrophages and dendritic cells, the function of T-APC is gamma-radiation sensitive.  相似文献   
The effects on some pharmacological and enzymatic properties were determined following methylation of histidine at the enzymatic active site of the basic relatively toxic Najanigricollis and the acidic relatively non-toxic Najanajaatra phospholipases A2. Following methylation a very low residual enzymatic activity (0.4 -- 1% of control) was accompanied by a parallel loss in intraventricular lethality, anticoagulant potency, direct hemolytic action and ability to block directly and indirectly evoked contractions of the mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation. Since methylation does not impair the enzyme's ability to bind monomeric of micellar substrates or Ca2+, the results suggest that the pharmacologicallly active region of the molecule is different from the micellular substrate binding site but strongly influenced by the invariant histidine-48 located at the enzymatic active site.  相似文献   
Serum glycerol and NEFA content variations are examined before and after labor in obese and normal weighing women (35 subjects). Blood glycerol and NEFA are shown to increase before delivery. Glycerol values are shown to drop to normal immediately after delivery, while NEFA values diminish to a lesser extent. Statistical analysis shown that blood glycerol increase could be pregnancy-dependent in both normal weighing and obese women, but that NEFA increase could be pregnancy-dependent in normal weighing women only. Obesity increases blood glycerol and NEFA concentration considerably, thus masking the effects of pregnancy.  相似文献   
The dynamics of uptake and metabolism in vitro of androgens by normal and hyperplastic human prostate glands was studied by means of a new experimental design proposed by Gurpide & Welch (1969). Prostate slices were perfused with a medium containing [(3)H]testosterone and [(14)C]androstenedione, or 5alpha-dihydro-[(3)H]testosterone and [(14)C]testosterone. The entry into the slices, the irreversible metabolism, the conversion between the compounds and the tissue retention or ;uptake' of the steroids were measured at the steady state. A similar portion of the three androgens entered the tissue and was irreversibly metabolized. Conversion of testosterone into 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone was much greater than the interconversion of testosterone and androstenedione. The prostate slices retained 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone at a concentration three times that in the medium, whereas testosterone and androstenedione were retained to a smaller extent. At a steroid concentration of 0.11mumol/l in the medium, the various parameters did not differ significantly in experiments performed with slices from normal and hyperplastic glands. When the steroid concentration in the medium was increased tenfold, however, a difference between normal and hyperplastic glands was evident. The normal glands increased the uptake and metabolism proportionally to the elevation of the steroid concentration in the medium. In the hyperplastic glands the entry and metabolism lagged behind the increase in steroid supply, whereas the tissue uptake became disproportionately high. The possible causes of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   
Two different bacteriophages, FE5-B1 and Z63-B1, active against strains of Lactobacillus fermentum were isolated from a sample of sour dough of a regional wheat bread. They showed different host specificities when tested against 58 strains of obligately heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria, as well as differences in adsorption and one-step growth kinetics. The burst size of FE5-B1 was about 100 pfu cell−1. This phage belonged to the A1 morphotype of Myoviridae family, having an icosahedral head (83 nm diam.) and a sheathed contractile tail (170 nm in length). The phage consisted of five major structural proteins and had a genome of 86 kbp. Z63-B1 showed a burst size of 10 pfu cell−1 and belonged to the B1 morphotype or Siphoviridae family. Z63-B1 had an isometric head (60 nm diam.) and a non-contractile tail (160 nm in length), with eight major different structural proteins and a genome of 32 kbp.  相似文献   
Concentrations of 8 trace elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Se, Br, Pb, Rb, and Sr) at different lactation time were measured by the PIXE multi-elemental technique. Time dependence and interelement correlations were studied. A total of 200 milk samples from 32 lactating mothers were supplied from 2 to 120 d after delivery of 26 full-term and 6 preterm infants. All elements showed a lognormal frequency-distribution. The Fe, Cu, Zn, and Se contents in preterm milk were found to be somewhat different with respect to full-term milk. Cu, Zn, Se, Br, Pb, and Rb concentrations declined with lactation time, both in pre- and full-term samples. Sr and Fe contents did not show any change with time. Detailed analysis of data by partial correlation and multiple regression methods was performed. No substantial differences between preterm and full-term samples were found in the results of partial correlation analysis. Cu and Zn were found to be correlated with lactation time, whereas the measured time dependence for the other elements has to be attributed to the effect of the existing interelement correlation. All the measured elements appeared to be correlated with at least one other element. In particular, Se was inversely correlated with Zn and directly with Cu. The zinc and copper contents in milk can therefore depend on the variation in the mother selenium intake.  相似文献   
Placentas of women suffering from pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) were found to contain a greater amount of Na,K-ATPase molecules, estimated from anthroyl ouabain binding, than normotensive individuals. Both the microsomal fraction of placental cells and purified Na,K-ATPase showed an increased affinity for the specific inhibitor ouabain which, in the case of the microsomes, bound with a dissociation constant of 0.9 nM as compared with 3.4 nM in the controls. Likewise, the dissociation constant of the ouabain complex with purified Na,K-ATPase was about 3.5 times lower in the hypertensive patients. The differences are apparently caused by a different microenvironment of the ouabain-binding site, as reflected in the quantum yield of bound anthroyl ouabain. If an endogenous digitalis-like factor is present in the body fluids to regulate Na,K-ATPase activity, the present results render its role quite plausible.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress is a pathological condition characterized by an overload of oxidant products, named free radicals, which are not well counteracted by antioxidant systems. Free radicals induce oxidative damage to many body organs and systems. In neonatal red blood cells, free-radical mediated-oxidative stress leads to eryptosis, a suicidal death process of erythrocytes consequent to alteration of cell integrity. Neonatal red blood cells are targets and at the same time generators of free radicals through the Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions. Enhanced eryptosis in case of oxidative stress damage may cause anemia if the increased loss of erythrocytes is not enough compensated by enhanced new erythrocytes synthesis. The oxidative disruption of the red cells may cause unconjugated idiopathic hyperbilirubinemia in neonates. High levels of bilirubin are recognized to be dangerous for the central nervous system in newborns, however, many studies have highlighted the antioxidant function of bilirubin. Recently, it has been suggested that physiologic concentration of bilirubin correlates with higher antioxidant status while high pathological bilirubin levels are associated with pro-oxidants effects. The aim of this educational review is to provide an updated understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying erythrocyte oxidant injury and its reversal in neonatal idiopathic hyperbilirubinemia.  相似文献   
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