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The injection of α-MSH or of one of its analogues ([Nle4-D.Phe7] α-MSH4–10) reduced, in vivo, the release of two cytokines (IL-1α and TNFα) involved in inflammation. The inflammatory state was induced in BALB/c mice by intraperitoneal injection of a sublethal dose of lipopolysaccharides (LPS). The assay of these cytokines by ELISA showed a reduction of 20% with α-MSH and between 30 and 60% with the α-MSH analogue. The α-MSH or the analogue was administered in one of two ways: intravenously or subcutaneously. The most efficient method seemed to be the subcutaneous one because it improved the activity 10,000 times more than the intravenous method. Moreover, the analogue induced a regression of mortality in the animals treated by the intravenous method. Our results show that α-MSH and one of its analogues inhibit IL-1α and TNFα, and can be used as anti-inflammatory molecules.  相似文献   
A virus with spherical particles c. 28 nm in diameter was sap-transmitted from different cassava (Manihot esculenta) cultivars to a limited range of species in the families Chenopodiaceae and Solanaceae. Cassava seedlings infected by inoculation with sap or with purified virus preparations did not show any symptom, although the virus was readily detected by ELISA or by further inoculations. Leaf extracts from infected Nicotiana benthamiana were infective after dilution of 10--3but not 10--4, and after heating for 10 min at 70°C, but not at 72°C. The virus was purified from N. benthamiana, N. clevelandii or from cassava. On sucrose gradients, the virus particles sediment as three components all containing a protein of mol. wt c. 57000. The genome of the virus is composed of two RNAs of mol. wt c. 2.54 times 106(RNA-1) and 1.44 times 106(RNA-2). RNA-2 was detected in the middle and the bottom nucleoprotein components, and RNA-1 only in the bottom component. An antiserum prepared to purified virus particles was used to readily detect the virus in cassava and other host plants by ELISA and by ISEM. No serological relationship was shown between this virus and eight nepoviruses, including the recently described cassava green mottle nepovirus infecting cassava in the Solomon Islands (Lennon, Aiton & Harrison, 1987). The virus described here is the first nepovirus isolated from cassava in South America, and is named cassava American latent virus.  相似文献   
We studied the breeding parameters of a reintroduced population of individually marked Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus in the Grand Causses region of southern France from the time of first reintroduction in 1982 to 1992. Among nesters, 65% of the birds released as immatures or born in the wild recruited into the breeding population when 4 years old, i.e. 1 year earlier than previously described. The proportion of birds nesting each year was relatively high and increased with time, suggesting that conspecific attraction favoured recruitment. We detected a permanent adverse effect of long-term captivity on the nesting success of birds released when more than 2 years old: compared to the natural population, birds which had been kept in captivity showed a reduced breeding success during the whole study period. The breeding success of released immatures and wild-born birds was similar to the highest values observed in a natural population in the Spanish and French Pyrenees. Breeding failures did not usually result in mate change but affected nest-site fidelity. Birds not born in the wild were more likely to recruit to the largest subcolonies available, which highlights the role of social attraction. The observed philopatry of wild-born birds probably resulted from such a social attraction since most of them were born in the largest subcolony. Conspecific attraction maintained the spatial aggregation of nests, whereas nest changes after a breeding failure favoured the spatial expansion of the colony.  相似文献   
Soil microorganisms, the central drivers of terrestrial Antarctic ecosystems, are being confronted with increasing temperatures as parts of the continent experience considerable warming. Here we determined short‐term temperature dependencies of Antarctic soil bacterial community growth rates, using the leucine incorporation technique, in order to predict future changes in temperature sensitivity of resident soil bacterial communities. Soil samples were collected along a climate gradient consisting of locations on the Antarctic Peninsula (Anchorage Island, 67 °34′S, 68 °08′W), Signy Island (60 °43′S, 45 °38′W) and the Falkland Islands (51 °76′S 59 °03′W). At each location, experimental plots were subjected to warming by open top chambers (OTCs) and paired with control plots on vegetated and fell‐field habitats. The bacterial communities were adapted to the mean annual temperature of their environment, as shown by a significant correlation between the mean annual soil temperature and the minimum temperature for bacterial growth (Tmin). Every 1 °C rise in soil temperature was estimated to increase Tmin by 0.24–0.38 °C. The optimum temperature for bacterial growth varied less and did not have as clear a relationship with soil temperature. Temperature sensitivity, indicated by Q10 values, increased with mean annual soil temperature, suggesting that bacterial communities from colder regions were less temperature sensitive than those from the warmer regions. The OTC warming (generally <1 °C temperature increases) over 3 years had no effects on temperature relationship of the soil bacterial community. We estimate that the predicted temperature increase of 2.6 °C for the Antarctic Peninsula would increase Tmin by 0.6–1 °C and Q10 (0–10 °C) by 0.5 units.  相似文献   
Two endemic groundwater arthropod crustacean species, Crangonyx islandicus and Crymostygius thingvallensis, were recently discovered on the mid‐Atlantic volcanic island of Iceland. The extent of morphological differences from closest relatives, endemism, along with the geographic isolation of Iceland and its complete coverage by glaciers 21 000 years ago, suggests that these two species have survived glaciation periods in sub‐glacial refugia. Here we provide strong support for this hypothesis by an analysis of mitochondrial genetic variation within Crangonyx islandicus. Our results show that the species is divided into several distinct monophyletic groups that are found along the volcanic zone in Iceland, which have been separated by 0.5 to around 5 million years. The genetic divergence between groups reflects geographic distances between sampling sites, indicating that divergence occurred after the colonization of Iceland. The genetic patterns, as well as the dependency of genetic variation on distances from the tectonic plate boundary and altitude, points to recent expansion from several refugia within Iceland. This presents the first genetic evidence of multicellular organisms as complex as crustacean amphipods which have survived glaciations beneath an ice sheet. This survival may be explained by geothermal heat linked to volcanic activities, which may have maintained favourable habitats in fissures along the tectonic plate boundary in Iceland during glaciations.  相似文献   
We report the isolation and characterization of 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the South African abalone Haliotis midae. These loci showed a range of five to 21 alleles per locus and observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.14 to 0.93 in a wild population of 32 individuals. All loci except four conformed to Hardy–Weinberg expectations and did not show linkage disequilibrium. The polymorphism exhibited at these loci indicate that they would be useful in determining levels of genetic variability in natural and commercial Haliotis midae populations as well as in parentage and Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) analysis in hatchery reared abalone.  相似文献   
1. Despite carrying capacity being one of the most important parameters in population management and modelling, we lack substantial evidence for habitat limitations on freshwater species. Here we tested the ideal free distribution (IFD) hypothesis using an indirect behaviour‐based method for small closed populations assuming that animals can effectively estimate habitat suitability and distribute themselves accordingly in time and space. 2. We analysed spatiotemporal variations in the density of the European eel Anguilla, a catadromous species with good colonisation abilities in a small coastal catchment in France. The general linear model used enabled us to test simultaneously the effect of temporal, macro‐ and meso‐scale habitat factors on the presence and abundance of eels at 30 sites over an 8‐year period. 3. Almost every site sampled had eels, whatever its location on the catchment and its habitat characteristics. Density estimates (overall mean ± SD of 0.40 ± 0.48 m?2) were at the upper range of other values for European catchments. Moreover, eel densities were mainly influenced by the availability of suitable habitats (rocky substratum and instream cover), which suggests that their distribution reflects an IFD. 4. Despite marked variability in recruitment, the density of the oldest size‐class remained stable over the study, suggesting that density‐dependent mortality occurred, probably due to intraspecific competition for space and food and to predation. 5. These findings suggest that eel habitats are saturated in the Frémur. Therefore, we suggest that the mean abundance of eels observed could serve as a threshold value for other male‐dominated river stocks (provided they have a similar overall percentage of suitable habitats) that are common in small, low gradient streams on the north‐Atlantic coast of Europe.  相似文献   
The habitat copying hypothesis states that animals use the reproductive performance of conspecifics to evaluate habitat quality and choose their future breeding site. We used data from Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii (1992–2003), a species adapted to unpredictable environments, to analyse subcolony (as patch) choice within a colony (small spatial scale). We also assessed the suitability of alternative hypotheses to the habitat copying hypothesis. The probability of subcolonies being reoccupied annually increased with their size (as number of nests), which suggests the existence of group adherence effects. Subcolony growth rate was related to its average reproductive success (or patch reproductive success) in the previous year: the higher the reproductive success in a colony, the higher the probability of growth the following year. However, this last result was obtained without considering the effect of colony size on the response variable because colony size is related to it. Therefore, results suggest at the population level that in this system habitat copying might either be one of the strategies used by the species in selecting its breeding habitat, or one of the possible strategies operating alone. The other strategies are group adherence mechanisms, and also the effect of conspecific attraction. At the individual level we failed to find evidence of habitat copying and only the previous success of an individual affected its fidelity to a subcolony. The importance of the lack of environmental predictability in the system is discussed, as predictability is a prerequisite of habitat copying.  相似文献   
We report an experiment designed to identify the effect of elevated CO2 on species of phytoplankton in a simple laboratory system. Major taxa of phytoplankton differ in their ability to take up CO2, which might lead to predictable changes in the growth rate of species and thereby shifts in the composition of phytoplankton communities in response to rising CO2. Six species of phytoplankton belonging to three major taxa (cyanobacteria, diatoms and chlorophytes) were cultured in atmospheres whose CO2 concentration was gradually increased from ambient levels to 1000 parts per million over about 100 generations and then maintained for a further 200 generations at elevated CO2. The experimental design allowed us to trace a predictive sequence, from physiological features to the growth response of species to elevated CO2 in pure culture, from the growth response in pure culture to competitive ability in pairwise mixtures and from pairwise competitive ability to shifts in the relative abundance of species in the full community of all six species. CO2 altered the dynamics of growth in a fashion consistent with known differences among major taxa in their ability to take up and use CO2. This pure‐culture response was partly successful in predicting the outcome of competition in pairwise mixtures, especially the enhanced competitive ability of chlorophytes relative to cyanobacteria, although generally statistical support was weak. The competitive response in pairwise mixtures was a good predictor of changes in competitive ability in the full community. Hence, there is a potential for forging a logical chain of inferences for predicting how phytoplankton communities will respond to elevated CO2. Clearly further extensive experiments will be required to validate this approach in the greater complexity found in diverse communities and environments of natural systems.  相似文献   
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