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ESAU  K. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(1):1-13
Certain developmental features of the primary phloem were examinedin Phaseolus vulgaris L., chiefly by the use of the pulvinusat the base of the petiole. The cells included in the studywere the sieve element, the companion cell, and the tannin cell.In the sieve element, the sieve plate shows the usual sequenceof conversion of plasmodesmatal canals into pores. The endoplasmicreticulum, which appears as flat cisternae associated with ribosomesin younger cells, later becomes in part stacked and in partaligned parallel with the walls as a network. The stacked ERprecedes the anastornosing parietal ER in time of development,but the parietal ER persists longer. Of the two forms of P-proteincharacteristic of a number of Fabaceae, the crystalline bodyappears considerably in advance of the body composed of tubules.Neither form of P-protein disperses completely in the maturecell, although the crystalline protein may spread out into aggregatesof fine fibrils. The companion cells show the typical denseprotoplasts and branched plasrnodesmatal connections with thesieve elements. The vacuome of these cells is dispersed intonumerous small vacuoles, many of which appear to be concernedwith autophagic digestion of protoplasmic material. The tannincells have large vacuoles in which the tannin material is located.The cells form vertical series in which the end walls becomeperforated.  相似文献   
On the Phloem of Mimosa pudica L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ESAU  KATHERINE 《Annals of botany》1970,34(3):505-514
The phloem of Mimosa pudica L. was examined in view of somereports that the sieve elements in this plant show featuresnot previously described for these cells in Leguminosae. Inthe present study only a usual dicotyledonous type of sieveelement was recognized. The sieve elements pass through stagesof differentiation involving development and dispersal of P-proteinbodies, disintegration of nuclei, and appearance of plastidsstoring a starch staining red with iodine. Callose occurs onthe transverse or moderately oblique sieve plates. The phloemcontains secretory cells. They are wide and long and have transverseor more or less inclined end walls. In younger cells the endwall bears in the centre a conspicuous pit to which the protoplastsof the superimposed cells are firmly attached. In many oldercells the pit region is replaced by a perforation so that thecontents of superimposed cells may be completely merged. Itremains to be determined whether the perforation is presentin an intact plant or results from a rupture during sampling.The secretory cells accumulate material that gives a positivetest for carbohydrates and a negative test for proteins.  相似文献   
ESAU  KATHERINE 《Annals of botany》1975,39(2):167-174
The differentiating tracheary elements in the xylem of minorveins in Mimosa pudica L. contain, as is usual, complete nucleateprotoplasts. Within the latter, dictyosomes with associatedvesicles and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are prominent components.The ER cisternae show an uncommon feature of developing voluminousdilations accumulating finely fibrous material. Similar dilatedER cisternae occur in parenchyma cells associated with the trachearyelements. Most of the dilated cisternae are elongated, taperingat both ends, and almost circular in transections. They varyin size. The largest measured was 10 µm long and 3 µmwide. In the tracheary elements the cisternae break down asthe protoplast disintegrates. For a time, mature cells containfibrous material, apparently the product of the dilated cisternae,at least in part. In the parenchyma cells the dilated cisternaeare released into the vacuoles after the associated trachearyelements reach maturity. They become structurally modified anddisintegrate. The timing in the appearance and disintegrationof the dilated ER cisternae suggests that these structures havesome function with reference to the differentiation of trachearyelements in the xylem.  相似文献   
The laticifers of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (Nelumbonaceae) occurin vascular bundles and separately from these in the groundparenchyma. In common with laticifers in some other plants,they pass through a stage when they contain numerous small vacuoles,or vesicles, which later merge with the central vacuole. Osmiophilicglobules are formed in the small vacuoles and later releasedinto the central one. Partial disintegration of protoplaststakes place in the central vacuole, apparently by autophagy.The globules are retained. The laticifers are long thin-walledcells. Many show single perforations in the end walls.  相似文献   
On Vessel Member Differentiation in the Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ESAU  K.; CHARVAT  I. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(3):665-677
Certain ultrastructural features of vessel member differentiationwere examined in the primary xylem of petiole of bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L.). The cells used had helical secondary wall thickeningsand simple perforation plates. The primary cell wall increasesin thickness before the helices of secondary wall develop. Ina common wall between two vessel members of different ages,theprimary thickening occurs first in the older cell so thatfor a time the middle lamella is located closer to the youngercell rather than medianly. Apparently the helix is depositedafter the primary wall of a given cell reaches maximum thickness.The perforation of the end wall is preceded by primary thickeningof the part of the wall that is later removed. The marginalregion remains relatively thin and becomes covered with a rimof secondary wall. Vesicles with fibrous content appear nearthe surface within the end wall shortly before the perforationoccurs. A highly vacuolated protoplast with a much enlargednucleus and numerous organdIes is present during cell wall differentiation.After that process is completed, the protoplast disintegratesand the primary wall bearing the helix is hydrolysed where itis exposed to the cell lumen and, under certain conditions,also under the secondary wall.  相似文献   
ESAU  KATHERINE 《Annals of botany》1972,36(4):703-710
The differentiating sieve element in stem and leaf phloem ofMimosa pudica L. was examined with the electron microscope.The nucleus of a sieve element at first resembles that of acompanion cell, except that its nucleolus is smaller. The firstindication of approaching disintegration is a change in theappearance of the nuclear envelope. With the fixatives used,its profile becomes wider and clearer, giving the impressionof having been dilated. Subsequently, the nuclear contents disintegrateand the envelope breaks apart. No nuclear remnants are discerniblein mature sieve elements. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) ofyoung sieve elements consists of cisternae-bearing ribosomes.At the beginning of nuclear disintegration ER cisternae becomestacked, with electron-dense material accumulating between thecisternae. The stacking assumes various forms. Some of the stackedER is independent of cell organelles and occurs next to theplasmalemma along the cell wall. Part of the ER becomes stackedagainst the plastids or the nucleus. There is also unstackedER which forms an anastomosing system along the plasmalemma.All of the modified ER bears no ribosomes. The anastomosingER appears to persist longer than the stacked ER.  相似文献   
ESAU  KATHERINE 《Annals of botany》1974,38(1):159-164
The secretory cells arc a prominent component of the phloemtissue of Mimosa pudica L. They form longitudinal files in whichthe common end walls of the cells are perforated. The originof the perforations in relation to protoplast differentiationwas the objectof the study. As the cells emerge from the meristematicstate, portions of cytoplasm including some organelles aretransferredinto the central vacuole and are apparently lysed. This phenomenonis accompanied by an accumulation of flocculent material, possiblythe secretory product referred to in the literature as a carbohydrate.The tonoplast ceases to be definable so that the flocculentmaterialand degraded and non-degraded protoplast componentsare intermingled inthe cell lumen. The perforation of the endwall OCCUR while the tonoplast is still intact. Theplasmalemmasof the contiguous cells withdraw from the part of the wall undergoingdegradation. The space becomes filled with fibrous debris ofthe apparently lysed wall. The degraded wallpart becomes brokenpossibly by a unidirectional pressure flow in the cells, forthe remnants of the wall are pushed into one of the two superimposedcells. At this presumably mature stage, the cells contain someintactprotoplast components among which ribosomes are especially conspicuous.  相似文献   
Abstract.  A radioisotope tracer technique is used to study mechanisms and regulation of transepithelial transport of the plant allelochemical salicylate by the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster . Transepithelial transport of salicylate is nearly abolished in Na+-free saline, and inhibited by ouabain, low K+ or K+-free bathing saline. In addition, the carboxylates probenecid, unlabelled salicylate, fluorescein, and p -aminohippuric acid (PAH) significantly inhibit transepithelial transport of salicylate. The sulphonates taurocholate and phenol red also inhibit transepithelial transport of salicylate, whereas amaranth has no effect. Stimulation of fluid secretion by cAMP, cGMP or leucokinin I increases transepithelial transport of salicylate, particularly when the concentration of salicylate in the bathing saline is high. The correlation between the fluid secretion rate and transepithelial transport of salicylate shows that 64% of the changes in salicylate transport can be explained on the basis of changes in fluid secretion rate. The results show that naturally-occurring plant secondary metabolite salicylate is transported into the lumen of the Mapighian tubules of D. melanogaster by a mechanism similar to that previously described for the prototypical organic anions PAH and fluorescein. In addition, the transepithelial transport of salicylate increases in response to increases in fluid secretion rate.  相似文献   
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