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HIROSE  T. 《Annals of botany》1986,58(4):487-496
An empirical model of vegetative plant growth is presented.The model is based on experimental data on Polygonum cuspidatum,which showed (1) that the partitioning of dry matter and nitrogenamong organs was linearly related to the nitrogen concentrationof the whole plant and (2) that leaf thickness was negativelycorrelated with leaf nitrogen concentration. The model properlydescribes the behaviour of plants. Steady-state solutions ofthe model give the relative growth rate, specific leaf weight,and partitioning of dry matter and nitrogen among organs withthe net assimilation rate and the specific absorption rate asenvironmental variables. The effect of nitrogen removal on drymatter and nitrogen partitioning was examined as non-steady-statedynamic solutions of the model. The model predicted not onlyreduced leaf growth and enhanced root growth but also a fluxof nitrogen from the leaf to the root, which agreed with theexperimental results. Mathematical model, partitioning of dry matter and nitrogen, plant nitrogen, relative growth rate, shoot: root ratio, specific leaf weight  相似文献   
Cell populations of Paramecium bursaria show arhythmic mating reactivity after exposure to constant light (LL) for more than 2 wk. After this arhythmic population is exposed to darkness for 9 h, the mating reactivity rhythm of the cell population reappears. The phases of rhythms in individual cells are synchronized to each other. When the arhythmic population in constant light is exposed to dark pulses of various durations, the first peak of the recovered mating reactivity rhythm appears 6 h after the end of the dark pulse. Thus, in the case of dark pulses to cells in LL, the transition from dark to light sets the phase of the subsequent mating reactivity rhythm. When an arhythmic population in LL is transferred to constant darkness (DD), a rhythm of mating reactivity also appears and, in this case, the first peak of the rhythm occurs 18 h after the LL to DD transition. Therefore, arhythmic populations of cells in LL can be synchronized by either a dark pulse or by transition to continuous darkness. When the arhythmic populations in LL were transferred to various light/dark (LD) cycles, the mating reactivity rhythms entrained to LD cycles of 18 to 30 h in duration. Finally, mating rhythms can also be synchronized by treatment with puromycin (400 μg/ml for 6–18 h).  相似文献   
The cells dissociated from developing embryos of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) are cultured in vitro to examine the developmental fate of their pigment cells in relation to establishment of bilaterally asymmetric integumental coloration in vivo. When neurula embryos are dissociated using trypsin–EDTA in Dulbecco's modified Ca2+–, Mg2+–free phosphate buffered saline and then cultured in vitro using L–15–based fetal calf serum–supplemented growth medium at 20°C, numerous pigment cells appear twice in the same culture with an interval of approximately 1 month even under similar culture conditions. The first group of pigment cells, which is relatively larger in cell size (about 70 μm wide) and lower in cell density, emerges within 12 hr after plating, whereas the second, which is far smaller in cell size (about 30 μm) and overwhelmingly higher in cell density than the first, does so about 1 month after plating. The timing of their appearances in vitro is in good accordance, respectively, with that observed for the larvae under normal development in vivo; the first group appears at the period corresponding to hatching, whereas the second at the period corresponding to the completion of metamorphosis. Light microscopic examinations disclose that each group of pigment cells is composed of black melanophores and reflecting leucophores, and that the population density of melanophores and leucophores in the first group at the climax of appearance is approximated as 1:4. Typical xanthophores that are distributed in the skin of the larvae of this species are scarcely observed in culture in vitro. Because of their dual synchronous appearances with about 1 month interval under the similar culture conditions, and because of their low proliferative activity during the periods from the first appearance to the second, it is presumed that both groups of pigment cells are installed with a clock set differently for their differentiation. Light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry on cultured cells using the HNK–I antibody, which marks avian migratory neural crest cells, both disclose that the antibody cross–reacts with all these pigment cells, and that a certain number of immunoreactive unpigmented cells exist even at the time of the second appearance of pigment cells. These findings would imply that the second group of pigment cells served in a form of undifferentiated propigment cells up to metamorphosis, at which they start to differentiate under control of a clock presumably set during neurulation.  相似文献   
FUMI HIROSE  YUTAKA WATANUKI 《Ibis》2012,154(2):296-306
In some bird species, the survival of chicks hatching later in the season is lower than those hatched earlier due to increased risk of predation and a seasonal decline in feeding conditions. To reduce these risks, it might be advantageous for late‐hatched chicks to grow faster and hence fledge at younger age. In this experimental study, the growth rates of early‐ and late‐hatched Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata chicks were compared under average and poor food supplies in captivity. Controlling for potentially confounding effects of chick mass at 10 days old, chick age and nest‐chamber temperature, late‐hatched chicks had higher wing growth rate than early‐hatched chicks before attaining the minimum wing length required for fledgling under both average and poor food supplies. After attaining the minimum wing length, however, late‐hatched chicks had a lower fledging mass, indicating a potential cost that could diminish the early advantage of fast wing growth.  相似文献   
Does the photosynthetic light‐acclimation need change in leaf anatomy?   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20  
There is a strong correlation between leaf thickness and the light‐saturated rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area (Pmax). However, when leaves are exposed to higher light intensities after maturation, Pmax often increases without increasing leaf thickness. To elucidate the mechanism with which mature leaves increase Pmax, the change in anatomical and physiological characteristics of mature leaves of Chenopodium album, which was transferred from low to high light condition, were examined. When compared with leaves subjected to low light continuously (LL leaves), the leaves transferred from low to high light (LH leaves) significantly increased Pmax. The transfer also increased the area of chloroplasts facing the intercellular space (Sc) and maintained a strong correlation between Pmax and Sc. The mesophyll cells of LL leaves had open spaces along cell walls where chloroplasts were absent, which enabled the leaves to increase Pmax when they were exposed to high light (LH). However, the LH leaves were not thick enough to allow further increase in Pmax to the level in HH leaves. Thus leaf thickness determines an upper limit of Pmax of leaves subjected to a change from low to high light conditions. Shade leaves would only increase Pmax when they have open space to accommodate chloroplasts which elongate after light conditions improve.  相似文献   
A new species of Trichogramma that parasitizes Sialis melania eggs is described as Trichogramma tajimaense Yashiro, Hirose and Honda, sp. nov. from Japan. Its phylogenetic position is based on a DNA‐based analysis, and data regarding its male wing polymorphism are also presented. The view that T. tajimaense is closely related to T. semblidis, another parasitoid of Sialis eggs, is supported by the results of a phylogenetic analysis, as well as by the biological and morphological similarities between both species. Trichogramma tajimaense is also similar in male wing polymorphism to T. kurosuae, a gregarious egg parasitoid of the lepidopteran Ivela auripes, as both Trichogramma species exhibit male wing trimorphism (fully alate, brachypterous and apterous forms) in contrast to the male wing dimorphism (fully alate and apterous forms) of T. semblidis. However, no phylogenetic analysis reveals a close relationship between T. tajimaense and T. kurosuae, and a difference exists between these two species in the mean percentage of flightless (brachypterous and apterous) males that emerge from a host egg mass; 96% of T. tajimaense males are incapable of flight, whereas about 50% of T. kurosuae males are flightless. Because all or almost all males of T. semblidis parasitizing Sialis eggs are apterous, T. tajimaense is more similar to T. semblidis than to T. kurosuae in the proportion of flightless males. In addition, male wing polymorphisms of Trichogramma in relation to mating systems could also show a similarity between T. tajimaense and T. semblidis when considering both species as quasi‐gregarious parasitoids of Sialis eggs.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in the reproductive and life‐history traits of Chrysomela populi L. were investigated in Shobara (34°52′N, 133°01′E), Japan, in 2004 and 2005. Larvae were hatched and reared under natural photoperiod and temperature in 8 different periods between late April and early September in 2004. The incidence of adult diapause increased with progression of the season in 2004. The critical timing of diapause induction, as defined by 50% of females entering diapause, was estimated to occur between late July and early August. No effects of season on the survival rate from hatching to adult emergence, percentage ovipositing females and percentage females that deposited viable eggs were clearly detected. Adult weight at emergence fluctuated seasonally, which was probably caused by air temperature. No effect of season on the oviposition period was observed among females that averted diapause. Females that entered diapause in 2004 started oviposition from the first day of May in 2005. Reproductive output was significantly greater in diapause females than in non‐diapause females. This increase in the reproductive output of diapause females was caused by elongation of the oviposition period and consequently by enlargement of the number of egg clutches deposited. These results suggest that the seasonal timing of diapause induction in females of C. populi would be affected by various risks and benefits to reproduction and survival.  相似文献   
The plant phytohormone cytokinin plays an important role in many facets of plant growth and development by regulating cell division and differentiation. Recent studies have shed significant light into the mechanisms of cytokinin metabolism and signaling. However, little is known about how the hormone is transported in planta, although it has been proposed that the hormone is presumably transported in nucleoside-conjugated forms. Here, we report the identification and characterization of cytokinin transporters in Arabidopsis. We previously reported that a gain-of-function mutation in the PGA22/AtlPT8 gene caused overproduction of cytokinins in planta. In an effort to screen for suppressor of pga22/atipt8 (soi) mutants, we identified a mutant soi33-1. Molecular and genetic analyses indicated that S0133 encodes a putative equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT), previously designated as AtENT8. Members of this small gene family are presumed to be involved in the transport of nucleosides in eukaryodc cells. Under conditions of nitrogen starvation, loss-of-function mutations in SOI33/AtENT8 or in a related gene AtENT3 cause a reduced sensitivity to the nucleoside-type cytokinins isopentenyladenine riboside (iPR) and transzeatin riboside (tZR), but display a normal response to the free base-type cytokinins isopentenyladenine (iP) and trans-zeatin (tZ). Conversely, overexpression of SOI33/AtENT8 renders transgenic plants hypersensitive to iPR but not to iP. An in planta measurement experiment indicated that uptake efficiency of^3Hlabeled iPR was reduced more than 40% in soi33 and atent3 mutants. However, a mutation in AtENT1 had no substantial effect on the cytokinin response and iPR uptake efficiency. Our results suggest that SOI33/AtENT8 and AtENT3 are involved in the transport of nucleoside-type cytokinins in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Growth of Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
HIROSE  T. 《Annals of botany》1984,54(5):695-704
The growth of Polygonum cuspidatum in sand culture was analysedunder varying nutrient conditions. Nitrogen availability influencednitrogen uptake of plants through the uptake rate per unit rootweight rather than the amount of root. In turn, the differentamounts of nitrogen taken up affected plant growth through theireffects on the rate of leaf expansion. Net assimilation rate (NAR) increased with nitrogen contentper unit leaf area (C), but further increase in leaf nitrogencaused diminishing returns of NAR Optimal nitrogen content perunit leaf area (Copt) to maximize dry-matter production of aleaf could be determined by drawing a tangent from the onginto a curvilinear relation between NAR and C. This optimal contentdivides a nitrogen-limiting range (C < Copt) from a carbon-limitingone (C> Copt) along the axis of nitrogen content. Under nitrogenlimitation, efficiency of nitrogen use in dry-matter productioncould increase if the plant had a larger carbon sink. This givesa qualitative explanation to reduced shoot-to-root ratio underlimited availability of nitrogen. Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc, Japanese knotweed, carbon sink, growth analysis, leaf nitrogen, net assimilation rate, nitrogen use efficiency  相似文献   
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