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Seasonal carbon isotope discrimination in a grassland community   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Summary Grassland communities of arid western North America are often characterized by a seasonal increase in ambient temperature and evaporative demand and a corresponding decline in soil moisture availability. As the environment changes, particular species could respond differently, which should be reflected in a number of physiological processes. Carbon isotope discrimination varies during photosynthetic activity as a function of both stomatal aperture and the biochemistry of the fixation process, and provides an integrated measure of plant response to seasonal changes in the environment. We measured the seasonal course of carbon isotope discrimination in 42 grassland species to evaluate changes in gas exchange processes in response to these varying environmental factors. The seasonal courses were then used to identify community-wide patterns associated with life form, with phenology and with differences between grasses and forbs. Significant differences were detected in the following comparisons: (1) Carbon isotope discrimination decreased throughout the growing season; (2) perennial species discriminated less than annual species; (3) grasses discriminated less than forbs; and (4) early flowering species discriminated more than the later flowering ones. These comparisons suggested that (1) species active only during the initial, less stressful months of the growing season used water less efficiently, and (2) that physiological responses increasing the ratio of carbon fixed to water lost were common in these grassland species, and were correlated with the increase in evaporative demand and the decrease in soil moisture.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe how a model of stable isotope fractionation processes, originally developed by H. Craig and L. I. Gordon ([1965] in E Tongiorgi, ed, Proceedings of a Conference on Stable Isotopes in Oceanographic Studies and Paleotemperature, Spoleto, Italy, pp 9-130) for evaporation of water from the ocean, can be applied to leaf transpiration. The original model was modified to account for turbulent conditions in the leaf boundary layer. Experiments were conducted to test the factors influencing the stable isotopic composition of leaf water under controlled environment conditions. At steady state, the observed leaf water isotopic composition was enriched above that of stem water with the extent of the enrichment dependent on the leaf-air vapor pressure difference (VPD) and the isotopic composition of atmospheric water vapor (AWV). The higher the VPD, the larger was the observed heavy isotope content of leaf water. At a constant VPD, leaf water was relatively depleted in heavy isotopes when exposed to AWV with a low heavy isotope composition, and leaf water was relatively enriched in heavy isotopes when exposed to AWV with a large heavy isotope composition. However, the observed heavy isotope composition of leaf water was always less than that predicted by the model. The extent of the discrepancy between the modeled and observed leaf water isotopic composition was a strong linear function of the leaf transpiration rate.  相似文献   
The spectral properties of the leaves of the herbaceous species Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L., Cerastum tomentosum L., Petunia hybrida Vilm., and Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. were examined to see what effect the epidermis had on leaf absorptance, reflectance and transmittance. Removal of the epidermis from the side of the leaf surface being illuminated resulted in increases in leaf absorptance and transmittance, and a decrease in reflectance in the 400–800 nm waveband. Removal of the epidermis from the opposite side of an illuminated leaf (effect was similar in both abaxial and adaxial surfaces) resulted in small decreases in both absorptance and reflectance, and corresponding increases in transmittance. Removal of both the upper and lower epidermis resulted in a marked increase in transmittance, while both leaf reflectance and absorptance were decreased. The results suggest that the presence of the epidermis significantly increases leaf absorptance in the photosynthetic wavebands.  相似文献   
The gas exchange characteristics are reported for Amaranthus tricolor, a C4 vegetable amaranth of southeastern Asia. Maximum photosynthetic capacity was 48.3±1.0μmol CO2 m?2s?1 and the temperature optimum was 35°C. The calculated intercellular CO2 concentration at this leaf temperature and an incident photon flux (400–700 mm) of 2 mmol m?2s?1 averaged 208±14 μl l?1, abnormally high for a C4 species. The photosynthetic rate, intercellular CO2 concentration, and leaf conductance all decreased with an increase in water vapor pressure deficit. However, the decrease in leaf conductance which resulted in a decrease in intercellular CO2 concentration accounted for only one fourth of the observed decrease in photosynthetic rate as water vapor pressure deficit was increased. Subsequent measurements indicated that the depence of net photosynthesis on intercellular CO2 concetration changed with water vapor pressure deficit.  相似文献   
Xylem-tapping mistletoes transpire large volumes of water (E) while conducting photosynthesis (A) at low rates, thus maintaining low instantaneous wateruse efficiency (A/E). These gas-exchange characteristics have been interpreted as a means of facilitating assimilation of nitrogen dissolved at low concentration in host xylem water; however, low A/E also results in substantial heterotrophic carbon gain. In this study, host trees (Juniperus osteosperma) were fertilized and gas exchange of mistletoe (Phoradendron juniperinum) and host were monitored to determine whether mistletoe A/E would approach that of the host if mistletoes were supplied with abundant nitrogen. Fertilization significantly increased foliar N concentrations (N), net assimilation rates, and A/E in both mistletoe and host. However, at any given N concentration, mistletoes maintained lower A and lower A/E than their hosts. On the other hand, when instantaneous water-use efficiency and A/N were calculated to include heterotrophic assimilation of carbon dissolved in the xylem sap of the host, both water-use efficiency and A/N converged on host values. A simple model of Phoradendron carbon and nitrogen budgets was constructed to analyze the relative benefits of nitrogen- and carbonparasitism. The model assumes constant E and includes feedbacks of tissue nitrogen concentration on photosyn-thesis. These results, combined with our earlier observation that net assimilation rates of mistletoes and their hosts are approximately matched (Marshall et al. 1994), support part of the nitrogen-parasitism hypothesis: that high rates of transpiration benefit the mistletoe primarily through nitrogen gain. However, the low ratio of A/E is interpreted not as a means of acquiring nitrogen, but as an inevitable consequence of an imbalance in C and N assimilation.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (grants BSR-8706772 and 8847942).  相似文献   
We examined the content and isotopic composition of nitrogen within soils of a juniper woodland and found that a cryptobiotic crust composed of cyanobacteria, lichens, and mosses was the predominant source of nitrogen for this ecosystem. Disturbance of the crust has resulted in considerable spatial variability in soil nitrogen content and isotopic composition; intercanopy soils were significantly depleted in nitrogen and had greater abundance of 15N compared to intra-canopy soils. Variations in the 15N/14N ratio for inter- and intra-canopy locations followed similar Rayleigh distillation curves, indicating that the greater 15N/14N ratios for inter-canopy soils were due to relatively greater net nitrogen loss. Coverage of cryptobiotic crusts has been reduced by anthropogenic activities during the past century, and our results suggest that destruction of the cryptobiotic crust may ultimately result in ecosystem degradation through elimination of the predominant source of nitrogen input.  相似文献   
Measurements of stable-isotope ratios of water extracted from stems and, in some studies, soils are increasingly being used to study the integrated root function of field-growing plants. This study explored if additional measurements on water extracted from roots could indicate the activity of roots in different areas of the soil profile and their influence on canopy water sources, so providing advantages over more common sampling strategies. Studies were conducted on trees and shrubs located in diverse habitats: a saline, semi-arid floodplain, a subhumid mountain-range front and a cold desert. At each site, roots, soil immediately surrounding the roots, and plant stems were sampled. Roots were taken from different depths in the soil, to approximately 2 m at one site. Overall, 80% of roots sampled had H isotope ratios different from the surrounding soil. The differences up to 37, were significant (p<0.05) at two of the sites. Thus water in most of the roots sampled did not come entirely, if at all, from the surrounding soil, illustrating movement and possible mixing of water within the root system. This condition was not simply related to the availability of water surrounding the soil, which was also measured. There were also differences in root and stem H isotope ratios (up to 17) in 67% of samples, although the difference was only significant in shallow samples from the floodplain. The general similarity in stem and root 2H values indicates that most roots sampled were involved in the main supply of water to the canopy. Patterns of root function varied between the individual sites. Trees were primarily using groundwater at the floodplain and mountain front sites, as the surface soils had mean matric potentials of-1800 kPa. At the mountain front site, the surface roots were transporting groundwater to the canopy in isolation form the surrounding soil. In contrast, surface roots at the floodplain were taking up water from the surrounding soil, although this water was not a significant source in the trees' overall water supply. This activity of surface roots would not have been evident from the 2H data without the root samples. At the cold desert the roots in moist surface soil provided the main source of water for the shrubs. There too the root data indicated different water uptake patterns than otherwise would have been assumed. The root data showed that groundwater could not have been a water source, a conclusion which had been reached in a previous study. Thus measurements of stable isotope ratios in root water may be a valuable tool in assessing water uptake patterns and root function.  相似文献   
We investigated the age-structure of the xylem-tapping mistletoe Phoradendron juniperinum in relation to characteristics of its host tree, Juniperus osteosperma. We first correlated branch structure in the mistletoe with age of the mistletoe infection as determined anatomically; this correlation provided a nondestructive, field method of obtaining age structure information. We then surveyed the mistletoe plants, applying our aging index, within a population of their host trees in southwestern Utah; the majority of mistletoe plants were 2–12 years old. This peak in abundance of mistletoe infections showed no correlation to total annual precipitation within or 1 year previous to the peaks, minimum winter temperature, or to warmer than average winter temperatures. However, there was a positive correlation (r = 0.51, P < 0.06) with the amount of summer precipitation. A log-linear analysis indicated that a greater than expected number of mistletoe infections occurred at 5–7 years of age and at approximately 3 m in height among all host trees. We suggest that this pattern resulted because this canopy position had greater leaf and branch areas and was visited most frequently by seed-dispersing birds. The log-linear analysis also revealed that fewer than expected mistletoe infections occurred at ages older than 10 years, yet our data indicate that plants can reach 20 years of age. The lack of infections > 10 years of age was correlated to a period of below average precipitation, especially during the growing season, but not with cold winter temperatures, which in other studies had been suggested as a factor influencing mortality. We feel that drought may play an important role in influencing mistletoe mortality through its direct affect on host tree water status, but in addition we offer two alternative hypotheses to explain mistletoe longevity; the first is concerned with the relationship between carbon and nitrogen costs and maintaining large leaf areas in older plants, and the second addresses how increased hydraulic resistance in older and larger plants may be too costly for the plant, and stems are abscised.  相似文献   
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