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Acetylation at the -amino terminal is a common post-translational modification of many peptides and proteins. In the case of the potent opiate peptide -endorphin, -N-acetylation is a known physiological modification that abolishes opiate activity. Since there are no known receptors for -N-acetyl--endorphin, we have studied the association of this peptide with calmodulin, a calcium-dependent protein that binds a variety of peptides, phenothiazines, and enzymes, as a model system for studying acetylated endorphin-protein interactions. Association of the acetylated peptide with calmodulin was demonstrated by cross-linking with bis(sulfosuccinimidyl)suberate; like -endorphin, adducts containing 1 mol and 2 mol of acetylated peptide per mole calmodulin were formed. Some of the bound peptides are evidently in relatively close proximity to each other since, in the presence of amidated (i.e., lysine-blocked) calmodulin, cross-linking yielded peptide dimers. The acetylated peptide exhibited no appreciable helicity in aqueous solution, but in trifluoroethanol (TFE) considerable helicity was formed. Also, a mixture of acetylated peptide and calmodulin was characterized by a circular dichroic spectrum indicative of induced helicity. Empirical prediction rules, applied earlier to -endorphin, suggest that residues 14–24 exhibit -helix potential. This segment has the potential of forming an amphipathic helix; this structural unit is believed to be important in calmodulin binding. The acetylated peptide was capable of inhibiting the calmodulin-mediated stimulation of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (EC activity with an effective dose for 50% inhibition of about 3 µM; this inhibitory effect was demonstrated using both an enzyme-enriched preparation as well as highly purified enzyme. Thus, acetylation at the -amino terminal of -endorphin, although abolishing opiate activity, does not interfere with the binding to calmodulin. Indeed, -endorphin and the -N-acetylated peptide behave very similarly with respect to calmodulin association.Portions of this work are in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree from Vanderbilt University.  相似文献   
In colonic neoplasms, endocrine differentiation is encountered not only in carcinoid tumors but also in adenocarcinomas, where endocrine cells may represent a distinct line of differentiation in the tumor. The significance of endocrine differentiation in colorectal cancer is not well established, partly because of the paucity of tumor cell lines which can serve as a model for studying endocrine differentiation. In this report we describe the properties of NCI-H716 cells, a cell line derived from a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the caecum, under various in vitro conditions and as xenografts in athymic mice. Phenotypical properties were immunohistochemically assessed using a panel of differentiation related antibodies, and also by Northern blot analysis and by electron microscopy. Receptors for biogenic amines and peptide hormones were analyzed by ligand binding assay. These studies show that:
1.  NCI-H716 cells can be undifferentiated, or show endocrine, mucin-producing or “amphicrine” properties.
2.  Endocrine differentiation of NCI-H716 cells preferentially occurs in xenografts in athymic mice, which suggests that mesenchymal elements induce endocrine differentiation.
3.  NCI-H716 cells express large amounts of high affinity receptors for gastrin, serotonin and somatostatin and these substances can regulate growth. Thus, NCI-H716 cells form a suitable model for the study of endocrine differentiation in intestinal epithelium and of auto- or paracrine growth regulation in intestinal neoplasia.
Summary Murine monoclonal antibodies (MCAs) against human ovarian tumor associated antigen NB/70K have been prepared. One of these MCAs, NB12123, was chosen for the development of a radioimmunoassay for measuring serum NB/70K levels. In this assay, the average NB/70K level in 75 normal, healthy controls was 11.9 activity units (AU) with an SD of 14.9 AU. The normal cut off value for this assay was set at 45 AU (mean +2 SD). 24 of 46 (52%) ovarian cancer patients, 7 of 18 (39%) patients with benign ovarian cysts or tumors and 3 of 85 (4%) control samples had elevated serum NB/70K levels. Comparison of NB/70K levels measured in the NB12123 assay with levels measured in an assay using a polyclonal antiNB/70K previously developed in our laboratory [13] indicated that although both assays had approximately the same percentage of positive ovarian cancer patient samples, there appeared to be no correlation between the absolute NB/70K levels measured by the two assays. The rank of ovarian cancer patient samples was also different for the two assays. Also, almost 40% of patients with benign ovarian cysts and tumors had elevated serum NB/70K levels as measured by the NB12123 assay as compared to 0% for the polyclonal assay. Reciprocal cross-blocking experiments, absorption studies, and immune precipitate analysis indicated that both the monoclonal NB12123 assay and the polyclonal antiNB/70K assay measured the same population of NB/70K molecules. However, the polyclonal antibody recognizes epitopes in addition to that recognized by NB12123. Taken together, these results suggest that the epitope recognized by NB12123 is not as specific for malignant ovarian tumors as the epitope(s) recognized by polyclonal antiNB/70K and/or that more than the one epitope detected by the MCA is responsible for the specificity for ovarian cancer of the polyclonal NB/70K assay. In spite of this, the greater sensitivity and range of the monoclonal NB12123 assay make it possible to monitor serum NB/70K levels in ovarian cancer patients. In four patients examined, the fluctuating serum NB/70K levels appeared to correlate well with clinical statusSupported in part by ACS # PDT 231 and a grant from the Elsa U. Pardee Foundation  相似文献   
(1,1′-13C)α,α-Trehalose was obtained in 37% yield from the Pavia condensation of 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzyl-d-(1-13C)glucopyranose, in dichloromethane in the presence of trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride, followed by the usual deprotection techniques. The hydrolysis of this substrate by cockchafer trehalase was monitored at 37° by using 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy with short recording times. Equimolecular amounts of α- and β-d-glucopyranose are released simultaneously by the action of the enzyme. This result is consistent with a bimolecular substitution mechanism, taking into account previous results involving C-2 asymmetric participation in the catalytic step of hydrolysis of α,α-trehalose. For comparative evaluation of its accuracy, the usual polarimetric technique was also used for the determination of the anomeric configuration of the d-glucose released by the action of the enzyme on α,α-trehalose.  相似文献   
A positive linear relationship was found between total calcium and albumin and between total calcium and total protein in the serum of 205 owl monkeys. Adjustment formulas for calcium were derived: adjusted calcium (mg/dl) = measured calcium (mg/dl) - 0.84 [albumin (g/dl)] + 3.8 and adjusted calcium (mg/dl) = measured calcium (mg/dl) - 0.82 [total protein (g/dl)] + 6.5. Adjusted calcium calculations for monkeys based on albumin concentration were similar to those for man and dogs, but different from those based on total protein.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe the first anatomically preserved Mesozoic seed fern cupule–Petriellaea. The multiovulate cupules were produced singly at the end of a short dichotomizing axis. Cupules are bilateral with a dorsal groove and transverse narrow ventral opening. The vascular system of the cupule consists of a series of traces that extend up the dorsal surface of the cupule and down the ventral face. Ovules are orthotropus, sessile, and borne on the adaxial surface of the leaflike cupule either singly or in multiple rows. They are up to 1.5 mm long, triangular in transverse section, and characterized by a multilayered integument. Nucellus and integument are fused throughout their length, but no pollen chamber is present. In the chalaza is a small vascular disc of transfusion tracheids that represents the extent of the ovule vascular system. Ovules are interpreted as being fossilized at a prepollination stage, although a few possess some evidence of a cellularized megagametophyte. These permineralized cupules indicate that in at least one Mesozoic seed fern group, ovule enclosure resulted from the transverse folding (tip to petiole) of a megasporophyll bearing adaxial ovules. Cupule morphology and ovule enclosure in other Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic seed ferns is discussed.  相似文献   
The extent of chromosomal mosaicism in human preimplantation embryos was examined using an improved procedure for the preparation and spreading of interphase nuclei for use in fluorescence in situ hybridisation, allowing the analysis of every nucleus within an embryo. One cell showed no hybridisation signals in only three of the 38 embryos that were included in this study, i.e. the hybridisation efficiency per successfully spread nucleus was 99% (197/200). Double-target in situ hybridisation analyses with X- and Y-chromosome-specific probes was performed to analyse nine embryos resulting from normal fertilisation, 22 polypronucleate embryos and seven cleavage-stage embryos where no (apronucleate) or only one pronucleus (monopronucleate) was observed. We also analysed autosomes 1 and 7 by double-target in situ hybridisation in the nuclei of two apronucleate, one monopronucleate and four polypronucleate embryos. All nine embryos that resulted from normal fertilisation were uniformly XY or XX. None of the apronucleate or monopronucleate embryos was haploid: three were diploid, one was triploid and three were mosaic. Fertilisation was detected by the presence of a Y-specific signal in four of these embryos. Of the polypronucleate embryos, two were diploid, two were triploid and 18 were mosaic for the sex chromosomes and/or autosomes 1 and 7. These results demonstrate that fertilisation sometimes occurs in monopronucleate embryos and that chromosomal mosaicism can be detected with high efficiency in apronucleate, monopronucleate and polypronucleate human embryos using fluorescence in situ hybridisation.  相似文献   
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