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Net productivity of vegetation is determined by the product of the efficiencies with which it intercepts light (?i) and converts that intercepted energy into biomass (?c). Elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) increases photosynthesis and leaf area index (LAI) of soybeans and thus may increase ?i and ?c; elevated O3 may have the opposite effect. Knowing if elevated CO2 and O3 differentially affect physiological more than structural components of the ecosystem may reveal how these elements of global change will ultimately alter productivity. The effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on an intact soybean ecosystem were examined with Soybean Free Air Concentration Enrichment (SoyFACE) technology where large field plots (20‐m diameter) were exposed to elevated CO2 (~550 μmol mol?1) and elevated O3 (1.2 × ambient) in a factorial design. Aboveground biomass, LAI and light interception were measured during the growing seasons of 2002, 2003 and 2004 to calculate ?i and ?c. A 15% increase in yield (averaged over 3 years) under elevated CO2 was caused primarily by a 12% stimulation in ?c , as ?i increased by only 3%. Though accelerated canopy senescence under elevated O3 caused a 3% decrease in ?i, the primary effect of O3 on biomass was through an 11% reduction in ?c. When CO2 and O3 were elevated in combination, CO2 partially reduced the negative effects of elevated O3. Knowing that changes in productivity in elevated CO2 and O3 were influenced strongly by the efficiency of conversion of light energy into energy in plant biomass will aid in optimizing soybean yields in the future. Future modeling efforts that rely on ?c for calculating regional and global plant productivity will need to accommodate the effects of global change on this important ecosystem attribute.  相似文献   
Soil fertility and precipitation are major factors regulating transitions from grasslands to forests. Biotic regulation may influence the effects of these abiotic drivers. In this study, we examined the effects of extreme rainfall events, anthropogenic nutrient loading and insect herbivory on the ability of Chinese tallow tree ( Sapium sebiferum ) to invade coastal prairie to determine how these factors may influence woody invasion of a grassland. We manipulated soil fertility (NPK addition) and simulated variation in frequency of extreme rainfall events in a three growing season, full factorial field experiment. Adding water to or pumping water out of plots simulated increased and decreased rainfall frequencies. We added Sapium seeds and seedlings to each plot and manipulated insect herbivory on transplanted Sapium seedlings with insecticide. We measured soil moisture, Sapium performance, vegetation mass, and carbon and nitrogen in vegetation and soils (0–10 cm deep, 10–20 cm deep). Fertilization increased Sapium invasion intensity by increasing seedling survival, height growth and biomass. Insect damage was low and insect suppression had little effect in all conditions. Recruitment of Sapium from seed was very low and independent of treatments. Vegetation mass was increased by fertilization in both rainfall treatments but not in the ambient moisture treatment. The amount of carbon and nitrogen in plants was increased by fertilization, especially in modified moisture plots. Soil carbon and nitrogen were independent of all treatments. These results suggest that coastal tallgrass prairies are more likely to be impacted by nutrient loading, in terms of invasion severity and nutrient cycling, than by changes in the frequency of extreme rainfall events.  相似文献   
Xylem resistance to water stress‐induced cavitation is an important trait that is associated with drought tolerance of plants. The level of xylem cavitation experienced by a plant is often assessed as the percentage loss in conductivity (PLC) at different water potentials. Such measurements are constructed with samples that are excised underwater at native tensions. However, a recent study concluded that cutting conduits under significant tension induced cavitation, even when samples were held underwater during cutting. This resulted in artificially increased PLC because of what we have termed a ‘tension‐cutting artefact’. We tested the hypothesized tension‐cutting artefact on five species by measuring PLC at native tension compared with after xylem tensions had been relaxed. Our results did not support the tension‐cutting artefact hypothesis, as no differences were observed between native and relaxed samples in four of five species. In a fifth species (Laurus nobilis), differences between native and relaxed samples appear to be due to vessel refilling rather than a tension‐cutting effect. We avoided the tension‐cutting artefact by cutting samples to slightly longer than their measurement length and subsequent trimming of at least 0.5 cm of sample ends prior to measurement.  相似文献   
The link between variation in species‐specific plant traits, larger scale patterns of productivity, and other ecosystem processes is an important focus for global change research. Understanding such linkages requires synthesis of evolutionary, biogeograpahic, and biogeochemical approaches to ecological research. Recent observations reveal several apparently paradoxical patterns across ecosystems. When compared with warmer low latitudes, ecosystems from cold northerly latitudes are described by (1) a greater temperature normalized instantaneous flux of CO2 and energy; and (2) similar annual values of gross primary production (GPP), and possibly net primary production. Recently, several authors attributed constancy in GPP to historical and abiotic factors. Here, we show that metabolic scaling theory can be used to provide an alternative ‘biotically driven’ hypothesis. The model provides a baseline for understanding how potentially adaptive variation in plant size and traits associated with metabolism and biomass production in differing biomes can influence whole‐ecosystem processes. The implication is that one cannot extrapolate leaf/lab/forest level functional responses to the globe without considering evolutionary and geographic variation in traits associated with metabolism. We test one key implication of this model – that directional and adaptive changes in metabolic and stoichiometric traits of autotrophs may mediate patterns of plant growth across broad temperature gradients. In support of our model, on average, mass‐corrected whole‐plant growth rates are not related to differences in growing season temperature or latitude. Further, we show how these changes in autotrophic physiology and nutrient content across gradients may have important implications for understanding: (i) the origin of paradoxical ecosystem behavior; (ii) the potential efficiency of whole‐ecosystem carbon dynamics as measured by the quotient of system capacities for respiration, R, and assimilation, A; and (iii) the origin of several ‘ecosystem constants’– attributes of ecological systems that apparently do not vary with temperature (and thus with latitude). Together, these results highlight the potential critical importance of community ecology and functional evolutionary/physiological ecology for understanding the role of the biosphere within the integrated earth system.  相似文献   
Climate change effects on walnut pests in California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increasing temperatures are likely to impact ectothermic pests of fruits and nuts. This paper aims to assess changes to pest pressure in California's US$0.7 billion walnut industry due to recent historic and projected future temperature changes. For two past (1950 and 2000) and 18 future climate scenarios (2041–2060 and 2080–2099; each for three General Circulation Models and three greenhouse gas emissions scenarios), 100 years of hourly temperature were generated for 205 locations. Degree‐day models were used to project mean generation numbers for codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.), navel orangeworm (Amyelois transitella Walker), two‐spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch), and European red mite (Panonychus ulmi Koch). In the Central Valley, the number of codling moth generations predicted for degree days accumulated between April 1 and October 1 rose from 2–4 in 1950 to 3–5 among all future scenarios. Generation numbers increased from 10–18 to 14–24 for two‐spotted spider mite, from 9–14 to 14–20 for European red mite, and from 2–4 to up to 5 for navel orangeworm. Overall pest pressure can thus be expected to increase substantially. Our study did not include the possibility of higher winter survival rates, leading to higher initial pest counts in spring, or of extended pest development times in the summer, factors that are likely to exacerbate future pest pressure. On the other hand, initiation of diapause may prevent an extension of the season length for arthropods, and higher incidence of heat death in summer may constrain pest population sizes. More information on the impact of climate change on complex agroecological food webs and on the response of pests to high temperatures is needed for improving the reliability of projections.  相似文献   
1. The effects of added phosphorus (P) on the growth, P and RNA : DNA contents, and survivorship of snails grazing on laminated microbial mats (living ‘stromatolites’) were examined in the Rio Mesquites at Cuatro Ciénegas, Mexico (total P, c. 0.60 μmol L?1) to test the hypothesis that strong P‐limitation of microautotroph growth produces a stoichiometric constraint on herbivores because of mineral P‐limitation. 2. In a 3‐week experiment performed in summer 2001, addition of phosphorus (+15 μmol L?1) resulted in a strong decline in stromatolite biomass C : P ratio from very high levels (c. 2300 : 1 by atoms) to moderate levels (c. 550 : 1). The endemic hydrobiid snail Mexithauma quadripaludium responded to P‐enrichment with elevated body P content and higher RNA : DNA ratios, especially for small animals likely to be actively growing. This positive response is consistent with the existence of a stoichiometric constraint on snail growth. 3. In a longer experiment (8 weeks) involving a more moderate P enrichment (+5 μmol L?1) in summer 2002, P enrichment reduced stromatolite C : P ratio from moderate values in control treatments (c. 750) to very low values (<100 : 1). Snails responded to stromatolite P‐enrichment with increased body P content but, in contrast to the first experiment, with lower RNA : DNA ratio, lower growth rates, and higher mortality. 4. These contrasting results suggest that both very high and very low biomass C : P ratios in stromatolites are detrimental to M. quadripaludium performance, leading us to hypothesise that these herbivores live on a ‘stoichiometric knife edge’.  相似文献   
Human driven changes in the Earth's atmospheric composition are likely to alter plant disease in the future. We evaluated the effects of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and ozone (O3) on three economically important soybean diseases (downy mildew, Septoria brown spot and sudden death syndrome‐SDS) under natural field conditions at the soybean free air concentration enrichment (SoyFACE) facility. Disease incidence and/or severity were quantified from 2005 to 2007 using visual surveys and digital image analysis, and changes were related to microclimatic variability and to structural and chemical changes in soybean host plants. Changes in atmospheric composition altered disease expression, but responses of the three pathosystems varied considerably. Elevated CO2 alone or in combination with O3 significantly reduced downy mildew disease severity (measured as area under the disease progress curve‐AUDPC) by 39–66% across the 3 years of the study. In contrast, elevated CO2 alone or in combination with O3 significantly increased brown spot severity in all 3 years, but the increase was small in magnitude. When brown spot severity was assessed in relation to differences in canopy height induced by the atmospheric treatments, disease severity increased under combined elevated CO2 and O3 treatment in only one of the 3 years. The atmospheric treatments had no effect on the incidence of SDS or brown spot throughout the study. Higher precipitation during the 2006 growing season was associated with increased AUDPC severity across all treatments by 2.7 and 1.4 times for downy mildew and brown spot, respectively, compared with drought conditions in 2005. In the 2 years with similar precipitation, the higher daily temperatures in the late spring of 2007 were associated with increased severity of downy mildew and brown spot. Elevated CO2 and O3 induced changes in the soybean canopy density and leaf age likely contributed to the disease expression modifications.  相似文献   
Indirect effects of insect herbivory on leaf gas exchange in soybean   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Herbivory can affect plant carbon gain directly by removing photosynthetic leaf tissue and indirectly by inducing the production of costly defensive compounds or disrupting the movement of water and nutrients. The indirect effects of herbivory on carbon and water fluxes of soybean leaves were investigated using gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and thermal imaging. Herbivory by Popillia japonica and Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) caused a 20–90% increase in transpiration from soybean leaflets without affecting carbon assimilation rates or photosynthetic efficiency (ΦPSII). Mechanical damage to interveinal tissue increased transpiration up to 150%. The spatial pattern of leaf temperature indicated that water loss occurred from injuries to the cuticle as well as from cut edges. A fluorescent tracer (sulforhodamine G) indicated that water evaporated from the apoplast approximately 100 µm away from the cut edges of damaged leaves. The rate of water loss from damaged leaves remained significantly higher than from control leaves for 6 d, during which time they lost 45% more water than control leaves (0.72 mol H2O per cm of damaged perimeter). Profligate water loss through the perimeter of damaged tissue indicates that herbivory may exacerbate water stress of soybeans under field conditions.  相似文献   
Diurnal regulation of photosynthesis in understory saplings   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Photosynthetic rates of plants grown in natural systems exhibit diurnal patterns often characterized by an afternoon decline, even when measured under constant light and temperature conditions. Since we thought changes in the carbohydrate status could cause this pattern through feedback from starch and sucrose synthesis, we studied the natural fluctuations in photosynthesis rates of plants grown at 36 and 56 Pa CO2 at a FACE (free-air-CO2-enrichment) research site. Light-saturated photosynthesis varied by 40% during the day and was independent of the light-limited quantum yield of photosynthesis, which varied little through the day. Photosynthesis did not correspond with xylem water potential or leaf carbohydrate build-up, but rather with diurnal changes in air vapor-pressure deficit and light. The afternoon decline in photosynthesis also corresponded with decreased stomatal conductance and decreased Rubisco carboxylation efficiency which in turn allowed leaf-airspace CO2 partial pressure to remain constant. Growth at elevated CO2 did not affect the afternoon decline in photosynthesis, but did stimulate early-morning photosynthesis rates relative to the rest of the day. Plants grown at 56 Pa CO2 had higher light-limited quantum yields than those at 36 Pa CO2 but, there was no growth–CO2 effect on quantum yield when measured at 2 kPa O2. Therefore, understory plants have a high light-limited quantum yield that does not vary through the day. Thus, the major diurnal changes in photosynthesis occur under light-saturated conditions which may help understory saplings maximize their sunfleck-use-efficiency.  相似文献   
A diverse assemblage of unusually well-preserved marine, euryhaline, freshwater, and terrestrial fossils (invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants) occurs within an Upper Carboniferous (Stephanian) Konservat Fossil-Lagerstätte near Hamilton, Kansas, USA. The Lagerstätte occurs within a paleovalley that was incised into the surrounding Carboniferous cyclothemic sequence during a time of low sea level, and was then filled-in during a subsequent transgression. The stratigraphically lowest and most voluminous facies within the valley is a cross-bedded, polymictic limestone conglomerate that contains caliche clasts and charcoal fragments as well as some normal-marine fossils apparently in situ. The origin of the conglomerate is enigmatic, but it was probably deposited by a migrating tidal channel. Overlying and interbedded with the conglomerate is an ostracode wackestone that contains plants (primarily seed ferns and ferns), eurypterids, shrimp, brachiopods, bivalves, and rare fish. The ostracode wackestone was deposited in a low-energy, marginal-marine environment. A thin sequence (<1 m thick) of interbedded laminated limestone and mudstone overlies the conglomerate in a small area. This facies contains a well-preserved mixed assemblage of terrestrial (conifers, insects, myriapods, reptile), freshwater (ostracodes), aquatic (amphibians, reptile), brackish or euryhaline (ostracodes, eurypterids, spirorbids, fish), and marine (brachiopods, echinoderms) fossils. Many of the vertebrates are articulated and show no evidence of preburial decay, scavenging, or predation. A few vertebrates exhibit signs of flotation. Most articulated vertebrate specimens exhibit soft-tissue preservation in the form of dark-brown to black early-diagenetic microbialite body outlines (‘skin preservation’) containing fossil bacteria. Rhythmic patterns of lamination thickness variation in the limestones and mudstones indicate that this facies was deposited in a tidal environment. High sedimentation rate and variable salinity (and therefore exclusion of bioturbators and invertebrate scavengers) are interpreted as key elements that led to the excellent preservation of the fossils in this ancient estuarine environment. □Lagerstätte, taphonomy, estuarine, tidal bedding, paleovalley, Carboniferous, Kansas.  相似文献   
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