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The phosphorylation of the membrane skeleton components protein 4.1 and protein 4.9 in intact erythrocytes is shown to increase in the presence of either 1 microM 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate or 2 mM dibutyryl cAMP. The phosphorylation induced by these protein kinase activators is compared by two-dimensional tryptic peptide mapping. In both proteins, the pattern of peptides phosphorylated in the presence of 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate differs from the pattern of peptides phosphorylated in the presence of dibutyryl cAMP. The relative locations of the phosphorylated sites on protein 4.1 have been determined using limited proteolysis by alpha-chymotrypsin.  相似文献   
Summary Zooplankton and water samples were collected at weekly intervals between April 25 and May 30, 1986 in Barrow Strait, N.W.T. (Canadian Arctic Archipelago). In tows from 0–30 m, the zooplankton community (>202 m) was dominated by Pseudocalanus. The population was apparently growing and developing as shown by an increase in the proportion of adults (stage VI) and decreases in the proportion of stages III, IV, and V as the season progressed. Respiration and excretion rates of the Pseudocalanus populations were probably linked, there being an immediate increase in excretion rate, accompanying an increase in feeding rate when chlorophyll concentrations increased, which was followed by a smaller increase in respiration rate after a time lag. Hence, there was a large decrease in the ON ratio. Increased metabolism coincided with changes in the population structure, as did protease and bodily protein, but could not be clearly linked to dietary acclimation. Only laminarinase activity could be statistically related to an identifiable fraction of potential nutritional value in the water, particulate soluble carbohydrate, but neither showed overall seasonal change.  相似文献   
B C Rooney  C H Horne  N Hardman 《Gene》1988,71(2):439-449
Human pregnancy-specific beta 1-glycoprotein (SP1) plays an essential role in normal pregnancy. It is also a well-characterized oncodevelopmental antigen, expressed aberrantly by all trophoblastic tumors and some other malignant cell types. Here we report the identification of a human placental cDNA encoding the SP1 polypeptide sequence. The coding sequence shows 95% identity at the nucleotide level with a distinct, recently published SP1 cDNA sequence (PSG16). Unexpectedly, the sequence is also highly homologous to the published sequence of human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). SP1, CEA and CEA-related nonspecific cross-reacting species thus belong to a group of closely related though antigenically diverse tumor-associated glycoproteins. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of the SP1 cDNA with that of CEA provides insight into the modular nature of these related proteins. This may have implications for the genomic organization and evolution of the CEA gene family.  相似文献   
To assess the effects of women's education, residence, and marital experience on their age at the birth of their last child, a proportional hazards regression model was applied to 1980 Egyptian Fertility Survey (EFS) data. The detailed data include the date of birth of each child for every women interviewed, and the woman's date of birth and age at interview. Age at last birth was examined by regression analysis on birth history and socioeconomic information. 4 hypotheses were tested: women who are well educated have a greater probability of ending childbearing earlier than women with less education; women in rural areas have a higher probability of having their last child at older ages than urban women; marital disruption without remarriage lowers the probability of older maternal age at last birth; and marital disruption with remarriage increases the probability that a woman stops reproducing at an older age. The overall chi-square indicates a significant regression. All coefficients were significant, except the coefficient for women with intact 1st marriages. Women with more education had a greater probability of ending childbearing earlier than women with less education. Rural women tended to have their last children at ages significantly older than overall age at last birth. Current residence in urban areas had the opposite effect. The coefficient for those with intact 1st marriages was insignificant, meaning that the mean age at last birth for this group of women was not much different from the overall mean. Remarried women tended to end childbearing at ages significantly older than the overall average age at last birth, suggesting that these women tended to have children by their new husbands. Those with dissolved 1st marriages who had not remarried had a higher probability of ending childbearing earlier than did older women. Marriage age and final parity had highly significant negative coefficients; as marriage age and number of children born increased, so did the "survival" time or the age at last birth. Results from the hazards model indicate that the effects were as anticipated. The median age at last birth for the total sample of women aged 45-49 was 45-49 years. The median age at last birth was about 2 years older for rural compared to urban women. Illiterate women had the oldest median age at last birth of the education groups. There was little differences between median ages at last birth for women with intact 1st marriages and those whose 1st unions were dissolved and who had remarried. The median age at last birth increased with final parity.  相似文献   
One hundred kg of Rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, weighing 80–100g each were immersed in a formalized, bivalent vaccine of Vibrio anguiliárum (VA) and Vibrio ordalii (VO), at a1/10 dilution for 30s at 10°C. The protection levels achieved at 8 and 10 weeks post vaccination were assessed by intraperitoneal challenge with 105 live V. anguillarnm or V. ordalii. No decline in protection due to antigen depletion was found between batches throughout the procedure. The protection conferred by one component of the vaccine was slightly better than the other (80% against VO and 42 % against VA). A number of measures of immunity were monitored before and after challenge. These included serum and mucus antibody litres, bactericidal effects of serum and mucus and phagocytosis by peritoneal exudate cells. Serum antibody was present (peak litre of-log2 3.25 for VO, and 4.4 for VA) but had declined to background levels by the time of challenge, whereas bactericidal effects and phagocytosis rate of 40% were not increased by vaccination. The most likely immune mechanism responsible for the observed protection was discussed and suggested to be a cellular mechanism where serum antibody acts as an opsonin to increase phagocytosis.  相似文献   
Estrone sulfate was measured in the plasma of pregnant and nonpregnant gilts between Days 10 and 32 after estrus. Estrone sulfate was found to rise sharply in pregnant gilts beginning at Day 18 and to decline at Day 30 to Day 32. Estrone levels were not related to litter size. The level of estrone sulfate on Days 20, 22, 24 and 26 was significantly correlated with litter size at slaughter on Day 32. Reduction of the number of live fetuses by crushing them in utero at Day 40 or between Days 30 to 60 did not cause a subsequent reduction in the level of estrone sulfate, whereas reduction at Day 24 did cause a decline in estrone sulfate. The level of estrone sulfate in plasma of gilts at 20 to 28 days after mating was higher in pregnant than in nonpregnant gilts. The relative level of estrone sulfate would enable one to estimate litter size at Days 20 to 28 days but not later. Because of the limitations of the assay in exact quantitation of the levels of estrone sulfate, the results can only be considered qualitative.  相似文献   
Phosphatidyl ethanolamine and lipopolysaccharide were extracted and purified from the cell envelope fractions of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. The two components were studied separately and after recombination, by use of electron microscopy and monolayer techniques, and by measuring their ability to participate in the enzyme-catalyzed uridine diphosphate-galactose:lipopolysaccharide alpha, 3 galactosyl transferase reaction, which requires a lipopolysaccharide-phospholipid complex as substrate. Electron microscopy of purified lipopolysaccharide showed a uniform population of hollow spheres, with each sphere bounded by a continuous leaflet. The diameter of the spheres was approximately 500 to 1,000 A, and the thickness of the enveloping leaflet was approximately 30 A. Phosphatidyl ethanolamine showed a regular lamellar structure. When lipopolysaccharide and phosphatidyl ethanolamine were mixed under conditions of heating and slow-cooling, the leaflet of the lipopolysaccharide spheroids appeared to extend directly into the phosphatidyl ethanolamine structure, with continuity between the two leaflets. Various stages of penetration were seen. At high concentrations of lipopolysaccharide, there were disruptive changes in phosphatidyl ethanolamine leaflets similar to those seen when saponin acts on cholesterol-lecithin leaflets. Monolayer experiments indicated that lipopolysaccharide penetrated a monomolecular film of phosphatidyl ethanolamine at an air-water interface, as revealed by an increase in surface pressure. The results indicate that a common leaflet structure containing lipopolysaccharide and phosphatidyl ethanolamine may be formed in vitro, and suggest that a similar leaflet may exist in the intact bacterial cell envelope.  相似文献   
Pheromones provide an important source of communication during social interactions of caudate amphibians. To further examine their use in territorial defense, we performed a laboratory experiment to test the hypothesis that non-courting female red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) deposit pheromones in or on fecal pellets, as males are known to do during territorial advertisement. Four conditions were tested: (1) a burrow marked with a female's own pellet vs. a burrow marked by a conspecific female's pellet, (2) own vs. unmarked burrows, (3) conspecific vs. unmarked burrows, and (4) paired unmarked burrows as a control. Females nose-tapped (for olfactory cues) their own and conspecific pellets about equally. However, they spent significantly more time in both threat and submissive behavior toward the conspecific pellets and spent significantly more time in their own marked burrows. We infer that female P. cinereus do deposit pheromones in or on fecal pellets and that these pellets may be used to advertise territories. The behavioral responses of females toward pellets of other females were more aggressive than those of males (in a previous study) toward pellets of other males.  相似文献   
Much less is known about the behaviour of female beaugregory damselfish than about males of the species. This study was initiated to determine behavioural patterns and interactions of female beaugregories on the back reef of Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory, North shore of Jamaica. Females fed, patrolled, and chased intruders in a significantly larger area and ate significantly more per 15-min observation period than did males. Males spent significantly more time patrolling their territories and chased significantly more total intruders than did females. However, this difference in total chases comes from the fact that males chased the bluehead wrasse, an egg predator, significantly more often than did females while all other species of intruder were chased the same by both sexes. The distance that females travelled from their homesite to court was significantly positively correlated to female body length. This increased distance travelled may relate to mate assessment. Female beaugregory damselfish may be able to be more selective in their choice of mate with increased size and distance travelled.  相似文献   
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