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  1997年   1篇
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SYNOPSIS. Gas exchange in pulmonate snails of the family Helicidaeoccurs through a highly vascularized diffusion lung known asthe mantle. The extent of ventilation of the mantle dependsupon the duration and size of opening of an occlusible poreknown as the pneumostome. In Helix aspersa and Helix pomatia,pneumostomal size and frequency of opening are exquisitely sensitiveto CO2. Respiratory CO2 chemosensitivity resides in a discreteregion of the subesophageal ganglia. The discharge pattern ofmany neurons in the chemoreceptor area changes during stimulationwith CO2. However, the electrophysiological response to CO,stimulation alone does not discriminate between CO2 chemoreceptorcells and CO2-insensitive neurons active in the pneumostomalresponse to CO2. We identified a subset of CO2-sensitive neuronsfrom the larger population of neurons active during CO2 stimulation.The action potential discharge frequency of CO2 chemosensoryneurons increased in response to CO2 stimulation. An increaseddischarge frequency of CO2-sensitive neurons was associatedwith increased pneumostomal opening, and both the size and thefrequency of pneumostomal opening increased during CO2 stimulation.Injecting depolarizing current into individual chemosensoryneurons elicited opening of the pneumostome in the absence ofCO2. Action potential generation in response to CO2 was independentof synaptic transmission. Removal of individual CO2-sensitivecells or inhibition of action potential generation in CO2-sensitivecells reduced or eliminated pneumostomal responses to CO2. CO2sensitivity in chemoreceptor cells required extracellular calcium,but not sodium. Substituting barium for calcium supported chemoreceptoractivity. In summary, we have identified respiratory related,chemosensory neurons that are CO2 sensitive in the absence ofsynaptic input.  相似文献   
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