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Bittersweet (Solanum dulcamara L., Solanaceae) is of interest as a source of steroidal alkaloids for the commercial production of hormones. Since glycoalkaloid production is positively correlated to differentiation, tumor and teratoma cultures of the soladulcidine chemotype were established by transformation withAgrobacterium tumefaciens. A newly developed HPLC-system, which allowed separation and sensitive quantitation of the glycoalkaloids soladulcidine-tetraoside, solamargine and solasonine, was used to analyse glycoalkaloid profiles in plants and cultures. Tumors and teratoma were charcterized by a shift in their alkaloid pattern from soladulcidine tetraoside to the solasodine glycosides solamargine and solasonine. Shoot teratoma showed a total glycoalkaloid content of 1% dw, which is about fivefold higher than in the source plant. A regenerated plant retained the altered alkaloid spectrum; the levels, however, equalled those of the source plant. From the alteration of alkaloid pattern in the transformed cultures suggestions can be made concerning the biosynthetic pathway. Completion of the biosynthesis of the aglycone is likely to be complete before glycosylation occurs.  相似文献   
In order to study the relationships among mammalian alpha-globin genes, we have determined the sequence of the 3' flanking region of the human alpha 1 globin gene and have made pairwise comparisons between sequenced alpha-globin genes. The flanking regions were examined in detail because sequence matches in these regions could be interpreted with the least complication from the gene duplications and conversions that have occurred frequently in mammalian alpha-like globin gene clusters. We found good matches between the flanking regions of human alpha 1 and rabbit alpha 1, human psi alpha 1 and goat I alpha, human alpha 2 and goat II alpha, and horse alpha 1 and goat II alpha. These matches were used to align the alpha-globin genes in gene clusters from different mammals. This alignment shows that genes at equivalent positions in the gene clusters of different mammals can be functional or nonfunctional, depending on whether they corrected against a functional alpha-globin gene in recent evolutionary history. The number of alpha-globin genes (including pseudogenes) appears to differ among species, although highly divergent pseudogenes may not have been detected in all species examined. Although matching sequences could be found in interspecies comparisons of the flanking regions of alpha- globin genes, these matches are not as extensive as those found in the flanking regions of mammalian beta-like globin genes. This observation suggests that the noncoding sequences in the mammalian alpha-globin gene clusters are evolving at a faster rate than those in the beta-like globin gene clusters. The proposed faster rate of evolution fits with the poor conservation of the genetic linkage map around alpha-globin gene clusters when compared to that of the beta-like globin gene clusters. Analysis of the 3' flanking regions of alpha-globin genes has revealed a conserved sequence approximately 100-150 bp 3' to the polyadenylation site; this sequence may be involved in the expression or regulation of alpha-globin genes.   相似文献   
Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBPA) catalyzes the reversible cleavage of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate in the glycolytic pathway. FBPAs from archaeal organisms have recently been identified and characterized as a divergent family of proteins. Here, we report the first crystal structure of an archaeal FBPA at 1.9-A resolution. The structure of this 280-kDa protein complex was determined using single wavelength anomalous dispersion followed by 10-fold non-crystallographic symmetry averaging and refined to an R-factor of 14.9% (Rfree 17.9%). The protein forms a dimer of pentamers, consisting of subunits adopting the ubiquitous (betaalpha)8 barrel fold. Additionally, a crystal structure of the archaeal FBPA covalently bound to dihydroxyacetone phosphate was solved at 2.1-A resolution. Comparison of the active site residues with those of classical FBPAs, which share no significant sequence identity but display the same overall fold, reveals a common ancestry between these two families of FBPAs. Structural comparisons, furthermore, establish an evolutionary link to the triosephosphate isomerases, a superfamily hitherto considered independent from the superfamily of aldolases.  相似文献   
The alpha-like globin gene cluster in rabbits contains embryonic zeta- globin genes, an adult alpha-globin gene, and theta-globin genes of undetermined function. The basic arrangement of genes, deduced from analysis of cloned DNA fragments, is 5'-zeta 0-zeta 1-alpha 1-theta 1- zeta 2-zeta 3-theta 2-3'. However, the pattern of restriction fragments containing zeta- and theta-globin genes varies among individual rabbits. Analysis of BamHI fragments of genomic DNA from 24 New Zealand white rabbits revealed eight different patterns of fragments containing zeta-globin genes. The large BamHI fragments containing genes zeta 0 and zeta 1 are polymorphic in length, whereas a 1.9-kb fragment containing the zeta 2 gene and the 3.5-kb fragment containing the zeta 3 gene do not vary in size. In contrast to this constancy in the size of the restriction fragments, the copy number of the zeta 2 and zeta 3 genes does vary among different rabbits. No length polymorphism was detected in the BamHI fragments containing the theta-globin genes, but again the copy number varies for restriction fragments containing the theta 2 gene. The alpha 1- and theta 1-globin genes are located in a nonpolymorphic 7.2-kb BamHI fragment. The combined data from hybridization with both zeta and theta probes shows that the BamHI cleavage pattern does not vary within the region 5'-alpha 1-theta 1- zeta 2-zeta 3-theta 2-3', but the pattern genomic blot-hybridization patterns for the progeny of parental rabbits with different zeta-globin gene patterns shows that the polymorphic patterns are inherited in a Mendelian fashion. Two different haplotypes have been mapped based on the genomic blot-hybridization data. The variation in the alpha-like globin gene cluster in the rabbit population results both from differences in the copy number of the duplication block containing the zeta-zeta-theta gene set and from the presence or absence of polymorphic BamHI sites.   相似文献   
We surveyed nine diallelic polymorphic sites on the Y chromosomes of 1,544 individuals from Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and the New World. Phylogenetic analyses of these nine sites resulted in a tree for 10 distinct Y haplotypes with a coalescence time of approximately 150,000 years. The 10 haplotypes were unevenly distributed among human populations: 5 were restricted to a particular continent, 2 were shared between Africa and Europe, 1 was present only in the Old World, and 2 were found in all geographic regions surveyed. The ancestral haplotype was limited to African populations. Random permutation procedures revealed statistically significant patterns of geographical structuring of this paternal genetic variation. The results of a nested cladistic analysis indicated that these geographical associations arose through a combination of processes, including restricted, recurrent gene flow (isolation by distance) and range expansions. We inferred that one of the oldest events in the nested cladistic analysis was a range expansion out of Africa which resulted in the complete replacement of Y chromosomes throughout the Old World, a finding consistent with many versions of the Out of Africa Replacement Model. A second and more recent range expansion brought Asian Y chromosomes back to Africa without replacing the indigenous African male gene pool. Thus, the previously observed high levels of Y chromosomal genetic diversity in Africa may be due in part to bidirectional population movements. Finally, a comparison of our results with those from nested cladistic analyses of human mtDNA and beta-globin data revealed different patterns of inferences for males and females concerning the relative roles of population history (range expansions) and population structure (recurrent gene flow), thereby adding a new sex-specific component to models of human evolution.   相似文献   
This biomechanical study reports strain gradients in patellofemoral joint cross-sections of seven porcine specimens in response to 1% unconfined axial compression subsequent to specific amounts of off-set strain. Strain distributions were quantified with a customized laser-based electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) system in a non-contact manner, delivering high-resolution, high-sensitivity strain maps over entire patellofemoral cartilage cross-sections. Strain reports were evaluated to determine differences in strain magnitudes between the superficial, middle, and deep cartilage layers in femoral and patellar cartilage. In addition, the effect of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% off-set strain on depth-dependent strain gradients was quantified. Regardless of the amount of off-set strain, the superficial layer of femoral cartilage absorbed the most strain, and the deep layer absorbed the least strain. These depth-dependent strain gradients were most pronounced for 5% off-set strain, at which the superficial layer absorbed on average 5.7 and 23.7 times more strain as compared to the middle and deep layers, respectively. For increased off-set strain levels, strain gradients became less pronounced. At 20% off-set strain, differences in layer-specific strain were not statistically significant, with the superficial layer showing a 1.4 fold higher strain as the deep layer. Patellar cartilage exhibited similar strain gradients and effects of off-set strain, although the patellar strain was on average 19% larger as compared to corresponding femoral strain reports. This study quantified for the first time continuous strain gradients over patellofemoral cartilage cross-sections. Next to provision of a detailed functional characterization of normal diarthrodial joints, this novel experimental approach holds considerable attraction to investigate joint degenerative processes.  相似文献   
Lorentzen E  Siebers B  Hensel R  Pohl E 《Biochemistry》2005,44(11):4222-4229
The glycolytic enzyme fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBPA) catalyzes the reversible cleavage of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Catalysis of Schiff base forming class I FBPA relies on a number of intermediates covalently bound to the catalytic lysine. Using active site mutants of FBPA I from Thermoproteus tenax, we have solved the crystal structures of the enzyme covalently bound to the carbinolamine of the substrate fructose 1,6-bisphosphate and noncovalently bound to the cyclic form of the substrate. The structures, determined at a resolution of 1.9 A and refined to crystallographic R factors of 0.148 and 0.149, respectively, represent the first view of any FBPA I in these two stages of the reaction pathway and allow detailed analysis of the roles of active site residues in catalysis. The active site geometry of the Tyr146Phe FBPA variant with the carbinolamine intermediate supports the notion that in the archaeal FBPA I Tyr146 is the proton donor catalyzing the conversion between the carbinolamine and Schiff base. Our structural analysis furthermore indicates that Glu187 is the proton donor in the eukaryotic FBPA I, whereas an aspartic acid, conserved in all FBPA I enzymes, is in a perfect position to be the general base facilitating carbon-carbon cleavage. The crystal structure of the Trp144Glu, Tyr146Phe double-mutant substrate complex represents the first example where the cyclic form of beta-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate is noncovalently bound to FBPA I. The structure thus allows for the first time the catalytic mechanism of ring opening to be unraveled.  相似文献   
The crystal structures of the oxidized and reduced forms of cytochrome c″ from Methylophilus methylotrophus were solved from X-ray synchrotron data to atomic resolution. The overall fold of the molecule in the two redox states is very similar and is comparable to that of the oxygen-binding protein from the purple phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. However, significant modifications occur near the haem group, in particular the detachment from axial binding of His95 observed upon reduction as well as the adoption of different conformations of some protonatable residues that form a possible proton path from the haem pocket to the protein surface. These changes are associated with the previously well characterized redox-Bohr behaviour of this protein. Furthermore they provide a model for one of the presently proposed mechanisms of proton translocation in the much more complex protein cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   
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