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Macrophyte succession in Jebba Lake, Nigeria, was observed through the first four years after impoundment. Two distinct serai phases, a floating fern phase and a draw-down flora phase could be recognized. The floristic composition of the macrophyte vegetation was also investigated to check earlier predictions (Obot & Mbagwu, 1986) on the probable structure of the macrophyte flora. The failure of obligate floating macrophytes such as Pistia, Azolla and Salvinia to establish in the lake as predicted is discussed. However, rooted emergent macrophytes were observed to be more successful than would be expected from the predictions.  相似文献   
The new stick insect family Gallophasmatidae, based on Gallophasma longipalpis gen. et sp.n. , from the Earliest Eocene French amber has a pattern of tegmina venation typical of Archaeorthoptera, also present in at least some Mesozoic ‘Phasmatodea’. On the other hand, Gallophasma displays in its body anatomy some apomorphies of the extant Euphasmatodea, e.g. fusion of metatergum and abdominal tergum 1, correlated with the reduction of abdominal sternum 1 to lateral triangular sclerites. A unique autapomorphy of Gallophasma is the presence of annulated and apparently multi‐segmented or pseudo‐segmented cerci; all other Phasmatodea have one‐segmented cerci. The venation of the tegmina of Gallophasma differs from that of extant winged Phasmatodea in the plesiomorphic absence of a knob‐like dorsal eversion. This and other differences in the wing venation between extant and extinct Phasmatodea might have been caused by the loss of wings at some point in the evolutionary history of the order and their secondary gain in a subclade of the extant phasmids.  相似文献   
The evolution of dispersal rate is studied with a model of several local populations linked by dispersal. Three dispersal strategies are considered where all, half or none of the offspring disperse. The spatial scale (number of patches) and the temporal scale (probability of local extinction) of the environment are critical in determining the selective advantage of the different dispersal strategies. The results from the simulations suggest that an interaction between group selection and individual selection results in a different outcome in relation to the spatial and temporal scales of the environment. Such an interaction is able to maintain a polymorphism in dispersal strategies. The maintenance of this polymorphism is also scale-dependent. This study suggests a mechanism for the short-term evolution of dispersal, and provides a testable prediction of this hypothesis, namely that loss of dispersal abilities should be more frequent in spatially more continuous environments, or in temporally more stable environments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. In haplodiploid organisms, virgin or sperm-depleted females can reproduce but are constrained to produce only male progeny. According to Godfray's constrained model, when p , the proportion of females constrained to produce only male progeny, is not null in a panmictic population, unconstrained females should bias their sex allocation towards females to compensate for the excess of males. These unconstrained females should be able to adjust the sex ratio in response to local variation of p .
2. In this paper an experimental approach is used to test the hypotheses of this model in the solitary endoparasitoid Venturia canescens under both field and laboratory conditions. Specifically, it is tested whether unconstrained females use their encounters with conspecifics (either male or female) to estimate p and then adjust their sex ratio accordingly.
3. As assumed by Godfray's model, constrained females actively search for host patches in the field and under laboratory conditions produce the same number of offspring during their lifetime as unconstrained females. As predicted by the model, unconstrained females produce a sex ratio biased towards females both in the laboratory and in the field.
4. The results show that this bias is not a response to encounters with conspecifics previous to oviposition. The hypothesis that the bias is due to differential mortality between sexes during ontogeny is also rejected. The proportions of constrained ovipositions estimated in two natural populations explain only a small fraction of the sex ratio bias observed in V. canescens.  相似文献   
Water beetles of the tribe Hydrobiusini are globally distributed in the northern hemisphere and all austral continents except Antarctica. A remarkable clade also occurs in the Hawaiian Islands. The phylogenetic relationships among genera were recently investigated using a combination of molecules and morphology. Here, we use this phylogenetic framework to address the biogeographic evolution of this group using Bayesian fossil‐based divergence times, and model‐based maximum likelihood ancestral range estimations. We recover an origin of the tribe in the Cretaceous ca. 100 Ma. Our biogeographic analyses support an origin of the tribe in Laurasia followed by the colonization of Australia. However, a Gondwanan origin of the group cannot be ruled out when considering the fossil record. The timeframe of the tribe's evolution as well as the model‐based approach of ancestral range estimation favour a scenario invoking multiple transoceanic dispersal events over a Gondwana vicariance hypothesis. The Hawaiian radiation originated from long‐distance dispersal to now‐submerged islands, paired with dispersal to new islands as they formed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Trichomonas vaginalis and Tritrichomonas foetus contain glucokinase and not a hexokinase of broad hexose specificity. Tritrichomonas foetus also contains a specific fructokinase which could be resolved from glucokinase by anion exchange chromatography. Native T. vaginalis glucokinase had a Mr of 76,000, and SDS-PAG electrophoresis showed two equally stained bands corresponding to Mr 40,000 and 38,000. Glucose and ATP were by far the best substrates for both trichomonad glucokinases, with Km values as low as 33–35 μM and 75–83 μM, respectively. Substrate saturation curves for these enzymes were all hyperbolic. Tritrichomonas foetus fructokinase required fructose and ATP, with Km values of 200 μM and 81 μM. None of the activities was affected by a number of potential regulatory metabolites, including glucose-6-phosphate. The only exception was AMP which in supraphysiological concentrations had an inhibitory effect on T. foetus fructokinase. In conclusion, the absence of regulation at the hexose phosphorylation step described here, as well as the presence of an easily reversible PPi: fructose-6-phosphate 1 -phosphotransferase described previously (Mertens, E., Van Schaftingen, E. & Müller, M. 1989. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. , 37 :183–190), suggest that the rate of the 1st part of glycolysis in trichomonads is controlled only by the intracellular availability of hexoses.  相似文献   
Cold‐adapted species are thought to have had their largest distribution ranges in central Europe during the glacial periods. Postglacial warming caused severe range shifts of such taxa into higher latitudes and altitudes. We selected the boreomontane butterfly Lycaena helle (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) as an example to demonstrate the genetic effects of range changes, and to document the recent status of highly fragmented remnant populations. We analysed five polymorphic microsatellite loci in 1059 individuals sampled at 50 different localities scattered over the European distribution area of the species. Genetic differentiation was strong among the mountain ranges of western Europe, but we did not detect similarly distinct genetic groups following a geographical pattern in the more eastern areas. The Fennoscandian populations form a separate genetic group, and provide evidence for a colonization from southern Finland via northern Scandinavia to south‐central Sweden. Species distribution modelling suggests a large extension of the spatial distribution during the last glacial maximum, but highlights strong retractions to a few mountain areas under current conditions. These findings, combined with our genetic data, suggest a more or less continuous distribution of L. helle throughout central Europe at the end of the last ice age. As a consequence of postglacial warming, the species retreated northwards to Fennoscandia and escaped increasing temperatures through altitudinal shifts. Therefore, the species is today restricted to population remnants located at the mountain tops of western Europe, genetically isolated from each other, and evolved into genetically unique entities. Rising temperatures and advancing habitat destruction threaten this wealth of biodiversity. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 155–168.  相似文献   
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