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The gene of Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-associated Antigen 4 (CTLA4), a negative regulator of T lymphocytes, contains a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at position +6230A->G (ct60A->G), which has been found associated with several autoimmune diseases and appears to reduce T-cell inhibitory activity. In Ghana, West Africa, we compared the frequencies of CTLA4 +6230 A/G and 6 haplotype-tagging SNPs in 2010 smear-positive, HIV-negative patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and 2346 controls matched for age, gender and ethnicity. We found no difference in allele frequencies between cases and controls. However, +6230A and a distinct CTLA4 haplotype and a diplotype comprising the +6230A allele were significantly less frequent among cases with large opacities in chest radiographs compared to those with small ones (Pcorrected [cor] = 0.002, Pcor = 0.00045, P = 0.0005, respectively). This finding suggests that an increased T-cell activity associated with the CTLA4 +6230G allele contributes to pathology rather than to protection in pulmonary TB.  相似文献   
The copper complex of indomethacin (1-(p-chlorobenzoyl)-5-methoxy-2-methyl-indole acetate), a common anti-inflammatory drug, was prepared and characterized. Crystal structure determination revealed the dimeric form of the 1:2 complex, namely Cu2(indomethacin)4 · L2, in the unit cell. Suprisingly, the copper-copper distance (263 pm) was very close to metallic copper (256 pm). The two coordination sites in the copper-copper axis can be readily replaced by superoxide. An intriguing similarity to Cu2(acetate)4 was seen.Due to the lipophilic nature of the indomethacin ligand, this copper complex reacted with superoxide in aprotic solvents. The superoxide dismutating activity was successfully demonstrated in Me2SO/water and acetonitrile/water mixtures using the nitro-blue tetrazolium assay and pulse radiolysis. The second-order rate constant of 6 · 109 M?1 · s?1 in strictly aqueous systems dropped only slightly to 1.1 · 109 M?1 · s?1 when aprotic solvents were used. This is the fastest rate constant ever observed for a copper-dependent dismutation of superoxide. The KO2-induced lipid peroxidation in both erythrocytes and liver microsomes was suppressed by 70% in the presence of 1 · 10?10 mol · ml?1 of Cu2(indomethacin)4. The inhibitory action dropped to 25% when Cu2Zn2superoxide dismutase was employed. The formation of copper · indomethacin in rat serum after administration of indomethacin was shown in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
Cells from cranial and spinal arachnoid membranes of humans were grown in culture. Their growth characteristics, morphology and details of their cytoskeletal composition are described. Arachnoid membranes, obtained at autopsy, were finely minced and incubated in tissue culture medium. Monolayers of cells of homogeneous morphology grew from these tissue fragments. The cells were flat and polygonal. They divided slowly to form non-overlapping monolayers of low cell density. Electron microscopic examination of cultured arachnoid cells revealed numerous desmosome-like tight junctions and abundant intermediate filaments (tonofilaments). Both morphological features are characteristic of arachnoid cells in situ, but not of cells in the fibroblast-rich dura mater. Immunofluorescence microscopy with monoclonal antibodies demonstrated cytokeratin in the cytoplasm of primary cultures of arachnoid cells. Thus we demonstrated that these cultured cells retained certain of the specific differentiated properties of arachnoid cells in situ and that they are not fibroblasts (which lack tight junctions and cytokeratins). To our knowledge, there have been no previous reports of in vitro growth of arachnoid cells. This in vitro model should be useful in studying the response of arachnoid cells to a variety of substances thought to be involved in the chronic inflammatory condition of the meninges known as arachnoiditis.  相似文献   
The rotating wall vessel is optimized for suspension culture, with laminar flow and adequate nutrient delivery, but minimal shear. However, higher shears may occur in vivo. During rotating wall vessel cultivation of human renal cells, size and density of glass-coated microcarrier beads were changed to modulate initial shear. Renal-specific proteins were assayed after 2 days. Flow cytometry antibody binding analysis of vitamin D receptor demonstrated peak expression at intermediate shears, with 30% reduction outside this range. Activity of cathepsin C showed the inverse pattern, lowest at midshear, with twofold increases at either extreme. Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV had no shear dependence, suggesting that the other results are specific, not universal, changes in membrane trafficking or protein synthesis. On addition of dextran, which changes medium density and viscosity but not shear, vitamin D receptor assay showed no differences from controls. Neither cell cycle, apoptosis/necrosis indexes, nor lactate dehydrogenase release varied between experiments, confirming that the changes are primary, not secondary to cell cycling or membrane damage. This study provides direct evidence that mechanical culture conditions modulate protein expression in suspension culture.  相似文献   
Short courses of nitrofurantoin and ampicillin produced an immediate cure in 80% of adult non-pregnant bacteriuric women. Of the subjects so treated, 55% remained cured at the end of one year. Over the same follow-up period 36% of untreated bacteriuric women developed a spontaneous remission of bacteriuria. Treatment failed to prevent the development of symptomatic infection, and the reinfections which followed successful treatment were more commonly associated with the development of symptoms than the persistent or relapsing infections in untreated or unsuccessfully treated subjects.It is concluded that a search for bacteriuria in non-pregnant women is unlikely to be of value as a preventive measure, since in many instances it fails to detect urinary tract infection at an early stage and since treatment by methods suitable for large-scale use is ineffective.  相似文献   
We have compared normal and low density human eosinophils for their ability to generate platelet activating factor (PAF) in response to IgG-dependent and nonimmunologic stimulation. After 45 min incubation with IgG-coated Sepharose beads the concentrations of cell-associated PAF recovered from normal density eosinophils were significantly greater than from low-density eosinophils or neutrophils. Moreover, eosinophils stimulated with calcium ionophore A23187 had a considerably greater capacity to generate PAF than had previously been described. Although the quantities of cell-associated PAF recovered from normal and low density eosinophils and neutrophils after A23187 stimulation were similar, the amounts of extracellular PAF recovered from both eosinophil populations were significantly greater than from neutrophils. The amounts of PAF recovered from the low density eosinophils may not reflect the full synthetic capacity of these cells, because PAF-turnover was found to be more rapid than that observed with normal density eosinophils. When exogenous [3H]PAF was added to the two stimulated eosinophil populations subsequent analysis of the [3H]PAF metabolites by DIOL-HPLC revealed that low density eosinophils incorporated PAF into the phosphatidylcholine (PC) pool more rapidly than did normal density eosinophils or neutrophils. Alkaline hydrolysis of the PC fraction from whole cell extracts followed by treatment with acetic anhydride resulted in all the PC-associated radioactivity being converted to [3H]PAF, confirming PAF incorporation to PC via this pathway. These findings suggest that the contribution of eosinophils to inflammatory processes through the generation of PAF may be greater than previously appreciated, and that Ig-mediated stimulation may be important in initiating generation of the mediator. Low density eosinophils, that are presumed to be similar to tissue eosinophils, may have a role in regulating PAF concentrations in tissues through their enhanced rate of metabolism.  相似文献   
In order to advance knowledge of the neural control of feeding,we investigated the cortical representation of the taste oftannic acid, which produces the taste of astringency. It isa dietary component of biological importance particularly toarboreal primates. Recordings were made from 74 taste responsiveneurons in the orbitofrontal cortex. Single neurons were foundthat were tuned to respond to 0.001 M tannic acid, and representeda subpopulation of neurons that was distinct from neurons responsiveto the tastes of glucose (sweet), NaCl (salty), HCI (sour),quinine (bitter) and monosodium glutamate (umami). In addition,across the population of 74 neurons, tannic acid was as wellrepresented as the tastes of NaCI, HCI quinine or monosodiumglutamate. Multidimensional scaling analysis of the neuronalresponses to the tastants indicates that tannic acid lies outsidethe boundaries of the four conventional taste qualities (sweet,sour, bitter and salty). Taken together these data indicatethat the astringent taste of tannic acid should be consideredas a distinct taste quality, which receives a separate representationfrom sweet, salt, bitter and sour in the primate cortical tasteareas. Chem. Senses 21: 135–145, 1996.  相似文献   
A genetic linkage map of Theobroma cacao (cocoa) has been constructed from 131 backcross trees derived from a cross between a single tree of the variety Catongo and an F1 tree from the cross of Catongo by Pound 12. The map comprises 138 markers: 104 RAPD loci, 32 RFLP loci and two morphologic loci. Ten linkage groups were found which cover 1068 centimorgans (cM). Only six (4%) molecular-marker loci show a significant deviation from the expected 11 segregation ratio.The average distance between two adjacent markers is 8.3 cM. The final genome-size estimates based on two-point linkage data ranged from 1078 to 1112 cM for the cocoa genome. This backcross progeny segregates for two apparently single gene loci controlling (1) anthocyanidin synthesis (Anth) in seeds, leaves and flowers and (2) self-compatibility (Autoc). The Anth locus was found to be 25 cM from Autoc and two molecular markers co-segregate with Anth. The genetic linkage map was used to localize QTLs for early flowering, trunk diameter, jorquette height and ovule number in the BC1 generation using both single-point ANOVA and interval mapping. A minimum number of 2–4 QTLs (P<0.01) involved in the genetic expression of the traits studied was detected. Coincident map locations of a QTL for jorquette height and trunk diameter suggests the possibility of pleiotropic effects in cocoa for these traits. The combined estimated effects of the different mapped QTLs explained between 11.2% and 25.8% of the phenotypic variance observed in the BC1 population.  相似文献   
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