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We investigated the relationship between site productivity and diversity of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, and polypore fungi in forests based on species richness data in 0.25 ha forest plots (grain size), selected from six 150–200 ha study areas (focus), and spanning over a latitudinal distance of 1350 km (extent) in Norway. We 1) searched for prevailing productivity-diversity relationships (PDRs), 2) compared PDRs among taxonomic groups and species found in different micro-habitats, and 3) investigated the effect of increasing plot (grain) size on PDRs. Using vegetation types as a surrogate for site productivity, we found a general pattern of increasing species richness with site productivity. On average total species richness doubled with a ten-fold increase in productivity. Lichens PDRs stood out as less pronounced and more variable than for other species groups investigated. PDRs of species associated with downed logs tended to level off at high-productive sites, a pattern interpreted as an effect of disturbance. Increasing the grain size >10-fold did not change the proportional difference in species richness between sites with high and low productivity.  相似文献   
Effects on the aquatic biota of lime (CaCO3) application in acidified lakes and streams were studied in a number of waters. After treatment, lime-sensitive species of mosses (Sphagnum spp.) decreased, but species such as Potamogeton natans and Myriophyllum alterniflorum seemed to be favoured. A few years after liming species composition and diversity of phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthic insect larvae were almost identical to that found in oligotrophic and non-acid lakes. Molluscs and benthic crustaceans may have difficulties recolonizing. Reproduction of remaining species of fish was successful as soon as pH increased. High survival of larvae and fry can result in some extremely rich year classes with slow individual growth. In most cases restocking of depleted fish stocks was successful.  相似文献   
Population structure, density and reproductive potential of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) from 4 acidified lakes in a river system in Southern Norway were investigated. The upper 3 lakes were most affected by acidification and the number of perch caught per unit effort indicate three-fold increase in density from the upper Gjerstadvann to the lower Brøbørvann. Low density of perch in the upper lakes is explained by; 1) Abnormal mortality occurring in episodes due to acidification, probably caused by aluminium toxicity at pH = 5.2–5.4. 2). Acid water (pH ≤ 5.0) during spawning and development of eggs and larvae, resulting in recruitment failure. Juvenile mortality of perch may depend on the density of the parental stock. In the 3 upper lakes, the density of adult perch probably was too low to produce significant juvenile mortality, and in these lakes the recruitment probably depended more on the May water quality. Improved water quality increases egg hatching and survival and also benefits zooplankton production, the main food for perch during the first summer. Low population density has reduced competition for food and thus improved growth of perch in the 3 upper lakes compared to the lower lake. The perch in Brøbørvann mature at higher age and have lower individual fecundity than perch in Gjerstadvann, an effect of both slower growth and lower length specific fecundity in Brøbørvann. In Gjerstadvann, the perch therefore have a higher reproductive potential relative to the stock density, and may, when the water quality is good enough, give rise to strong year-classes and more frequent year-class fluctuations than perch in the less acid Brøbørvann.  相似文献   
The location of the cpe gene, encoding the enterotoxin responsible for food poisoning in humans, has been studied in a series of enterotoxigenic Ciostridium perfringens strains by means of pulsed field gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA. The cpe gene was found at the same chromosomal locus in strains associated with food poisoning in humans and was shown to be linked to a repetitive sequence, the Hin dlll repeat, and an open reading frame, ORF3, that may be part of an insertion sequence. In contrast, when the strains originated from domesticated livestock cpe was located on a large episome where it was often close to a copy of the transposable element IS 1151. In these cases, the Hin dlll repeat was not linked to the cpe gene although this was generally preceded by ORF3.  相似文献   
Differences in how writing systems represent language raise important questions about whether there could be a universal functional architecture for reading across languages. In order to study potential language differences in the neural networks that support reading skill, we collected fMRI data from readers of alphabetic (English) and morpho-syllabic (Chinese) writing systems during two reading tasks. In one, participants read short stories under conditions that approximate natural reading, and in the other, participants decided whether individual stimuli were real words or not. Prior work comparing these two writing systems has overwhelmingly used meta-linguistic tasks, generally supporting the conclusion that the reading system is organized differently for skilled readers of Chinese and English. We observed that language differences in the reading network were greatly dependent on task. In lexical decision, a pattern consistent with prior research was observed in which the Middle Frontal Gyrus (MFG) and right Fusiform Gyrus (rFFG) were more active for Chinese than for English, whereas the posterior temporal sulcus was more active for English than for Chinese. We found a very different pattern of language effects in a naturalistic reading paradigm, during which significant differences were only observed in visual regions not typically considered specific to the reading network, and the middle temporal gyrus, which is thought to be important for direct mapping of orthography to semantics. Indeed, in areas that are often discussed as supporting distinct cognitive or linguistic functions between the two languages, we observed interaction. Specifically, language differences were most pronounced in MFG and rFFG during the lexical decision task, whereas no language differences were observed in these areas during silent reading of text for comprehension.  相似文献   
The adaptive immune response of human CD8 T cells to invading pathogens involves the differentiation of naive cells into memory and effector cells. However, the lineage relationship between memory and effector cells and the differentiation of CD8 T cells into distinct subsets of effector cell subpopulations are subjects of considerable debate. CD7 identifies three populations of CD8 T cells: CD7 high (CD7(high)), low (CD7(low)), and negative (CD7(neg)) that translate into subsets with distinct functional properties. The CD7(high) subset contains naive and memory cells and the CD7(low) and CD7(neg) subsets contain effector cells. The effector cells can functionally be divided into cytokine-secreting effector CD8 T cells and lytic effector CD8 T cells. These data provide a model of human CD8 T cell differentiation in which specialized distinct subpopulations can be identified by expression of CD7.  相似文献   
3-Indole carboxylic acid (ICA) has been characterized as an endogenous constituent of Pinus sylvestris needles. Quantitative estimates of 3-indole acetic acid (IAA) and ICA, corrected for both sample losses and the conversion of IAA to ICA occurring during purification, indicate that Pinus needles contain 24.5 ± 6.5 ng IAA/g and 2.3 ± 0.4 ng ICA/g.  相似文献   
The time/temperature profiles experienced by spores on the track from their natural sporulation environment to consumable food products may be highly diverse. Temperature has been documented as an important factor that may activate spores, i.e. potentiates spores to germinate. There is, however, limited knowledge about the relationship between the expected temperature history and the subsequent germination characteristics of bacterial spores. We show here that the germination rate of five different Bacillus spore populations, represented by strains of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus weihenstephanensis, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis could be increased following 1 week storage at moderately elevated temperatures, 30–33 °C, compared to spores stored at 3–8 °C. The results imply that spores contamination routes to foods, specifically the temperature history, could be highly relevant data in predictive modeling of food spoilage and safety. Activation at these moderately elevated temperatures may be a native form of spore activation in their natural habitats, knowledge that also could be useful in development of decontamination strategies for mildly heated foods.  相似文献   
Firing-rate models provide a practical tool for studying signal processing in the early visual system, permitting more thorough mathematical analysis than spike-based models. We show here that essential response properties of relay cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) can be captured by surprisingly simple firing-rate models consisting of a low-pass filter and a nonlinear activation function. The starting point for our analysis are two spiking neuron models based on experimental data: a spike-response model fitted to data from macaque (Carandini et al. J. Vis., 20(14), 1–2011, 2007), and a model with conductance-based synapses and afterhyperpolarizing currents fitted to data from cat (Casti et al. J. Comput. Neurosci., 24(2), 235–252, 2008). We obtained the nonlinear activation function by stimulating the model neurons with stationary stochastic spike trains, while we characterized the linear filter by fitting a low-pass filter to responses to sinusoidally modulated stochastic spike trains. To account for the non-Poisson nature of retinal spike trains, we performed all analyses with spike trains with higher-order gamma statistics in addition to Poissonian spike trains. Interestingly, the properties of the low-pass filter depend only on the average input rate, but not on the modulation depth of sinusoidally modulated input. Thus, the response properties of our model are fully specified by just three parameters (low-frequency gain, cutoff frequency, and delay) for a given mean input rate and input regularity. This simple firing-rate model reproduces the response of spiking neurons to a step in input rate very well for Poissonian as well as for non-Poissonian input. We also found that the cutoff frequencies, and thus the filter time constants, of the rate-based model are unrelated to the membrane time constants of the underlying spiking models, in agreement with similar observations for simpler models.  相似文献   
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