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The heptapeptide AsnTyrGluGluPheValGlnNH2 corresponding to residues 137–143 of vertebrate calmodulin is as immunoreactive as the entire 148-residue protein. A reproducible and rapid procedure for producing antisera against vertebrate calmodulin has been previously described (L. J. Van Eldik and D. M. Watterson (1981) J. Biol. Chem.256, 4205–4210). Most of the antisera elicited by this method react with a major immunoreactive region (residues 127–144) in the COOH-terminal domain of vertebrate calmodulin. In this report, the minimum segment of calmodulin required for reactivity with an antiserum that readily distinguishes various types of calmodulins is defined. These studies demonstrate that a linear segment of seven amino acid residues shows a competition curve in radioimmunoassay resembling the competition curve of intact calmodulin. This heptapeptide is the smallest calmodulin segment and the only sevenresidue segment in the 135–145 region that shows quantitative immunoreactivity with the anti-calmodulin serum. These data demonstrate that this heptapeptide is a major immunoreactive site of calmodulin. However, when this immunoreactive site heptapeptide is conjugated to a carrier and injected into rabbits, it does not elicit antisera that react with the native protein. These studies demonstrate that quantitative immunoreactivity of antisera produced in animals can be found in small peptide segments and that, for calmodulin, the requirements for production of anti-peptide antibodies that react with the native protein molecule are not as simple as surface exposure of the peptide region.  相似文献   
A simple, rapid high-performance liquid-chromatography system for the fractionation and direct quantitation of substrates and products in crude phosphodiesterase reaction mixtures is described. Phosphate buffers and a pellicular anion exchange resin are used at ambient temperature. The method is sensitive, measuring picomoles of products with ultraviolet detection and femtomoles with isotopic measurement, and offers several advantages over the more popular batch sorption and manual methods for measuring phosphodiesterase activity. The time required for analysis, less than 8 min for single substrate reaction mixtures, is a fraction of that required with other chromatographic systems, and precision is +/- 5%. Results of studies with an activatable form of phosphodiesterase demonstrate the accuracy, precision and utility of the procedure for biochemical analyses.  相似文献   
The anation reaction of aquopentaamminecobalt(III) by acetate has been studied in the temperature range 60–80°C and acidity range 1.0 ≦ pH ≦ 5.5 for total acetate concentrations ≦ 0.5 M and at ionic strength 1.0 M. The anation by acetic acid follows second-order kinetics (k0), whereas the kinetic results for the anation by acetate (Q1, k1) provide evidence for the formation of an ion-pair with the complex ion. Typical experimental results at 70°C are k0 = 5.33 X 10−5 M−1 sec−1, Q1 = 5.87 M−1 and k1 = 1.46 X 10−4sec−1. The activation parameters for the different reaction paths are reported and the results discussed with reference to various other anation reactions of Co(III) complexes.  相似文献   
The first primary structure for a nonmuscle myosin light chain kinase (nmMLCK) has been determined by elucidation of the cDNA sequence encoding the protein kinase from chicken embryo fibroblasts, and insight into the molecular mechanism of calmodulin (CaM) recognition and activation has been obtained by the use of site-specific mutagenesis and suppressor mutant analysis. Treatment of chicken and mouse fibroblasts with antisense oligodeoxynucleotides based on the cDNA sequence results in an apparent decrease in MLCK levels, an altered morphology reminiscent of that seen in v-src-transformed cells, and a possible effect on cell proliferation. nmMLCK is distinct from and larger than smooth muscle MLCK (smMLCK), although their extended DNA sequence identity is suggestive of a close genetic relationship not found with skeletal muscle MLCK. The analysis of 20 mutant MLCKs indicates that the autoinhibitory and CaM recognition activities are centered in distinct but functionally coupled amino acid sequences (residues 1,068-1,080 and 1,082-1,101, respectively). Analysis of enzyme chimeras, random mutations, inverted sequences, and point mutations in the 1,082-1,101 region demonstrates its functional importance for CaM recognition but not autoinhibition. In contrast, certain mutations in the 1,068-1,080 region result in a constitutively active MLCK that still binds CaM. These results suggest that CaM/protein kinase complexes use similar structural themes to transduce calcium signals into selective biological responses, demonstrate a direct link between nmMLCK and non-muscle cell function, and provide a firm basis for genetic studies and analyses of how nmMLCK is involved in development and cell proliferation.  相似文献   
The conditions used in some immunoblot procedures can fail to detect calmodulin, S100 proteins, and other proteins with similar physical properties. We describe here some of the basis of this difficulty, and provide an immunoblot protocol that allows the rapid and reproducible detection of calmodulin and S100 beta in crude biological samples. These proteins are rapidly transferred from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels to membrane matrices, and retention on the matrix is enhanced by a glutaraldehyde fixation step. Either nitrocellulose or a positively charged membrane filter (ZetaProbe) can be used as the immobilizing matrix. By combining microslab gel electrophoresis, 30 min electrophoretic transfer, and glutaraldehyde fixation of nitrocellulose paper, an immunoblot analysis can be done in an 8-hr day.  相似文献   
Kinetic and thermodynamic studies involving the application of different high-pressure techniques, are very useful in gaining mechanistic information on the basis of volume changes that occur during inorganic and bioinorganic electron transfer reactions. The most fundamental type of electron transfer reaction concerns self-exchange reactions, for which the overall reaction volume is zero, and activation volumes can be measured and discussed. In the case of non-symmetrical electron transfer reactions, intra- and intermolecular processes can be studied and volume profiles can be constructed. Precursor complex formation can in some cases be recognized kinetically in such systems. Typical values of activation and reaction volumes are reviewed for various reversible and irreversible electron transfer reactions. Mechanistic conclusions reached on the basis of these parameters are presented. Volume profiles for electron transfer reactions enable a simplistic presentation of the reaction mechanism on the basis of intrinsic and solvational volume changes along the reaction coordinate.  相似文献   
Abstract: A common feature of Alzheimer's disease pathology is an abundance of activated glia, indicative of an inflammatory reaction in the brain. The relationship between glial activation and neurodegeneration is not known, although several cytokines and inflammatory mediators produced by activated glia have the potential to initiate or exacerbate the progression of neuropathology. As β-amyloid (Aβ) is one of several stimuli that can activate glia, it is important to determine how Aβ-induced glial activation is influenced by other proteins present in the plaque, such as apolipoprotein E (apoE). We examined the effect of native preparations of apoE on activation of rat cortical astrocyte cultures by Aβ1–42. The apoE source was conditioned medium from human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably transfected with human apoE3 or apoE4 cDNA. By morphological criteria, apoE inhibited Aβ-induced astrocyte activation in three experimental paradigms: apoE pretreatment blocked subsequent Aβ-induced activation, Aβ aged in the presence of apoE did not activate astrocytes, and apoE addition to activated astrocytes transiently reversed the activated phenotype. No apoE isoform selectivity was observed. The effect of apoE appears to be specific to Aβ, as apoE did not attenuate cyclic AMP-induced astrocyte activation. These data suggest that apoE may modulate the ability of Aβ to induce inflammatory responses in the brain.  相似文献   
Inbreeding is widely believed to negatively affect reproductive performance. Indeed, in some species, high levels of inbreeding are thought to be the major cause of poor semen quality. It is, however, not clear whether inbreeding affects fertility in horses. In this study, the relationship between inbreeding and semen quality was examined in 285 immature Shetland pony stallions submitted for breeding soundness examination in March-April of the years 1992-1997. The majority of stallions examined were 3 years old (85%) and their coefficients of inbreeding ranged from 0 to 25% (mean+/-S.D.: 3+/-4.6%). For the purpose of analysis, stallions were divided into six inbreeding classes (0-1, 1-2, 2-5, 5-8, 8-12 and >12%) containing 132, 40, 42, 27, 25 and 19 animals, respectively. The degree of inbreeding significantly affected many aspects of sperm production and quality, based on a standard examination of two ejaculates collected at a 1.5-3h interval. In particular, coefficients of inbreeding above 2% were associated with lower percentages of motile (p<0.01) and morphologically normal sperm (p<0.001). When the data set was used to estimate heritability of semen characteristics, the high values calculated for sperm progressive motility (0.46) and concentration (0.24) suggested that these traits could be improved by phenotypic selection. These findings support the hypothesis that inbreeding has a detrimental effect on semen quality in Shetland ponies, although examination of multiple ejaculates after repeated semen collection to bring the animals to daily sperm output is needed to confirm this conclusion. Nevertheless, the results support previous suggestions that inbreeding is an important cause of reduced semen quality.  相似文献   
A systematic study of the reduction of (ImH)[trans-RuCl(4)(dmso)(Im)] (NAMI-A; dmso is dimethyl sulfoxide, Im is imidazole), a promising antimetastasing agent, by L: -ascorbic acid under physiological conditions is reported. Under blood plasma conditions (pH 7.4, 0.1-0.15 M NaCl , 37 degrees C) the rapid reduction of trans-[Ru(III)Cl(4)(dmso)(Im)](-) results in the formation of trans-[Ru(II)Cl(4)(dmso)(Im)](2-) within seconds, and is followed by successive dissociation of the chloride ligands, whereas neither dmso nor imidazole ligands are released during the reaction. Under our experimental conditions, the formation of the ascorbate dianion is the rate-determining step, and once it has formed it reacts rapidly with NAMI-A. Moreover, the NAMI-A complex is very unstable at physiological pH (7.4); therefore, the hydrolysis of NAMI-A cannot be excluded as a competing reaction. During hydrolysis, aquated derivatives via stepwise dissociation of chloride and dmso ligands are formed, and most of these species have a higher redox potential and are expected to be even more easily reduced by ascorbic acid. Thus, it is very likely that the reduced form of NAMI-A or the reduction products of its hydrolytic derivatives react with albumin. The reaction of reduced NAMI-A with human serum albumin leads to the formation of stable adducts, with a binding efficiency very similar to that of the parent complex, viz., 3.2 +/- 0.3 and 4.0 +/- 0.4 mol of Ru(II) and Ru(III) per mole of albumin, respectively, however with a significantly higher reactivity.  相似文献   
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