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The visual cycle comprises a sequence of reactions that regenerate the visual pigment in photoreceptors during dark adaptation, starting with the reduction of all-trans retinal to all-trans retinol and its clearance from photoreceptors. We have followed the reduction of retinal and clearance of retinol within bleached outer segments of red rods isolated from salamander retina by measuring its intrinsic fluorescence. Following exposure to a bright light (bleach), increasing fluorescence intensity was observed to propagate along the outer segments in a direction from the proximal region adjacent to the inner segment toward the distal tip. Peak retinol fluorescence was achieved after approximately 30 min, after which it declined very slowly. Clearance of retinol fluorescence is considerably accelerated by the presence of the exogenous lipophilic substances IRBP (interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein) and serum albumin. We have used simultaneous fluorometric and electrophysiological measurements to compare the rate of reduction of all-trans retinal to all-trans retinol to the rate of recovery of flash response amplitude in these cells in the presence and absence of IRBP. We find that flash response recovery in rods is modestly accelerated in the presence of extracellular IRBP. These results suggest such substances may participate in the clearance of retinoids from rod photoreceptors, and that this clearance, at least in rods, may facilitate dark adaptation by accelerating the clearance of photoproducts of bleaching.  相似文献   


We aimed to clarify the emerging epigenetic landscape in a group of genes classified as “modifier genes” of the β-type globin genes (HBB cluster), known to operate in trans to accomplish the two natural developmental switches in globin expression, from embryonic to fetal during the first trimester of conception and from fetal to adult around the time of birth. The epigenetic alterations were determined in adult sickle cell anemia (SCA) homozygotes and SCA/β-thalassemia compound heterozygotes of Greek origin, who are under hydroxyurea (HU) treatment. Patients were distinguished in HU responders and HU non-responders (those not benefited from the HU) and both, and in vivo and in vitro approaches were implemented.


We examined the CpG islands’ DNA methylation profile of BCL11A, KLF1, MYB, MAP3K5, SIN3A, ZBTB7A, and GATA2, along with γ-globin and LRF/ZBTB7A expression levels. In vitro treatment of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) with HU induced a significant DNA hypomethylation pattern in ZBTB7A (p*, 0.04) and GATA2 (p*, 0.03) CpGs exclusively in the HU non-responders. Also, this group of patients exhibited significantly elevated baseline methylation patterns in ZBTB7A, before the HU treatment, compared to HU responders (p*, 0.019) and to control group of healthy individuals (p*, 0.021), which resembles a potential epigenetic barrier for the γ-globin expression. γ-Globin expression in vitro matched with detected HbF levels during patients’ monitoring tests (in vivo) under HU treatment, implying a good reproducibility of the in vitro HU epigenetic effect. LRF/ZBTB7A expression was elevated only in the HU non-responders under the influence of HU.


This is one of the very first pharmacoepigenomic studies indicating that the hypomethylation of ZBTB7A during HU treatment enhances the LRF expression, which by its turn suppresses the HbF resumption in the HU non-responders. Its role as an epigenetic regulator of hemoglobin switching is also supported by the wide distribution of ZBTB7A-binding sites within the 5′ CpG sequences of all studied human HBB cluster “modifier genes.” Also, the baseline methylation level of selective CpGs in ZBTB7A and GATA2 could be an indicator of the negative HU response among the β-type hemoglobinopathy patients.


The strong familiality of living to extreme ages suggests that human longevity is genetically regulated. The majority of genes found thus far to be associated with longevity primarily function in lipoprotein metabolism and insulin/IGF-1 signaling. There are likely many more genetic modifiers of human longevity that remain to be discovered.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we first show that 18 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the RNA editing genes ADARB1 and ADARB2 are associated with extreme old age in a U.S. based study of centenarians, the New England Centenarian Study. We describe replications of these findings in three independently conducted centenarian studies with different genetic backgrounds (Italian, Ashkenazi Jewish and Japanese) that collectively support an association of ADARB1 and ADARB2 with longevity. Some SNPs in ADARB2 replicate consistently in the four populations and suggest a strong effect that is independent of the different genetic backgrounds and environments. To evaluate the functional association of these genes with lifespan, we demonstrate that inactivation of their orthologues adr-1 and adr-2 in C. elegans reduces median survival by 50%. We further demonstrate that inactivation of the argonaute gene, rde-1, a critical regulator of RNA interference, completely restores lifespan to normal levels in the context of adr-1 and adr-2 loss of function.


Our results suggest that RNA editors may be an important regulator of aging in humans and that, when evaluated in C. elegans, this pathway may interact with the RNA interference machinery to regulate lifespan.  相似文献   


The pandemic by the novel H1N1 virus has created the need to study any probable effects of that infection in the immune system of the host.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Blood was sampled within the first two days of the presentation of signs of infection from 10 healthy volunteers; from 18 cases of flu-like syndrome; and from 31 cases of infection by H1N1 confirmed by reverse RT-PCR. Absolute counts of subtypes of monocytes and of lymphocytes were determined after staining with monoclonal antibodies and analysis by flow cytometry. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from patients and stimulated with various bacterial stimuli. Concentrations of tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, IL-18, interferon (FN)-alpha and of IFN-gamma were estimated in supernatants by an enzyme immunoassay. Infection by H1N1 was accompanied by an increase of monocytes. PBMCs of patients evoked strong cytokine production after stimulation with most of bacterial stimuli. Defective cytokine responses were shown in response to stimulation with phytohemagglutin and with heat-killed Streptococcus pneumoniae. Adaptive immune responses of H1N1-infected patients were characterized by decreases of CD4-lymphocytes and of B-lymphocytes and by increase of T-regulatory lymphocytes (Tregs).


Infection by the H1N1 virus is accompanied by a characteristic impairment of the innate immune responses characterized by defective cytokine responses to S.pneumoniae. Alterations of the adaptive immune responses are predominated by increase of Tregs. These findings signify a predisposition for pneumococcal infections after infection by H1N1 influenza.  相似文献   
Sugarbeets carrying superoxide dismutase transgenes were developed in order to investigate the possibility of enhancing their resistance to oxidative stress. Binary T-DNA vectors carrying the chloroplastic and cytosolic superoxide dismutase genes from tomato, were used for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of sugarbeet petioles. The transgenic plants were subjected to treatments known to cause oxidative stress, such as the herbicide methyl viologen and a natural photosensitizer toxin produced by the fungus Cercospora beticola, namely cercosporin. The transgenic plants exhibited increased tolerance to methyl viologen, to pure cercosporin, as well as to leaf infection with the fungus C. beticola.  相似文献   
The accuracy of the Bactec MGIT 960 system for susceptibility testing of 177 clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to first line drugs (isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol and streptomycin) was compared with the agar reference method. The sensitivity, the ability to detect resistance, of the MGIT system was 100%, while the specificity, the ability to detect susceptibility, ranged from 98.6% to 100% for all drugs tested.  相似文献   
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