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Summary The muscles of the pyloric region of the stomach of the crab,Cancer borealis, are innervated by motorneurons found in the stomatogastric ganglion (STG). Electrophysiological recording and stimulating techniques were used to study the detailed pattern of innervation of the pyloric region muscles. Although there are two Pyloric Dilator (PD) motorneurons in lobsters, previous work reported four PD motorneurons in the crab STG (Dando et al. 1974; Hermann 1979a, b). We now find that only two of the crab PD neurons innervate muscles homologous to those innervated by the PD neurons in the lobster,Panulirus interrruptus. The remaining two PD neurons innervate muscles that are innervated by pyloric (PY) neurons inP. interruptus. The innervation patterns of the Lateral Pyloric (LP), Ventricular Dilator (VD), Inferior Cardiac (IC), and PY neurons were also determined and compared with those previously reported in lobsters. Responses of the muscles of the pyloric region to the neurotransmitters, acetylcholine (ACh) and glutamate, were determined by application of exogenous cholinergic agonists and glutamate. The effect of the cholinergic antagonist, curare, on the amplitude of the excitatory junctional potentials (EJPs) evoked by stimulation of the pyloric motor nerves was measured. These experiments suggest that the differences in innervation pattern of the pyloric muscles seen in crab and lobsters are also associated with a change in the neurotransmitter active on these muscles. Possible implications of these findings for phylogenetic relations of decapod crustaceans and for the evolution of neural circuits are discussed.Abbreviations ACh acetylcholine - Carb carbamylcholine - cpv muscles of the cardio-pyloric valve - cpv7n nerve innervating muscle cpv7 - cv muscles of the ventral cardiac ossicles - cv1n nerve innervating muscle cvl - cv2n nerve innervating muscle cv2 - EJP excitatory junctional potential - IC inferior cardiac neuron - IV inferior ventricular neuron - IVN inferior ventricular nerve - LP lateral pyloric neuron - LPG lateral posterior gastric neuron - lvn lateral ventricular nerve - mvn medial ventricular nerve - p muscles of the pylorus - PD pyloric dilator neuron - PD in intrinsic PD neuron - PD ex extrinsic PD neuron - pdn pyloric dilator nerve - PY pyloric neuron - pyn pyloric nerve - STG stomatogastric ganglion - VD ventricular dilator neuron  相似文献   
Death of the Escherichia coli K-12 strain W3110 in soil and water.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Whether Escherichia coli K-12 strain W3110 can enter the "viable but nonculturable" state was studied with sterile and nonsterile water and soil at various temperatures. In nonsterile river water, the plate counts of added E. coli cells dropped to less than 10 CFU/ml in less than 10 days. Acridine orange direct counts, direct viable counts, most-probable-number estimates, and PCR analyses indicated that the added E. coli cells were disappearing from the water in parallel with the number of CFU. Similar results were obtained with nonsterile soil, although the decline of the added E. coli was slower. In sterile water or soil, the added E. coli persisted for much longer, often without any decline in the plate counts even after 50 days. In sterile river water at 37 degrees C and sterile artificial seawater at 20 and 37 degrees C, the plate counts declined by 3 to 5 orders of magnitude, while the acridine orange direct counts remained unchanged. However, direct viable counts and various resuscitation studies all indicated that the nonculturable cells were nonviable. Thus, in either sterile or nonsterile water and soil, the decline in plate counts of E. coli K-12 strain W3110 is not due to the cells entering the viable but nonculturable state, but is simply due to their death.  相似文献   
We compared the efficacy of immunization with either simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Env glycoprotein (Env), Env plus Gag proteins (Gag-Env), or whole inactivated virus (WIV), with or without recombinant live vaccinia vector (VV) priming, in protecting 23 rhesus macaques (six vaccine and two control groups) from challenge with SIVmac251 clone BK28. Vaccination elicited high titers of syncytium-inhibiting and anti-Env (gp120/gp160) antibodies in all vaccinated macaques and anti-Gag (p27) antibodies in groups immunized with WIV or Gag-Env. Only WIV-immunized macaques developed anticell (HuT78) antibodies. After homologous low-dose intravenous virus challenge, we used frequency of virus isolation, provirus burden, and change in antibody titers to define four levels of resistance to SIV infection as follows. (i) No infection ("sterilizing" immunity) was induced only in WIV-immunized animals. (ii) Abortive infection (strong immunity) was defined when virus or provirus were detected early in the postchallenge period but not thereafter and no evidence of virus or provirus was detected in terminal tissues. This response was observed in two animals (one VV-Env and one Gag-Env). (iii) Suppression of infection (incomplete or partial immunity) described a gradient of virus suppression manifested by termination of viremia, declining postchallenge antibody titers, and low levels (composite mean = 9.1 copies per 10(6) cells) of provirus detectable in peripheral blood mononuclear cells or lymphoid tissues at termination (40 weeks postchallenge). This response occurred in the majority (8 of 12) of subunit-vaccinated animals. (iv) Active infection (no immunity) was characterized by persistent virus isolation from blood mononuclear cells, increasing viral antibody titers postchallenge, and high levels (composite mean = 198 copies per 10(6) cells) of provirus in terminal tissues and blood. Active infection developed in all controls and two of three VV-Gag-Env-immunized animals. The results of this study restate the protective effect of inactivated whole virus vaccines produced in heterologous cells but more importantly demonstrate that a gradient of suppression of challenge virus growth, reflecting partial resistance to SIV infection, is induced by subunit vaccination. The latter finding may be pertinent to studies with human immunodeficiency virus vaccines, in which it is plausible that vaccination may elicit significant suppression of virus infection and pathogenicity rather than sterilizing immunity.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess variation in male and female reproductive success among the three morphs of the tristylous plant, Lythrum salicaria. Fluorescent dyes were used as pollen analogs to determine whether morphs differ in their abilities to donate and receive pollen, and actual and potential seed set was measured with a hand pollination experiment. Dye transfer among morphs was highly asymmetric, with more frequent transfer from the short-styled morph to the long- and mid-styled morphs. This suggests that shorts are performing better at pollen donation and longs and mids are performing better at pollen receipt. All flowers on 95 plants were hand pollinated to test whether female reproductive success is more pollen-limited in the short-styled morph than in other morphs. Hand-pollinated short-styled plants had significantly higher total seed mass and more seeds per capsule than short controls, whereas hand pollination failed to increase seed set in long and mid morphs. As predicted, short-styled morphs showed significant pollen limitation, whereas seed set in long- and midstyled morphs was not pollen-limited. Thus, in Lythrum salicaria asymmetrical pollen flow generates morph-specific differences in male and female fitness.  相似文献   
Development of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection in cats as a small animal model for lentiviral immunodeficiency disease has been hampered by the prolonged and variable disease course following experimental infection. To address this issue, we generated high-titer, unselected FIV stocks by pooling plasma from cats acutely infected with a subgroup C FIV isolate designated CABCpadyOOC (FIV-C-PGammer). Subsequent infection with this virus pool resulted in rapidly progressive, fatal disease in greater than 50% of infected cats. Accelerated FIV disease was characterized by rapid and progressive CD4+ T-cell loss, lymphadenopathy, weight loss, lymphoid depletion, and severe thymic atrophy. Mortality and rate of disease progression were affected by the age of each cat at infection and whether the virus source animal was in the acute or chronic stage of infection. The rapid FIV disease syndrome was consistently associated with systemic lymphoid depletion, clinical disease, and susceptibility to opportunistic infections, analogous to accelerated and/or terminal HIV-1 infection. The results of this study demonstrate that FIV infection is a valid small animal model for lentiviral immunodeficiency disease.  相似文献   
Oxidized (ox-) low density lipoproteins (LDL) is characterized by the formation of lipid peroxides and their decomposition to reactive aldehydes which covalently link to apoB in LDL. These chemical changes are believed to be responsible for the enhanced recognition of ox-LDL by receptors on macrophages in culture. When oxidation is extensive, particle aggregation also occurs. The aim of this study was to characterize aggregation formation and how this influences the interaction of ox-LDL with macrophages in culture. When LDL was oxidized by incubating at 500 micrograms of protein/ml with 10 microM Cu2+ at 20 degrees C for up to 25 h, time-dependent increases in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, conjugated diene content, electrophoretic mobility, and fluorescence at 360 excitation/430 emission were found. Particle aggregation increased in parallel with several parameters of oxidation and increased with increasing incubation temperatures and LDL concentrations used. When evaluated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, apoB fragments of reproducible sizes and higher molecular weight species appeared after mild oxidation of LDL. The percent of total apoB remaining aggregated in sodium dodecyl sulfate was 50-80% at high degrees of oxidation, whereas it was far less in LDL that had been aggregated without chemical modification. This suggested that intermolecular cross-linking of apoB had occurred during oxidation of LDL at high concentrations. Degradation of ox-LDL in mouse peritoneal macrophages (MPM) increased in parallel with the degree of oxidation and with particle aggregation but reached a plateau after 12 h. Results from cross-competition studies in MPM with soluble and insoluble portions of extensively ox-LDL and with acetyl-LDL were consistent with uptake of soluble ox-LDL via both the scavenger receptor and another receptor on MPM, and uptake of the insoluble ox-LDL by an alternative mechanism.  相似文献   
DNA-induced increase in the alpha-helical content of C/EBP and GCN4   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Leucine zipper proteins comprise a recently identified class of DNA binding proteins that contain a bipartite structural motif consisting of a "leucine zipper" dimerization domain and a segment rich in basic residues responsible for DNA interaction. Protein fragments encompassing the zipper plus basic region domains (bZip) have previously been used to determine the conformational and dynamic properties of this motif. In the absence of DNA, the coiled-coil portion is alpha-helical and dimeric, whereas the basic region is flexible and partially disordered. Addition of DNA containing a specific recognition sequence induces a fully helical conformation in the basic regions of these fragments. However, the question remained whether the same conformational change would be observed in native bZip proteins where the basic regions might be stabilized in an alpha-helical conformation even in the absence of DNA, through interactions with portions of the protein not included in the bZip motif. We have now examined the DNA-induced conformational transition for an intact bZip protein, GCN4, and for the bZip fragment of C/EBP with two enhancers that are differentially symmetric. Our results are consistent with the induced helical fork model wherein the basic regions are largely flexible in the absence of DNA and become fully helical in the presence of the specific DNA recognition sequence.  相似文献   
Although the cellular immune response is essential for controlling SIV replication in Asian macaques, its role in maintaining nonpathogenic SIV infection in natural hosts such as sooty mangabeys (SM) remains to be defined. We have previously shown that similar to rhesus macaques (RM), SM are able to mount a T lymphocyte response against SIV infection. To investigate early control of SIV replication in natural hosts, we performed a detailed characterization of SIV-specific cellular immunity and viral control in the first 6 mo following SIV infection in SM. Detection of the initial SIV-specific IFN-γ ELISPOT response in SIVsmE041-infected SM coincided temporally with a decline in peak plasma viremia and was similar in magnitude, specificity, and breadth to SIVsmE041-infected and SIVmac239-infected RM. Despite these similarities, SM showed a greater reduction in postpeak plasma viremia and a more rapid disappearance of productively SIV-infected cells from the lymph node compared with SIVmac239-infected RM. The early Gag-specific CD8(+) T lymphocyte response was significantly more polyfunctional in SM compared with RM, and granzyme B-positive CD8(+) T lymphocytes were present at significantly higher frequencies in SM even prior to SIV infection. These findings suggest that the early SIV-specific T cell response may be an important determinant of lymphoid tissue viral clearance and absence of lymph node immunopathology in natural hosts of SIV infection.  相似文献   
Digitally enhanced video microscopy has provided improved optical resolution in the study of intracellular organelle/particle movement, particularly in extruded axoplasm and certain thin single cell systems. We report here, for the first time, particle movement in an intact, isolated epithelium, the killifish proximal convoluted tubule. Cytoplasmic particles exhibited predominantly unidirectional linear movement approaching several microns in length, sometimes with multiple turns. The velocities of 34 particles measured in 11 cells averaged 0.29 microns/sec (range, 0.007-3.1 microns/sec). Microtubules--the well-established basis for organelle movement in cells--were present but were sparsely represented in electron micrographs of these cells. Video-enhanced microscopic techniques can now be applied to the study of organelle/particle movement in an intact epithelium.  相似文献   
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