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Rapid Sulfonamide Disc Sensitivity Test for Meningococci   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of 90 strains of Neisseria meningitidis were determined by a plate dilution technique that employed twofold changes in concentrations of sulfadiazine. The geometric mean of three MIC determinations on each strain was correlated with inhibition zones produced by a 300-mug sulfathiazole disc. The linear relationship between the logarithm of the geometric mean MIC values and the zone diameters was highly significant. Strains were separated into sensitive and resistant populations by both test procedures. Quantitative criteria for interpreting the sensitivity of a strain by the disc test were established.  相似文献   
The morphogenesis of the manubrium sterni was studied in a series of dated embryos of Tupaia belangeri. In addition to the sternal bands, the "paired suprasternal Anlage" takes part in the shaping of the manubrium sterni as reported by Klima (1968) for other mammals. It forms skeletal elements that mediate between the clavicle and the manubrium: the sternocalvicular ligament and the paired prominence on the dorsal surface of the manubrium, which underlies the clavicles. The paired prominence corresponds to the praeclavium present in some therians. Very probably, the discus articularis of the sternoclavicular articulation of some primates can be attributed to the suprasternal Anlage. There was, however, no indication that the ossa suprasternalia of primates develop from the suprasternal Anlagen: In Tupaia these Anlagen do not form the cranial part of the manubrium. Klima's "unpaired Anlage" develops differently in Tupaia than in other therians. It consists of connective tissue and is not integrated into the manubrium. It presents an insertion surface for the M. pectoralis major, which shifts its origin onto the manubrium, after the sternal bands have fused. The homology of the "unpaired Anlage" and the "pars chondralis interclaviculae" is doubtful.  相似文献   
It is currentlyunclear whether aging alters the perfusion of active muscles duringlarge-muscle dynamic exercise in humans. To study this issue, directmeasurements of leg blood flow (femoral vein thermodilution) andsystemic arterial pressure during submaximal cycle ergometry (70, 140, and 210 W) were compared between six younger (Y; 22-30 yr) and sixolder (O; 55-68 yr) chronically endurance-trainedmen. Whole body O2uptake, ventilation, and arterial and femoral venous samples forblood-gas, catecholamine, and lactate determinations were alsoobtained. Training duration (min/day), estimated leg muscle mass(dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; Y, 21.5 ± 1.2 vs. O, 19.9 ± 0.9 kg), and blood hemoglobin concentration (Y, 14.9 ± 0.4 vs. O, 14.7 ± 0.2 g/dl) did not significantly differ (P > 0.05) between groups. Leg bloodflow, leg vascular conductance, and femoral venousO2 saturation were ~20-30%lower in the older men at each work rate (allP < 0.05), despite similarlevels of whole body O2 uptake. At210 W, leg norepinephrine spillover rates and femoral venous lactateconcentrations were more than twofold higher in the older men.Pulmonary ventilation was also higher in the older men at 140 (+24%)and 210 (+39%) W. These results indicate that leg blood flow andvascular conductance during cycle ergometer exercise are significantlylower in older endurance-trained men in comparison to their youngercounterparts. The mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon and theextent to which they operate in other groups of older subjects deservefurther attention.

Selenite is frequently used in combination with cancer chemotherapeutic agents to reduce side effects. However, the cytoprotective activity of selenite may also reduce the efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs on tumor cells. This study was designed to examine the effects of selenite combined with cytotoxic agents used in clinical protocols [e.g., doxorubicine, docetaxel, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), methotrexate (MTX), mafosphamide, mitomycin C, gemcitabine, etoposide, cisplatin, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin] on the proliferation of various carcinoma cell types. The data demonstrated that selenite had no marked effects on the antiproliferative activity of docetaxel, doxorubicine, 5-FU, MTX, and mafosphamide in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Likewise, no consistent changes were observed in A549 lung cancer cell proliferation when selenite was combined with cisplatin, etoposide, gemcitabine, or mitomycin C. On the other hand, selenite potentiated the cytotoxicity of 5-FU, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan in HCT116 colon cancer cells by approx 1.1-fold, 2.7-fold, and 2.6-fold, respectively. In SW620 colon cancer cells, selenite induced a 1.5-fold and 4.3-fold increase of the antiproliferative activity of 5-FU and oxaliplatin, respectively. Whereas irinotecan showed no effects on SW620 cell growth, a combination with selenite resulted in 23% inhibition. Our results indicate that selenite did not reduce the antiproliferative activity of chemotherapeutic agents in vitro. In addition, selenite was able to increase the inhibitory activity of docetaxel in A549 lung cancer cells, and of 5-FU, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan in HCT116 and SW620 colon cancer cells implying selenite is potentially useful as an adjuvant chemotherapeutic agent.  相似文献   
Hopanoids are among the most widespread biomarkers of bacteria that are used as indicators for past and present bacterial activity. Our understanding of the production, function, and distribution of hopanoids in bacteria has improved greatly, partly due to genetic, culture‐independent studies. Culture‐based studies are important to determine hopanoid function and the environmental conditions under which these compounds are produced. This study compares the lipid inventory of Rhodopseudomonas palustris strain TIE‐1 under anoxic photoautotrophic conditions using either H2 or Fe(II) as electron donor. The high amount to which adenosylhopane is produced irrespective of the used electron donor suggests a specific function of this compound rather than its exclusive role as an intermediate in bacteriohopanepolyol biosynthesis. C‐2 methylated hopanoids and tetrahymanol account for as much as 59% of the respective C‐2 methylated/non‐methylated homologs during growth with Fe(II) as electron donor, as compared with 24% C‐2 methylation for growth with H2. This observation reveals that C‐2 methylated hopanoids have a specific function and are preferentially synthesized in response to elevated Fe(II) concentrations. The presence of C‐2 methylated pentacyclic triterpenoids has commonly been used as a biosignature for the interpretation of paleoenvironments. These new findings suggest that increased C‐2 methylation may indicate anoxic ferrous conditions, in addition to other environmental stressors that have been previously reported.  相似文献   
When an γ‐irradiated Dy‐, Tm‐, Sm‐ or Mn‐doped CaSO4 crystal is impulsively deformed, two peaks appear in the ML intensity versus time curve, whereby the first ML peak is found in the deformation region and the second in the post‐deformation region of the crystals. In this study, intensities Im1 and Im2 corresponding to first and second ML peaks, respectively, increased linearly with an impact velocity v0 of the piston used to deform the crystals, and times tm1 and tm2 corresponding to the first and second ML peaks, respectively, decreased with impact velocity. Total ML intensity initially increased with impact velocity and then reached a saturation value for higher values of impact velocity. ML intensity increased with increasing γ‐doses and size of crystals. Results showed that the electric field produced as a result of charging of newly‐created surfaces caused tunneling of electrons to the valence band of the hole‐trapping centres. The free holes generated moved in the valence band and their subsequent recombination with electron trapping centres released energy, thereby resulting in excitation of luminescent centres. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Background: Colorectal carcinogenesis is believed to be a multi-stage process that originates with a localized adenoma, which linearly progresses to an intra-mucosal carcinoma, to an invasive lesion, and finally to metastatic cancer. This progression model is supported by tissue culture and animal model studies, but it is difficult to reconcile with several well-established observations, principally among these are that up to 25% of early stage (Stage I/II), node-negative colorectal cancer (CRC) develop distant metastasis, and that circulating CRC cells are undetectable in peripheral blood samples of up to 50% of patients with confirmed metastasis, but more than 30% of patients with no detectable metastasis exhibit such cells. The mechanism responsible for this diverse behavior is unknown, and there are no effective means to identify patients with pending, or who are at high risk for, developing metastatic CRC.Novel findings: Our previous studies of human breast and prostate cancer have shown that cancer invasion arises from the convergence of a tissue injury, the innate immune response to that injury, and the presence of tumor stem cells within tumor capsules at the site of the injury. Focal degeneration of a capsule due to age or disease attracts lymphocyte infiltration that degrades the degenerating capsules resulting in the formation of a focal disruption in the capsule, which selectively favors proliferating or “budding” of the underlying tumor stem cells. Our recent studies suggest that lymphocyte infiltration also triggers metastasis by disrupting the intercellular junctions and surface adhesion molecules within the proliferating cell buds causing their dissociation. Then, lymphocytes and tumor cells are conjoined through membrane fusion to form tumor-lymphocyte chimeras (TLCs) that allows the tumor stem cell to avail itself of the lymphocyte''s natural ability to migrate and breach cell barriers in order to intravasate and to travel to distant organs. Our most recent studies of human CRC have detected nearly identical focal capsule disruptions, lymphocyte infiltration, budding cells, and the formation of TLCs. Our studies have further shown that age- and type-matched node-positive and -negative CRC have a significantly different morphological and immunohistochemical profile and that the majority of lymphatic ducts with disseminated cells are located within the mucosa adjacent to morphologically normal appearing epithelial structures that express a stem cell-related marker.New hypothesis: Based on these findings and the growth patterns of budding cells revealed by double immunohistochemistry, we further hypothesize that metastatic spread is an early event of carcinogenesis and that budding cells overlying focal capsule disruptions represent invasion- and metastasis-initiating cells that follow one of four pathways to progress: (1) to undergo extensive in situ proliferation leading to the formation of tumor nests that subsequently invade the submucosa, (2) to migrate with associated lymphocytes functioning as “seeds” to grow in new sites, (3) to migrate and intravasate into pre-existing vascular structures by forming TLCs, or (4) to intravasate into vascular structures that are generated by the budding cells themselves. We also propose that only node-positive cases harbor stem cells with the potential for multi-lineage differentiation and unique surface markers that permit intravasation.  相似文献   
Phase I testing of the hu14.18-IL2 immunocytokine in melanoma patients showed immune activation, reversible toxicities, and a maximal tolerated dose of 7.5?mg/m2/day. In this phase II study, 14 patients with measurable metastatic melanoma were scheduled to receive hu14.18-IL2 at 6?mg/m2/day as 4-h intravenous infusions on Days 1, 2, and 3 of each 28?day cycle. Patients with stable disease (SD) or regression following cycle 2 could receive two additional treatment cycles. The primary objective was to evaluate antitumor activity and response duration. Secondary objectives evaluated adverse events and immunologic activation. All patients received two cycles of treatment. One patient had a partial response (PR) [1 PR of 14 patients?=?response rate of 7.1?%; confidence interval, 0.2?C33.9?%], and 4 patients had SD and received cycles 3 and 4. The PR and SD responses lasted 3?C4?months. All toxicities were reversible and those resulting in dose reduction included grade 3 hypotension (2 patients) and grade 2 renal insufficiency with oliguria (1 patient). Patients had a peripheral blood lymphocytosis on Day 8 and increased C-reactive protein. While one PR in 14 patients met protocol criteria to proceed to stage 2 and enter 16 additional patients, we suspended stage 2 due to limited availability of hu14.18-IL2 at that time and the brief duration of PR and SD. We conclude that subsequent testing of hu14.18-IL2 should involve melanoma patients with minimal residual disease based on compelling preclinical data and the confirmed immune activation with some antitumor activity in this study.  相似文献   
The usage of standard 96 well microplates for the screening of crystallization conditions of recombinant proteins offers several advantages when compared to commonly used crystallization plate formats. The adoption of robotic technology for plate and glass slide preparation within a "hanging drop" vapour diffusion crystallization experiment enables to work with an increased throughput at reduced costs. In addition to commercial pipetting devices with a 96-channel aspirator/dispenser, solenoid ink-jet technology was applied to form 250 nl droplets with a diameter of approximately 1 mm. This allows miniaturization of crystallization screening set-ups with an estimated ten-fold cost reduction when compared to commonly used 24 well plates.  相似文献   
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