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Cord-forming fungi form extensive networks that continuously adapt to maintain an efficient transport system. As osmotically driven water uptake is often distal from the tips, and aqueous fluids are incompressible, we propose that growth induces mass flows across the mycelium, whether or not there are intrahyphal concentration gradients. We imaged the temporal evolution of networks formed by Phanerochaete velutina, and at each stage calculated the unique set of currents that account for the observed changes in cord volume, while minimizing the work required to overcome viscous drag. Predicted speeds were in reasonable agreement with experimental data, and the pressure gradients needed to produce these flows are small. Furthermore, cords that were predicted to carry fast-moving or large currents were significantly more likely to increase in size than cords with slow-moving or small currents. The incompressibility of the fluids within fungi means there is a rapid global response to local fluid movements. Hence velocity of fluid flow is a local signal that conveys quasi-global information about the role of a cord within the mycelium. We suggest that fluid incompressibility and the coupling of growth and mass flow are critical physical features that enable the development of efficient, adaptive biological transport networks.  相似文献   
The different modes of stem cell division are tightly regulated to balance growth and differentiation during organ development and homeostasis. However, the mechanisms controlling such events are not fully understood. We have developed markers that provide the single cell resolution necessary to identify the three modes of division occurring in a developing nervous system: self-expanding, self-renewing, and self-consuming. Characterizing these three modes of division during interneuron generation in the developing chick spinal cord, we demonstrated that they correlate to different levels of activity of the canonical bone morphogenetic protein effectors SMAD1/5. Functional in vivo experiments showed that the premature neuronal differentiation and changes in cell cycle parameters caused by SMAD1/5 inhibition were preceded by a reduction of self-expanding divisions in favor of self-consuming divisions. Conversely, SMAD1/5 gain of function promoted self-expanding divisions. Together, these results lead us to propose that the strength of SMAD1/5 activity dictates the mode of stem cell division during spinal interneuron generation.  相似文献   
Thermal resistance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was found to be drastically dependent on the kinetics of heat perturbation. Yeasts were found to be more resistant to a plateau of 1 h at 50 degrees C after a slope of temperature increase (slow and linear temperature increments) than after a shock (sudden temperature change). Thermotolerance was mainly acquired between 40-50 degrees C during a heat slope, i.e., above the maximal temperature of growth. The death of the yeasts subjected to a heat shock might be related to the loss of membrane integrity: intracellular contents extrusion, i.e., membrane permeabilization, was found to precede cell death. However, the permeabilization did not precede cell death during a heat slope and, therefore, membrane permeabilization was a consequence rather than a cause of cell death. During a slow temperature increase, yeasts which remain viable may have time to adapt their plasma membrane and thus maintain membrane integrity.  相似文献   
Despite their importance as herbicides, dimethoxypyrimidinylsalicylic acids has been poorly characterized from a physical-chemical point of view. This lack of information has prevented the assessment of their impact in the environment once they are released. In this study, environmentally important properties (free energy of solvation, Henry’s law constant, octanol/air, and octanol/water partition coefficients) of 39 dimethoxypyrimidinylsalicylic derived compounds are calculated by density functional theory (DFT) methods at B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory using the Poisson-Boltzmann solvation model. These properties have not been reported previously for this family of compounds, neither experimentally or theoretically.  相似文献   
The effects of changes in arterial pressure and in circulating volume on Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) in the intact rat were compared by two experimental procedures. Gradual volume depletion was induced by intraperitoneal injection of a hyperoncotic polyethyleneglycol solution (PEG) in absence of acute changes in Systolic Arterial Pressure (SAP). SAP was measured in the conscious state by the tail cuff technique. Plasma Protein Concentration (PPC) and Hematocrit (Hct) increases after PEG injection were compared as the index for measuring the Plasma Volume Reduction (PVR). PRA showed a significant (p less than 0.001) linear relationship with PPC, suggesting a direct dependence of renin secretion on volume depletion. Acute changes in the circulating volume were induced by controlled hemorrhages of 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0 ml of blood/kg body weight. The increase in PRA showed a significant relationship with the changes in circulating volume, but it did not show any dependence on the changes in Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP). Our results suggest that, in the intact and conscious rat, renin secretion responds to the information from the cardiopulmonary volume receptors rather than to that from the high pressure receptors.  相似文献   
Visual species identification of cetacean strandings is difficult, especially when dead specimens are degraded and/or species are morphologically similar. The two recognised pilot whale species (Globicephala melas and Globicephala macrorhynchus) are sympatric in the North Atlantic Ocean. These species are very similar in external appearance and their morphometric characteristics partially overlap; thus visual identification is not always reliable. Genetic species identification ensures correct identification of specimens. Here we have employed one mitochondrial (D-Loop region) and eight nuclear loci (microsatellites) as genetic markers to identify six stranded pilot whales found in Galicia (Northwest Spain), one of them of ambiguous phenotype. DNA analyses yielded positive amplification of all loci and enabled species identification. Nuclear microsatellite DNA genotypes revealed mixed ancestry for one individual, identified as a post-F1 interspecific hybrid employing two different Bayesian methods. From the mitochondrial sequence the maternal species was Globicephala melas. This is the first hybrid documented between Globicephala melas and G. macrorhynchus, and the first post-F1 hybrid genetically identified between cetaceans, revealing interspecific genetic introgression in marine mammals. We propose to add nuclear loci to genetic databases for cetacean species identification in order to detect hybrid individuals.  相似文献   
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