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The intrinsic fluorescence properties of elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) in its complexes with GDP and elongation factor Ts (EF-Ts) have been investigated. The emission spectra for both complexes are dominated by the tyrosine contribution upon excitation at 280 nm whereas excitation at 300 nm leads to exclusive emission from the single tryptophan residue (Trp-184) of EF-Tu. The fluorescence lifetime of this tryptophan residue in both complexes was investigated by using a multifrequency phase fluorometer which achieves a broad range of modulation frequencies utilizing the harmonic content of a mode-locked laser. These results indicated a heterogeneous emission with major components near 4.8 ns for both complexes. Quenching experiments on both complexes indicated limited accessibility of the tryptophan residue to acrylamide and virtually no accessibility to iodide ion. The quenching patterns exhibited by EF-Tu-GDP and EF-Tu X EF-Ts were, however, different; both quenchers were more efficient at quenching the emission from the EF-Tu x EF-Ts complex. Steady-state and dynamic polarization measurements revealed limited local mobility for the tryptophan in the EF-Tu x GDP complex whereas formation of the EF-Tu x EF-Ts complex led to a dramatic increase in this local mobility.  相似文献   
A fluorescent derivative of GDP was prepared by the reaction of 2'-amino-2'-deoxy-GDP with fluorescamine. This derivative binds tightly (KD approximately 4.5 X 10(-8) M) to elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) from Escherichia coli. The emission properties, including spectra, polarizations, and lifetimes, for fluorescamine-GDP free in solution and bound to EF-Tu are presented. Emission data on the fluorescamine-ethylamine conjugate are also given. A multifrequency phase and modulation lifetime study (using nine modulation frequencies over the range of 2-80 MHz) indicated that the emissions of these three systems were well characterized by single exponential decays corresponding to 1.45 ns for the fluorescamine-ethylamine derivative in buffer and to 7.74 and 11.03 ns for the fluorescamine-GDP derivative free in buffer and bound to EF-Tu, respectively. Multifrequency differential polarized phase fluorometry results indicated a rotational relaxation time of the protein-probe complex of approximately 88 ns; these data also indicated the lack of significant local motion for the probe. Addition of excess GDP to the EF-Tu-probe complex led to displacement of the fluorescamine-GDP derivative as evidenced by the change in both the steady-state and dynamic polarization values. The observed increase in fluorescence intensity upon displacement allowed us to follow the kinetics of the dissociation reaction; a dissociation rate constant of 5.0 X 10(-3) S-1 was determined. These results demonstrate the utility of this 2'-amino-2'-deoxy-GDP analogue as a probe of guanosine nucleotide dependent systems.  相似文献   
Photoreceptor channel activation by nucleotide derivatives   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cyclic nucleotide activated sodium currents were recorded from photoreceptor outer segment membrane patches. The concentration of cGMP and structurally similar nucleotide derivatives was varied at the cytoplasmic membrane face; currents were generated at each concentration by the application of a voltage ramp. Nucleotide-activated currents were analyzed as a function of both concentration and membrane potential. For cGMP, the average K0.5 at 0 mV was 24 microM, and the activation was cooperative with an average Hill coefficient of 2.3. Of the nucleotide derivatives examined, only 8-[[(fluorescein-5-yl-carbamoyl)methyl]thio]-cGMP (8-Fl-cGMP) activated the channel at lower concentrations than cGMP with a K0.5 of 0.85 microM. The next most active derivative was 2-amino-6-mercaptopurine riboside 3',5'-monophosphate (6-SH-cGMP) which had a K0.5 of 81 microM. cIMP and cAMP had very high K0.5 values of approximately 1.2 mM and greater than 1.5 mM, respectively. All nucleotides displayed cooperativity in their response and were rapidly reversible. Maximal current for each derivative was compared to the current produced at 200 microM cGMP; only 8-Fl-cGMP produced an identical current. The partial agonists 6-SH-cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP activated currents which were approximately 90%, 80%, and 25% of the cGMP response, respectively. 5'-GMP, 2-aminopurine riboside 3',5'-monophosphate, and 2'-deoxy-cGMP produced no detectable current. The K0.5 values for cGMP activation, examined from -90 to +90 mV, displayed a weak voltage dependence of approximately 400 mV/e-fold; the index of cooperativity was independent of the applied field.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Single batrachotoxin-activated sodium channels from rat brain were modified by trimethyloxonium (TMO) after incorporation in planar lipid bilayers. TMO modification eliminated saxitoxin (STX) sensitivity, reduced the single channel conductance by 37%, and reduced calcium block of inward sodium currents. These effects always occurred concomitantly, in an all-or-none fashion. Calcium and STX protected sodium channels from TMO modification with potencies similar to their affinities for block. Calcium inhibited STX binding to rat brain membrane vesicles and relieved toxin block of channels in bilayers, apparently by competing with STX for the toxin binding site. These results suggest that toxins, permeant cations, and blocking cations can interact with a common site on the sodium channel near the extracellular surface. It is likely that permeant cations transiently bind to this superficial site, as the first of several steps in passing inward through the channel.  相似文献   
Interaction of Phe-tRNA.elongation factor Tu.GTP with poly(U)-programmed ribosomes containing an occupied P site can be described by a three-step kinetic mechanism. Initial binding is followed by the cleavage of GTP, and then a new peptide bond is formed. Rate constants controlling the first and third of these reactions are known, but only a lower limit for the rate constant of the cleavage step has been reported. We have determined this rate constant to be 20 s-1 at 5 degrees C, 30 s-1 at 15 degrees C, and 50 s-1 at 25 degrees C. This is much faster than the reverse step of the initial binding process and implies that the intrinsic accuracy of the ribosome in the initial selection step is sacrificed in favor of speed. The similarity of the kinetic and chemical mechanism of this GTP cleavage step with other nucleoside 5'-triphosphatases is discussed.  相似文献   
The human protease inhibitor alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2 M) is inactivated by reaction with methylamine. The site of reaction is a protein functional group having the properties of a thiol ester. To ascertain the relationship between thiol ester cleavage and protein inactivation, the rates of methylamine incorporation and thiol release were measured. As expected for a concerted reaction of a nucleophile with a thiol ester, the rates were identical. Furthermore, both rates were first order with respect to methylamine and second order overall. The methylamine inactivation of alpha 2M was determined by measuring the loss of total protease-binding capacity. This rate was slower than the thiol ester cleavage and had a substantial initial lag. However, the inactivation followed the same time course as a conformational change in alpha 2M that was measured by fluorescent dye binding, ultraviolet difference spectroscopy, and limited proteolysis. Thus, the methylamine inactivation of alpha 2M is a sequential two-step process where thiol ester cleavage is followed by a protein conformational change. It is the latter that results in the loss of total protease-binding capacity. A second assay was used to monitor the effect of methylamine on alpha 2M. The assay measures the fraction of alpha 2M-bound protease (less than 50%) that is resistant to inactivation by 100 microM soybean trypsin inhibitor. In contrast to the total protease-binding capacity, this subclass disappeared with a rate coincident with methylamine cleavage of the thiol ester. alpha 2M-bound protease that is resistant to a high soybean trypsin inhibitor concentration may reflect the fraction of the protease randomly cross-linked to alpha 2M. Both the thiol ester cleavage and the protein conformational change rates were dependent on methylamine concentration. However, the thiol ester cleavage depended on methylamine acting as a nucleophile, while the conformational change was accelerated by the ionic strength of methylamine. Other salts and buffers that do not cleave the thiol ester increased the rate of the conformational change. A detailed kinetic analysis and model of the methylamine reaction with alpha 2M is presented. The methylamine reaction was exploited to study the mechanism of protease binding by alpha 2M. At low ionic strength, the protein conformational change was considerably slower than thiol ester cleavage by methylamine. Thus, at some time points, a substantial fraction of the alpha 2M had all four thiol esters cleaved, yet had not undergone the conformational change. This fraction (approximately 50%) retained full protease-binding capacity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Three cases of xylene poisoning occurred after prolonged inhalation of paint fumes. Analysis showed that xylene comprised more than 90% of the solvent in the paint, the total solvent comprising 34% of the paint by weight. One patient was dead on admission, while the other two recovered after at least 15 hours'' loss of consciousness. Both patients had transient liver cell damage, and one temporary impairment of renal function.  相似文献   
A method is described for the estimation of adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (3′,5′-cyclic AMP) in rat brain by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The nucleotide is purified initially by being passed through two columns, alumina and AG-1X2. The peak in HPLC was identified by a number of methods. Optimum parameters for HPLC were obtained by using 1 mm KH2PO4 buffer, pH 4.8, at a flow rate of 57 ml/hr at room temperature. Using this technique the concentration of 3′,5′-cyclic AMP in rat brain was found to be 2.53 ± 0.40 nmol/g (mean ± SD, n = 5).  相似文献   
A mixture containing thionin, 0.5 gm; paraldehyde, 7.5 ml; concentrated HCl, 1 ml; and 70% ethanol, 91.5 ml, when allowed to ripen for several days, produces a stain which, when applied to sections of tissue fixed in a Zenker-based fixative, resembles in its effects the aldehyde-fuchsin stain of Gomori, but presents certain advantages.  相似文献   
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