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Measurement and regulation of thyroidal status in teleost fish   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary We have reviewed the stages in teleost thyroid function and its regulation, from the initial biosynthesis of the TH to their eventual interaction with putative receptors.TH biosynthesis depends on an adequate plasma iodide level, determined partly by dietary iodide and partly by active branchial iodide uptake from the water, Pulse-injected radioiodide can be used to evaluate thyroidal iodide uptake, aspects of TH biosynthesis and TH thyroidal secretion. However, owing to variable plasma iodide levels, care is required in interpretating these parameters. TH biosynthesis, thyroglobulin properties and intrathyroidal secretion mechanisms have received limited recent attention. Histological indices of thyroid tissue changes, while useful in many situations, do not always correlate with more direct estimates of thyroidal secretion and can be misleading.Thyroid function is regulated by the hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid axis, but neither the identities of the hypothalamic factors nor a reliable immunoassay for TSH have been established. Currently, activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis is usually determined by pituitary thyrotrope histological appearance or bioassay of pituitary TSH. Plasma free T4 feeds back at both the pituitary and hypothalamic levels and inhibits TSH release. Thyroidal T4 secretory activity is presumably adjusted to maintain a constant plasma T4level according to physiologic state.Plasma T4 is probably the most commonly used index of thyroidal status. However, (1) T4 is probably not the active form of TH, (2) the T4 plasma level may be influenced by the binding properties of plasma proteins, and (3) the T4 concentration alone makes no provision for the rate of T4 turnover in plasma. The most practical way to measure thyroidal T4SR is to determine plasma T4DR, and assuming steady-state conditions, equate it to T4SR. The T4DR is determined from kinetic studies employing*T4, which also enable estimates of sizes of vascular and extravascular T4 pools and their rates of exchange. Excretion of T4 or its derivatives in urine or bile can be determined also. A high proportion of T4 is enzymatically monodeiodinated in liver and other tissues, generating T3 for local (intracellular) and vascular systemic compartments.Bothin vivo andin vitro methods have been used to quantify T4 deiodinase activity, which is highly responsive to physiologic state and environmental variables. T3 production is inhibited by a moderate T3 excess indicating an autoregulatory system, whereby tissue T3 levels are maintained at a set-point appropriate for a particular physiologic state. The rate of T3 production provides an informative measure of thyroidal status in a given tissue. However, other pathways also contribute to the maintenance of T3 homeostasis at a particular set-point. These include the rate of T3 degradation to 3,3-T2, the rate of T4 substrate diversion to rT3 (an inactive isomer) and by the excretion of parent compounds or conjugates in bile and urine. Potential losses across branchial or integumentary surfaces have yet to be evaluated.The most fundamental measure of thyroidal status is represented by the amount of T3 saturably bound to receptors/nucleus for the cell type of interest. This is estimated most accurately in double isotope studies in which T3 contributions from both vascular and intracellular compartments are evaluated. Less satisfactory but meaningful indices of T3 availability to receptor sites may be obtained from the plasma T3 (or free T3) level and from the tissue T3 level. The former is appropriate if the cell type in question obtains its T3 primarily from plasma; the latter should be measured if the cell type derives its T3 mainly through intracellular deiodinase activity. If the proportion of vascular T3/intracellular T3 bound to receptors is known, it may indicate the degree of receptor activation. However, even cytosolic T3 levels may not vary in proportion to nuclear T3 levels.Differences in thyroidal function between teleosts and homeotherms can be attributed to distinctive strategies in iodide economy and to fundamental differences in control of thyroidal status. Owing to more certain iodide availability (branchial iodide pump and plasma iodide-binding proteins), teleosts are probably more liberal in their iodide use and have less efficient mechanisms for recovery and retention of hormonal iodide than homeotherms. Also, primary control of teleost thyroidal function appears peripheral. It is the finely regulated conversion of T4 to T3 in tissues which may largely determine the T4 secretion rate. Thus, T4, as a prohormone, may be produced more to satisfy the substrate needs for T4 conversion rather than to drive T3 production. Because TH are mainly implicated in tissue- or cell-specific processes involved in development, growth and reproduction in teleosts, it may be advantageous for their thyroidal status to be determined locally through T4-to-T3 deiodination. In homeotherms, primary control is mainly central through the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, which regulates thyroidal secretion of T4 and significant amounts of T3. The level of T4 (free T4) is believed to drive the production of T3 in most peripheral tissues. Because TH are extensively involved in the systemically integrated adjustment of basal metabolic rate in homeotherms, it may have been advantageous to evolve a system leaning towards central control by the hypothalamus, the brain centre associated with thermoregulation.  相似文献   
Acharya  S; Rayborn  ME; Hollyfield  JG 《Glycobiology》1998,8(10):997-1006
Rod and cone photoreceptors project from the outer retinal surface into a carbohydrate-rich interphotoreceptor matrix (IPM). Unique IPM glycoconjugates are distributed around rods and cones. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) strongly decorates the rod matrix domains and weakly decorates the cone matrix domains. This study characterizes the major WGA-binding glycoprotein in the human IPM, which we refer to as SPACR (sialoprotein associated with cones and rods). SPACR, which has a molecular weight of 147 kDa, was isolated and purified from the IPM by lectin affinity chromatography. A polyclonal antibody to SPACR was prepared that colocalizes in tissue preparations with WGA-binding domains in the IPM. Sequential digestion of SPACR with N- and O- glycosidases results in a systematic increase in electrophorectic mobility, indicating the presence of both N- and O-linked glycoconjugates. Complete deglycosylation results in a reduction in the relative molecular mass of SPACR by about 30%. Analysis of lectin binding allowed us to identify some of the structural characteristics of SPACR glycoconjugates. Treatment with neuraminidase exposes Galbeta1- 3GalNAc disaccharide as indicated by positive peanut agglutinin (PNA) staining, accompanied by the loss of WGA staining. Maackia amurensis agglutinins (MAA-1 and MAA-2), specific for sialic acid in alpha2-3 linkage to Gal, bind SPACR, while Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA), specific for alpha2-6 linked sialic acid, does not, indicating that the dominant glycoconjugate determinant on SPACR is the O-linked carbohydrate, NeuAcalpha2-3Galbeta1-3GalNAc. The abundance of sialic acid in SPACR suggests that this glycoprotein may contribute substantially to the polyanionic nature of the IPM. The carbohydrate chains present on SPACR could also provide sites for extensive crosslinking and participate in the formation of the ordered IPM lattice that surrounds the elongate photoreceptors projecting from the outer retinal surface.   相似文献   
The recent structure determinations of the mammalian effector enzyme adenylyl cyclase reveal the structure of its catalytic core, provide new insights into its catalytic mechanism and suggest how diverse signaling molecules regulate its activity.  相似文献   
This study indicates that captive male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) normally learn their song during the juvenile period between independence from their parents and sexual maturity, from whatever suitable song model is available. Virtually nothing is learnt from the father before this time. Hybrid songs may develop if birds are removed from the father and given a new song model before song learning is complete. The absence of a song model during the juvenile stage appears to postpone the sensitive phase and abnormal song is produced until a suitable model becomes available. Normal song will then develop, even in a sexually mature adult. This indicates that experience and not age is the important factor determining the timing of the sensitive phase for song learning in zebra finches.  相似文献   
Esterase 6 (Est-6/EST6) is polymorphic in both Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans for two common allozyme forms, as well as for several other less common variants. Parallel latitudinal clines in the frequencies of the common EST6-F and EST6-S allozymes in these species have previously been interpreted in terms of a shared amino acid polymorphism that distinguishes the two variants and is subject to selection. Here we compare the sequences of four D. simulans Est-6 isolates and show that overall estimates of nucleotide heterozygosity in both coding and 5' flanking regions are more than threefold higher than those obtained previously for this gene in D. melanogaster. Nevertheless, the ratio of replacement to exon silent-site polymorphism in D. simulans is less than the ratio of replacement to silent divergence between D. simulans and D. melanogaster, which could be the result of increased efficiency of selection against replacement polymorphisms in D. simulans or to divergent selection between the two species. We also find that the amino acid polymorphisms separating EST6- F and EST6-S in D. simulans are not the same as those that separate these allozymes in D. melanogaster, implying that the shared clines do not reflect shared molecular targets for selection. All comparisons within and between the two species reveal a remarkable paucity of variation in a stretch of nearly 400 bp immediately 5' of the gene, indicative of strong selective constraint to retain essential aspects of Est-6 promoter function.   相似文献   
We have broadly defined the DNA regions regulating esterase6 activity in several life stages and tissue types of D. melanogaster using P- element-mediated transformation of constructs that contain the esterase6 coding region and deletions or substitutions in 5' or 3' flanking DNA. Hemolymph is a conserved ancestral site of EST6 activity in Drosophila and the primary sequences regulating its activity lie between -171 and -25 bp relative to the translation initiation site: deletion of these sequences decrease activity approximately 20-fold. Hemolymph activity is also modulated by four other DNA regions, three of which lie 5' and one of which lies 3' of the coding region. Of these, two have positive and two have negative effects, each of approximately twofold. Esterase6 activity is present also in two male reproductive tract tissues; the ejaculatory bulb, which is another ancestral activity site, and the ejaculatory duct, which is a recently acquired site within the melanogaster species subgroup. Activities in these tissues are at least in part independently regulated: activity in the ejaculatory bulb is conferred by sequences between -273 and -172 bp (threefold decrease when deleted), while activity in the ejaculatory duct is conferred by more distal sequences between -844 and -614 bp (fourfold decrease when deleted). The reproductive tract activity is further modulated by two additional DNA regions, one in 5' DNA (-613 to -284 bp; threefold decrease when deleted) and the other in 3' DNA (+1860 to +2731 bp; threefold decrease when deleted) that probably overlaps the adjacent esteraseP gene. Collating these data with previous studies suggests that expression of EST6 in the ancestral sites is mainly regulated by conserved proximal sequences while more variable distal sequences regulate expression in the acquired ejaculatory duct site.   相似文献   
New Zealand fur seals are one of many pinniped species that survived the commercial sealing of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in dangerously low numbers. After the enforcement of a series of protection measures in the early twentieth century, New Zealand fur seals began to recover from the brink of extinction. We examined the New Zealand fur seal populations of Banks Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand using the mitochondrial DNA control region. We identified a panmictic population structure around Banks Peninsula. The most abundant haplotype in the area showed a slight significant aggregated structure. The Horseshoe Bay colony showed the least number of shared haplotypes with other colonies, suggesting a different origin of re-colonisation of this specific colony. The effective population size of the New Zealand fur seal population at Banks Peninsula was estimated at approximately 2500 individuals. The exponential population growth rate parameter for the area was 35, which corresponds to an expanding population. In general, samples from adjacent colonies shared 4.4 haplotypes while samples collected from colonies separated by between five and eight bays shared 1.9 haplotypes. The genetic data support the spill-over dynamics of colony expansion already suggested for this species. Approximate Bayesian computations analysis suggests re-colonisation of the area from two main clades identified across New Zealand with a most likely admixture coefficient of 0.41 to form the Banks Peninsula population. Approximate Bayesian computations analysis estimated a founder population size of approximately 372 breeding individuals for the area, which then rapidly increased in size with successive waves of external recruitment. The population of fur seals in the area is probably in the late phase of maturity in the colony expansion dynamic.  相似文献   
F G Biddle  B A Eales 《Génome》2001,44(4):539-548
Left-right direction of paw usage in the mouse is defined by the right-paw entry (RPE) score, which is the number of reaches with the right paw to retrieve food from a small food tube in a total of 50 right- and left-paw reaches. Two qualitatively different paw-usage behaviours can be identified by the difference in the RPE scores from naive mice in left- or right-biased test chambers and their retest, 1 week later, in the opposite-biased test chamber. In mice with constitutive paw usage, the RPE score may respond to the direction of a biased test chamber, but it returns to the value that is expected for naive mice in the opposite-biased test chamber. In mice with experience-conditioned paw usage, the RPE score responds to the direction of a biased test chamber and does not return to its expected value in the opposite-biased test chamber. In this report, we document the alternate paw usage behaviours in an extended phenotypic survey of different strains that will be useful for its genetic analysis. We also validate an alternate biometrical method to identify constitutive and experience-conditioned paw usage that is based on the mean average RPE score from the biased test and opposite-biased retest of individual mice. This alternate biometrical method demonstrated that, in some strains with experience-conditioned paw usage, there may be asymmetry or an interaction between genotype and the direction of the test sequence. In addition, the strain survey demonstrated that the qualitative difference between constitutive and experience-conditioned paw usage is independent of the well-known quantitative difference in the degree of lateralization of preferred-paw usage.  相似文献   
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